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郭竞成  金雅玲 《银行家》2003,(12):106-108
政府扮演重要角色 建设上海金融中心是我国政府的战略决策.国际金融中心在其形成过程中,有两种类型:需求型和供给型;需求型是指经济发展到一定水平上,产生对完备的金融体系和灵活的金融市场的需求,进而形成国际金融中心.供给型,指金融体系和金融市场的形成促进经济的发展,在其形成过程中,政府具有主导作用.上海金融中心的发展是典型的政府主导型的.1992年,中共十四大确立了把上海建成国际金融中心的目标,以此吸引外资、融汇外资,促进上海及长江流域的经济发展.政府支持主要包括:对在上海投资的外商,提供比经济特区更加优惠的政策;将宏观金融政策的操作平台放在上海,进行公开市场业务的操作;开放国内金融市场,将试点更多地放在上海;打破国内银行设立分行的地域分割,将上海金融的影响力扩大至整个华东地区,由上海执掌区域性金融管辖权和控制权.  相似文献   

Using a comprehensive data set of all U.S. investment in foreign equities, we find that the single most important determinant of the amount of U.S. investment a foreign firm receives is whether the firm cross‐lists on a U.S. exchange. Correcting for selection biases, cross‐listing leads to a doubling (or more) in U.S. investment, an impact greater than all other factors combined. Much of this increased U.S. investment is purchased in the foreign market, implying that the cross‐listing effect reflects something more fundamental about a firm than easier acquisition of its securities. We also demonstrate that cross‐listing is an important determinant of U.S. international investment at the country level and describe easy‐to‐implement methods for including a cross‐listing variable as an endogenous control.  相似文献   

We propose a novel decomposition approach to study the degree of co-movement of international housing markets while distinguishing among different economic drivers. We find that the housing market variability for an average country was mainly driven by the common housing risk premium components during the years leading up to the 2007–08 subprime financial crisis. A decrease in the common housing risk premium was followed by a housing boom and economic expansion in the United States prior to the crisis. Our findings add to the understanding of the role of common risk factors across international housing markets before the crisis.  相似文献   

IFC的战略重点是支持中国非公经济的发展 1985年IFC开始在中国做业务,1992年在中国设立代表处.到现在IFC在中国做了近40个项目.IFC在中国的业务重点有四个:  相似文献   

国霁 《中国资产评估》2009,(11):F0002-F0002
2009年9月21日上午,丁学东副部长在京会见了应邀来访的国际评估准则理事会(wsc)管理委员会委员、美国评值公司(American Appraisal Associates)执行副总裁、美国评估促进会(Appacsal Fourdation.AF)前主席李哈克(Lee P·Hackett)先生。双方就共同关心的评估领域的问题进行了深入交流和探讨。  相似文献   

刘明娟 《新金融》2006,(3):13-14
随着经济全球化和中国改革开放的深入,国际业务具有广阔的发展前景,但由于国际业务的投入产出比相对较高且客户多具商业银行优质客户等特点。国际业务成为中外商业银行况相发展的重点业务,面对变化的市场需求和激烈的同业竞争,国有商业银行的国际业务应如何在发展理念、管理体制、金融产品等方面进行全方位创新,以顺应商业银行战略转型和改革发展的趋势?本刊记者专访了交通银行国际业务部总经理张小明,请其就有关问题发表意见,以飨读者。[编者按]  相似文献   

此轮国际金融危机的爆发和蔓延,暴露出仅关注单个机构稳健经营的微观审慎监管框架的不足。认真吸取金融危机的教训,强化宏观审慎管理已成为国际社会的共识。要完善宏观审慎分析方法,加强对系统性风险的监测;加强金融监管和协调,实现宏观审慎与微观审慎的互补;建立逆周期调节机制,缓解顺周期性对金融稳定的影响;加快建立存款保险制度,进一步健全金融安全网;积极参与国际金融合作,增强联合应对危机的能力。  相似文献   

曲凤杰 《新金融》2008,(3):13-15
近年来,美国经常项目巨额、快速增长的赤字引起各方关注.美国经常帐户赤字无论是绝对额还是相对量,都达到了相当高的程度,但是深入分析美国的国际收支结构及其成因后,本文认为美国经常项目赤字仍具有可持续性,而且国际收支结构调整没有中短期的解决方案.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the importance of market institutions for the performance of international property investors during the 1996?C2007 period. The results show that international property companies underperform local property companies in the early years of the sample period. This underperformance is driven by the political environment, the level of economic integration, and the transparency of the real estate market in target countries. The underperformance of internationals disappears in the later years of the sample period, and so does the significance of the aforementioned factors in explaining performance differences among international companies. These findings suggest that the increased transparency of the global real estate industry has leveled the playing field for foreign property investors.  相似文献   

This article provides an introduction to the JMCB special issue on housing bubbles, the global financial crisis, and the ensuing recessions in countries that experienced housing busts. We focus on five themes that are important for policymakers and researchers alike: the domestic and international factors driving housing booms and busts, the relevance of the housing sector for the real economy, how monetary policy should react to housing booms and busts, how housing and mortgage finance reform could affect financial stability, and the broad lessons learned for macroeconomics and macroprudential policy.  相似文献   

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