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Ten years after the collapse of Lehman Brothers and the sharpest moments of panic within the global—and particularly the United States banking system—a somewhat strange dynamic has appeared. While the principal agents behind the crisis have collapsed their own institutions, the markets that they dominated, and even provoked what has been called the third crisis of economic theory, their political power has not waned. This theme has been well addressed by some academics such as Philip Mirowski (2013 Mirowski Phillip. 2013. Never Let a Good Crisis Go to Waste: How Neoliberalism Survived the Financial Crisis. London: Verso Books. [Google Scholar]), while it has flummoxed others. In this article, we will argue that Karl Polanyi’s theory of the “double movement” offers a coherent framework that is able to account for the history of the last ten years. Polanyi argues that different groups and members of society seek protection from the market, and that this search for protection has been the driving force between historical change. Polanyi does not ignore class; rather, he argues that different social classes can protect themselves in more or less effective ways. We argue that during the last ten years, the interests of globalized financial capital have been able to protect themselves with utmost effectiveness, while all other classes have been trammeled, often not even recognizing how or why actions are taken against the general interest.  相似文献   

This article draws attention to issues about the institutional matrices theory (IMT) as perceived by and raised in the article by F. Gregory Hayden. To clarify the “controversial” points, I structure my response narrative along two lines. First, I present the prehistory of IMT, or X- and Y- theory, including earlier work by scientists related to the concept of institutional matrix. I connect the development of the actual IMT with the period of “perestroika” and the associated market experiments and reforms in Russia and Eastern European countries. One could see that the effects of market reforms in Russia were different in comparison with other countries in economic transition. I show that the institutional approach was accepted as more relevant to understanding the unexpected results in Russian society. I present IMT as a development of the ideas of Karl Polanyi and Douglas North to answer the challenges of explaining the real social and economic processes in Russia, as well as its wider application to a broader range of economic and social situations in different countries. Second, I then present the main IMT theses, giving special attention to the issues as perceived and raised by Hayden. In conclusion, I suggest the possibility of a joint project that combines IMT consideration and the social fabric matrix (SFM) concept of F. Gregory Hayden.  相似文献   


Dowry refers to marriage gifts that are instrumental to the negotiation of the marriage contract. Historically, the dowry gift was constituted by law across the Roman empire. While dowry has become largely irrelevant in Europe in contemporary times, it is still pervasive across the Brahmanical Hindu societies of South Asia. Moreover, what was traditionally token gifts from friends and well-wishers has taken on the form of “new dowry” since the colonial period. “New dowry” is heavily composed of cash and market goods, including land and is frequently accompanied by violence against new brides when their families fail to make larger dowry gifts with higher market value. This article examines the evolution of “new dowry” through a Polanyian lens. Unlike the neoclassical Beckerian approach which takes an ahistorical outlook to marriage as a “market” for matching partners and dowry as a market price, the substantivist lens à la Polanyi investigates the historical evolution of “new dowry” through the advent of market processes in the colonial period and the countermovement of legal reform in the post-colonial period.  相似文献   

Even when the neoliberal ideology of the free market was more dominant than it now is, the state was involved in economic activities that could be undertaken by private firms. State capitalism takes increasingly diverse forms, including beyond direct, partial or even indirect ownership. This paper briefly reviews some of these forms without claiming to be exhaustive as the shape state capitalism takes differs widely across the institutionalized contexts of countries. We assess state capitalism using Polanyi’s double movement framework and argue that this framework needs adaptation to novel forms of state capitalism that include, e.g., state-owned multinationals and sovereign wealth funds.  相似文献   

In this article we analyse Fair Trade as a form of non-state regulation, building on the literature on the internal politics and governance of Fair Trade International (FTI) certification. We focus on recent developments in the FTI certification system, including the split of Fair Trade USA from FTI and the emergence of the Small Producer's Symbol (SPP) as an alternative to FTI certification. We highlight the role of the three regional Producer Networks, in particular the Latin American Producer Network, the CLAC, in the politics and governance of the FTI system. In order to analyse these issues we employ an alternative reading of Karl Polanyi's work in relation to Fair Trade. We problematise the claim made by some in the literature that FTI certification is an example of Polanyi's concept of re-embedding. Instead, we draw on Polanyi's concept of oversight to analyse Fair Trade certification. We argue that the emergence of the SPP out of the CLAC shows promise for being a mechanism of oversight more reflective of Polanyian re-embedding than FTI certification. We also emphasise how the growth of the SPP and the pressure from the Producer Networks have prompted governance reform within the FTI system.  相似文献   

王璐 《当代财经》2006,(5):5-11
在马克思经济学中,节约是一个具有广泛意义和深刻内涵的重要概念,它并非简单局限于生产过程中的原材料节省,也不仅仅等同于传统观念中的消费节俭;相反,正是以劳动时间节约为基本概念,将节约范畴与生产力发展和劳动生产率提高相联系,与人们生活息息相关的消费问题以及由此引发的财富积累和经济增长等现实问题相联系,甚至与人的自由而全面发展的实现与整个社会的和谐统一相联系。因此,从节约与消费相联系的角度探讨马克思经济学中的节约思想,对于指导我们落实科学发展观,加快建设新型节约型社会将具有重要意义。  相似文献   

面对食品安全、环境污染、全球气候变化与不平等,西方发达国家在农业食品领域里兴起了一轮新的文化运动,主要包括社区支持农业运动、食品里程、公平贸易运动,不仅确保了食品安全、促进了区域经济发展、维护了世界公平正义,而且对全球环境改善产生了深远的影响。  相似文献   

毛志忠 《经济问题》2007,332(4):87-89
韩国的新村运动是成功的.我们应该借鉴韩国的经验与成功的做法,积极推进我国社会主义新农村建设.新农村建设的重点内容,目前应该是首先解决农民最需要、最基本的公共设施和公共服务,满足他们生存和发展的需要.新农村建设要和城镇化、工业化相结合,与现代农业建设相结合,要建立让农民表达自己意愿的正常渠道,要尊重农民的"主人"地位,保障农民的话语权.  相似文献   

本文立足于后殖民语境,从翻译目的、文本选择及翻译策略三方面对中国近现代若干重要译家的文学翻译文本进行分析,认为近现代中国译家在文学翻译中的解殖民化意识由来已久,他们在中外文化交流中对平等的追求就是其解殖民化意识的最好体现。近现代中国译家在长期的文学翻译工作中在追求平等地传播各国文化的翻译目的、译出浓郁东方文化色彩文学的同时有选择地译入西方文学的文本选择态度、译写及归化和异化策略的巧妙运用对后续文学翻译工作者在后殖民语境下的解殖民化活动有着巨大的启发意义。  相似文献   

The authors examine the recently revised Test of Understanding of College Economics (TUCE) available from the Joint Council on Economic Education. The article examines its reliability, validity, norms, and item statistics with attention to limitations.  相似文献   

文章搜集了河南省1 243例新冠肺炎的病例数据,利用探索性数据分析方法,在区县尺度上从病例总量、输入性扩散性病例数量以及扩散比三个维度探究了河南省新冠肺炎疫情的时空扩散过程,进一步基于人口流动评估了各个区县春节过后疫情风险。研究发现,河南省新冠病毒疫情经历了发生、迅速发展和趋于稳定的发展过程,目前病例总量和扩散比的"S"型曲线已经呈现;病例总量、输入性扩散性病例均呈现显著的空间集聚特征,其中病例总量与输入性扩散性病例高—高集聚区主要分布于信阳大部分区县,南阳、驻马店、郑州部分区县,遵循与湖北省地理邻近和网络邻近的特征;扩散比较高的区县为分散分布,且大多为家庭式集聚性扩散;在人口流动的影响下,信阳市主城区及周边县,安阳、郑州、许昌、平顶山等市主城区,人口流入和流出所引致的相对风险较高。随着疫情的发展,需要及时评估疫情动态,并兼顾人口流动风险进行动态疫情风险划分,以便及时有效地指导区域疫情的防控与经济社会秩序恢复。  相似文献   

Economic models of fiscal federalism, according to different settings, are generally linear and static, offering unique and deterministic solutions starting with simplifying assumptions. This article stems from the idea of investigating how decision-makers, abandoning their traditional economic models and focusing on innovative components of evolutionary economics instead, can achieve better performance results in organizing and optimizing an economic system based on fiscal federalism. For this purpose, fiscal federalism must be understood as a dense network of economic relationships between different complex adaptive and co-evolving systems, the jurisdictions, linked by strong interdependencies. A better understanding of the links between interdependence will be provided by Stuart Kauffman’s NK model. The relevance of the NK model in the study of economic organizations has been noted in the relevant literature. This literature, however, neglects the problem of co-evolution, which underpins our article.  相似文献   

Abstract: Although the IS/LM-AS/AD model is still the central tool of macroeconomic teaching in most macroeconomic textbooks, it has been criticized by several economists. Colander (1995) demonstrated that the framework is logically inconsistent, Romer (2000) showed that it is unable to deal with a monetary policy that uses the interest rate as its operating target, and Walsh criticized that it is not well suited for an analysis of inflation targeting. The authors present a framework that develops the Romer approach into a very simple but, at the same time, comprehensive macroeconomic model. In spite of its simplicity, it can carry the main insights of the New Keynesian macroeconomics to an intermediate level and deal with issues like inflation targeting, monetary policy rules, and central bank credibility.  相似文献   

实验教学在机械类专业教育中具有不可替代的功能和作用。为适应机械类专业知识体系发展需求,我们进行了动力机械实验课程建设与实验教学改革,构建了"三层次三结合"的的实验课程教学新体系,提升学生的创新意识和实践能力。  相似文献   

Social interaction models, i.e. the changing sequence of actions between individuals who modify their behavior under the influence of their peers, have rarely enjoyed as high a profile in economic analysis as they do today. However, the literature growth has not been accompanied by a process of academic consolidation. The difficulties encountered in research are largely but not entirely the result of data constraints. The main argument of this article is that the source of problems may be traceable to the lack of a complementary approach between economics and other disciplines. The difficulties presented by the deficit in academic exchange among social scientists are compounded by the current analytical framework, which still concentrates on the fundamental, but mutually exclusive, traditions of thought: homo oeconomicus and homo sociologicus. In spotlighting these ideas, this article reviews the economic body of literature on social interactions and their effect on individual unemployment status. Two directions in current research are analyzed: the impact of social (work) norms on unemployment and the role of social networks in the job search process. The theoretical and methodological challenges encountered in research suggest that the future of social interactions models might be found at the crossroads of economics and other social sciences.  相似文献   

当今时代,十七年文学显得有些沉寂,备受冷漠。然而在特定的历史语境中,十七年文学中的革命英雄传奇小说运用民间传统,叙述革命的故事,建构历史的神话,曾经在文坛上以主流自居。在当代语境下重读革命英雄传奇小说,可以了解当时的社会语境,发现潜藏在作品背后的某些文学规律及其在中国当代文学史上的意义。  相似文献   

当代资本主义的新变化既不是资本主义本质的根本改变,也不只是资本主义统治与剥削的手段、形式和斗争策略的改变,而是资本主义社会经济结构的部分质变。当代资本主义生产方式的积极扬弃,已经跨越了资本主义生产方式的临界点,超越了资本主义生产方式的界限,包含某些社会主义因素,逐渐向社会主义和平发展。因此,绝对不能抱着教条主义的态度,简单地用机械的、绝对的和主观的方法,而应当用辨证方法和历史唯物主义的科学方法来认识当代资本主义的新变化,根据新的历史条件来创造性地发展马克思主义理论,实现马克思主义理论的与时俱进和创新发展。  相似文献   

发展理念是经济发展思想的历史路标,具有前瞻性、整体性、统领性等特点。我国社会主义制度建立以来,经过长期建设和发展,以物的依赖性为特征的第二个历史发展阶段已呈现向以自由个性为特征的第三个阶段过渡的某些先兆性特征。在这一时代背景下,党的十八届五中全会提出创新、协调、绿色、开放、共享五大发展理念,在实现两个一百年的发展道路上再一次树立起历史路标,旨在开启由物的依赖性向自由个性转变的历史征程。五大发展理念是从我国发展实践中提炼出来的规律性认识,其本身就是理论创新的重要成果,也将进一步引领对当代中国重大经济现实问题的理论研究。  相似文献   

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