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This paper tests the market jump contagion hypothesis in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic. We first use a nonparametric approach to identify jumps by decomposing the realized volatility into continuous and jump components, and we use the threshold autoregressive model to describe the jump interdependency structure between different markets. We empirically investigate the contagion effect across several major Asian equity markets (Mainland China, Hong Kong, Japan, South Korea, Singapore, Thailand, and Taiwan) using the 5-minute high frequency data. Some key findings emerge: jump behaviors occur frequently and make an important contribution to the total realized volatility; jump dynamics exhibit significant nonlinearity, asymmetry, and the feature of structural breaks, which can be effectively captured by the threshold autoregressive model; jump contagion effects are obviously detected and this effect varies depending on the regime.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the efficiency of the black exchange markets in Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, South Korea, Taiwan, and Thailand. The study applies unit root and cointegration tests to examine black exchange market efficiency of Pacific-Basin countries. The generating process of black exchange rates appears to be a random walk. This is consistent with Gupta (1981) and other foreign exchange rate unit root test studies. Johansen cointegration tests are performed for these black exchange markets together with Japan and Singapore. The results suggest that there is at least one unit root among the black market exchange rates. Hence, black exchange markets are not collectively efficient.  相似文献   

This paper applies recently developed unit root and cointegration models to determine the appropriate Granger relations between stock prices and exchange rates using recent Asian flu data. Via impulse response functions, it is found that data from South Korea are in agreement with the traditional approach. That is, exchange rates lead stock prices. On the other hand, data of the Philippines suggest the result expected under the portfolio approach: stock prices lead exchange rates with negative correlation. Data from Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, and Taiwan indicate strong feedback relations, whereas that of Indonesia and Japan fail to reveal any recognizable pattern. %JEL classification: F300; G150  相似文献   

This paper investigates the volatility spillover and dynamic conditional correlation between three types of China’s shares including A, B and H-shares with 12 major emerging and developed markets from 2002 to 2017 using EGARCH and multivariate DCC-EGARCH models. Both models found that Chinese equities are more related with their neighbouring countries such as Singapore, Japan, Australia and ASEAN-5 than with US, Germany and UK. The EGARCH model, with an auxiliary term added to capture the volatility spillover, found no volatility spillover between A-share markets and other advanced and emerging markets during the GFC and extended-crisis periods while this behaviour is not observed for B-share and H-share markets. However, the multivariate DCC model found strong evidence of contagion effect in both return correlations and volatility spillover for all China’s markets. In addition, both models found increased regional and global integration in A-share and B-share markets but not the H-share market. Finally, the results from both models provide clear evidence of distinct behaviours associated with return and volatility spillover in these three share types, suggesting foreign investors should consider the heterogeneity in volatility spillover and return correlations of these Chinese share types when forming investment strategies.  相似文献   

人民币汇率波动对我国HS分类商品出口的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文以1997~2006年HS分类商品出口的月度数据为样本,采用边限检验方法判别长期协整关系,并采用自回归多元滞后分布-误差修正模型(ARDL-ECM)分析人民币实际有效汇率波动,对不同类别商品出口的长期和短期影响。估计结果显示,不同类别商品出口受人民币汇率水平和波动率变化的影响有较大差异。  相似文献   

Based on the new perspective of high-dimensional and time-varying methods, this paper analyzes the contagion effects of US financial market volatility on China’s nine financial sub-markets. The results show evidence of non-linear Granger causality from the US financial volatility (VIX) to the China’s financial markets. Increased US financial volatility has a negative next-day impact on the stock, bond, fund, interest rate, foreign exchange, industrial product and agricultural product markets, and a positive next-day impact on the gold and real estate markets. US financial volatility has the greatest impact on industrial product market, following by stock, agricultural product, fund, real estate, bond, gold, foreign exchange, and interest rates. Major risk events such as the global financial crisis can cause an enhanced contagion effect of US financial volatility to China's financial markets. This paper supports the achievements of China's actions to prevent and resolve major financial risks in the period of the COVID-19 epidemic.  相似文献   

Using daily data on five sectoral indices from 2006 to 2014, this paper aims to investigate the possibility of fractional integration in sectoral returns (and their volatility measures) at Jordan's Amman stock exchange (ASE). Empirical analysis, using the log-periodogram (LP) and local whittle (LW) based semi-parametric fractional differencing techniques suggest that all sectoral returns at ASE exhibit short memory. However, in the case of volatility measures, we found evidence of long memory. Following the recent literature that argues that structural breaks in a time series could also explain the presence of long memory, we tested the volatility measures for the presence of structural breaks. We found that long memory in some volatility measures could be attributed to the presence of structural breaks. Furthermore, using impulse response functions (IRF) based on ARFIMA, we found that shocks to sectoral returns at ASE exhibit short run persistence, whereas shocks to volatility measures display long run persistence.  相似文献   

Applying the VAR model and using the interest rate as a monetary policy variable, we find that in the long run, output in China responds negatively to a shock to the interest rate, the real exchange rate, government debt, or the inflation rate, and it reacts positively to a shock to government deficits or lagged own output. When real M2 is chosen as a monetary policy variable, long-term output in China responds positively to a shock to real M2 or lagged own output, and it reacts negatively to a shock to the real exchange rate, government debt, or government deficits. Its response to a shock to the inflation rate is negative when government debt is used and is positive when government deficits are considered. In the short run, fiscal policy is more important than monetary policy in three out of four cases. In the long run, monetary policy is more influential than fiscal policy in three out of four cases. Therefore, the government may consider conducting monetary and fiscal policies differently in the short run and long run. The government needs to be cautious in pursuing deficit spending as its long-term impacts depend on the monetary variable employed. The policy of maintaining a relatively stable exchange rate is appropriate as the depreciation of the Yuan may hurt the economy in the short run.JEL Classifications: E5, F4, H6  相似文献   

This paper aims to complete our understanding of the relationship between changes in nominal effective exchange rates and prices in the new EU member states. I investigate the exchange rate pass-through to import, producer and consumer prices for ten Central and Eastern European countries with quarterly data from January 1996 to December 2011. In a first step, the pass-through estimates are derived from a dynamic panel data model through the generalized method of moments. A statistically significant exchange rate pass-through to consumer, producer and import prices is found, both in the short and long run. In a second step, I proceed to an individual analysis, country by country, and find support for an increased heterogeneity in the exchange rate pass-through estimates. In a third step, I assess the drivers of the estimated exchange rate pass-through coefficients and find support for a significant impact of exchange rate volatility, inflation volatility, import dependence, and the output gap, as well as the global outlook.  相似文献   

This study applies the continuous wavelet analyses to identify four possible perspectives on the causality between healthcare expenditure and longevity: health as a determinant of healthcare expenditure (longevity leads), healthcare expenditure as a determinant of health (healthcare expenditure leads), feedback (bidirectional relation) and neutrality (no correlation). Our results show that none of these four perspectives regarding the causality of healthcare expenditure and longevity prevail over the period of 1963–2010 in the US. Healthcare expenditure is likely to serve as a predictor to predict the volatility of longevity in the short, medium, and long run, while longevity is likely to serve as a predictor to predict the volatility of healthcare expenditure only in the medium run.  相似文献   

We examine the volatility spillovers among various industries during the COVID-19 pandemic period. We measure volatility spillovers by defining the volatility of each sector in the S&P 500 index and implement a static and rolling-window analysis following the Diebold and Yilmaz (2012) approach. We find that the pandemic enhanced volatility spillovers, which reveals the financial contagion effects on the US stock market. Second, there were sudden, large changes in the dynamic volatility spillovers on Black Monday (March 9, 2020), much of it due to the energy sector shock. These findings have important implications for portfolio managers and policymakers.  相似文献   

This paper provides new evidence about the role of common global factors exploring the existence of structural breaks in the long-run trend of the term structure and analyzes the spillover effects from the unconventional monetary policies recently implemented by major industrialized countries. For a panel of four Asian economies (Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, South Korea), we show that, accounting for the role of global liquidity factors, parameters restrictions associated with the EHTS are not rejected, even after a regime-shift occurring at the end of 2005, thus supporting an extended weak version of the “Liquidity Premium Theory”. We also document relevant discrepancies in the short-run dynamics of long-term interest rates, which are strictly related to some structural differences between these Asian countries in terms of the “impossible trinity” between monetary independence, financial openness and exchange rate stability.  相似文献   

The empirical observation that purchasing power parity (PPP) holds in the long run but not in the short run has enjoyed a near-consensus status in international finance literature. However, a similar degree of agreement has not been reached with respect to the exact horizon of this “long run” aspect. To shed light on this matter, a novel approach is adopted in this paper to combine conventional time series methodology with insights from multi-frequency analyses. In particular, we simultaneously explore price-exchange-rate dynamics not only through time, but also at various horizons via a wavelet decomposition. Unit root tests applied to wavelet-based decomposed real exchange rates indicates that PPP holds at horizons consistent with the literature. With respect to the predictive value of our approach, we show that our decomposed measures provide guidance to future movements of real change rates. Additionally, we find that nominal exchange-rate dynamics are dominated by activities corresponding to low frequencies. Results from this study thus enable researchers and practitioners to establish an exchange-rate modelling framework with increased efficiency.  相似文献   

This paper surveys some relevant contributions to the economic literature on co‐integrating vector autoregressive (VAR) models [vector error correction mechanisms (VECMs)], emphasizing their usefulness for economic policy. It further discusses some theoretical aspects that are necessary for a complete understanding of their potential. The theoretical introduction of the co‐integrating VAR model is followed by an illustration of its applications to monetary policy, fiscal policy and exchanges rates as well as in establishing the effects of structural bilateral shocks between countries (the so‐called global VAR, or GVAR, models). Special attention is paid to the VECM capacities of being used in conjunction with dynamic stochastic general equilibrium models and of jointly specifying the short‐ and long‐run dynamics, thus representing the steady‐state of economic systems (by means of the co‐integration relations) and the short‐run dynamics around it.  相似文献   

The aim of this document is to investigate the dynamic relationship between economic growth, renewable energy consumption, energy consumption and CO2 emissions in Tunisia over the period 1990–2015. Unit root tests and co-integration test was used in order to detect the order of stationary and to test the existence long run links between the used variables. We apply the Granger causality test and VECM model to discover the short and long run links between the variables. Results have shown a bidirectional causal relationship between energy use and CO2 emissions. Economic growth affects CO2 emission in the short and long run. While there is a unidirectional links running from energy use to economic growth at short run. The paper shares best practices from Tunisia in terms of efficient use of renewable energy policy enablers, which may be contextualized in other emerging economies in order to keep sustainability and to achieve the green economy.  相似文献   

The study attempts to examine the symmetric and the asymmetric impact of volatility of economic growth on the inequality of income in the major ASEAN economies over the period 1980–2015. Financial development, trade openness as a proxy of globalization, inflation, human capital formation, and fiscal policy are utilized as major control variables. The paper tries to explore the causal association between inequality of income distribution and economic growth volatility, exploring simultaneously the long-run association and the short-run dynamics in the time series structure. The study applied Clemente–Montanes–Reyes unit root test to identify the structural break in the time series. Further, the cointegrating relationship of the time series observations was explored by applying the ARDL (linear) bounds test approach along with the nonlinear ARDL for making fruitful comparisons in the long-run relationship among the variables. The countries chosen are Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Singapore and The Philippines. The empirical findings strongly suggest a long-run cointegrating relationship between income inequality and growth volatility with a positive and statistically significant impact. Also, the causality analysis was explored using the Toda and Yamamoto (1995) method of Granger causality. The causality test shows that there exists bidirectional causality from inequality transmission to economic growth volatility. The implications that are developed from this study helps us to understand the various policy reforms in the ASEAN region, that are more transparent and can make these economies less susceptible to risks.  相似文献   

《Economic Systems》2014,38(4):597-613
This paper describes an empirical model of country risk premiums and their determinants, relying on recent theories of balance sheet effects. We approach the latter by introducing a novel approach to country risk premiums that assumes that nominal exchange rates can move away from or towards equilibrium exchange rates, which allows exchange rate movements towards equilibrium to stimulate favourable competitiveness effects as opposed to adverse balance sheet effects. We investigate eight European emerging economies that suffer from “original sin” over the period 2001–2013, using the pooled mean group estimator of the dynamic panel error correction model. This methodology improves estimation efficiency and model performance, but also allows differentiation between long- and short-run country risk premium determinants. We find that, in the long run, country risk premiums increase in response to higher inflation and a higher total debt-to-GDP ratio, while they move in the opposite direction when the real GDP growth rate rises. Our results suggest that, in the short run, higher external debt service caused by exchange rate depreciation, i.e. the balance sheet effect, and market volatility tends to raise risk premiums, while higher international reserves and the federal funds rate tend to decrease them. Moreover, we show that the negative balance sheet effect is much stronger than the potentially favourable competitiveness effect, and that the rise in risk premiums is not due to the increase in the size of external debt, but to the larger debt burden represented by balance sheet effects.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to analyze the imitation behavior of investors in especially convulsed periods, such as the 2008 financial crisis and the recent global pandemic, both of which could affect investors' emotions and behavior, although both have different characteristics and might have different implications. The cross-sectional dispersion of returns is used to measure the level of herding in the markets of Spain and Portugal, using a survivorship-bias-free dataset of daily stock returns during the period January 2000–May 2021, in turn divided into several sub-periods classified as pre-2008 crisis, 2008 crisis, post-2008 crisis, Covid-19 and post Covid-19. Additionally, the existence is studied of differences between days of positive and negative returns, or between days of high volatility compared to the rest, and whether the cross-sectional dispersion of returns in one market is affected by the cross-sectional dispersion of returns in the other market. The results indicate that herding appears with greater intensity in periods prior to the crisis, disappearing during the financial crisis and reappearing, although with less intensity, after it, while it is not generally detected in Covid-19 times. However, herding behavior can be observed in the market during the pandemic on high volatility days.  相似文献   

基于我国1999-2010年房地产市场季度数据,本文建立向量自回归模型(VAR)和向量误差修正模型(VEC),将住房供给和需求同时纳入模型,分析我国利率政策、信贷政策和税收政策对住房价格的影响。结果显示,贷款利率在短期内对住房供给有负效应,但长期效应不明显;贷款规模对住房价格的短期冲击明显,二者之间存在正相关关系;针对保有环节征税可以通过影响住房供给,从而有效抑制住房价格上升。根据我国住房供求特点,应优先选择税收工具,通过促进住房供给实现控制房价的政策目标。  相似文献   

Abstract.  The high-frequency analysis of foreign exchange dynamics is helpful in order to better identify the impact of central bank interventions. Evidence robustly shows that interventions do indeed move the exchange rate level in the desired direction. Interventions increase volatility in the short run as they are regarded as information; but they can reduce volatility overall. Ways of transmission may reach beyond the signalling channel and also include the portfolio balance and a damping channel. Finally, interventions are more successful if they obey certain conditions, such as being coordinated among central banks and going with the market and fundamentals.  相似文献   

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