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贸易融资较传统的流动资金贷款业务具有更大的市场适应能力.生产制造型企业贸易融资风险的主要影响因素有核心技术和装备情况、产品更新换代能力、国际品牌效应、人力成本.生产制造型企业资金流风险的主要影响因素有原材料采购与销售价格、结算方式、资产的流动性、盈利能力.贸易类企业融资风险的主要影响因素有上下游客户的稳定性、市场需求的稳定性、资金的可流动性.物流企业融资风险的主要影响因素有公司的收入及成本构成、应对市场价格变动的能力、上下游客户情况、企业的资金流.  相似文献   

Short‐term, liquid assets are highly valued by lenders, but pose liquidity risk management challenges to borrowers. Basic principles to meet those challenges are to conduct liquidity stress scenario analysis; to form business plans for each stress scenario; to hold enough capital to sustain the planned, post‐shock balance sheet; and to hold a large enough liquidity reserve to survive the transition from the pre‐ to the post‐shock balance sheet. Historical failures, like Northern Rock, Bear Stearns, and MF Global have a lot to teach about implementing these principles. While regulatory frameworks constrain liquidity positions, they are no substitute for firm‐specific liquidity risk management.  相似文献   

We use the agency theory to conduct a novel test of the strategic use of property insurance in China's corporate sector. With regard to our main test hypotheses, we find that the incidence of property insurance purchased is directly related to the degree of product–market competitiveness, and positively related to market liquidity and firms’ growth opportunities. However, the homogeneity of market operations is not statistically significant. In our second-stage Cragg regression, market liquidity becomes insignificant while firms’ growth opportunities are now inversely related to the amount of insurance purchased. Additionally, the homogeneity of market operations becomes significantly related to the corporate purchase of property insurance. Therefore, different factors (e.g. cost considerations) may influence the decisions to purchase property insurance and subsequently, the level of coverage provided. We argue that our results are relevant for companies in other emerging markets such as Eastern Europe and companies operating in more developed Western economies such as the European Union (EU).  相似文献   

主动负债发展会带来商业银行间融资增加,通过分别设立模型研究商业银行间净融资规模增加和不同期限互相融资规模增加两种情况后,可以得出主动负债发展的微观经济效应:(1)净融资规模增加后银行流动性改善,资金投放规模增加;融资环境改善后商业银行备付金率可降低,流动性进一步提高.(2)商业银行彼此融资后,在不同期限资金投放业务上成本不同的银行会发挥各自相对优势,实现差异化经营,促使银行总收益增加.在上述微观分析基础上,通过对我国金融环境的具体分析,可以得出主动负债发展能推动我国利率市场化、发展金融市场、促进货币创造等宏观经济效应.  相似文献   

Banks can deal with their liquidity risk by holding liquid assets (self‐insurance), by participating in interbank markets (coinsurance), or by using flexible financing instruments, such as bank capital (risk sharing). We use a simple model to show that undiversifiable liquidity risk, that is, the liquidity risk that banks are unable to coinsure on interbank markets, represents an important risk factor affecting their capital structures. Banks facing higher undiversifiable liquidity risk hold more capital. We posit that, empirically, banks that are more exposed to undiversifiable liquidity risk are less active on interbank markets. Therefore, we test for the existence of a negative relationship between bank capital and interbank market activity and find support in a large sample of U.S. commercial banks.  相似文献   

We introduce costly internal capital into a standard insurance model, in which a risk‐averse policyholder buys insurance from a risk‐neutral insurer with limited liability. The unique optimal contract and internal capital lead to a strictly positive probability for insurer default. Some risks are uninsurable in that the insurer chooses not to provide insurance against such risks. An increase in the cost of capital may lead to a higher optimal amount of internal capital. The results extend to multiple policyholders in a symmetric setting. Our extension of the classical model to include costly internal capital provides a fruitful approach to many real world insurance markets.  相似文献   

We examine the relation between institutions' investment horizons on firms' financing and investment decisions. Firms with larger short‐term institutional ownership use less debt financing and invest more in corporate liquidity. In contrast, firms with larger long‐term institutional ownership use more internal funds, less external equity financing, and preserve investments in long‐term assets. These results are primarily driven by the variation in informational preferences of different institutions. We argue that short‐term (long‐term) institutions collect and use value‐neutral (value‐enhancing) information.  相似文献   

Liquidity and capital structure   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
We examine the relation between equity market liquidity and capital structure. We find that firms with more liquid equity have lower leverage and prefer equity financing when raising capital. For example, after sorting firms into size quintiles and then into liquidity quintiles, the average debt-to-asset ratio of the most liquid quintiles is about 38% while the average for the least liquid quintiles is 55%. Similar results are observed in panel analyses with clustered errors and using instrumental variables. Our results are consistent with equity market liquidity lowering the cost of equity and, therefore, inducing a greater reliance on equity financing.  相似文献   

国际结算和贸易融资风险的识别与控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
贸易融资较传统的流动资金贷款业务具有更大的市场适应能力.生产制造型企业贸易融资风险的主要影响因素有核心技术和装备情况、产品更新换代能力、国际品牌效应、人力成本.生产制造型企业资金流风险的主要影响因素有原材料采购与销售价格、结算方式、资产的流动性、盈利能力.贸易类企业融资风险的主要影响因素有上下游客户的稳定性、市场需求的稳定性、资金的可流动性.物流企业融资风险的主要影响因素有公司的收入及成本构成、应对市场价格变动的能力、上下游客户情况、企业的资金流.  相似文献   

With the economy showing signs of recovery, companies are shifting their focus from liquidity and balance sheet concerns back towards capital allocation and value creation. This article provides a comprehensive framework to examine shareholder value creation through capital allocation, and discusses important capital allocation lessons that have re‐emerged over the last few years. Notable among the key lessons are the following:
  • ? Growth alone does not guarantee value creation, which suggests that companies should allocate capital based on the economic value of each investment opportunity.
  • ? The limits of diversification in a financial crisis should be considered when allocating capital and managing liquidity.
  • ? Companies should be conservative with base‐case cash flow projections and incorporate the possibility of downside scenarios into their projections.
  • ? It is important to incorporate all forms of capital when managing liquidity.
  • ? Whether using a long‐term or current‐market approach, companies should be consistent throughout the cycle in their cost of capital methodology.
  • ? Companies should continually rethink investments and allocate capital in an attempt to maintain a competitive advantage.
  • ? Evaluate returns relative to risk and cost of capital, and not against the company's average ROIC.
  • ? Comparing the IRR of share repurchases to new investments is not an apples‐to‐apples comparison.
Finally, companies should concentrate on the strategic uses and value of particular assets and not allow their decisions to be driven by the value they might receive relative to their initial cost.  相似文献   

Models with a premium on external finance produce counterfactual predictions about liquidity management. We address this shortcoming by introducing a fixed cost of increasing external finance into an otherwise standard investment/financing problem. This additional financial friction is well-motivated by case studies and our analysis shows that it generates more realistic predictions about liquidity management: firms hold external finance and idle cash simultaneously, and may invest an additional dollar of cash flow in liquidity rather than repaying external funds or investing in productive capital. In addition to better fitting the stylized facts about the time-series and cross-sectional pattern of liquidity holding, these results may help shed light on the fragility of estimates of investment–cash flow sensitivities.  相似文献   

This study examines liquidity and cost of capital effects around voluntary and mandatory IAS/IFRS adoptions. In contrast to prior work, we focus on the firm‐level heterogeneity in the economic consequences, recognizing that firms have considerable discretion in how they implement the new standards. Some firms may make very few changes and adopt IAS/IFRS more in name, while for others the change in standards could be part of a strategy to increase their commitment to transparency. To test these predictions, we classify firms into “label” and “serious” adopters using firm‐level changes in reporting incentives, actual reporting behavior, and the external reporting environment around the switch to IAS/IFRS. We analyze whether capital‐market effects are different across “serious” and “label” firms. While on average liquidity and cost of capital often do not change around voluntary IAS/IFRS adoptions, we find considerable heterogeneity: “Serious” adoptions are associated with an increase in liquidity and a decline in cost of capital, whereas “label” adoptions are not. We obtain similar results when classifying firms around mandatory IFRS adoption. Our findings imply that we have to exercise caution when interpreting capital‐market effects around IAS/IFRS adoption as they also reflect changes in reporting incentives or in firms’ broader reporting strategies, and not just the standards.  相似文献   

Bank Mergers, Competition, and Liquidity   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We model the impact of bank mergers on loan competition, reserve holdings, and aggregate liquidity. A merger changes the distribution of liquidity shocks and creates an internal money market, leading to financial cost efficiencies and more precise estimates of liquidity needs. The merged banks may increase their reserve holdings through an internalization effect or decrease them because of a diversification effect. The merger also affects loan market competition, which in turn modifies the distribution of bank sizes and aggregate liquidity needs. Mergers among large banks tend to increase aggregate liquidity needs and thus the public provision of liquidity through monetary operations of the central bank.  相似文献   

Estimating the Cost of Equity Capital for Property-Liability Insurers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article presents new evidence on the cost of equity capital by line of insurance for the property‐liability insurance industry. To do so we obtain firm beta estimates and then use the full‐information industry beta (FIB) methodology to decompose the cost of capital by line. We obtain full‐information beta estimates using the standard one‐factor capital asset pricing model and extend the FIB methodology to incorporate the Fama–French three‐factor cost of capital model. The analysis suggests the cost of capital for insurers using the Fama–French model is significantly higher than the estimates based upon the CAPM. In addition, we find evidence of significant differences in the cost of equity capital across lines.  相似文献   

Catastrophic risk financing is a critical issue for many states. At the epicenter of the debate is the role of the state government in helping homeowners finance catastrophic storm risk. In general, states have used a variety of pre‐ and postloss strategies, including rate regulation, residual markets, guaranty funds, and postloss assessment structures. However, several states, including Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Texas have used strategies that involve potentially large postloss funding of hurricane risk. In some cases, the structure of the postloss financing mechanism is likely to create significant assessments and subsidies. This article examines the role of state government in catastrophe financing, focusing primarily on postloss financing methods. Specifically, the article provides a discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of the postloss catastrophe financing as well as the political forces that motivate the use of this approach. Further, given the potential magnitude of postloss assessments and related subsidies, we use the Florida homeowners market to illustrate the implications of the state's decisions. This allows for a concrete discussion of the impact and viability of postloss financing mechanisms.  相似文献   

A credit default swap (CDS) contract provides insurance against default. This paper incorporates the contract into a sovereign default model and demonstrates that the existence of a CDS market results in lower default probability, higher debt levels, and lower financing costs for the country. Uncertainty over the insurance payout when the debt is renegotiated explains why in the data, as the output declines, the CDS spread becomes lower than the bond spread. Finally, my results show that the 2012 CDS naked ban, that decreased the levels of CDS for European countries, is a welfare reducing policy.  相似文献   

This article attempts to understand the outcomes when each party of an insurance contract simultaneously has superior information. I assume that policyholders have superior information about specific risks while insurers have superior information about general risks. I find that low-general-risk policyholders purchase insurance, while high-general-risk policyholders are self-insured. Among the low-general-risk policyholders, high-specific-risk policyholders purchase full insurance, while low-specific-risk policyholders purchase partial insurance. When insurers can strategically publicize their information, efficiency is improved because high-general-risk policyholders purchase actuarially fair insurance. The market segmentation is also found based on the general-risk type and the publicizing of information.  相似文献   

Why do some firms, especially financial institutions, finance themselves so short‐term? We show that extreme reliance on short‐term financing may be the outcome of a maturity rat race: a borrower may have an incentive to shorten the maturity of an individual creditor's debt contract because this dilutes other creditors. In response, other creditors opt for shorter maturity contracts as well. This dynamic toward short maturities is present whenever interim information is mostly about the probability of default rather than the recovery in default. For borrowers that cannot commit to a maturity structure, equilibrium financing is inefficiently short‐term.  相似文献   

We study a setting in which a principal contracts with an agent to operate a firm over an infinite time horizon when the agent is liquidity constrained and privately observes the sequence of cost realizations. We formulate the principal’s problem as a dynamic program in which the state variable is the agent’s continuation utility, which is naturally interpreted as his equity in the firm. The optimal incentive scheme resembles what is commonly regarded as a sweat equity contract, with all rents back loaded. Payments begin when the agent effectively becomes the owner, and from this point on, all production is efficient. These features are shown to be similar to features common in real‐world work‐to‐own franchising agreements and venture capital contracts.  相似文献   

Intercompany financing transactions are becoming increasingly important to multinational enterprises (MNEs) as they expand internationally. Corporate treasurers of MNEs have many responsibilities, including the management of international capital structure and cost of capital, the financing of cross‐border acquisitions, foreign direct investment, international capital budgeting and cash management, management of foreign exchange and transactional risk, and port‐folio and investment management. This article focuses on a corporate function, transfer pricing, that is potentially relevant to each of these activities. Whenever a payment crosses borders in a treasury context—whether to provide a loan, purchase a receivable, provide a guarantee, sweep cash, factor a receivable, provide a hedge or insurance product—a transfer pricing issue is present. Transfer pricing is often viewed as a taxation issue and thus the responsibility of the corporate tax department. This article challenges that view, and makes the case that an integrated, multi‐functional approach to MNE treasury planning in the context of transfer pricing can be an important component in improving the efficiency of cross‐border financial management. The paper uses conceptual and empirical information as well as numerical examples to illustrate relevant tax and transfer pricing concepts for policy planners and others responsible for MNE treasury and tax planning.  相似文献   

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