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The past decade has ushered in a growth of interest on design, both among scholars and practitioners. The consequence has been the development of a wealth of new theories on design, innovation, and design management. After a decade of studies, we have developed significant understanding about how firms may better analyze customer needs through user‐centered design, how they can generate better ideas through brainstorming methods and multidisciplinary teams, how consumers value the form of products. Yet, as often happens in research, many studies have focused on the most visible and measurable forms of design (those connected to the clear processes and methods of user‐centered design). The consequence is that, apart from a few exceptions, the focus of theory development has been on incremental innovation enabled by design: better user interface, improvements, differentiation, nice ideas and features that get rapidly imitated and obsolete. Scholars have often neglected some of the most intriguing forms of design, i.e., when design brings a radical perspective, when it contributes to the redefinition of an industry, and the creation of a new paradigm. In this short note I hope to set the stage for this new frontier of research in design management. In particular I propose two fields of investigation: the role of design to radically innovate the meaning of products and services, and the interaction of radical design with radical technologies, which I call technology epiphanies, i.e., the identification of the most powerful meaning enabled by a breakthrough technology.  相似文献   

This paper presents a concept of the Machine Control discipline developed through the past decade as part of the technological education reform in Israel. The discipline has been widely implemented in senior high schools as an optional matriculation subject. Principles, contents, experience, evaluation and challenges of the curriculum are discussed. Specific features of the discipline in rural, technological and general school environments are presented and illustrated by examples. Arguments in support of a cross-national comparison of specific technology programs are given. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

In Ireland, Technology Education’s structure and organisation across the levels of education is not delivered or governed in a coherent manner. Technology Education in primary level education, for students between 5 and 12 years of age, does not explicitly exist as a separate subject. In primary level education, Social, Environmental and Scientific Education (Science), encourages a child to examine and appreciate how technology and science impacts on their lives and the environment. It supports children developing design and make skills, and to apply scientific ideas to everyday situations and practical problems (DES in Primary school curriculum, science. Social, environmental and scientific education curriculum, 1999). In addition, various initiatives such as the Junior Lego League, supported by the Galway Education Centre, facilitate various perspectives of Technology Education. In second level education, which this paper primarily focuses on, Technology Education exists as a suite of eight subjects, for students of 12–18 years of age. In third level education students can choose from a wide range of bachelor degree programmes in science, technology, engineering or maths. The degree programmes available at third level also include programmes in initial teacher education (ITE). These programmes in initial teacher education are offered by two institutions, and graduate second level teachers to service the second level system. Technology Education in second level education was first introduced to Ireland in 1885. Since this introduction, revisions and changes have occurred, in both the Irish economy and syllabi. In 2006, Technology Education syllabi were revised to include more design activity at senior cycle. These changes reflect the forward thinking of policy makers in reflection of the progression from the industrial era to the information era to the conceptual era. The scope of second level Technology Education in an Irish context is still perceived by many as vocational, though progressive reformations are advancing towards a design-driven framework, grounded in a strong craft practice. This changing technological environment has resulted in the promotion of design activity in second level Technology Education in Ireland. This paper reviews the establishment of design education in Technology Education in the Irish second level education context, where an epistemological shift towards design activity has occurred.  相似文献   

In this paper, the model of AS/RS with the rack of modular cells is proposed first. In general, under the concept of unit load, Automated Storage/Retrieval Systems (AS/RS) has the rack of equally sized cells. Many authors have studied the design of AS/RS with the rack of equally sized cells. However, they are inadequate and inefficient in meeting the various sizes of customers’ demands in today's business environment. Higher utilization and flexibility of warehouse storage can be achieved by using AS/RS with the rack of modular cells. The best size of modular cell is determined as a decision variable and the effectiveness of the proposed model is also presented. The model developed in this research, is one type of AS/RS that is more flexible to the size and has higher space utilization than those of existing rack structure, could be a very useful alternative for the storage of different unit load sizes.  相似文献   

What happens when educational ideas cross national and cultural borders? How do teachers respond to ideas originating in a different school system and a different national culture? This article reports on an empirical study investigating the transfer of ideas from Design &; Technology as a subject in England and Wales into Norwegian schools. A sample of teachers participating in a specific project on technology teaching inspired by this subject has been studied by means of interviews and classroom observation. Results of the study show that while some elements of Design &; Technology are adopted by the teachers, essential ideas of the subject are significantly transformed. Drawing on Barnes, (1992, Teachers and Teaching: From Classrooms to Reflection (pp. 9–32), The Falmer press, London) concept of teachers' professional frames for teaching, it is shown how specific aspects of the national and educational culture have had a considerable effect on?the teachers' interpretation of the nature of technology as a subject of teaching and its place in the curriculum. The study illustrates the importance of the cultural context in how educational ideas are interpreted, reshaped and realized in schools.  相似文献   

The role of Design and Technology (D &; T) in schools in England is changing. As from September 2002, D &; T will no longer be compulsory from age 14, but students will have a statutory entitlement to opt to study the subject. These proposed changes have renewed policy-makers' interest in a subject, which was first introduced into the National Curriculum in England and Wales in 1990. It provides the immediate context for a review of the literature published in English on Design and Technology commissioned by the Department of Education and Skills. Four databases were searched: the British Education Index (BEI), Educational Resources Information Centre (ERIC), PsychInfo, and Current Educational Research in the UK (CERUK). This article draws from the findings of the review and focuses in particular on two questions: How can D &; T be delivered effectively and what enhances learning and teaching in D &; T? The reviewers conclude that the factors which enhance effective learning and teaching of D &; T include: adequate equipment and accommodation, appropriate curriculum content and teaching methods, up-to-date continuing professional development for teaching and management support to allow teachers to implement innovative practices. In addition, they suggest a research agenda, which could inform future research in D &; T.  相似文献   

This study examines the curriculum directions being charted by a sample of county secondary school design and technology teachers in England and Wales. The purposes of design and technology are analysed, and the syllabuses and examinations used reviewed, together with how design folios are incorporated into teaching. In addition, teacher reports on student-teacher classroom performance, and student-teacher evaluations of their teaching practice experiences are analysed. It was found that teacher perceptions are highly pragmatic and technical, with the pupils‘ intended learning outcomes largely being defined instrumentally in terms of product output rather than in design process terms. A disjunction is found between the statutory Order on Design and Technology and its implementation, with many teachers ’constructing‘ their design and technology education programmes within a ’craft paradigm‘. The discussion offers possible explanations for this and concludes that it has as much to do with the perceived status of Design and Technology as a school subject as with a ’product – process‘ debate. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

SBS改性沥青在现今高等级公路中被广泛使用,其配合比设计与施工技术直接关系到路面的施工质量及使用年限,本文就SBS改性沥青配合比设计及施工技术做初步探讨。  相似文献   

This paper presents a brief, critical review and a comparative study of some design aspects of automated storage/retrieval systems with special emphasis on travel time models. These aspects include improving throughput rate, changing retrieval sequencing rules, using order batching algorithms, applying various dwell point strategies and increasing the storage/retrieval machine capacity. Some of the results and discussions used in this paper have been adopted from available sources and the rest have been compiled and/or calculated from the recent literature as mentioned therein. A conclusion is made on the salient issues prevailing in the design of automated storage/retrieval systems.  相似文献   

关于污水处理设备发展现状与问题浅析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周文忠 《化工管理》2013,(18):145-146
污水处理设备是污水处理中的重要组成部分,在我国污水处理设备发展前景广阔,而污水处理设备国产化有着非常重要的意义.本文对国内外污水处理设备发展的现状进行了介绍,对影响污水处理设备推广的因素进行分析.并就污水处理设备国产化提出了所要采取的措施;强调了对安装过程的重点环节有效监控.  相似文献   

在服装设计与工程专业中,实训教学是培养学生的动手操作能力和职业素养的重要手段,然而,当前的实训教学特别是整周实训教学的教学效果却不尽如人意,教学模式单一、课堂管理难等问题突出,本文通过对服装整周实训教学模式的分析,对于当前整周实训教学中存在的问题进行了分析并提出改革。  相似文献   

The Potential for Collaborative Problem Solving in Design and Technology   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper discusses the potential of Design and Technology (D&T) as an environment for collaborative problem solving. Peer collaboration is considered to be a valuable learning mechanism but has not generally been exploited by teachers or explored by researchers in this context. D&T is unique in involving procedural problem-solving activity where talk between peers relates to physical manipulation and feedback and both concrete models and graphical representations play an important mediating role. The role of teachers is central to our discussion, particularly their task structuring, agendas and pedagogic strategies for supporting learning through collaboration; these have been underplayed in much of the general research literature on collaboration. Our discussion works towards a framework for analysing collaborative problem-solving activity in D&T, building on sociocultural perspectives and deriving additional insights into pupils' social and cognitive strategies from the literature on classroom talk.  相似文献   

This paper reviews ideas from design and technology and science education and discusses knowledge, values and skills as aspects of technology in order to demonstrate that technology for design cannot be simply associated with a knowledge component of technology. The paper highlights the linguistic challenges in expressing issues in this area and the philosophical difficulty that the nature of cognitive modelling means that some aspects may be impossible to express using language. Values and a designerly way of knowing and the nature of technological skills are discussed in order to establish their relationship to technology for design. Prior studies concerning technology and designing have focused on engineering and science-based design areas. A research agenda in relation to the proposed broader interpretation of technology for design is discussed, which demonstrates that such research must ultimately be interdisciplinary. Nevertheless, initial steps which could be taken by design researchers are suggested.  相似文献   

服装模板缝制技术目前在服装生产流程有着比较重要的作用,其模板工艺的成败直接关系到产品质量的整体水平,传统的车工工艺需要较长的时间在实践中获得技艺的提升,工艺模板对于传统的缝制工艺是一种创新和改进。可以起到节约成本、提高生产效率、提高产品质量的作用。  相似文献   

详细分析了产品与技术开发过程中,健壮设计试验可控因素间存在交互作用而产生的负效应.利用轴与轴上零件间由于过盈配合所产生的压应力试验,用产生压应力的可控因素间的交互作用.进行了实例分析,充分体现了可控因素间交互作用的后果,并提出了解决办法.  相似文献   

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