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加快综合网络资源管理系统(RMS)建设是调动企业各部门有效配置网络资源,提高企业竞争力的关键。文章主要介绍了电信综合资源管理系统的建设目标和系统总体结构。  相似文献   

加快综合网络资源管理系统(RMS)建设是调动企业各部门有效配置网络资源,提高企业竞争力的关键。文章主要介绍了电信综合资源管理系统的建设目标和系统总体结构。  相似文献   

汪阳 《民营科技》2011,(11):119-119
校园舞蹈是艺术教育的一个重要分支,在提高学生艺术修养与身体素质方面,具有独特的价值和不可估量的作用。现从历届校园舞蹈大赛和校园舞蹈的现状着笔,要充分理解和拓展校园舞蹈教育的内涵,阐明提高校园舞蹈的地位的重要性,探讨新时期校园舞蹈教育工作的新方法。  相似文献   

由于新技术的不断开发与运用,我国数字电视从无到有,借鉴了发达国家的先进经验,目前正在以越来越快的速度和越来越大的力度向更多的用户普及。本文对数字电视的概念、起源、现状以及存在的问题进行了分析,提出了相应的对策。  相似文献   

2008年以来,我国西部边境贸易在全球经济衰退阴影下呈现逆势增长趋势,新疆阿拉山口口岸—作为新亚欧大陆桥的关键节点和我国实行东联西出战略的桥头堡,更是发挥了亚太地区与欧洲之间的交通咽喉和贸易枢纽的作用,其对外贸易发展势头强劲,推进区域发展的战略性地位日渐突出,辐射作用愈加明显,在新亚欧大陆桥的中转枢纽地位日益显著。文章基于对阿拉山口口岸的长期实地调研,见证其发展现状,并进一步探讨展望其发展前景。  相似文献   

改革开放为国家与世界接轨提供了有效途径,国内外先进技术的互相交流与借鉴为我国的经济发展与技术进步提供了巨大的机遇,各行业竞争日益激烈。其中机械制造业是第二产业中的重要行业,已经成为各国竞争重点,国内机械制造技术经过数十年的发展,已经取得了一定的成就,然而仍然有巨大的发展空间,本文对国内机械制造技术应用现状进行分析,探讨国内机械制造技术发展中存在的问题,并对机械制造技术的未来进行展望。  相似文献   

本文主要介绍了国内外BOPP薄膜行业和洛阳石化BOPP发展现状,并结合洛阳石化BOPP车间实际情况,探讨了薄膜企业BOPP薄膜技术与产品应用的发展方向。  相似文献   

管理科学与工程隶属于管理学,是管理学门类下规模最大的一类学科,它通过对数学、经济、管理科学和行为科学等的综合应用来分析人类经营和管理活动中的规律及特点.管理科学与工程具有明显的多学科领域交叉性,研究背景复杂,研究内容丰富,研究方向众多,但长期以来缺乏科学的梳理.因此,本文针对现阶段的发展要求,分析归纳我国管理科学与工程...  相似文献   

李媛 《民营科技》2014,(9):271-271
放射治疗历经十几年的发展和技术革命,相继研发了三维适形放疗技术、调强放疗技术和质子放疗技术等,这些技术的进步体现在对靶区剂量分布的适应性有了一定的提高。人类在同肿瘤疾病进行斗争的过程中,不断深入了解了对疾病的认识,治疗手段也在不断完善,肿瘤放射治疗在临床中取得了很好的效果,受到人们的信任和青睐。但是,对肿瘤放射治疗的认识和机理还需要加深认识和了解。阐述了肿瘤放射治疗的相关基本知识,介绍了现有的放射治疗技术,并指出存在的问题,对未来肿瘤放射治疗技术的发展做一展望。  相似文献   

This study tested a perspective of strategic human resource management (SHRM) and compared human resource practices among multinational enterprises (MNEs) in two industries in China. Specifically, empirical data from firms in China's soft-drinks and electronics industries were analysed. The results supported a number of basic assumptions of the SHRM model, such as those regarding the relationship among firm environments, firm strategy, firm human resource practices and firm performance.  相似文献   

农业行政管理部门人力资源管理现状及分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农业行政管理部门人力资源管理直接影响到"三农"工作的推进,文章从人力资源管理意识、规划与配置、人力资源获取与激励机制以及人力资源开发等4个方面分析了农业行政管理部门中人力资源管理的现状及存在问题,并提出了相应的改进措施。  相似文献   

支撑剂是石油、天然气低渗透油气井开采增产工程压裂增产施工的关键材料。文章主要探讨分析了我国最常应用的天然石英砂、人造陶粒和树脂包层砂三种支撑剂的应用及现状。  相似文献   

Strategic human resource management (SHRM) represents a set of HRM practices that are aligned with firm strategies. The relationship between SHRM and organizational performance has been extensively examined; however, whether and how SHRM influences corporate entrepreneurship remains unknown. Based on the resource-based perspective, this study examined a model linking SHRM with corporate entrepreneurship. The importance of HRM people's political skill for a firm's development of devolved management through SHRM implementation was also examined. Data from a survey of 201 Chinese manufacturing firms confirm a significant relationship between SHRM and corporate entrepreneurship and that the relationship is partially mediated by a devolved management style. The relationship between SHRM and devolved management was shown to be stronger for firms with more politically skillful HRM people.  相似文献   

文章介绍了新木桶原理及在人力资源管理方面的应用,分析了该原理运用于人力资源管理过程中存在的典型误区,并指出应该将提升人力资源管理水平视为一项系统工程,执行中要主要操作的艺术性,并灵活地与新木桶原理相结合。  相似文献   

文章在详细论述劳动标准体系理论的基础上,探讨了劳动标准体系对企业人力资源管理的影响。  相似文献   


Human capital is an important construct in a variety of fields spanning from micro scholarship in psychology to macro scholarship in economics. Within the various disciplinary perspectives, research focuses on slightly different aspects and levels of human capital within organizations, which may give opportunities for integration. The current paper aims to increase knowledge about human capital within organizations by integrating two streams of research which focus directly on human capital, but have approached human capital in different ways: strategic human capital (SHC), and strategic HRM. We describe both SHC and strategic HRM research streams and propose areas of integration, and directions for future research on human capital in organizations.  相似文献   

This study explores how corporate controls used by the parent company of a conglomerate affect subsidiaries' human resource management (HRM) control–performance relationship. Empirical results from 93 firms reveal that the appropriate use of HRM control systems was a contributing factor to firm performance. When a subsidiary's approach to HRM was based on behavior control, performance was lower when the parent company emphasized financial control. When a subsidiary's approach to HRM was based on output control, performance was higher when the parent company emphasized either strategic or financial control. When a subsidiary's approach to HRM was based on input control, performance was higher when the parent company emphasized strategic control.  相似文献   

Cross-border mergers and acquisitions (M&As) have become the dominant mode of growth for firms seeking competitive advantage in an increasingly complex and global business economy. Although human resource management (HRM) can play a value-adding role in the merger process, existing research and evidence does not clearly demonstrate how it can do so. This paper addresses the neglected human side of M&As by providing a strategic fit framework to assess the link between M&A strategy and HRM strategy. Because cross-border M&As are of an order of magnitude more complex than domestic mergers, we examine contingencies in national contexts that influence outcomes in the merger process. We draw on recent empirical evidence to highlight HRM roles in terms of resources, processes and values that reflect the influence of both strategic fit and national context in the integration stage of cross-border M&A.  相似文献   

Vietnam has experienced substantial economic growth since the mid-1980s when economic reform (doi moi) started. However, the Asian crisis had some negative impacts on the Vietnamese economy. Both the external environment and internal competition added more pressure on companies to speed up organizational reform. Transforming the old personnel management into new flexible human resource management system is one of the central reform agendas among companies in order to survive the market competition. This research analyses the nature of the changes in the area of human resource management under the influence of market-oriented reform that puts emphases on flexibility and competitiveness in the new millennium.  相似文献   

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