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This research investigates how and the extent to which co-creation activities of food tourism in the context of the commercial tourism sector shape and influence the foodscape in an emerging food tourism destination. An exploratory qualitative study conducted in Yogyakarta, Indonesia discovers how and where co-creative food activities take place through the mode of interaction, customisation, and co-production. Moreover, this research uncovers how the act of negotiation and the creation of food experiences co-created by tourists and suppliers contributes to the evolving destination foodscape. These processes contribute to the invention of new food offerings; the inclusion of tourists in the local food space; and the expansion of the local gastronomic horizon. This research sheds light on our limited understanding of destination foodscapes in relation to commercial food tourism activities, providing implications for gastronomic destination management, especially for emerging Asian gastronomic destinations.  相似文献   

As a marker of regional identity, heritage remains a complex field of inquiry. The discussion proposed here will use food to investigate the process of heritage construction or ‘heritagisation’ as an important issue for rural tourism promotion. If food today is considered to be a locus of inter-cultural exchange that contributes to the construction of social identities, then it could also be considered as an important resource for rural development strategy. As it is also strongly associated with the tourism sector, gastronomic heritage, in its forms of construction and mobilisation, calls into question the social and cultural dynamics of a given space. The objective of this discussion is twofold and will treat the notion of heritage as a social construct and as a resource for action. We will attempt to answer the following question: At what point can heritage become a resource and component of professional opportunities? To what extent does this prove to be undeniably subject to the process of local ownership? Methodological note: I emphasise that this discussion, which results from a study of three rural regions in France, will attempt to formally and objectively posit a means of comprehending the process of heritage creation.  相似文献   

The use of robots in hospitality and tourism is rapidly evolving. Restaurants progressively include robots as part of their staff, not only as waiters but also as chefs. The robotization of tourism and gastronomic experiences is a vital challenge that both service providers and customers need to cope with. Within this context, the paper investigates the perceptions of tourists towards the use of robots in restaurants. Drawing from a qualitative research design and built on a grounded theory approach, the results reveal the opportunities derived from the implementation of robots in hospitality and tourism. On the other hand, tourists also perceive the growing presence of robots in food services as a form of dehumanization of the gastronomic experience. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed with regard to a new experiencescape that is increasingly dominated by human-robot interactions.  相似文献   

A unique and memorable gastronomic identity is an indispensable asset to any successful tourist destination. In this respect Croatia's tourism falls seriously short. Based primarily on “international” cuisine, the gastronomic offer of Croatian tourist destinations is predictable and conventional. This paper calls for a new, exciting gastronomic identity of Croatian tourist destinations founded on Croatia's exceptionally rich gastronomic heritage. Apart from the food offer itself, crucial to the success of this new identity will be its commodification and spectacularisation through the discursive practice of gastrospeak. Learning to appreciate and use gastrospeak will be an important future task for Croatian tourist destination management.  相似文献   

This exploratory paper examines the role of food tourism in developing and sustaining regional identities within the context of rural regeneration, agricultural diversification and the creation of closer relationships between production and consumption in the countryside. It focuses on Cornwall, South West England, an area with rural development issues, increasing tourism impacts and contested issues of regional identity. A literature and policy analysis, and in-depth interviews with 12 restaurateurs, were undertaken in four popular tourist locations. Correlation was found between increased levels of food tourism interest and the retention and development of regional identity, the enhancement of environmental awareness and sustainability, an increase in social and cultural benefits celebrating the production of local food and the conservation of traditional heritage, skills and ways of life. The paper draws attention to three issues: the role of food tourism in increasing tourist spending, the potential role of food tourism in extending the tourist season, and the re-examination of food tourist typologies within a sustainability framework.  相似文献   

This study is to test whether consumption value theory can be applied to food tourism in a tourism destination. Despite its importance, few studies have explored the types of local food consumption value that tourists obtain in a destination. This study sought to develop and validate a scale of local food consumption value from a tourist perspective. As a result, a seven-factor structure was generated. The overall construct demonstrated satisfactory levels of reliability and validity. The value on their satisfaction with tasting local food, positive post-purchase intention, and food destination image varied by cultural region. Future research is expected to benefit from using the validated measurement to understand the unexplored aspects of tourists’ local food consumption.  相似文献   

The content of government tourism websites is very important for promoting a tourist destination's exciting cuisine and food culture. These websites help to shape a country's, region's or locality's culinary-cultural image; they create a virtual experience for culinary tourists. This study explores the contents of the cuisine and gastronomy websites of Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, Singapore, Taiwan and Thailand, analyzing the techniques used to introduce and promote these East Asian tourist destinations' cuisine and food culture. Specifically, the researchers examined the capacity of government websites to introduce and advertise traditional and local foods, restaurants, gastronomic tours, recipes and culinary cultures (including table manners and other dining customs). They also looked more generally at culinary tourism marketing strategies, including the use of restaurant guides and certifications.  相似文献   

This study investigates the factors influencing food experiences perceived by food tourists in the context of a food museum and its associated restaurant. A qualitative exploratory approach was employed, using Chinese tourists visiting Hangzhou Cuisine Museum in Zhejiang province. This research finds that food tourists look for knowledge accumulation and gastronomic experiences when visiting a food museum and restaurant complex, and each experience is formed by both tourist and setting factors. The findings highlight the significant and more complex engagement of setting factors in the museum restaurants. The institutionalised characteristics of museums are equally expected within the in-house restaurants, and social trust in the museum along with external factors that verify authentic representation of the museum contributed to the perceived authenticity of the food tourist's dining experience. This paper discusses broad implications for food experience design at food museums and restaurants as emerging tourism attractions.  相似文献   

Historically and etymologically, gastronomy relates to advice and guidance on what to eat and drink where, when, in what manner, in which combinations. It can also be understood as an ‘art of living’, the possession of skills and knowledge relating to food and drink and to their choice, which enhances the pleasure and enjoyment of eating and drinking. Such pleasures are central to gastronomic tourism which is developing as a subset of cultural tourism where the experience of participating in a different culture is central. The hospitality industry has a natural role in the provision of these experiences but it also has the opportunity to enhance the enjoyment of such experiences through the provision of relevant information. It is therefore appropriate that hospitality education and training include a gastronomy component in order to give students a greater understanding of the history and culture of food and drink.  相似文献   

Tourism, as a macro global force, is welcomed but often viewed with reticence as it can damage environments and bring about negative economic and sociocultural changes. For tourism to be sustainable, balance is integral. This paper questions the comprehension behind 'balance' using the discourse evident in globalisation studies. It argues that globalisation is not driven from 'out there'; external processes and activities interact with local conditions such that the outcomes of globalisation are moderated by processes that function at multiple layers. Understanding that power relationships interplay in a specific context and the organisational milieux in which the tourism experience is encountered help to elucidate the tensions that exist and throw light on the 'balance' that sustainable tourism aspires for. Whether the effects of tourism are expressed in terms of the economy, culture and heritage or the environment, understanding the global-local nexus credits local players with more control and enables a better understanding of the forces underpinning change and hence sustainability.  相似文献   

Tourism and food production in the Caribbean   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Foreign-exchange leakage through food imports for tourist consumption reduces the net economic impact of tourism in the Caribbean. Yet little is known on the interface between tourism and local food production. Tourism's competition for agricultural labor and land, and its impact on land values, land use and food prices, are disputed by researchers and are poorly understood. Thorough studies are needed on the nature and extent of tourism food imports and associated foreign-exchange leakages; the reasons a large proportion of the food for tourist consumption is imported; and the variation in food supply patterns according to quality, size, ownership, and location of tourist establishment. Further research will help formulate policies designed to increase the net economic impact of tourism.  相似文献   

城市旅游业CO_2排放态势及旅游业低碳化发展模式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
城市是旅游活动CO2排放的主要集中地。基于旅游者消费视角,文章以深圳市为例,对其2001~2011年旅游业碳足迹态势进行分析。结合脱钩理论和Kaya恒等式,以2011年为基期,模拟深圳市未来旅游业CO2排放量。研究表明:(1)深圳市近11年旅游业能源消费及CO2排放量呈逐步上升趋势;(2)旅游业能源消耗及CO2排放的变化规律与旅游业GDP、游客接待总量有着密切关系;(3)A模式惯性情景下2020年CO2排放将达到1578万t,为基期的1.92倍,与国家的承诺及旅游局的目标背道而驰;(4)B模式绝对脱钩情景下CO2排放增长为零,这是非常理想的模式,但"反增长计划"和"能源生产效率改进"两条道路都走不通;(5)C模式相对脱钩情景下CO2排放是基期的1.38倍,旅游业在维持适宜增长的同时能源消耗和CO2排放状况得到明显改善,C模式是既考虑发展权益又承担大国责任的适宜发展模式。文章最后指出,C模式的实现需要旅游产业发展战略由供给导向向需要导向转型,并采取能源替代、效率改进、技术研发、规制治理和社会创新等综合路径。  相似文献   

Many developing countries depend on tourism as their main engine for economic development, but sustainability is often a concern. In the absence of inter-sectorial linkages between tourism and other industrial sectors, opportunities for trickledown benefits to host communities are stymied. For decades, researchers have been contending with issues related to strengthening agriculture and tourism linkages as a strategy to maximize economic linkages. This service-oriented approach to the local food supply chain is posited as a new model in which agriculture and hotel linkages can be advanced. We collected data about local food hotel supply through interviews with key stakeholders. The findings from our exemplary case study confirm that strengthening inter-sectorial linkages have benefits for stakeholders. This case study suggests that there are opportunities for tourism policies that foster local food linkages with high-end accommodation properties as a strategy to spread the economic spin off from tourism and also to encourage youth involvement in sustainable tourism development.  相似文献   

Food justice, food cultures and people's engagement with healthy food production and consumption are key contemporary concerns, with a growing sustainable hospitality and tourism literature. Efforts range from narrowly focused initiatives, such as promoting organic produce and fair trade, to more holistic challenges to current systems through initiatives like the slow food and locavore movements, which may represent systemic alternatives. However, little analysis is available on how cafés and restaurants might become sites for experimentation in profitable and just sustainable hospitality, and places for sustainability engagement and education. Focusing on the evolution of a sustainable café in Adelaide, South Australia, this article explores how one entrepreneurial restaurateur uses his café to engage customers and community in a collaborative conversation about sustainable development, food, hospitality and tourism, helping transform our food culture and even lifeways. Our findings indicate the value of deep local embedding as a pathway to meaningful sustainability. The study offers insights into how hospitality and tourism can contribute to dialogues on alternative consumption which may offer visionary pathways to alternative futures. It also explores the role of pioneers in sustainable business and hospitality, their drivers and their views. A forthcoming global research initiative is discussed.  相似文献   

In this study, we explore and assess the nature of the double guests and host roles of tourism migrant workers (TMWs), and their effects on the TWSs' adjusted person-place relationships and local identities by employing a systematic modeling approach in the context of the TMWs working in the intangible cultural tourism (ICH) businesses. The research site is fittingly set in Suzhou of east China, a destination whose rich historical and cultural heritages are now co-expressed and co-presented by a migrant workforce that has already outsized the locals. Research findings have shown that the socio-cultural adjustments availed by working in the ICH tourism businesses positively influence the local identities of TMWs, as mediated by their place attachment. This study advances a theoretical understanding of the mechanism of migrant integration in the particular context of cultural tourism development, and shows how tourism can contribute towards healthy, rather than stigmatizing, dialogues pertaining to migrant integration in the society at large.  相似文献   

Although the importance of the role of local food in tourism has begun to form an academic debate in the last decade, little effort has been invested in understanding what tourist motivations influence consumption of local food and beverages in a tourist destination and to develop a measurement scale for those motivations. Thus, this study adopted the comprehensive procedures of measurement scale development recommended by prior studies. The scale development procedure yielded a five factor measurement scale with acceptable levels of reliability and validity. Five underlying motivational dimensions of local food consumption were labelled: cultural experience; interpersonal relation; excitement; sensory appeal; and health concern. The outcomes and applications of the developed scale are discussed both in terms of theoretical and managerial implications.  相似文献   

通过文献梳理和实证研究,提出在地方旅游业发展模式研究中,相较政府主导,更科学的说法应该是政府“动员”,即政府以各种方式调动各方面力量,全方位发动、整合和协调旅游发展。旅游发展政府动员的动力机制,其客观因素是基于绩效考核的外来消费导入,而主观因素则是剧场效应带来的可视化政绩显示。在运作模式上,政府通过内部动员、对社会动员和对企业动员三种方式,推动地方旅游发展。研究认为,尽管政府动员模式存在诸多问题,但在中国地方旅游业发展中仍然具有一定的合理性。  相似文献   

Using the theoretical lens of social capital, this paper examines the role of small tourist food businesses and their impact on the sustainability of the destination and local food supply chains. The paper analyses the experiences of small business owner-managers highlighting the complex and subtle nature of the socially responsible strategies used to progress sustainability in a tourist destination. The findings show that authentic lifestyles, motivated by intrinsic not just extrinsic rewards, are driving disruptive social change upstream and downstream in the tourist food supply chain. Small food business owner-managers are catalysts for “common” good, and as supporters for ethical and sustainable food chains have considerable local tourism influence and impact. Social capital strengthens their sense of destination ownership and fuels an obligation to protect their fragile tourist resources. The intersection between social capital, authenticity and responsibility among small food businesses in the tourist industry is demonstrated.  相似文献   

This study examines experiential loyalty in the context of local food consumption by domestic leisure tourists. A conceptual framework is developed to understand factors which increase tourists' propensity to exhibit experiential loyalty. Relationships between independent factors and the dependent variable of experiential loyalty are examined using a binary logistic regression model. The centrality of local food to tourists is the most important factor in increasing experiential loyalty, although cultural motivation and satisfaction are also predictors. The results provide insights for government and private tourism enterprises, with practical recommendations outlined.  相似文献   

Given the rich content that foodstagrammers, people who actively share their dining experiences using photographs and texts on social media, post, they considerably shape a destination's gastronomic image. Using big data analytics, this study examined the formation of gastronomic images from foodstagrammers' perspectives and the associated emotions. Moreover, it demonstrated the applicability of the proposed machine learning approach to evaluate both textual and pictorial content on social media. The study findings extend the current understanding of gastronomic images by identifying the underlying attributes based on the interplay of the three dimensions of food, environment, and activities. Furthermore, the results reveal specific image clusters and dimensions that arouse positive sentiments among foodstagrammers and influence users' engagement with the post. For practitioners, this study provides valuable insights into foodstagrammers' behaviors by identifying the aspects of gastronomic images that effectively arouse interest and engagement, thus promoting gastronomic destinations.  相似文献   

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