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The globalisation of technology: a new taxonomy   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  

In the Works and Correspondence of David Ricardo (Volume x)Piero Sraffa noted that the Mill-Ricardo case of the RicardoPapers deposited at Cambridge contained ‘a paper probablyin Bentham's hand-wriring on the effects on profits of cultivatingsuccessive qualities of land'. In 1978 I made a search of theRicardo Papers and no such document was to be found. This notereports the discovery in Trinnity College Library—andprovides a trancription—of a document that may be theelusive item, though it is in James Mill's hand.  相似文献   

Labour ‘flexibility’ is often portrayed as importantto competitive success. Using evidence from an original surveyof UK firms, this paper investigates the relationships betweenfirms' use of, on the one hand, various flexible work practices,human resource management techniques, and industrial relationssystems and, on the other hand, the innovative activities ofthose firms. Our results suggest that the sort of ‘lowroad’ labour flexibility practices encouraged by labourmarket deregulation—short-term and temporary contracts,a lack of employer commitment to job security, low levels oftraining, and so on—are negatively correlated with innovation.  相似文献   

Using a simple model of policy making in a system characterizedby formal separation of powers, judicial dependence on governmentsupport, asymmetric information between voters and the government,and political accountability of the policy branch, I show conditionsunder which rational voters force the government to cede powerover legislative decisions to the courts. Specifically, thepublic uses its ability to hold the elected branches of governmentaccountable to enforce a judicial veto when judicial oppositionto legislation provides more reliable information to votersthan government support for legislation does. The model thusprovides a theoretical justification for, and suggests importantlimits to, the common assumption that disregard for judicialdecisions is politically costly for elected politicians. Themodel also demonstrates how other observed patterns in judicialpolitics—including judicial rubber-stamping of governmentdecisions and government "passing the buck" to courts—canarise as equilibria in the same simple framework.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the controversy over Europe's Stability andGrowth Pact and offers a proposal for its reform. It arguesthat Europe would be best served by focusing on the fundamentalcauses of unsustainable debts — public enterprises thatare too big to fail, unfunded public pension schemes that aretoo big to ignore, inefficient and costly labor market and socialwelfare problems, and budget making institutions that createcommon pool and free-rider problems — rather than on arbitrarynumerical indicators like whether the budget deficit is aboveor below 3 percent of GDP. It proposes defining an index ofinstitutional reform with, say, a point each for reform of budgetmaking arrangements, reform of public pension schemes, and reformof labor markets and unemployment insurance. Countries receivingthree points would be exempt from the Pact's numerical guidelines,since there is no reason to think that they will be prone tochronic deficits. The others, whose weak institutions renderthem susceptible to chronic deficits, would in contrast stillbe subject to its warnings, sanctions and fines.(JEL E0, F4)  相似文献   

In the first part of Production of Commodities by Means of Commodities,four equation systems are introduced: three are drawn up inorder to solve the problem of relative prices; the last oneis devised to define a suitable standard of prices. The bookwas published in 1960, but—as we are told in the preface—its‘central propositions’ and a first version of theprice equations had been originally conceived and written morethan 30 years before, when the author was still in his twenties.Having access now to the Sraffa Papers, preserved in the WrenLibrary, we can ascertain the intellectual origin of the equations.In this paper the analytical path that led to the final draftof the price equation is followed, step by step, and the linkbetween these equations and Sraffa's quest for an ‘invariablestandard of value’ is clarified.  相似文献   

R&D activity and cross-country growth comparisons   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

This paper presents a Keynesian model which describes threecountries trading merchandise and financial assets with oneanother. It is initially assumed that all three countries haveindependent fiscal policies but that two of the countries sharea currency, hence the model can be used to make a preliminaryanalysis of the conduct of economic policy in ‘the eurozone’vis-à-vis the rest of the world—‘the USA’.The main conclusion will be that, if all three countries doindeed operate independent fiscal policies, the system willwork under a floating currency regime, but only so long as theEuropean central bank is prepared to modify the structure ofits assets by accumulating an ever rising proportion of billsissued by any ‘weak’ euro country.  相似文献   

In the face of claims that economics is increasingly drivenmerely by fashion, this paper draws out certain similaritiesand differences between two self-consciously progressive anddevelopmental research programmes—namely the LSE approachto econometric modelling and critical realism in economics.The argument is that, while these two programmes of researchshare a common point of departure and possess many common elements,what at root distinguishes them is their adoption of opposingphilosophical orientations. The comparison enables both thenature of each programme, and the relevance of their commonconcerns, to be more easily appreciated and helps clarify thesort of evidence that would provide a basis for selecting oneproject over the other.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to examine critically Lucas' argumentsagainst Keynes's General Theory and in particular against Keynes'sconcept of involuntary unemployment. It comprises two main parts.In the first part of the paper, the author questions Lucas'sclaim that Keynes betrayed the equilibrium discipline by freeinghimself from the postulates of optimising behaviour and marketclearing. In the second part, Lucas’ three arguments againstthe involuntary unemployment concept are discussed—first,that there is no rationale for drawing a distinction betweentwo sorts of unemployment; second, that every economic outcomefeatures the voluntary and the involuntary jointly; and third,that alternatives to unemployment are always present.  相似文献   

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