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<正>二轮土地延包以来,随着社会经济的不断发展,土地承包经营权流转逐渐由以农户间的自发流转为主转变为向种植大户、农民专业合作社、企业流转为主。2005年,农业部出台了《农村土地承包经营权流转管理办法》,对土地流转行为加以规范,各地也相继出台相关政策积极推进,土地流转面积不断增加,土地集约经营、规模经营效果逐步显现,有效提高了劳动生产率和土地产出效益,农业效益明显提高。但也应当看到,有的地方在推进土地流转时片面  相似文献   

影响滨州冬枣价格变动的因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过分析冬枣市场价格变动趋势,根据供求理论,从生产成本、枣农的预期及政府政策的导向3个方面阐述了影响冬枣供给的因素,又从冬枣品质的下降、替代果品的出现及采购商讨价还价能力3个方面分析了影响冬枣需求的因素。研究发现,供给大于需求的局面逐渐产生,需求不足是影响冬枣价格的主要因素,进而提出尝试"冬枣树银行"种植模式、延长冬枣产业链、建立枣农合作组织来刺激需求,保障枣农权益。  相似文献   

曹勇 《新疆农垦经济》2006,(9):33-36,48
本文介绍了对北疆伊犁州4县和南疆喀什地区3县1市农用生产资料和农产品价格变动的调查资料,并通过农户家庭访问,了解价格变动对农户收入的影响。根据实际调查对如何改善农民收支状况提出苦干建议。  相似文献   

广西拖网渔船捕捞努力量的分布及变化态势   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
拖网是广西海洋捕捞最主要的作业类型,在广西海洋渔业经济中占有极为重要的地位。广西拖网渔船作业场所遍布南海各主要渔场,是南海渔业涉外敏感海域中方渔船的主要力量之一,为合理开发南海渔业资源、维护国家海洋权益做出了巨大贡献。本文根据近年来采集的广西拖网渔船生产记录,统计分析广西拖网渔船捕捞努力量在南海主要渔场的分布及变化态势,探讨其影响因素,为广西拖网渔船捕捞努力量的合理分布及结构调整、广西海洋渔业可持续发展及南海渔业维权提出建议和对策,供相关渔业科研、管理和决策部门参考。  相似文献   

据中国水产学会监测分析,9月份水产品捕捞产量和质量比去年同期均有不同程度提高。市场货源充足,交易平稳,价格总体水平比上月下降了3.75%。  相似文献   

近期,农业部通过160个物价信息网点县对全国主要农产品价格变动情况进行了调查。与上月相比,各品种成品粮市场价格稳中有升;原粮价格稳中有降,与上年同期相比,除粳稻价格上涨外,其他品种均有所下降:油料、牛肉、部分水产品和大陆菜市场价格上升,其它品种价格下降,与上年同期相比,除花生仁、牛羊肉和蔬菜价格上升外,其它品种价格均有所下降。  相似文献   

2004年1—2月,我省价格总水平继续呈去年年末的上升态势,1、2月份全省居民消费价格同比分别上涨3.O%(全国3.2%)和1.8%(全国2.1%),比上年同期分别增加1.8和O.6个百分点,分别低于全国O.2和O.3个百分点。  相似文献   

据农业部160个物价信息网点县调查,与上月相比,中晚籼米和标准粉市场价格略有下降,其它成品粮价格持平或略有上升。大米:(1)早籼米:国合商业零售价为118.3元(每50公斤,下同),市场价为123.13元。与上月相比,基本持平;与上年同期相比,分别下降3.81%和2.46%。(2)中晚籼米:国合商业  相似文献   

编辑同志:去年8月份,我们公司与某个体户签订了收购枸杞的合同,10多天后,因市场价格变动,公司负责人口头通知对方,将收购价格每公斤降低了5元。此后,供方继续供货6次。后来他们又向法院起诉,要求按原合同订价补偿货款。请问,他们的要求合法吗?(读者:刘扬)刘扬同志:我国《合同法》第8条规定:“依法成立的合同,对当事人具有法律约束力。当事人应当按照约定履行自己的义务,不得擅自变更或者解除合同。依法成立的合同,受法律保护。”价格是合同的主要条款之一,你们公司单方变动价格是明显的违约行为。按照合同法的规定,你们根据市场情况的变化,…  相似文献   

本文探讨了一些有关渔业补贴的议题,考察了全球渔业补贴总量及其变动趋势,并运用模型分析了补贴对捕捞努力量和渔业总成本的影响.  相似文献   

A debate has been raging for centuries regarding the effects of interannual storage on commodity prices. Most analysts consider storage to function as a price stabilizer, while others place it at the core of an explanation of intriguing features of commodity price series, such as skewed distributions. Most studies have been developed in the context of the theory of competitive storage where random shocks affect supply or demand. Recently, the endogenous chaotic behavior of markets has become another possible hypothesis regarding the origin of commodity price fluctuations. We develop a nonlinear cobweb model with intra‐ and interannual storage, risk averse agents, and adaptive expectations. Like the theory of competitive storage, this nonlinear cobweb model with storage can reproduce some of the stylized facts of agricultural commodity prices (autocorrelation of first rank, low kurtosis, and skewness). In addition, the effects of storage on price variation are mixed. In the presence of interannual storage, chaotic price series show less variation compared to a situation without interannual storage but we find that storage contributes to the endogenous volatility of prices by making chaotic dynamics more likely.  相似文献   

The banana prawn component of Australia's Northern Prawn Fishery (NPF) is currently managed through the use of annually updated trigger catch rates as a means of achieving maximum economic yield (MEY) in the fishery, taking into account the estimated price and cost components for that season. The estimation of these target catch rates is based on the assumption of relative homogeneity of the fleet in terms of efficiency, productivity and cost structure. In this study, these assumptions are examined through the estimation of a stochastic production frontier. While technical efficiency varies between vessels, average efficiency is relatively constant over the fishing season. However, average productivity of the fleet increases, with smaller vessels (in terms of engine power) exiting the fishery earlier. This would likely increase the average cost of fishing towards the end of the season, with implications for setting the target catch rate. Based on a standard assumption as to the relationship between costs and vessel size, we find that the MEY target catch rates are most likely currently underestimated. However, the implementation of a precautionary minimum catch rate (which is above the MEY target catch rates for recent years) has maintained the fishery at a profitable level.  相似文献   

依据水资源循环性和稀缺性的特点,考虑水资源的边际使用成本,提出水价完全成本应该由资源水价、工程水价、环境水价、边际使用成本4部分组成。利用马尔萨斯模型、Logistic模型、BP神经网络模型及边际机会成本等理论,计算大连市水价完全成本,旨在利用定价模型进一步推动大连市水价定价市场化机制的形成,以反映真实的水市场供需关系,促进水资源的节约和高效利用,防止环境污染。  相似文献   

This study examines the impact that recommended retail prices, actual market prices and the release of a prominent wine guide have on Australian wine hedonic price estimates, for attributes such as sensory quality, winery reputation and grape region. In general, hedonic price estimates appear to be independent of prices employed. The main identified differences in estimates relate to the size of the producer and some regional impacts. For market prices only, increases in producer size are estimated to reduce prices. This implies the existence of supply chain quantity discounting price practices. The impact of an authoritative wine guide appears to have a negligible influence on prices in Australia. In the absence of market transaction prices, the common practice of employing recommended prices for hedonic wine price estimation is defendable.  相似文献   

城市供水价格的确定及模型——以兰州市为例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
应用价值模糊数学模型和供求关系数学模型对兰州市城市自来水水价进行估算.选定水质、人均水资源量、人均国民生产总值、人口密度4项参数对兰州市的水资源价值进行评价,计算出兰州市城市供水的价格,将计算结果与兰州市的实际供水价格进行了比较,同时运用水资源供求关系模型,对用水量进行了测算,评估了供水价格的变化对城市用水量的影响,通过分析,找出了兰州市实际供水水价中可能存在的问题,为今后兰州市供水价格的调整提供依据.  相似文献   

A rational expectations competitive storage model was applied to the U.S. corn market, to assess the aptness of this framework in explaining monthly price behavior in an actual commodity market. Relative to previous models, extensive realism was added to the model, in terms of how production activities and storage costs are specified. By modeling convenience yield, “backwardation” in prices between crop years did not depend on the unrealistic assumption of zero ending stocks. Our model generated cash prices that were distributed with positive skewness and kurtosis, and mean and variance that increased over the storage season, comparable to the persistence and the occasional spikes observed in commodity prices. Futures prices were generated as conditional expectations of cash prices at contract maturity, and the variances of futures prices exhibited realistic time–to‐maturity and seasonal patterns. Model realizations of cash and futures prices over many “years” were used to demonstrate the wide variety of price behaviors that could be observed in an efficient market with a similar market structure, implying that economic and policy implications drawn from short, historical samples of prices could be misleading.  相似文献   

随着江苏省经济社会的迅速发展,水资源匮乏和水污染日益严重,特别是污水排放量急剧增加,江河湖库的水环境恶化的趋势没有得到有效遏制,大大超过水资源、水环境的承载能力。结合江苏省水资源利用和水环境保护实际,单列水资源管理部门和污水处理部门,设计并编制水资源-水环境-经济一体化社会核算矩阵,以该矩阵为数据基础,构建了2007年江苏省水资源和水环境CGE模型,模拟分析了供水价格的变动对居民消费、政府消费、资本形成、存货变动、进出口、省际调出、省际调入和国民生产总值的变化影响。  相似文献   

以重庆市为例,对居民生活用水现状及城市供水的定价进行分析研究,基于ELES模型,分析重庆市居民生活用水水价的支付能力。结果表明:水费支出承受能力随可支配收入的增加而增加;用水需求收入弹性随可支配收入的增加而增大;低收入户的生活用水基本需求支出处于警戒线;2016年重庆市实施了阶梯水价的计价方式,定价基本合理,存在一定的改进空间。  相似文献   

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