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"形象遮蔽"与"形象叠加"的理论与实证研究   总被引:37,自引:3,他引:37  
杨振之  陈谨 《旅游学刊》2003,18(3):62-67
旅游地形象策划是旅游地策划的重要组成部分。本文提出了旅游地形象策划的核心理论——“形象遮蔽”与“形象叠加”,构建了旅游地策划和旅游地形象策划的理论框架,对产生“形象遮蔽”和“形象叠加”的原因、形象遮蔽的表现形式、作用机制、空间影响力和如何避免形象遮蔽,产生形象叠加效应等方面,结合作者在规划编制中的案例,进行了详细分析和实证研究。  相似文献   

刘云婷 《西部旅游》2023,(24):58-61
<正>广西桂林作为传统旅游目的地一直以山水闻名,而桂林艺术节品牌的塑造策略展现了旅游营销的新思路。文章依托自然山水打造多模态演绎和观赏空间,从多模态话语分析视角重新构建传统山水旅游目的地的身份与形象,在此基础上理解形象者自我与他者的关系,并从图像、文字、声音、音乐等多个模态入手构建立体多元文旅新形象,赋予山水新的文化形态与价值,寻找与自然和谐共生发展的路径,形成独具特色的民族文化共同体,顺畅地与世界各地的文化互动,进而开展有意义的旅游活动。  相似文献   

论三峡库区旅游地空间的变动与重构   总被引:16,自引:3,他引:16  
吕斌  陈睿  蒋丕彦 《旅游学刊》2004,19(2):26-31
三峡是我国典型的区域性旅游地的组合。三峡工程的建设必然引起三峡库区旅游地线性空间结构的变动。以往对三峡库区旅游地空间的研究都是从“点轴”模式或旅游产品组织的角度来讨论.但作为区域旅游的形成机制,即区域旅游竞争与合作的关系却考虑很少。通过对三峡库区旅游地空间变动因素的分析,从旅游地竞争合作机制的角度对三峡库区旅游地空间进行了重构.总结为“一轴”模式将转变为“双核”模式、水陆分化模式、空间掠夺与“边缘回头”模式和空间拓展模式。  相似文献   

文学旅游地的社会文化建构:以凤凰古城为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘晨  朱兹  安宁 《旅游学刊》2014,(7):68-76
该研究基于文化环及其拓展理论,通过定性和定量相结合的方法探讨了凤凰古城作为文学旅游地的文化生产和消费。结论指出:(1)沈从文及其文学作品所构建的文学世界中的"湘西世界",旅游开发者和经营者所构建的"现实中的边城"与旅游者的"口碑中的凤凰古城"共同构建了"想象中的凤凰古城",即待阅读的"凤凰古城文本",并使这一文本公共化;(2)作为文化消费者,旅游者在文学旅游地的构建与重构过程中扮演了重要的角色,是联系整个社会文化建构过程的纽带。在此基础上,本研究构建了一个新的旅游地社会文化建构模型,以期对旅游地的文化生产和消费相关研究及具体应用进行补充和拓展。  相似文献   

旅游地意象空间分析--以江南水乡古镇为例   总被引:23,自引:6,他引:23  
旅游地意象空间的研究对旅游地的规划与开发具有十分重要的意义。本文以江南水乡古镇作为研究对象,采用游客问卷调查及意象地图描绘等方法,初步探究了江南水乡古镇旅游地意象空间的结构特点。研究结果表明:江南水乡古镇旅游地意象空间是以“环状”为特征;而组成意象空间的要素主要有干道、桥梁、节点、标志和区域;其中干道和桥梁构建了“环状”意象空间框架。根据此项研究的成果,本文最后提出了对江南水乡古镇旅游规划与开发的建议。  相似文献   

文化生态视野下的精品酒店主题文化定位与价值取向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
侯兵  陶然  毛卫东 《旅游学刊》2016,(11):42-54
区别于其他类别住宿产品,精品酒店多具有鲜明的文化特色,主题文化的定位与价值取向不仅仅是企业行为,其对旅游地的影响应该得到关注和重视.文章以文化生态理论为基础,运用质性研究方法,采取实地调研、文本分析和深度访谈等做法,对长三角地区26家精品酒店进行实证分析,研究表明:(1)精品酒店在主题文化定位上,呈现出以利用与依托旅游资源为主、以创设文化与休闲氛围为主两大主题,两大主题给旅游地带来不同影响.(2)精品酒店、住店客人、地方政府、社区居民及专家学者等不同群体在利益诉求上,形成对主题文化认识的分异与调和的内在逻辑.(3)主题文化的价值取向体现在传统文化空间生产、酒店文化消费以及酒店服务文化等三个方面,其价值困境表现在投资行为并不为文化负责、公共资源的商业化利用和特定语境下的奢华消费.文章从政府和酒店两个层面提出优化精品酒店主题文化建设和价值取向的对策建议.  相似文献   

李钢 《山西旅游》2002,(5):20-20
“章是案头之山水,山水是地上之章。”读古代游记,尤能体会这话的妙处。  相似文献   

陆军 《旅游学刊》2006,21(3):37-43
"印象·刘三姐"是世界上最大的山水实景剧场,山水实景、经典文化与高科技实现了完美的结合,堪称世界级的文化旅游项目,它集漓江山水风情、广西少数民族文化及中国精英艺术家创作之大成,是全世界第一部全新概念的"山水实景主题"民族文化旅游景区,它的开发符合民族文化旅游主题开发的RMTP理论.文章梳理"印象·刘三姐"的文脉(R),并对它的市场(M)、主题(T)的选择以及旅游产品(P)之间的关系进行诠释,最后总结了"印象·刘三姐"实景主题开发的借鉴意义和对我国民族文化旅游开发的启示.  相似文献   

神奇的武夷岩茶著文:林冷位尊八闽、秀甲东南的武夷山,以其独特的丹霞地貌形成“三三秀水清如玉、六六奇峰翠插天”的自然景观,素有“丹山碧水”之美誉。丹山是武夷的铮铮神骨,碧水是武夷的悠悠灵性,山水浑然一体,美不胜收:登山远眺,或群峰突兀,仪态万千,“非思...  相似文献   

唐林 《山西旅游》2002,(5):47-48
春和景明撩人心火,有“满园春色关不住”的感觉,更何况不住乡下,难觅山水鸟鸣之情,于是花一块钱,从榆次市坐车来到常家庄园。眼前突兀常家庄园高大的城门楼子,与古老的城墙垛子连在一起,衬托出门前的广陌旷野与绿色的田梗。跨过城门楼前护城河上的石拱桥,走进城门洞,耀然眼前一条古香古色的石板街,街上园形的大门,高悬“大夫第”,“常氏祖祠”的牌匾,门前或立旗杆,或竖拴马桩,其气势和走进平遥古城,祁县太谷的明清街上一样。  相似文献   

To better understand a theme park's tourism carrying capacity (TCC), this paper proposes a conceptual framework that classifies the determinants of theme park TCC across three levels: fundamental determinants, mediating determinants, and direct determinants. The authors empirically tested a portion of the framework from the demand side by surveying 1356 visitors at a theme park in China. PLS path modeling, one-way ANOVA, linear regression, and multi-group moderation tests were used to analyze the impacts of attendance from a visitor perspective, day perspective, and visitor perspective at different attendance levels. Results indicate that theme park attendance either directly and/or indirectly affects visitors' experience, satisfaction, and behavioral intention. Theme park attendance also moderates the effects of visitors' experience on visitor satisfaction and behavioral intention, all of which determine a theme park's TCC. Corresponding management practices are recommended based on these results.  相似文献   

基于排队论的方特欢乐世界主题公园容量研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章以芜湖方特欢乐世界为案例地,采用运筹学的排队理论,根据游客可忍受的最长等待时间,分别测算公园各项目的合理日容量,根据游客等待时间比例关系测算出公园合理日容量,根据旺季天数和游客量比例关系求得合理年容量,并对其结果和公园原有设计容量进行比较分析.针对公园供需矛盾和游客等待心理特征,提出实施淡旺季时间分流机制、引入项目空间疏散机制、启动项目容量调控管理库、构建排队管理网络系统等公园容量管理对策,以期为主题公园容量管理研究与实践提供借鉴.  相似文献   

基于扎根理论的滑雪旅游度假区经营要素与理念识别   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着国民消费的升级,滑雪度假已然成为冬季旅游的消费新热点。经营要素与经营理念是旅游目的地成功发展的必备基础。为更好地提升我国滑雪旅游度假区的竞争力,本文通过对来自6个世界冰雪强国的11名旅游部门及滑雪企业负责人的访谈,运用扎根理论与内容分析法,从供给侧的角度识别出滑雪旅游度假区成功经营的基础要素与核心竞争力要素,以及人才专业性、体验性、异质化开发、持续创新、绿色发展五大经营理念。据此建议我国滑雪旅游度假区高质量发展需从地方感营造、游客体验、市场培育、生态保护等方面入手,来完善经营要素体系,提升市场竞争力。  相似文献   

Leisure and tourism facilities are known to influence property value. Previous studies have found natural resources to have a positive impact on the price of surrounding properties. More recently, scholars have turned their attention to “built” tourism resources, such as resorts and sports facilities. “Tourism real estate” emerged in China in the 1990s. Contrary to traditional housing projects, tourism real estate is characterized by the development of large-scale tourism resources (e.g. resorts and theme parks) along with residential properties, under the assumption that they would increase property value. However, the effects of such “built” tourism resources on housing value have not been empirically examined. This study investigates the determinants of tourism real estate prices, with an emphasis on the impact of theme parks. A hedonic pricing model was built using a sample of 294 real estate transactions in the Overseas Chinese Town area of Shenzhen, China. Findings indicated that while distance to metro and the architectural features of the property itself had significant positive effects on tourism real estate value, distance to theme parks was found to have a negative effect on price. As the constructions of theme parks alongside residential/vacation properties represent a typical model of tourism real estate, findings urge the industry to reconsider the development of theme parks and its impact on the surrounding environment.  相似文献   

旅游度假区是近年来旅游消费转型升级的建设热点,从全局视角认识国家级旅游度假区的空间分布特征和影响因素对于优化中国度假旅游产业布局、促进度假区高质量发展,以及建设世界级度假区具有重要意义。本文在回顾中国旅游度假区发展历程的基础上,以2015—2020年45家国家级旅游度假区为数据基础,对其空间分布特征和影响因素进行了初步分析。研究表明:(1)当前国家级旅游度假区尚处于起步发展阶段,整体上呈现出东多西少、南多北少的空间分异格局;(2)国家级旅游度假区初步形成了“大分散、小集中”的集聚形态,呈现出以浙江、江苏为核心的“单核主导型”空间格局;(3)国家级旅游度假区的空间分布受到诸多自然因素和人文因素的共同作用,其中,资源禀赋是度假区空间分异的制约性因素,国家政策引导是度假区空间分异的关键性因素,市场发育程度是度假区供需格局差异的内在动力,假日制度直接影响度假者出行距离和目的地选择进而影响度假区空间分布,大型赛事活动是度假区空间分异的助推因素。据此为国家级旅游度假区空间格局优化和高质量发展提出相关建议,最后对当前及今后一段时间内中国旅游度假区高质量发展研究的相关问题进行了展望。  相似文献   

The risky decision about which movies to use as promotional vehicles must be made without assistance from either readily available data held by the industry or systematic criteria published by academia. To deal with such limitations, this study identifies which movie genres are most interesting (uninteresting) for the visitors of different types of holiday destinations—namely, beaches, cities, theme/amusement parks, spa/health resorts, mountains/lakes, cruise liners, and rural areas. Based on the results, specific guidelines are proposed to evaluate movie projects more systematically, so that destination promoters can choose (reject) those films with appropriate (inappropriate) genres for the target tourists.  相似文献   

This paper looks at how Macao, the world’s most densely populated city, deals with the COVID-19 disease, with a focus on government interventions and responses of the gaming concessionaires who operate integrated resorts. Macao was selected as the case not only because of the background of the authors, but also because Macao has been cited in many media coverage as a “good practice” example when it comes to fighting against this COVID-19 pandemic situation. Since there are already ample of articles on the background, development timeline, and overall commentary, this paper adopts a mixed approach by combining supplementary secondary data on the COVID-19 timeline in Macao (focusing on government interventions that can affect the tourism and hospitality industry) and primary qualitative in-depth interviews with senior management personnel (holding positions of Director or above) from major integrated resorts in Macao to get insights on industry strategic responses and expectation on future. A total of seven interviews were conducted with senior management members of five integrated resorts in May 2020. Four areas of responses were identified. They are 1. Survival; 2. The New Business Norm; 3. Business Rebound Strategies and 4. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). The findings indicate a seemingly utopian scenario among the major integrated resorts and gaming concessionaires in Macao towards their compliance and autonomous actions. The mechanism of this utopian-like scenario is explained by adopting the neo-institutional theory.  相似文献   

As weather volatility increases, weather risk has become a critical management issue in weather sensitive industries. This study uses ski resorts as an example to examine two promising weather risk management strategies: geographical diversification and financial hedging. The empirical analysis results suggest that financial hedging might be a more effective strategy for ski conglomerates. Guidelines for ski conglomerates to achieve better weather risk management outcomes are provided based on simulating the interactions between geographical diversification and financial hedging. Although based on ski resorts and snowfall risk, the methodology is also applicable to other weather sensitive hospitality businesses.  相似文献   

The reading of landscape as text has become an important theme in cultural geography. However, where many readings are performed on the partially stable landscapes of cities and countryside, this case study examines a more ephemeral landscape of the superyacht. The acquisition of superyachts, by many of the world's richest and most powerful actors, is treated as a symptom of late modernism. Superyachts are analysed as exemplars of the compression of time and space that is symptomatic of contemporary society, since their mobility and telecommunications overcome many former locational constraints. They are also exemplars of the blurring of work and leisure and raise issues about the construction of a notion of the self where the signifiers of the self have, in a post-structuralist reading, floated free from what they signify. This paper seeks to argue the potential for reading the superyacht as a signifier of the self.  相似文献   

朱桃杏  陆林 《旅游学刊》2005,20(6):82-88
论文通过对国外《Tourism Management》、《Annals of Tourism Research》及国内《旅游学刊》3大期刊近10年来发表的有关文化旅游的82篇文献进行研究方法的分类和分析讨论,从概念与综述、文化旅游地景观厦其形象研究、文化旅游者厦市场研究、文化旅游赍源厦开发研究、文化旅游环境与保护研究、文化旅游管理研究、文化旅游理论与方法研究7个方面对文化旅游研究内容进行了综述,井对近年朱国内外文化旅游研究的重点问题和未来研究方向进行了分析。  相似文献   

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