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从上世纪九十年代开始,世界经济的驱动力已经由传统的物质资料生产逐渐转变为基于知识和信息的产品服务系统。随着服务业与制造业之间的联系越来越紧密,服务在制造企业产值和利润中的比重不断增加,传统制造业逐渐向服务型制造业转型。本文基于航空制造行业背景,对服务型制造模式下民机企业的价值链展开探讨。首先从产品服务全生命周期入手,分析服务型制造模式下民用飞机的全生命周期服务价值,并引出了制造企业服务价值创造的主线——服务型制造价值链。随后以国产大飞机的客户服务为验证对象,分析服务型制造价值链特征与结构,探讨其重构过程,包括价值链分解、扩张及整合等,为传统制造企业向服务型制造模式的转型与发展提供价值链理论与方法支撑。  相似文献   

服务型制造是制造与服务相融合的新的产业形态,企业向客户提供的不仅仅是产品,还包括依托产品的服务或整体解决方案。九方泰禾国际重工(青岛)股份有限公司已逐渐成长为服务型制造企业。通过产品和服务的融合、客户全程参与、企业相互提供生产性服务和服务性生产,为价值链中各利益相关者的价值增值。  相似文献   

制造企业的发展模式:服务型制造   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
冯泰文 《价格月刊》2010,(1):45-49,54
随着服务经济的兴起和市场竞争压力的增大,很多制造企业选择了服务转型,提高价值创造能力。服务型制造作为一种普遍被采用的转型模式,促使制造企业主动进行业务模式创新,以保持持续的竞争优势。借鉴IBM对业务模式创新战略的分类,综合考虑制造企业的资源、能力和服务型制造模式的特点,提出了发展服务型制造的业务模式创新框架和最佳实践案例。根据制造企业自身能力优势与其面对的目标客户市场不同.对发展服务型制造的路径选择进行了分析。最后,从服务价值定位、运营模式和定价策略三个方面指出了发展服务型制造时亟需解决的问题。  相似文献   

基于层次分析法的电力设备制造企业供应商评价选择研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文分析了电力设备制造企业供应商评价选择流程,在此基础上运用层次分析法(AHP)建立供应商评价选择模型。同时结合某电力设备制造企业-YL公司的实例进行分析,对供应链管理下电力设备制造企业的供应商评价和选择具有一定借鉴意义。  相似文献   

近年来,制造业的服务化转型趋势愈发明显,制造企业也致力于开发增值服务,力图朝着服务型制造方向发展。生产成本、用户信息等都会给服务型制造产生影响,数学技术可促使制造业提升连接、算法、加工制造等能力,扫除影响服务型制造发展的阻碍。本文通过对数字经济和服务型制造进行介绍,并阐述服务型制造制约因素以及数字技术赋能,在此基础上提出服务型制造的创新路径与价值链重构,以期可为服务型制造的发展提供有效参考。  相似文献   

基于供应定位模型的供应商选择机制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章以供应定位模型为基础,将企业采购的物资划分为四个类别,分别是一般物资,杠杆物资,瓶颈物资和战略物资。由于每种物资对于企业的重要程度不同,所以选择供应商需要花费的时间、精力及选择标准就不同。文章针对不同的采购物资选择供应商的机制(包括供应商的数量选择及建立的关系类型)进行研究,旨在为企业物资采购,尤其是制造企业选择供应商时提供一定的参考意见。  相似文献   

当今全球经济发展缓慢,制造业则连续遇到寒冬,成本控制与质量控制成为制造业的难点问题。而在其中,供应商的选择与管理成为解决问题的突破口,如何建立一个科学的评价体系,从而为企业的选择做出引导成为必须面临和解决的难题。文章利用AHP方法建立简单、适用的供应商选择模型,为制造企业选择供应商提供一定的科学性和指导性。  相似文献   

刘仙凤 《现代商业》2013,(36):176-176
在信息技术不断发展的社会背景下,传统制造企业将发展的目光转向"服务"与"制造"一体化,是适应发展需求的新趋势。本文立足于过去服务型制造企业所面临的税制困窘,从三个方面,论述了"营改增"政策的实施,对服务型制造企业的影响作用。本文旨在强化"营改增"政策的认识,并为今后相关领域的研究提供一定的参考资料,以推动服务型制造企业更快更好发展。  相似文献   

影响服务外包合作双方协同工作的因素是多方面的,供应商的选择是一个非常复杂的问题。发包企业在进行伙伴企业选择时,必须多方面权衡各种因素,全面考察潜在的供应商,从中做出最优化的选择。从企业能力出发,基于AHP(层次分析方法)建立服务外包供应商选择的模型,使发包企业做出准确合理的选择,使外包达到理想的效果。  相似文献   

本文通过分析制造业供应商选择的流程,介绍了层次分析法(AHP),并选取层次分析法构建最优供应商综合评价选择模型,并结合算例,展示了模型的简单有效性,对供应链上的制造企业科学合理地选择供应商有一定指导意义.  相似文献   

Two phenomena make the distinction between services and manufacturing obsolete: the tertiarization of manufacturing and the introduction of information technologies in service industries. Competitiveness of manufacturing firms increasingly depends on the quality of service inputs and on packages of goods and services. Information and communication technologies introduce ‘industrial’ processes of production in service industries. Hence, it does not make sense any more to use categories such as ‘services’ or ‘manufacturing’. Instead, it would be more meaningful to group economic activities according to input configurations. This paper will discuss these issues in the context of the supposed German ‘service gap’.  相似文献   

通过使用中国服务企业的微观数据,分服务行业从投入效率与投入变化两个角度对制造业投入服务化影响制造企业生产率问题进行研究,结果显示:生产性服务投入效率的提高对中国制造企业生产率均产生正向促进效应(除教育服务外);生产性服务投入对较高生产率制造企业所产生的生产率促进效应更明显;随着高技术生产性服务投入的增加,其对制造企业生产率的正向促进效应增强,而随着中低技术生产性服务投入的增加,其对制造企业生产率的影响并不明显或者被削弱;生产性服务投入的增加提升了东部和中部地区制造企业生产率,却抑制了西部地区制造企业生产率。  相似文献   

Using standardised firm data a comparative analysis of the determinants of product and process innovation in manufacturing and services is performed. Results show that in services there are significant differences in innovation behaviour, in terms of intramural and extramural R&D. It is also found that size matters less in services than in manufacturing. Although youth has a positive effect in both cases, young service firms are more likely than young manufacturing of being pioneer innovators. The results reveal the importance of learning by doing in service process innovations, as young service firms are less likely to introduce process innovations.  相似文献   

Structural change in highly developed countries is characterized by the increasing importance of the tertiary sector — especially production oriented services — at the expense of the secondary sector. The present paper analyzes the kinds of linkages between service industries and manufacturing branches using the results of a survey of firms carried out in parts of the German Rhineland. The results show that knowledge intensive services in particular help to strengthen the regions’ export bases. Furthermore, service industries and manufacturing industries are closely and increasingly linked to each other. In this process manufacturing industries demand highly specialized services while service industries give innovative impulses, helping to increase industrial firms’ competitive capability. Thus the importance of the manufacturing industry in this network is higher than statistical analysis is able to show. Regions are well advised, therefore, not to neglect the locational requirements of manufacturing industries.  相似文献   

制造业投入服务化作为实现制造强国战略的重要手段之一,对价值链升级具有重要推动作用。本文运用世界投入产出数据库2000-2014年的数据,实证考察了制造业投入服务化对中国在全球价值链参与度和分工地位的影响并检验了相关作用机制。研究表明:(1)总体来看,制造业服务化对中国在全球价值链参与度存在“天花板”效应,即随着制造业服务化趋势的加强,其对中国在全球价值链参与度的促进作用是边际递减的,而对制造业分工地位产生显著的正向促进作用。(2)不同服务投入与中国制造业在全球价值链参与度和分工地位的关系存在一定差异,与传统的服务投入(批发零售和运输服务化)相比,现代化的服务投入(电信和金融服务化)对价值链升级的作用更为明显和重要;目前来看,由于国外服务的渗透率较低,所以占据主导力量的国内服务投入对中国制造业分工地位的促进作用更为明显;服务使用率高的制造行业要比服务使用率低的行业对价值链的升级效用更大一些。(3)我国制造业服务化水平整体较低,还未达到制造业投入服务化的最优临界水平,仍都具有很大的提升空间。(4)作用机制检验表明,研发创新是制造业投入服务化促进价值链参与度深化的可能作用渠道。但是制造业服务化通过研发创新对价值链分工地位的影响不存在提升效应,可能还存在其他作用渠道。本文的研究对于中国发展服务型制造业,融入全球价值链生产分工具有重要政策启示。  相似文献   

本文根据2018版OECD-ICIO数据,采用贸易增加值测算法测度了2005-2015年中国出口制造业投入服务化水平,我们发现:在考虑出口二元结构的条件下,2005-2015年中国制造业整体投入服务化水平平均值为26.89%,呈上升趋势;国内投入服务化水平高于国外且呈现出不断"以国内服务替代国外服务"的变动趋势;相比于一般贸易,加工贸易出口制造业投入服务化水平更高但增速较缓,加工贸易国内服务投入比重较低但服务化增速较快;相比于资本和知识密集型制造业,劳动密集型制造业的高端生产性服务尤其是国内高端服务投入比重较低。  相似文献   

A higher growth rate of the service sector prices, rather than prices in the manufacturing sector, through time is known as cost disease in the service sector. This paper investigates supply and demand-side reasons for cost disease. First, we present an analysis of the supply side of the cost disease, when services and manufacturing play their role both in the intermediate and final demand. Second, we consider a CES utility function for the consumer, which is a function of two commodity services and manufacturing. The results indicate that there are two reasons for cost disease to occur from the supply side in an economy: first, when the growth rate of total factor productivity and technological progress in services is less than that in the manufacturing sector, and second, when the elasticity of substitution between labor and manufacturing input in the services production function is large and elasticity of substitution in manufacturing production function is small. From the demand side, the result shows that the cost disease occurred if the growth rate of the income elasticity of service is more than the manufacturing sector through time.  相似文献   

跨国服务外包成为我国经济新的增长点。本文对我国服务外包与工业、服务业增长的关系进行协整检验和格兰杰因果检验,并将其对比于制造外包与GDP的关系,结果表明:服务外包对经济增长的促进作用大于制造外包,并且服务外包对工业的促进作用大于对服务业的促进作用;而经济增长对服务外包的推动作用不明显。因此,我国大力发展服务外包具有一定的现实意义。  相似文献   

In this study, using fixed-effects models based on the manufacturing sector for 18 European Union countries for the period 1995–2008, we find that the employment share of service occupations is significantly and positively related to the output share of producer services in manufacturing. In particular, the increase in the output share of services accounts for an average of 13% of the increase in the share of service occupations. When service occupations are disaggregated by different categories, we find that the output share of services is significantly and positively related to the share of managers, professionals, and technicians. In contrast, the remaining service occupations do not benefit from the increase in service revenues. Finally, professionals and technicians are complementary to purchased services (from either domestic or foreign suppliers).  相似文献   

According to Fourastie’s predictions, long-term growth tends to support the service sector. Since the millennium, the service share of production has not changed much, and Germany’s competitiveness in international trade clearly has favoured manufacturing rather than the service sector. Two results have to be pointed out: on the one hand, an intra-industry structural change within manufacturing is taking place which favours producers of investment goods and burdens the producers of basic materials — especially metals. Internationalisation of production, on the other hand, means that competing intermediate imports harm the basic material services as well as parts of enterprise-oriented services. In an input-output context, manufacturing and the private service sector are complementary rather than competing.  相似文献   

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