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On April 10, Wan Jifei, Chairman of China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT), leading the members of the Chinese Entrepreneur Delegation to meet Zhao Xilai, Chairman of Federation of Korea Industries, Hong Jihe, president of Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency, Li Xifan, Chairman of Korea International Trade Association, Han Zhongyou, Chairman of Korea-China Friendship Association, Pu Sanqiu, president of Kumho Asiana Group, Li Guize, president of Posco.  相似文献   

On the afternoon of June 27,CCPIT Chairman Wan Jifei met with German entrepreneur delegation of Asia-Pacific Economic Committee,led by Mr.Heraeus(chief of China Dept.)Wan said that CCPIT has worked closely with business associations throughout Germany.The priority for both sides at present is to encourage qualified Chinese enterprises to invest  相似文献   

As an important part of the 2^nd Forum of Sino-African Cooperation, the 2^nd Conference of Chinese and African Entrepreneurs, jointly organized by CCPIT (China Council for the Promotion of International Trade) and the Ministry of Commerce was held from November 4 to 5 in Beijing. Premier Wen Jiabao, 27 African presidents and 6 African government leaders attended the conference. Over 1800 Chinese and African representatives from various industries participated in the conference.  相似文献   

Mr.Ambassador Umberto Vattani said:We are very proud of the cooperation with CCPIT.Italian Trade Commission and CCPIT have been working together for 40 years,and because this year is the 40th anniversary of our commission in China,we together with CCPIT Chairman Wan Jifei have decided to renew our agreement.  相似文献   

2007 was a year of enormous change in China's economy,especially in foreign trade. Many changes were made regarding reform and opening-up, as well as the overall economic development strategy, and further adjustments were also made in the economic and foreign trade policies.  相似文献   

The 2009 NPC and CPPCC annual sessions were held amid the global financial crisis and the Chinese government's full preparation for the 2010 Shanghai World Expo. Many people around the world are asking, what will be done to help China's foreign trade and exhibition industry weather the current storm and create new business opportunities? To get the answer to this question, we conducted a special interview with Mr. Wan Jifei, CPPCC member and CCPIT chairman.  相似文献   

Poland imports many products from China,but exports very little to China,which I think maybe could be increased on the Polish side.What we see now is large Korean investment,and then some Chinese and Japanese investment as well,so we need to increase the trade development with China,that's the mission of this trip.  相似文献   

高岩 《黑龙江对外经贸》2010,(10):40-41,100
自从蒙牛与摩根士丹利、鼎晖及英联投资等投资银行签订对赌协议并取得成功以后,国内企业掀起了一股签订对赌协议的热潮,有成功的,也有失败的。签订对赌协议的成功给蒙牛和雨润带来了快速发展的良好契机,但签订失败也给永乐和太子奶带来了厄运:永乐被收购,李途纯失去了对太子奶的控股权。对赌协议有利有弊,但实际上对于国内企业来说,对赌协议是可怕的,它把企业逼上了只许成功不许失败的境地上。  相似文献   

How might the World Trade Organization's (WTO) subsidies regulations affect the development of national industrial policies? This question is investigated by examining two recent WTO cases involving small, open economies which emphasize state support for high value-added, export-oriented industries: Australia and Canada. The analysis centers on the degree to which the disputes panels in each case sought to balance the conflicting demands of enforcing common international rules on subsidy with the recognition that states continue to enjoy the right under WTO to subsidize firms. It finds that in both cases panels tried to avoid imposing broad rules and instead looked at the particular circumstances of each dispute. While this approach is more accommodating of state sovereignty concerns, the use of commercial referents for governments loans, coupled with the "purpose" standard, may yet impose constraints on small economies seeking to develop higher value added sectors.  相似文献   

RCEP于2022年1月1日生效。东营市应从政府与企业两个层面进行科学规划与安排。政府层面的对策主要包括:对标RCEP标准,优化营商环境;建立RCEP智库联盟,向企业靶向推送政策;继续深化供给侧改革,打造具有持续竞争力的现代产业体系;强化创新引领,提升创新驱动发展水平。企业层面的对策主要包括:立足自身发展,做好RCEP区域目标市场定位与布局;实施转型升级改造,提高区域市场竞争力;充分熟悉和用好RCEP相关规则,精准择惠用惠。  相似文献   

随着金砖国家经济实力的上升,金砖国家合作已从传统的经济、政治"双轨并进"向经济、政治、人文"三轮驱动"转变,并取得了实效性的进展。当前,金砖国家合作的关键在于解决全球发展、全球治理、国际安全、世界经济复苏、内部机制、公共产品和人文交流等方面的问题。我国应从金砖国家合作的动力、特点、发展趋势、合作平台、发展机制、路径与对策等方面着手,进一步拓展契合点、寻求共赢数,确保金砖国家合作的道路越走越宽,各项建设行稳致远,并以此推动和完善全球治理,促进经济全球化健康发展,为世界经济增长注入更强劲的动力。同时,这也是我国新型国际经贸关系建设的重要任务。  相似文献   

Deputy Minister Yaneva of Economy and Energy,the Republic of Bul- garia,a nice lady with outstanding talents,headed a delegation of Bulgaria to visit China in late June,for the participation at the 13th Bulgarian-Chi- nese Intergovernmental Commission for Economic,Trade,Scientific and Technical Cooperation.As an important instrument,the Joint Commission played a significant role in promoting the overall development of the bilat- eral economic relations. China's Foreign Trade interviewed Deputy Minister Yaneva and she gave very constructive suggestions on promoting the bilateral economic and trade cooperation between the two countries,especially in the area of energy cooperation.The following is a written interview with Deputy Min- ister Yaneva.  相似文献   

沈袆 《国际市场》2005,(9):28-30
巴基斯坦总理肖卡特·阿齐兹在去年12月访问上海期间宣布巴基斯坦驻上海总领事馆正式成立,目前领馆工作已经全面开展,办理签证等一系列领事服务,并提供经济、商务、文化、学术交流等各种信息.  相似文献   

食品安全是食品贸易中的焦点问题,受到发达国家官方标准和私营标准的共同关注。文章从官方标准和私营标准的内涵出发,阐述了二者的发展趋势及相互关系,分析了用于约束官方标准的SPS协议的主要原则及私营标准与SPS协议的冲突之处。研究发现,发达国家食品安全的官方标准和私营标准均越来越严格,私营标准比官方标准更为广泛和严格,私营标准尚不受SPS协议约束,且在科学依据、透明度、等效性等方面违背了SPS协议的原则。  相似文献   

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