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In this paper, the relationship between FDI and China's economic growth is analyzed by Granger causality test and multiple regression model. It is found that relationship is bi-directional causal. It is suggested that the utilization of FDI should be focused on not only the quantity, but also the quality of FDI with its rapid development.  相似文献   

According to this paper, the dragon-shape strategy is the optimized option of China's future strategy with respect to the geographic distribution of regional economy.  相似文献   

我国沿海地区海洋经济发展存在着明显的区域差异,研究不同区域海洋经济发展的特征能够提出有针对性的对策建议,对制定海洋经济发展政策具有一定的指导意义。选择了资源禀赋、经济规模、产业结构、就业状况、基础设施建设以及科技水平等衡量海洋经济发展的重要指标,通过指标分析对我国沿海地区海洋经济发展较好的地区进行区域分类,并归纳了不同类型区域的某些共同特征,最后依据分析结果提出了具体的发展对策。  相似文献   

The article discusses the determinant factor of the function of the securities market at first and then proposes that the basic factor is the inherent need of social economic operation and development process itself. In addition, the primary factor of mature securities market is perfect and integrated function of the securities market. Afterwards, the article analyses the static and dynamic function of the securities market. At last, it probes into the government role in the securities market briefly and proposes that China needs to carry out the essential change on government role, market function location, development goal and the mode of securities market if the function of China's securities market is to be exerted properly.  相似文献   

利用SVAR模型,研究了外国直接投资和外国证券投资对中国经济增长的影响。结果显示FPI、FDI与中国经济增长呈现正相关关系,FDI的作用显著,FPI的作用不显著。同时,FDI和FPI之间存在一定的交替关系,FDI拉低了FPI,而FPI则在短期内对FDI有促进作用。  相似文献   

“One Belt and One Road” and Free Trade Zones are two of China’s new opening-up strategies developed in response to the changed domestic and international circumstances. Implementation of these strategies can provide China with a sounder market economic system and a better external environment. It can not only help China to further develop into a high income country, but also facilitate the industrialization and modernization of other developing countries.  相似文献   

The content of China's economic transformation is not single, and this article argues that it includes three parts. The first is the reform of economic system, the second is the change in the pattern of economic growth, and the third is the adjustment of economic structure. Government is the leading force of China's economic transformation, and repeated reform of government institutions has brought about some changes to government functions. But problems are obvious that lag changes of government functions have become an obstacle in China's economic transformation. This article describes the historical evolution and the reality of China's economic transformation, and analyzes the main reasons of lag changes in government functions, and reveals that the transformation of government functions is the key for successful transformation of China's economy.  相似文献   

中国政府将加快发展能源产业、坚持节约能源和保护环境作为一项基本国策。随着我国经济的不断发展,能源消费总量虽然在逐年增加,但能源利用效率却在不断提高。在中央政府政策的推动下,能源强度虽然呈下降趋势,但近年来下降的速度明显趋于平缓,低于改革开放初期。在分析总结我国能源利用效率变化的趋势和特点的基础上,通过对能源强度系数进行分解,发现能源强度变化的技术效应和结构效应都有减弱的趋势,尤其是结构效应。在此基础上从经济发展和社会因素两方面,进一步探讨了阻碍我国能源利用效率进一步提升的原因。  相似文献   

农村妇女实用人才资源的开发,是一项重要的社会系统工程。目前我国人才资源尚未完全开发、潜力仍然很大,尤其是目前农村劳动力的主力军是妇女,关注妇女实用人才的发展对农村经济的科学发展至关重要。以农村妇女为切入点,分析了农村妇女实用人才开发的现状及存在的问题,并就如何开发农村妇女人才资源提出相应的对策及建议。  相似文献   

从改革开放后的时代大背景出发,以税收发展为主要关注点,对我国税收与产业发展、国民收入等因素之间的关联性进行研究。通过对传统经济学中的税收理论进行研究,提出了模型建立的初步思想。通过查阅相关年鉴信息,获取了研究所需的基础数据。基础数据主要包括各产业历年发展数据、税收发展历年数据、国民收入数据、CPI指数等。将上述数据进行综合处理,作为分析的基础数据。利用高级计量经济学的分析原理和方法(主要是向量自回归模型理论和格兰杰因果关系检验等理论和方法),建立基于我国国情的税收发展与产业发展等因素的关联性模型。通过对模型的分析研究,找到上述因素之间具体的关联性,从而为我国税收改革的方向和具体实施步骤提出了有参考性的意见和建议。以此实现通过税收改革,促进我国经济发展模式转型的最终目的。  相似文献   

As a new tourist product that can generate large expenditure to economy, convention industry is highly regarded by the government and enterprises of different countries. In China, convention industry develops steadily and has brought great economic benefits for national economy. However, compared with those countries in which convention industry is much developed and mature, the convention industry in China still faces great challenges when competing in world market. Based on the analysis of the current situation of development of convention industry in China, the paper focuses on the main problems of convention industry in China and then put forwards some countermeasures of how to develop convention industry in a sound and scientific way.  相似文献   

The theoretical and empirical methods have been adopted to analyze FDI's influence on China's domestic enterprises' industrial expansion. The result shows that there are many factors determining the influence of FDI on the domestic enterprises' industrial expansion. In China, the foreign-invested enterprises have exerted significantly positive influence on the domestic enterprises' industrial expansion through market competition and technological spillover. The mechanism is quite complicated. Hence, the utilization of FDI can lead to the technological progress, and further the industrial expansion and development.  相似文献   

Amitendu Palit 《Geopolitics》2017,22(2):292-309
The Maritime Silk Road Initiative (MSRI) is a part of China’s experiment in scaling up economic corridors across vast swathes of diverse economic geographies. China’s involvement in a large number of ongoing transport corridor projects has encouraged it to embark on the most ambitious of them all till date. The heterogeneity among the economic capacities and integrations of various regions constituting the MSRI, particularly in efficiency of infrastructure and ability to trade, is noticeable. This article underscores these variations as important determinants of competitiveness of the constituent regions and countries. India’s perceptions of the MSRI are significantly shaped by its lack of quality maritime infrastructure capacities that make it relatively uncompetitive vis-à-vis China, Europe and most of Southeast Asia; and the impression of the MSRI’s “China-centrality” emanating from lack of mention of non-China regional forums in the Chinese government’s vision statement; and absence of proactive measures from the Chinese leadership in establishing the MSRI’s multi-country character. The article argues that it is important for India to appreciate the geopolitical character of this unprecedented infrastructure initiative, which, while emphasizing Chinese interests, might not be inimical to India’s economic ambitions, provided India is able to address its domestic infrastructure imperatives.  相似文献   

In the past 30 years, China has gone from the transformation from a planned economy to a market economy, from the extensive economic growth mode to intensive economic growth model, and from relying on investment and export-led economy to relying on domestic demand and stimulating economic. China's economic transformation includes three parts: The first is the reform of economic system, the second is the change in the pattern of economic growth and the third is the adjustment of economic structure. This article describes the historical evolution and the reality of China's economic transformation, analysis the obstacles to China's economic transformation, and on this basis, put forward some suggestions.  相似文献   

应用区位商方法对我国旅游产业区域发展现状进行了分析,并以市场占有率作为辅助衡量指标与区位商共同作用判断我国各省市旅游产业区域比较优势和发展水平,在此基础上提出了区域旅游产业发展策略。  相似文献   

基于地理信息系统空间分析技术,从微观、中观、宏观三个尺度对我国国家历史文化名城的地域分布差异和发展演变特征进行分析探讨,结果表明:在微观的市县级范围内,县级及以下名城的分布相对分散,地级及以上名城在我国东部和中部县市相对集中;在中观的省域范围内,1982年以来的一、二、三批名城在省域覆盖范围内具有较为明显的东南部、北部、中西部重心格局演变的特征;从全国范围来看,国家历史文化名城空间上总体表现为由东到西数量递减的非均衡分布特征,时空演变总体表现为由大中城市向中小城市,由中心城市、中部城市向边缘城市、地域特色城市,由直辖城市、省会城市向地级城市、县级城市、甚至城市的一个行政区扩展的特征。国家历史文化名城的批复发展在考虑各尺度区域范围内的等级差异和不均衡分布的基础上走向了科学化、细致化。  相似文献   

经济稳定对中国这样一个发展中大国具有十分重要的意义。建国后陈云长期担任党和国家财经方面的主要领导人,他对中国如何保持经济稳定进行了多方面的探索实践,形成了他关于中国经济稳定的思想和一整套做法。其中他重点论述了经济稳定的意义和目的、经济稳定的关键和界限,他还就如何保持经济稳定提出了具体的政策建议和措施。  相似文献   

By utilizing the mean adjusted return model of the event study, this paper examines the announcement-period abnormal returns of a sample of 44 divestitures of China's listing companies completed during 1998-2002. The findings are that sample firms have positive cumulative average abnormal returns in the event windows of [-1, +1] and [0, +7], and that, as for any individual firm, almost half of the sample firms get positive cumulative abnormal returns in a narrow event window. Those results show that the corporate divestitures of China are able to increase shareholders' wealth in a short period around the announcement date.  相似文献   

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