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We analyzed the effects of R&D cooperation with users and the intensity/continuity of such cooperation on firms' innovation output—whether radical or incremental. We also examined the moderating effect of firm size on these relationships. Results show that cooperation with users favours the development of both radical and incremental product innovations. In addition, we found that the higher the intensity/continuity of the relationship with users, the more likely radical innovations are to develop when compared with incremental innovations. We note that the positive effect of cooperation on the development of innovation is especially significant for small firms. Copyright © 2015 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This article develops and tests a conceptual model to identify the impact of internal drivers (personal and organizational) on the international performance of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Drawing on the resource-based view of the firm and its capability extensions, it is argued that the effect of drivers is mediated by organizational innovation. To test the proposed theoretical model, we collected data from 120 exporting SMEs in Portugal. Results show that the indirect mediating effect of innovation is particularly relevant with regard to the organizational driver-performance link. Insights contribute to research on the importance of innovation for capability and resource deployment during internationalization.  相似文献   

Recently, literature on innovation in service activities has increased significantly. Much effort has been concentrated on understanding the importance of innovation for these activities, and on stressing innovative differences relative to the manufacturing innovation model. However, a deeper understanding is needed in three main areas: the degree of innovation heterogeneity among different service activities, the factors that explain this heterogeneity, and the primary drivers of the innovation process for each activity. Using results from the Third Community Innovation Survey, this paper aims to identify the extent to which there are similarities and differences in the main innovation attributes in four important service sub-sectors. After describing the characteristics of innovation and the behavior of variables in the sub-sectors, a typology of innovation patterns is identified.  相似文献   

The quest to understand the determinants of performance has created a bifurcated view. On one side of the debate are the structural characteristics of industries. On the other side of the debate are firm-specific resources. However, in recent years, the nature of competition and the shifting of economic conditions have led to increased challenges of the assumptions upon which industry structure theories have been built. In today's business environment, arguments suggest that structural characteristics of industries are becoming less relevant determinants of performance while firm resources are becoming the basis upon which firms compete. Through studying 285 Australian firms, this research explores the relative importance of distinct resources and industry structure variables in explaining firm-level performance variation. Across the aggregated sample, the results demonstrate that resources are more important than industry structure. In service firms, resources are found to be much more important to explaining performance variation than in manufacturing firms. Lastly, in both manufacturing and services firms, intangible assets and capabilities explain performance variation while, as hypothesized, tangible resources do not.  相似文献   

Unlike previous studies which only focus on the main effect between IC and FV, this research includes PTE with the gap of resource-based view. IC is a key element in creating a competitive advantage, as it has a great influence on FV. A company may put relatively less into IC if it demonstrates higher efficiency. However, previous studies have neglected the fact that relative efficiency and IC affect FV and stock returns directly and indirectly. The research period was from 2006 to 2010 and the main research methods include HRA and DEA. The main research findings include the following. (1) There is a space for improvement in terms of the total technical efficiency. (2) PTE has a significant moderating effect between IC and FV. (3) IC and PTE have a significant influence on FV. (4) Apart from PTE and stock returns, IC and FV show significant differences within the sub-industry.  相似文献   

《Business Horizons》2020,63(2):171-181
Artificial intelligence (AI) is about imbuing machines with a kind of intelligence that is mainly attributed to humans. Extant literature—coupled with our experiences as practitioners—suggests that while AI may not be ready to completely take over highly creative tasks within the innovation process, it shows promise as a significant support to innovation managers. In this article, we broadly refer to the derivation of computer-enabled, data-driven insights, models, and visualizations within the innovation process as innovation analytics. AI can play a key role in the innovation process by driving multiple aspects of innovation analytics. We present four different case studies of AI in action based on our previous work in the field. We highlight benefits and limitations of using AI in innovation and conclude with strategic implications and additional resources for innovation managers.  相似文献   

Governance scholarship has suggested that venture boards should be structured so as to stimulate internal conflict. However, structure is a weak predictor of board effectiveness. Moreover, conflict can be dysfunctional, especially when it is focused on relationships rather than tasks. We show that venture boards experience more relationship conflict when they make financing decisions that involve devaluation of the venture and that this effect is moderated by whether the CEO is a founder. Our findings should prompt venture governance scholars to reconsider the importance of board structure, the value of board conflict and the behavior of founder- versus non-founder CEOs.  相似文献   

对外开放与我国经济增长的实证分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文通过建立对外开放度内生化的生产函数,运用协整方法,对我国对外开放与经济增长的关系进行了实证分析。结果表明:我国的实际产出、对外开放度、实际资本存量与就业人口之间,至少存在单向的因果关系;从长期来看,变量之间存在一种稳定的均衡关系,对外开放度越高,经济增长越快;从短期来看,均衡关系由短期偏离向长期均衡调整的速度较慢。  相似文献   

The transformation of China into an innovation-oriented nation is now topping the agenda of Chinese government. Technological innovation is seen at the heart of this transformation, and enterprises have been called the key driving force of the innovation process. However, what are the key ingredients for such a transformation to occur? And are Chinese enterprises ready to fulfil this new responsibility? Drawing on the concept of technological entrepreneurship, this paper intends to explain technological innovation in Chinese enterprises, and attempts to develop an integrative view for research in this field, especially as related to the questions asked above.  相似文献   

With brand owners struggling to compete with new products, physical production processes and sourcing logistics, innovation taking place in retail networks is often overlooked. Networks in retailing are comprised by the brand owner, the varieties of single- and multi-brand stores, chains and departments stores, technology and service providers, ownership structures and local level supply chain facilities. This paper analyses theoretical and empirical views of innovation in international retail networks using lead actors in the (Danish) fashion industry as a case to highlight how this industry maintains branded stores as primary retail channels better than other industries. In order to approach the retail network as an important organisational innovation system in relation to brand owners, the aim of this paper is to characterise key elements of innovation in retail networks. The approach of this work is based on four qualitative studies of medium/larger fashion brand owners and their respective retail and service provider networks. The study shows that innovation in retailing has a continuously emergent character with open-ended strategic design requirements and strong utilisation of relations in business networks. The network comprises an innovation system that focuses on organisational learning and iterative development of the intended technologies. Implications of the current study are suggestions to brand owners, network partners and retailers on how to identify, understand, support and promote innovation via this network through systematic management of the network rather than the innovation itself.  相似文献   

The literature and the press tout organizational culture as a major source of competitive advantage and a key approach through which organizations can achieve superior effectiveness. However, research on this link within and across global regions remains inconclusive. Grounding the study on the resource-based view of the firm, analysis of 238 plants from eight countries shows that, while individual culture types predict manufacturing effectiveness, the combined effects of multiple culture types have a greater effect. Different culture types emerge as significant in East and West regions depending on the effectiveness dimension prioritized by the plant.  相似文献   

The goal of the present paper is to integrate five types of literature related to the innovation process (i.e. cluster theory, innovation systems, network relations, knowledge management, and innovation types) and apply them to the local tourism destination to build a destination innovation process model with macro and micro perspectives. The suggested models intend to broaden the thinking on destination innovation process for tourism-related agents at the local and national level. The paper undertakes a careful review of the relevant literature before creating the conceptual models. The paper’s novelty and uniqueness lies in suggesting a new conceptual model of addressing how innovation competence of tourism destinations can be developed, and offering insight for tourism-related agents at the local and national level into how to effectively create and manage innovations. Future research should undertake empirical studies to test the integrated models presented in this conceptual paper.  相似文献   

As a consequence of globalization and advancements in technology, international collaborations, which bring together partners from different cultural backgrounds, have become increasingly prominent in the business world. While several studies have examined the impact of cultural distance on the performance of such partnerships, they have tended to focus on bilateral relationships, and the results they have produced are conflicting. By building on the resource-based view and distinguishing the differences between the concepts of cultural distance among partners and the cultural distance of partnerships from target markets, the present study provides insights into the role of cultural distance in the performance of multilateral project-based non-equity collaborations. Drawing on a sample of 1183 movies that were released in the U.S. between the years 2000 and 2020, this study demonstrates that while projects co-produced by culturally distant partners have yielded higher revenues, the cultural distance of partnerships from target markets can have a negative impact on economic performance. Furthermore, the results show that partnerships formed with firms that originated in countries that have greater diversity perform better in the target market, and such partnerships manage cultural distance more efficiently.  相似文献   

广东省科技人才资源分布不均,珠三角核心城市人才高度集聚,而粤东西北地区引才难、用才难一直是制约广东省区域协同发展的重要障碍。本文采用多种不同来源的统计数据结合人才流动大数据,分析广东省科技人才资源开发利用存在的问题。在广泛调研座谈的基础上,从城市人才吸引力、产业结构特征等方面分析认为,产业同构度高、创新链分工协作体系不完善和公共服务差异明显可能是导致上述问题的主要原因,并提出了完善创新分工协作、推进珠三角地区产业疏解和补足粤东西北公共服务短板,优化广东省人才资本的流动配置等建议。  相似文献   

The extant literature runs short in understanding openness of innovation regarding and the different pathways along which internal and external knowledge resources can be combined. This study proposes a unique typology for outside‐in innovations based on two distinct ways of boundary spanning: whether an innovation idea is created internally or externally and whether an innovation process relies on external knowledge resources. This yields four possible types of innovation, which represent the nuanced variation of outside‐in innovations. Using historical data from Canada for 1945–1980, this study unveils different implications of these innovation types for different levels of innovation novelty. Copyright © 2016 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the links between knowledge-oriented leadership, open innovation and knowledge management in the international business context. Open innovation has become crucial for an increasing number of multinational enterprises (MNEs) to gain and maintain competitive advantage and become a market leader. Despite the recent proliferation of papers dealing with open innovation practices of MNEs, there is limited work investigating the role of knowledge management (KM) capability on the relationship between knowledge-oriented leadership and open innovation. Given MNEs’ growing interest in open innovation, the lack of research on knowledge-oriented leadership and KM capability in the open innovation context is a significant research gap in our knowledge. In response, we conducted a study on the mediating role of KM capability in the linkage between knowledge-oriented leadership and open innovation (inbound and outbound), using data collected from 172 subsidiaries of MNEs based in France. A structural equation modelling approach is employed to study the impact of the latent variables associated with knowledge-oriented leadership and KM capability on open innovation. The results indicate that higher levels of knowledge-oriented leadership can lead to enhanced KM capability and improved open innovation outcomes. That is, knowledge-oriented leadership has a direct, positive impact on KM capability and open innovation. Also, KM capability is found to mediate the linkage between knowledge-oriented leadership and open innovation. This study provides useful insights for managers who wish to enhance open innovation activities in MNEs, and offers useful guidance to international business scholars, encouraging further research in this area.  相似文献   

Although a major contributor to environmental degradation and global climate change, most city administrators, policymakers and regulators do not hold restaurants accountable for their adverse impacts. New policies with incentives are urgently needed that leverage existing drivers of sustainable innovation. Using innovation adoption and planned behavior theories, a path analysis model is developed to evaluate the current level of sustainability in the restaurant industry and reveal the predictors of future sustainability behavioral intention. The results show that three predictors ? past experience, perceived behavioral control, and perceived innovation characteristics ? largely determine whether restaurants engage in sustainable innovation in the future.  相似文献   

Retail firms are increasingly using social media for purposes other than traditional marketing, such as innovation. Yet, while the innovation literature has established the benefits of involving customers in the development of products/services through open innovation, the role of social media in innovation is not well understood. Accordingly, we investigate how social media drives innovation in retail businesses. Using data from 414 firms, we find that social media positively relates to radical and incremental innovation, mediated by multiple digital channels and moderated by digital capabilities. Consequently, we propose a social media dynamic capabilities framework to guide future research and innovation in retail business.  相似文献   

This study combines service-dominant logic (SDL) with industry cluster theory to analyze the evolution of leisure agriculture service in Taiwan. The result shows that cooperation among small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) can increase customer willingness to participate in value co-creation. Customer-driven cooperation among SMEs drives SMEs to increase their competitiveness and thus overcome their disadvantages in resources and capabilities. Additionally, the four-stage evolution of leisure agriculture service is identified to help tourism SMEs understand their positions and suggest appropriate strategies for achieving sustainable development and it also reveals a shifting paradigm from goods-dominant logic to SDL in tourism industry.  相似文献   

Innovation measurement in the knowledge-intensive services (KIS) industry is very complex, due to a lack of adequate innovation indicators. A rather new empirical approach involves the analysis of trademarks for the measurement. This paper aims to explore the use and relevance of trademarks for service firms. Data from the German section of the ‘Community Innovation Survey’ are used, and a survey with 278 participating firms is conducted. The results of the two independent empirical studies demonstrate that a trademark can be used as an innovation indicator, at least for knowledge-intensive business services (KIBS) and product innovations. The results also illustrate which firm-inside and environmental features explain the use of trademarks as an intellectual property protection measure.  相似文献   

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