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评述了丙酮的世界市场分析,包括产能、需求及预测;以及中国丙酮的市场分析,包括产能和产量、扩能趋势、消费和进口,并提出发展建议。  相似文献   

对于未来25-30年中全球实际利率的走向,有两种截然不同的预测。认为低实际利率会主导未来30年的人,其预测的依据是世界经济的生产率和潜在产能的快速增长。根据这种观点,各国央行将会面临的首要问题不是在需求超过产能时对其进行抑制,而是在需求滞后于产能时对其进行拉动。他们指出,世界主要的中央银行——美联储、欧洲央行和日本银行——已经筑起  相似文献   

乙醇胺的国内外市场分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对世界乙醇胺的产能和需求进行了评述,并分析了中国市场的乙醇胺产能、消费及构成、扩能展望及现状,指出了中国乙醇胺生产的不足。  相似文献   

本文评述了近年来苯酚的世界生产能力和需求现状与扩能趋势,阐述了我国苯酚工业的发展现状(产能、需求和扩能进展),以及苯酚生产技术的新进展。  相似文献   

苯酚生产的市场分析与技术进展   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文评述了近年来苯酚的世界生产能力和需求现状与扩能趋势,阐述了我国苯酚工业的发展现状(产能、需求和扩能进展),以及苯酚生产技术的新进展。  相似文献   

本文评述了顺酐的世界产能和需求、国内外技术进展以及中国发展现状,并提出发展建议.  相似文献   

本文研究了我国钢铁需求量的主要影响因素,分别使用Small TVPVAR模型、Medium TVP-VAR模型、Large TVP-VAR模型、TVP-VAR-DMA和TVP-VAR-DMS对我国钢铁需求量进行预测并比较,研究结果表明TVPVAR-DMA能够快速适应中国经济结构的渐变和突变情况并能较大地提高其预测的准确性。预测结果表明,基于国际货币基金组织对各国GDP增长率的预测和我国钢铁产能不再增加的条件下,"一带一路"战略将逐年化解我国过剩的钢铁产能,2015年至2020年期间我国的粗钢需求值大约每年增加0.146亿吨,最终在2020年我国将只有0.48亿吨左右过剩的粗钢产能。同时,为了完全解决我国钢铁产业产能过剩的问题,国家应该进一步扩大"一带一路"战略的国际钢铁市场,强化市场配置资源功能,减少低端钢铁产品的产能扩张。  相似文献   

据有关部门预测,今年我国仍存在船用钢材市场产能不足的问题.受成本上升和需求旺盛的影响,船用钢材价格仍将在高位运行,国际市场采购成本也会增加.  相似文献   

SRI咨询公司最新研究报告称,全球聚酯产能已达到5800万t/a,比消费需求超出1000万t/a。SRI咨询公司预测,尽管存在经济危机和不确定的商业因素,PET聚合体的产能在2013年前仍将以每年1.8%的速度增长。而西欧的聚酯产能将有所下降。产能增长较快地区主要分布在中东、亚洲(主要是中国)和非洲,这些地区将产生更多的聚酯纤维和PET固体树脂,成为主要聚酯树脂消费区。  相似文献   

介绍了近年来我国尿素供求关系的变化,分析了我国尿素的市场规律与影响因素。未来几年,我国尿素生产装置大型化发展,产能向资源地转移,车用尿素等工业需求增速,将有利于缓解产能过剩现状。  相似文献   

This article introduces and summarizes selected papers from the first World Business Ethics Forum held in Hong Kong and Macau in November 2006, co-hosted by the Hong Kong Baptist University and by the University of Macau. Business Ethics in the East remain distinct from those in the West, but the distinctions are becoming less pronounced and the ethical traffic flows both ways. Gabriel D, Donleavy is Professor and Dean of the Faculty of Business Administration at the University of Macau teaching Business Ethics, Business Negotiation and Advanced Management. His work has been published in Critical Perspectives in Accounting, Corporate Governance, the Journal of Business Ethics, Advances in Applied Business Strategy, the Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management, Long Range Planning and the Asian Review of Accounting which he co-founded. Kit-Chun Joanna LAM is Professor in Department of Economics of the Hong Kong Baptist University. She is also Guest Professor in the Centre for Business Ethics of the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, China. She received her Ph.D. degree in economics from Harvard University. Her work has appeared in the Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of Labor Economics, Canadian Journal of Economics, Economica, Journal of Comparative Economics, and Labour Economics. Simon S.M. Ho is Dean and Professor at the School of Business and Director for Corporate Governance and Financial Policy, Hong Kong Baptist University. He founded the Asia-Pacific Corporate Governance Conference and the world’s first master programme in corporate governance & directorship in 2004. He published over 40 academic refereed articles in leading journals such as Journal of Accounting, Accounting & Finance, Journal of Accounting & Public Policy, and Journal of Corporate Finance.  相似文献   


Marketing and quality of life (QOL) literature is reviewed to conceptualize a model of the impact of marketing activity on QOL. This model outlines how the four elements of the marketing mix affect the life domain of shopping, dealing with the acquisition, possession, use, and consumption of goods. In turn, four strategic considerations/indicators connecting this life domain with QOL are identified: the four A's linking marketing with QOL -i.e., appearance of goods in the market, and awareness, availability, and affordability of goods for consumers. A large-scale field study in urban and rural Romania, a country undergoing rapid marketization, was conducted to test hypotheses and to validate secondary data findings relating availability and affordability of goods with QOL for urban and rural consumers. The findings support the predictions that availability and affordability are positively related to QOL. Secondary data findings concerning changes in the availability and affordability of goods and services, and hypotheses concerning changes in the QOL in Romania between the years 1989 and 1993/1994 were also validated and supported. The findings indicate that availability has improved during this period, whereas afford-ability has decreased. Overall, as hypothesized, these changes have resulted in the deterioration of QOL in Romania in today's marketizing economy, as compared to the planned economy, before the revolution. Finally, urban versus rural differences in the impact of marketization in terms of changes in the availability and affordability and in QOL are also studied.  相似文献   

外国直接投资、加工贸易利益分配:U形价值链模型   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
文章指出,价值链各环节利益与市场结构和竞争力有关,一个国家在特定行业竞争力越大,就越能占据具有垄断优势的战略环节,提供价值链上越多的价值增加量。文章将企业价值链活动分为上游、中游、下游三个环节,并假定委托方为发达国家的跨国公司,代理人为发展中国家的加工企业,装配加工企业的产品通过加工贸易方式全部出口,加工贸易委托方决策服从收益最大化或成本最小化原则,从而建立了加工贸易U形价值链模型。分析表明,加工贸易利益的分配轨迹呈U形曲线,且会随着代理方数量的增加变得越来越陡峭,使代理方净贸易条件趋于恶化;跨国公司运用转移价格手段使U形曲线变得更加陡峭,代理方利益受损。这正是我国在国际分工中处于U形曲线底端的原因,我国贸易条件的变化与外国直接投资流入以及加工贸易发展有较大关系,单纯依靠数量扩张来改善收入贸易条件的空间越来越小,我国应把利用外资的主要目标放在外资的技术含量和产业结构调整上,应对成本动机的外国直接投资予以高度关注并给以必要的政策引导。  相似文献   

This research compares and contrasts the current state of development in the retailing industry in the transition economies of Poland and Romania. Two issues examined in this research are (a) the process of market reforms and resulting developments in store-based and non-store retailing, including the competition among large multinational retail chains and small local retail stores, and (b) the structure of the retail industry in terms of market share of 17 different categories of retailers within their respective sectors, namely, grocery retailers, specialty retailers, and non-store retailers, and overall growth registered by these retailers in the last 5 years (2004–2009). Managerial implications of the findings in terms of the opportunities and challenges in different categories of retailing business in the two countries are discussed, and directions for future research are identified.  相似文献   

周伟 《中国流通经济》2012,26(1):101-105
大力发展农产品批发市场的拍卖交易,逐步缩减散、小、乱的传统对手交易市场,是今后我国农产品交易的发展方向和目标.在农产品流通体系上,要在政府的引导和规范下构建农产品批发市场多层次交易体系,既有农村基层市场的小额批发和城市社区市场的末梢批发,又有区域流通性质的大型集散型批发;在拍卖主体建设上,在大型农产品集散基地推行拍卖交易,特别是在大规模区域种植的产地批发市场加大投入,完善批发市场配套设施与服务功能;在农产品拍卖上下游建设上,一方面要培育、扶持现有农产品运销大户和农业经营企业,促进批发商、代理商和经纪人的组织化发展,另一方面要促进农民合作组织的发展,从资金、政策上给予必要的扶持,鼓励农民加入各类专业合作组织,提高农民进入市场的组织化程度.  相似文献   

随着全球性经济结构调整,世界进入了消费多样化、生产柔性化、流通高效化时代。随着社会化大生产的发展和专业化分工的深化,使物流规模和活动范围在计算机和网络技术的支撑下不断扩大,物流企业向集约化、协同化方向发展。现代物流直接影响着我国社会经济的进步与发展。本文立足于小型股份合作制物流企业,分析其在人力资源管理中存在的问题,并提出切实可行的对策建议,以便进一步完善物流企业的人力资源管理,在新时期的竞争环境下,立于不败之地。  相似文献   

《Business Horizons》2016,59(5):455-461
This article reviews the role of a global commercial organization, The Coca-Cola Company, in contributing to national stability in developing markets through a strategic approach to social and economic contribution. The company's initiatives complement the role of policymakers, who are primarily responsible for the safety and prosperity of citizens, often using the Golden Triangle model that aligns government, civil society, and the private sector. Examples are drawn from the empowerment of women and youth; leverage of specialist expertise in water replenishment and in distribution and logistics; the impact of global standards of compliance; and the creation of high-value jobs throughout the expansive value chain. The Coca-Cola system is global in scale but multi-local in its operations, leveraging universal human traits with high relevance in individual markets.  相似文献   

毕业生就业实质是高校人才培养与社会需求匹配的过程。本文将河北省高校毕业生就业问题放在河北省产业结构优化升级的大环境中来进行阐述和分析,从河北省高校就业结构出发分析其就业结构偏离度。进而根据河北省高校毕业生就业专业相关性不高、主要集中在民营企业、灵活就业居多、就业稳定性差等就业现状,从市场需求出发,着眼于高校教育供给、毕业生就业能力培养和畅通就业市场人才流动三个方面,分析河北省高校毕业生培养类型、学历层次、学科专业、通用就业能力和劳动力市场分割等方面与市场需求之间存在的矛盾。基于此,从三个方面提出破解河北省高校毕业生就业市场供需矛盾的思路:一是对河北省高校毕业生培养方向进行调整,二是加强大学生就业能力培养,三是加快京津冀劳动力市场一体化建设进程。  相似文献   

文章采用知识图谱技术,对1970-2020年国外重要期刊中建言与沉默议题文献进行量化研究,梳理了建言与沉默研究的核心主题与关系现状,描绘了建言行为与沉默行为的关系演变过程,总结了该议题的前沿热点与发展趋势。划分出建言与沉默研究的三个发展阶段(萌芽期、成长期、发展期),并发现建言研究与沉默研究在各阶段的增长趋势相对一致,但增速差异明显。结合建言与沉默领域的研究主题,在内容维度上横向分析了建言与沉默的关系,发现两者关系表现出对立中存在独立、对立中包含统一、统一中含有差异的复杂现状。通过对各发展阶段的研究热点进行刻画,在时间维度上纵向分析了建言与沉默的关系,梳理出两者关系的演变过程,总结出其关系实质。运用突现分析技术,总结出沉默行为的深化研究、建言反应与沉默反应研究、跨文化研究、创新研究方法与研究对象等未来研究方向。  相似文献   

The Republic of Belarus is situated in the heart of Europe,in the East the Republic borders the Russian Federation,in the South the Ukraine,in the West Poland,and in the North Lithuania and Latvia.Belarus is the gateway between Asia and Europe,  相似文献   

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