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西部城市化地区是按全国主体功能区规划国家层面开发内容划分的西部城市功能区。西部城市化地区经济发展迅猛,发展潜力增强,人民生活水平提高,但存在产业趋同、发展理念和市场化相对落后、多极中心城市辐射的增长格局尚未形成等问题;未来,西部城市化地区要以改善民生为核心,以优化产业结构为主线,转变发展方式,建立和完善市场化的城市发展长效机制,形成多极增长格局,建设文明富裕的城市化区域。  相似文献   

中国西部地区人口红利与产业转型研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
东部地区的经济增长已经陷入劳动力成本增加和产业转型升级缓慢的境地,迫切需要通过创造第二次人口红利的条件和产业转型升级来获得区域经济的可持续增长,而对于西部地区,则具有较多的第一次人口红利,这为承接东部传统劳动密集型产业提供了条件.西部地区丰富的人口红利潜力形成的人口红利效应,将为西部地区产业升级、工业区兴起和集聚以及产业带的形成提供条件,而西部地区人口红利潜力和承接东部产业转移的宏观对策研究,有助于发挥西部的要素资源潜力,带来区域经济增长.  相似文献   

中国东中西部地区处于不同的发展阶段,对不同要素投入的需求明显不同。东部地区发展水平较高,人力资本对经济增长的作用较大,资本的作用逐渐减低,资源约束的影响较小;而中西部地区较低的发展阶段决定了劳动力和资源要素投入对增长的推动作用较为显著,尤其是西部地区,人力资本水平较低,资本投入有限,资源投入是推动经济增长的主要力量。进一步地,对不同地区资源约束下的随机前沿模型分析表明,技术效率是造成地区差异的主导原因,而人力资本较低也在一定程度上限制了西部地区技术的发展和创新能力的形成,从而阻碍了提高资源使用效率的技术发展,使得西部地区资源约束对增长的影响较大。  相似文献   

区际分工转型中的西部地区产业结构转变   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
孟昌 《财经科学》2005,(4):135-140
要素禀赋状况决定的区际产业分工逐步由自然资源-技术型向自然资源-技术-资本-人力资本型转变.这将西部地区置于区际利益分配过程中相对不利的地位.立足资源优势,在现有垂直型产业分工的基础上,以专业化和市场化为导向,展开与发达地区的水平型分工,构造合理的垂直-水平型产业分工格局,是促进西部地区产业成长,提高区际竞争力的重要方面.  相似文献   

西部地区产业发展与资源环境问题的实证分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前,西部地区的产业总体上增长稳定;产业结构调整步伐加快;但与东部地区差距依然较大.从可持续发展的高度来审视西部地区现有的资源型产业结构,则存在着资源优势弱化、区域环境污染严重、资源环境绩效水平低等突出问题.同时,基于环境库兹涅茨曲线的产业发展与环境质量关系分析也进一步说明,生态脆弱的西部地区若仍以传统的产业发展模式来实现经济增长,可能会加速生态环境质量的恶化.因此,西部地区只有在经济发展过程中解决好产业发展与资源环境的矛盾关系,才能具备较强的可持续发展能力.产业生态化将成为西部地区产业与资源环境协调发展的路径选择.  相似文献   

西部大开发的目的之一是加快西部经济的增长,缩小地区之间的差距。80年代以来,我国经济走上了改革开放为特色的市场化进程。经济快速、持续、健康的增长,始终保持在8%~20%以上的高位运行。各地经济都有了长足的发展。但是,地区经济发展的速度是很不均衡的。东部沿海地区的经济增长明显快于西部,尤其是东南沿海省份的经济增长速度,不仅大大快于西部省份,而且也高于沿海老工业基地,地区间的差距(主要指经济差距),呈现扩大趋势。造成东西部经济增长差异的原因是什么?笔者认为,制度与观念的转变,创新能力的培养,市场化程度是造成东西部地区经济增长差异的最重要的根源。  相似文献   

当前,两部大开发成为经济领域的热点问题,许多学者都从选择、培育经济增长点的角 度提出加快西部地区经济发展的政策建议。与此不同,笔者认为,西部地区经济发展的指导思想首要不在于选择增长点,而在于明确经济市场化的发展方向。 一、经济市场化——西部地区经济发展的首要指导思想 在计划经济以及经济“双轨制”时期,为加速某一产业或某一地区发展,在资源配置上往往采取“政府主导型”策略,即政府通过行政干预或经济干预等手段对此类产业或地区实施倾斜性资源配置。此种策略短期内往往有效,但长期效果欠佳。政府如在经济发展中充…  相似文献   

本文通过建立一简单的新古典经济增长核算模型,对西部地区经济增长绩效进行了实证分析.结果表明,由政府主导的西部大开发战略的实施,推动了西部地区经济的快速增长.但是,其增长在很大程度上所依赖的是资本要素的投入特别是政府投资的增加,而非要素生产率水平的提高.这意味着,继续维持这种粗放型的经济增长模式,西部地区经济的持续增长将难以为继,而且对于西部地区经济结构的调整、市场的发育以及生产率水平的提高将会产生极为不利的影响.  相似文献   

我国西部地区承接产业转移存在的问题及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,我国西部地区承接产业转移规模稳步增长、增速不断加快。但承接产业转移出现了"速度"与"效益"的背离:唯经济增长的产业承接目标,使西部地区陷于"高增长低发展"陷阱;较强的资源禀赋依赖性,未能有效促进产业结构优化升级;产业承接方式具有明显的粗放性和被动性;承接产业转移无序竞争,加剧内部发展不平衡。西部地区应突破传统承接产业转移路径依赖,创新承接产业转移理念和模式,把承接产业转移与建立现代产业体系、推进新型城镇化建设和区域协调发展、增强区域创新能力结合起来,从而增强西部地区经济发展的内生动力。  相似文献   

西部大开发是我国在新世纪为实现经济持续稳定发展而制定的重要战略方针。西部大开发的顺利推进有助于西部地区扩大对内外开放,缩小东西差距,弥补东部地区对拉动整个经济增长之不足,为我国21世纪经济的发展创造一个新的增长源。作为一项长期任务和系统工程,西部大开发过程中必然会涌现出大量问题,其中如何解决西部开发面临的资金不足困境,意义日趋显著。一、建立区域性产业投资基金的意义西部地区涵盖了我国西部共十几个省区市,与东部地区相比,其幅员辽阔,资源丰富。但多年来,西部地区国内生产总值仅占全国GDP的15%左右,…  相似文献   

The post-World War II economic growth happened in a context of significant productivity gains in the industrial sector and an increasing demand for services, where productivity gains remained quite low. This explains the strong expansion of employment in the tertiary sector relatively to the industrial sector. In the 1970s, this growth pattern reached a crisis point: in most Western economies, productivity gains lagged in the industrial sector while no visible changes occurred in productivity in the service sector.With the more widespread use of data processing and the emergence of new communication media, this trend showed signs of reversal. Information handling activities showed considerable productivity gains, rivaling those previously seen in industry. And the spur for technical progress, once limited to the industry, appears to have spread to the services and information sector.With respect to employment, this tendency could lead to a reduction in employment in the tertiary sector. So the new technologies would come about at the worst possible moment, with all time high unemployment rates in Western economies.So it is not surprising to see the current temptation to delay the process, or to adopt a so called “two-speed growth strategy”: the strongest productivity gains would be enhanced in the traded sector (mostly the industrial sector) where foreign competition is most prevalent; and the resulting cost on employment would be offset by maintaining low productivity levels in the protected sector which, to the present, has typically been the services sector.The present analysis takes a more optimistic stand-point on the net effect of technical progress on employment. The authors focus on the interplay between productivity in the exposed sector and productivity in services, with emphasis on the necessity for decreasing unit costs in the protected sector, enabling the traded sector to remain competitive.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the relationship between banking sector depth and long-term economic growth in the natural resource-based economies vis-à-vis economies that are not dependent on natural resources. For the empirical investigation, a Generalised Method of Moments estimator for dynamic panel data models is adopted for 194 countries spanning the period 1964–2013. Using different measures of banking sector depth and economic growth, the investigation yields three key findings. First, the banking–growth relationship is non-linear and positive within certain levels of banking sector depth in both country groups. Second, the time lag between the change in the level of banking sector depth and the effect on economic growth is shorter in the natural resource-based countries than in the other countries. Finally, the total effect of banking sector deepening on long-term economic growth is weaker in economies with abundant natural resources than in the rest of the world.  相似文献   

The paper mainly examines the relationship between economic growth, tax policy and sectoral labor distribution in an endogenous growth model with expanding varieties. For analyzing these relationships, we consider an economy where three sectors of production are vertically integrated: final goods sector, intermediate goods sector and research sector. We show that the extent of imperfect competition in the intermediate products market affects both economic growth and the allocation of the available labor to all the sectors employing this input. The resources from capital taxation, which are used for financing research sector, have a U-shaped effect on growth and lead to a movement of the labor from research sector to final goods sector. Additionally, we show that if there exists a higher competitive structure in an economy, the probability of the positive effect of an increase in tax on growth gets higher.  相似文献   

《China Economic Journal》2013,6(2):133-158
The past 18 months have seen Chinese foreign direct investment (FDI) in the Australian resource sector become an issue of policy interest. There are two big questions that the prospects of a significant rise in FDI from China into the Australian resources sector have raised. Is the surge of FDI into Australian mining and energy consistent with achieving the traditional gains from foreign investment? And are there any particular problems associated with investment from foreign state-owned enterprises or state-managed sovereign wealth funds? These are among the questions addressed in this paper. The paper argues that there are no issues that cannot be dealt with under the umbrella of the established test of ‘national interest’ in managing the growth of Chinese FDI into the Australian minerals sector. It argues that a confusion has been introduced into policy over the questions of state ownership and supplier–buyer relations in respect of Chinese investments and that clarifying these issues is likely to be important to Australia's capturing the full benefits from the growth of Chinese resources demand and longer term economic and strategic interests in China.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a model of the financial resource curse (i.e., episodes of abundant access to foreign capital coupled with weak productivity growth). We study a two‐sector (i.e., tradable and non‐tradable) small open economy. The tradable sector is the engine of growth, and productivity growth is increasing with the amount of labor employed by firms in the tradable sector. A period of large capital inflows, triggered by a fall in the interest rate, is associated with a consumption boom. While the increase in tradable consumption is financed through foreign borrowing, the increase in non‐tradable consumption requires a shift of productive resources toward the non‐tradable sector at the expenses of the tradable sector. The result is stagnant productivity growth. We show that capital controls can be welfare‐enhancing and can be used as a second‐best policy tool to mitigate the misallocation of resources during an episode of financial resource curse.  相似文献   

Over the last decade China expanded its renewable energy sector with unprecedented speed. This success story presents a challenge to Western modes of environmental governance, where stakeholder participation is often deemed a necessary pre-condition for effective policy outcomes. Drawing on new research (including previously unpublished interview data), the article first discusses established modes of environmental governance before examining the growth of China’s renewables sector through the theoretical lens of the ‘developmental state’. The article then analyses renewable energy policy design and implementation in China, illustrating how top-down command and control strategies have successfully diffused renewable energy technology from a standing start. We argue that (1) China’s distinct approach to the sector differs from Western modes of environmental governance and (2) this has revealed a new path towards renewable energy diffusion that authoritarian states in particular might regard as an attractive alternative to participatory models.  相似文献   

本文从国有企业的"增长拖累"这一视角重新对国有企业的效率损失加以认识.从中国转型经济中的金融压抑和所有制歧视的角度出发,本文所发展的观点是,经济转型过程中,庞大的国有经济不仅因为自身的效率损失影响了经济增长,而且通过金融压抑、歧视和效率误配的途径对整个国民经济产生拖累效应.拖累效应之所以没有突出显现,是因为金融漏损和民间金融的成长构成了中国经济高速成长的重要因素.利用中国的省级面板数据,本文初步证实了这一逻辑.本文的政策含义是,进一步放松金融管制、实行国企改革对经济增长是必要的.  相似文献   

本文试图将中国经济体制转轨所取得的成就和所面临的问题 ,放在一个简化了的动态模型中加以系统地分析。文章指出 ,动态地看 ,体制转轨的根本问题就是非国有经济比重的不断提高和经济的所有制结构的转变。在非国有经济的增长率高于国有经济的增长率的“基本假定”下 ,体制转轨的最重要的问题首先不是改革国有经济 ,而是发展非国有经济。这不仅是由于非国有经济的发展支撑着经济的增长和市场体制的形成 ,而且也是由于它创造出使国有经济得以改革的更有利的条件。国有经济改革的重要性主要在于 ,它们若不改革 ,就还要占用大量资源 ,而且是要从非国有经济转移资源作为事实上对国有经济的补贴。这种补贴在过去一个时期主要体现在银行坏债、资本市场上的“坏股”、非国有经济的“综合税赋”事实的不断提高 ,等等 ,现在也体现在政府债务增大。正因如此 ,尽管中国目前并不面临金融危机 ,但必须加快国有企业和国有银行控制的金融体制的改革进度 ,以保证非国有经济能持续发展下去 ,保证整个体制转轨过程的持续进行而不被某种危机所打断。  相似文献   

Using a general equilibrium growth model with a costly schooling process, this paper analyses the effect on economic growth of educational reform that allocates more resources to the schooling sector to raise the quality of human capital. It shows that the positive effect of improved quality on the economic growth could be offset by the reverse effect of reduced human capital formation that arises from the distortion of resource reallocation. An appropriate tax-subsidy scheme is shown to remove this reverse effect of educational reform.  相似文献   

Questions involving technology transfer to less developed countries (LDCs) command an increasing interest in the world today. In this paper, two macroeconometric models are developed to compare the impacts of Eastern European medium-advanced and Western most-advanced technologies on the economic growth of LDCs. The models are then used to analyse data from the Egyptian industrial sector for the period 1952–1980.  相似文献   

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