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Has the dollar finally come to rest? Nigel Healey of the Policy Research Unit of Leeds Polytechnic examines the recent history of the dollar in the foreign exchange markets.  相似文献   

2007年3月底,国内的投资圈和互联网圈都在打听一家名为“PPG”的神秘公司。仅凭呼叫中心和互联网,这家公司每天能卖掉1万件左右男式衬衫,而同期市场占有率第一的雅戈尔的数字是1.3万件.但是需要说明的是雅戈尔拥有零售网点1500多个  相似文献   

Why was the South African government forced to negotiate with the AN C? John Gardner argues that the apartheid system was in the process of being destroyed by the pace of capitalist economic growth.  相似文献   

Journal of Productivity Analysis - The Malmquist productivity index has been based on ratios of radial Farrell efficiency scores. Calculating these relative to piecewise linear production frontiers...  相似文献   

This paper provides a systematic empirical analysis of the effects of merger and acquisition activity on profitability and firm‐level employee remuneration in the UK, using a specially constructed database for the period 1979–91. It finds that both profitability and wages rise following acquisition, and firms that merge within the same industry division experience larger increases in profitability and pay their workers higher wages than those engaged in unrelated acquisitions; i.e. in part, the result of an increase in the efficiency with which labour is used following related acquisition.  相似文献   

The group organization of work in the British coal mining industry brought to the workers involved significant levels of autonomy; the ability to define the social relations of work; high levels of control over the labor process; and a strong and lasting commitment - to the group. This autonomy was to survive a series of managerial attacks, in the form of changed payment systems and the introduction of new technologies, and was not finally lost until the imposition of full automation that included surveillance systems that made the labor process transparent.  相似文献   

The vision of TQM promises unity, teamworking, autonomy and empowerment. This article explores how this vision was contradicted by organisational restructuring and the hierarchical imposition of redundancies and contingent employment insecurity in a medium sized bank. As a result it was found that the meaning and legitimacy of TQM for both employees and many managers was called into question.  相似文献   

测试装置采用延时时间继电器模块在发出栏杆机抬杆信号(即计时开始信号)之后为激光漫反射光电开关延时供电,避免栏杆臂抬起时产生的光电信号干扰计时器计时,将激光漫反射光电开关的感应信号作为栏杆机起落时间计时的中止信号。测试结果表明,测试装置测量电动栏杆机起落时间的精密度明显优于国家标准中所规定的人工手动秒表测量方法。  相似文献   

This article studies the development of Warsaw's S?u?ewiec neighbourhood, Poland's largest business district, as a case of real estate financialization. We argue that the neighbourhood's chaotic ‘de‐contextualized’ growth was shaped by Poland's semi‐peripheral position in the global economy on the one hand—enabling a process of subordinate financialization—and legacies of state socialism on the other. In so doing, we mobilize research on peripheral financialization and global economic hierarchies, and studies of post‐socialism to enhance debates about real estate financialization. Commercial real estate—and office development in particular—is a crucial domain in which contemporary core–periphery structures are produced and negotiated. A key function of subordinate financialization is to absorb globally mobile capital—the product of financialization in the core. The case of S?u?ewiec shows that only by considering the interplay of global hierarchies (Poland's position as capital absorbent), local dynamics (fragmented urban development, which was characterized by competition among these unequal municipalities, with local growth coalitions in some municipalities, but not in others) and specific historical legacies (Warsaw's socialist‐time functional organization and its transformation, which weakened the city) can we fully understand the specific dynamics that shape real estate financialization in different places.  相似文献   

房煜 《中国企业家》2012,(7):63-65,13
星晨急便之败,与陈平在宅急送的"改革"受挫,如出一辙。他还有机会卷土重来吗?"人不能两次踏入同一条河流。"但做了20年快递业务的快递老兵陈平,还是犯下了相同的错误。3月5日,一条据传是陈平所发的短信在微博上如病毒般传播开来,将陈  相似文献   

陈光明 《企业活力》2011,(10):61-65
"高层管理团队"被当前理论界的大部分学者认为是企业的"大脑"、"发动机",笔者借十余年的管理咨询实践和研究,以中部地区100家具有代表性的成长性民营企业的企业家为调查对象,通过对其高管团队的人口背景状况、胜任能力、职责职权、决策议题、决策方式、价值观、经营理念、战略规划以及对决策层的培养等方面的综合调查,发现:80%以上的成长性民营企业的兴衰,主要取决于这些企业有没有自己的"核心决策团队"[1],而非国内外大多数学者认为的"高层管理团队"(top management team)[2],前者是由高层、中层中的"关键人员"构成。调查显示,决策层成员并不一定是组织架构所设计的岗位角色,其中的部分高管人员并无能力胜任决策使命。调查还显示,企业家能够唱主角并能够融入决策团队共同决策,预示着企业已进入良性运行;如企业家没有决策能力,企业就形不成自己的决策团队,这类企业不论其规模多大,始终处于存亡边缘。  相似文献   

世界质量管理之父朱兰博士已经永远地离开了我们。他一生的质量管理活动和著述,是我们后来者研究质量管理学的宝贵的文化遗产。笔者在这段时间。先后进行了深入的研究,发表了《朱兰的顾客观与市场开发》(2007/11期《质量春秋》)、《朱兰三步曲与组织绩效》(2007/12期《质量春秋》)等文稿。研究之余,感到意犹未尽,  相似文献   

房地产私募基金是调控下开发商融资困局的产物,也是社会资本分享房地产业成长的重要途径一不小心,苏鑫和他的高和投资就创造了国内几项房地产基金的纪录。作为国内第一支投资于商办物业的房地产私募基金,高和投资的周转速度惊人。2010年初,高和成功募资l亿元之后,4月底以2.5万元/平米的价格,整体收购北京东二环使馆区琨莎中心二期写字楼和底商,  相似文献   

质量和创新是组织获取竞争优势、增进效益和创造舒适生活的两个非常重要的因素.两者的有机结合必然会进一步促进和加速人类社会的发展;显然,持续的质量改进和不断的技术进步就是文明进步的主要策动力。  相似文献   

Existing empirical evidence suggests that individual performance pay is more prevalent in human‐capital‐intensive industries. We introduce a model that can contribute to explain this. In a repeated game model of relational contracting, we analyze the conditions for implementing peer‐dependent incentive regimes when agents possess indispensable human capital. We show that the larger the share of values that the agents can hold up, the lower is the implementable degree of peer‐dependent incentives. In a setting with complementary tasks, we show that although team‐based incentives are optimal if agents are dispensable, it may be costly, and, in fact, suboptimal, to provide team incentives when the agents become indispensable.  相似文献   

葛巧玉 《价值工程》2011,30(33):304-305
人类所经历的农业文明和工业文明,在一定程度上都是以牺牲资源环境为代价,去换取经济和社会的发展。生态文明是人类社会从生态危机中引发的对传统自然观和价值观的深刻反思和变革。本文运用马克思主义的立场和观点,分析人类社会发展的三个阶段:原始文明、农业文明、工业文明,提出要解决工业文明阶段的生态危机,必须要走一条人类与自然和谐共生的生态文明之路。生态文明是人类社会发展的必然选择。要构建社会主义和谐社会,就必须按照科学发展观的要求,积极改善人与自然的关系。  相似文献   

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