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董玉珍 《中小企业管理与科技》2011,(31)
构建社会主义和谐社会,是我们党从全面建设小康社会、开创中国特色社会主义事业新局面的全局出发提出的一项重大任务。女性的全面发展也是构建社会主义和谐社会的重要环节。近年来随着就业人数的增加以及就业岗位的紧缺,女性就业难成为社会普遍关注的现象,这在一定程度上影响了和谐社会的全面发展。 相似文献
本文通过对我国女性就业状况的历史沿革进行回顾,以及女性就业的发展现状分析,运用社会性别理论、社会排斥理论客观分析了现阶段我国女性就业存在的主要问题;并深刻剖析了制约和阻碍我国女性就业的成因和产生的影响;最后结合国内的具体现实,尝试性地提出了基于市场经济规律下的解决我国女性就业问题的对策与建议。 相似文献
冯俐 《当代经理人(中旬刊)》2006,(21)
目前,我国女性劳动力参与率较高,在社会发展中发挥着重要的作用。本文从我国女性就业的特点出发,分析了我国女性就业中存在的五种歧视,并从营造女性就业的社会环境、开拓就业渠道、完善社会保障等五个方面提出了相应的对策。 相似文献
随着我国高等教育的不断扩招,研究生人数也逐年增多,面对异常严峻的就业形势他们的就业状况也不容乐观。据有关统计表明,研究生中女性占到了总数的一半左右。似乎在常人眼里这些高学历的女性应该不存在着就业问题,然而现实却并非如此。高学历的女性甚至已经成为了就业食物链的最低端。这主要是由于男权主导的社会观,女性的特殊身份和角色,以及并不健全的社会法律法规和社会保障体制导致的。 相似文献
女性就业问题是一个复杂的社会问题,这既关系到女性自身素质和社会地位的提高。又涉及男女社会地位权利平等的问题,还影响到社会稳定和社会发展。而且,女性就业问题本身又是一个综合性问题。涉及到政治、经济、社会、文化教育、婚姻家庭等诸多方面。 相似文献
郭云霞 《当代经理人(中旬刊)》2006,(21)
长期以来社会文化对两性的不同构建,赋予了人们对男女的不同认识,加深了人们对两性的刻板印象,这在两性就业和晋升中的性别差异上也表现得非常明显。本文就是从就业和晋升中的性别差异入手,探讨当前我国普遍存在的女性就业问题,以期对其产生的社会成因进行理论阐释。 相似文献
文章通过对长沙理工大学城南学院05级会计、市场营销、财务管理等专业大学生的问卷调查,分析独立学院女大学生的就业现状及就业难的原因,并提出相关对策及建议。 相似文献
《Economic Systems》2022,46(3):101019
Although a large body of literature has argued that motherhood has a profound and long-lasting negative effect on the employment and earnings of women, there is little evidence focusing on the post-communist region. This paper exploits the latest rounds of the EBRD-World Bank Life in Transition Survey (LiTS) and the Mongolian National Statistics Office Household Socio-Economic Survey (HSES) to examine the correlation between the presence of children of different age categories in a family and female employment in Mongolia in 2016. We examine the availability of childcare, social norms and attitudes towards women, as well as household decision-making as potential explanations. We find that small children decrease the probability of female employment relative to women with no small children. In particular, women with two children aged one to six years are 21.5 percentage points less likely to be employed. Our results also suggest that cultural biases against women may be at least partially responsible for the low female employment levels we uncovered. These results are unlikely to be driven by omitted variable bias. 相似文献
Eleni T. Stavrou Wendy J. Casper Christiana Ierodiakonou 《International Journal of Human Resource Management》2015,26(6):688-706
Using a multi-source data set collected across eight European countries, this article examines how characteristics of both the organizational environment and the larger national context relate to the organizational-level variable of women's employment. Our study revealed that, in countries that were high in gender empowerment measure (GEM), establishments that were more supportive of part-time work options also employed a higher proportion of women. One reason for this relationship may be that in high-GEM countries offering part-time employment is a way for an organization to signal its support for work–life balance, something that makes it more attractive to women. In countries with low GEM, an establishment's greater support for part-time work was associated with employing a greater proportion of women only when establishments experienced recruitment difficulties. Key differences in gender empowerment between countries are discussed. 相似文献
文章以调查研究报告的标准体式,详细描述六安市农村居民从业基本状况及结构特点,深刻揭示该市农村劳动力转移的规模、构成及变化,并充分论证农村劳动力转移就业对拉动农民收入较快增长的贡献,最后本文提出当前农村劳动力转移的制约因素和建议。 相似文献
中国的经济问题、环境问题和人口问题是现存的主要问题,这三个问题之间有一个交叉点--人与资源配置的失调.这种失调在哲学层面上体现为人的本性需求--劳动能力未充分发挥,在实证科学层面体现为未充分就业.在人类新的价值理想的建构中,劳动作为一种手段,其功能需要从"谋生"转向"乐生",这就是劳动在人的发展中的重要作用.劳动密集型产业的开发和利用是解决现阶段充分就业问题的主要途径之一. 相似文献
Melika Shirmohammadi Mina Beigi Jim Stewart 《International Journal of Human Resource Management》2019,30(1):96-121
AbstractGlobalization has led to an increase in international mobility in many occupational fields. Therefore, scholars from a variety of disciplines have studied the topic of skilled migration. The purpose of this study is to review and synthesize the empirical research on skilled migrants’ qualification-matched employment across multiple disciplines. Skilled migrants are people on the move who possess university degrees or extensive work experience in professional fields when they leave their countries of origin to seek employment elsewhere. This review synthesizes findings of 106 empirical studies published from 1990 to mid-2017 on skilled migrants’ employment. We develop a conceptual model that includes antecedent conditions associated with skilled migrant qualification-matched employment in their host country and its outcomes. We also highlight the role of multilevel factors and moderating variables associated with skilled migrants’ possibility of obtaining qualification-matched employment. Our review has implications for human resource scholars and practitioners concerned with skilled migrants’ employment and labor market. 相似文献
现实中,实际工作时间超过制度工作时间的现象普遍存在,而且这部分超额的工作时间通常是无效率的。本文建立了一个劳动合同的非对称信息模型来解释这种现象的存在,因为企业不能观察到劳动者真实的生产率,他们就用较长的工作时间作为筛选机制来区分不同生产率类型的劳动者。拥有较高生产率的劳动者倾向于选择无效率的较长工作时间,而非雇主强制的结果。此外,过度雇佣发生的概率和程度与劳动生产率正相关,与劳动的负效用负相关。 相似文献
大学毕业生常将毕业前的实习视为自己未来的就业前站,而毕业实习生与实习单位以及所在院校签署的就业协议书的法律性质却常常被人们所忽略。用人单位降低成本的做法,也常伤及大学生的劳动权益。如何看待毕业实习、就业协议书与劳动合同的法律地位,确属相关当事方必须明确的几个问题。 相似文献