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Politically connected firms benefit from soft-budget constraints and are unlikely to suffer from liquidity constraints. This argument suggests that politically connected firms should hold less cash than non-connected peers. Another view posits that these firms exhibit acute corporate governance problems. In this setting, politically connected firms are more likely to hold more cash than non-connected firms. Using a sample of 50,119 firm-year observations from 31 countries, we find that politically connected firms hold more cash than their non-connected peers. We put forth two explanations for this result. Firstly, politicians use politically connected firms as “cash cows” to advance their political agendas. Secondly, political connections are conducive to agency problems. In additional analyses, we find that the positive relationship between political connections and cash holdings is stronger when corporate governance is weak.  相似文献   

We use an investment-based asset pricing model to examine the effect of firms’ investments relative to cash holdings on stock returns, assuming holding cash lowers transaction costs. We find that mimicking portfolios based on investments relative to non-cash capital and based on investments relative to cash capital are priced for various testing portfolios. On average, momentum stocks and growth stocks are more sensitive to the factor constructed using investment relative to cash.  相似文献   

This paper studies the impact of both liquidity and solvency concerns on corporate finance. I present a tractable model of a firm that optimally chooses capital structure, cash holdings, dividends, and default while facing cash flows with long-term uncertainty and short-term liquidity shocks. The model explains how changes in solvency affect liquidity and also how liquidity concerns affect solvency via capital structure choice. These interactions result in a dynamic cash policy in which cash reserves increase in profitability and are positively correlated with cash flows. The optimal dividend distributions implied by the model are smoothed relative to cash flows. I also find that liquidity concerns lead to a decrease of dispersion of credit spreads.  相似文献   

Using both panel and cross-sectional models for 28 industrialized countries observed from 2001–2009, we report a number of findings regarding the determinants of the volatility of returns on cross-border asset holdings (i.e., equity and debt). Greater portfolio concentration and an increase in assets held in emerging markets lead to an elevation in earning volatility, whereas more financial integration and a greater share held in Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development countries and by the household sector cause a reduction in the return volatility. Larger asset holdings by offshore financial corporations and non-bank financial institutions cause higher market volatility, although they affect volatility in the equity and bond markets in the opposite way. Overall, both panel and cross-sectional estimations provide very similar results (albeit of different magnitude) and are robust to the endogeneity problem.  相似文献   

In this paper, I investigate the relationship between shareholder protection and corporate cash holdings under the impact of the global financial crisis. With a sample of 192,807 observations across 40 countries during the period 2002–2015, I find that the global financial crisis mitigates the controlling effect of shareholder protection on corporate cash holdings. In addition, this mitigating role is stronger in financially constrained firms. Overall, the results suggest that managers are more likely to expropriate shareholders through corporate liquidity policy during a financial crisis.  相似文献   

As the decision-makers and implementers of a firm’s financial strategy, executives play a critical role in cash holding activities, and their psychological characteristics have a major impact on cash holdings. This paper investigates the association between CEO organizational identification and firm cash holdings. The empirical results show that CEO organizational identification is negatively associated with firm cash holdings, and the negative association is more pronounced when the level of financial development is higher and economic uncertainty is lower. Further analysis reveals that the higher a CEO’s organizational identification, the higher the firm’s R&D investment and capital expenditure, and high CEO organizational identification can increase the value of firm cash holdings. Overall, our findings supplement the literature on organizational identification and cash holdings, and on the effect of executives’ psychological characteristics on corporate financial decision-making.  相似文献   

Why Do Firms Hold Cash? Evidence from EMU Countries   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
This paper investigates the determinants of corporate cash holdings in EMU countries. Our results suggest that cash holdings are positively affected by the investment opportunity set and cash flows and negatively affected by asset's liquidity, leverage and size. Bank debt and cash holdings are negatively related, which supports that a close relationship with banks allows the firm to hold less cash for precautionary reasons. Firms in countries with superior investor protection and concentrated ownership hold less cash, supporting the role of managerial discretion agency costs in explaining cash levels. Capital markets development has a negative impact on cash levels, contrary to the agency view.  相似文献   

A corporate cash-holding strategy is a trade-off between the costs and benefits of holding cash.At the macrolevel,firms are inclined to adjust and optimize their cash-holding strategies in response to changes in purchasing power due to inflation.At the microlevel,the operating cycle,which indicates the speed and turnover of corporate cash flow,also influences the corporate cash-holding strategy.Firms flexibly adjust their cash-holding strategies in response to changes in the internal and external environment,which is referred to as the cash adjustment strategy.We examine these predicted relationships using a sample of listed firms in China’s stock market over the 1998–2009 period.Consistent with our predictions,the empirical results indicate a significant negative association between cash holdings and the CPI,but the relationship is reversed when the CPI reaches a certain level.There is also a U-shaped relationship between operating cycle and cash holdings,and this relationship is similarly influenced by changes in the inflation level.In examining the macroeconomic environment and microlevel firm-specific characteristics simultaneously,our findings supplement the literature on firms’cash-holding strategies and provide theoretical and practical implications.  相似文献   

This paper examines the cash holdings behavior of listed and unlisted firms. We argue that unlisted firms, which are smaller, face a greater wedge between the cost of external and internal finance and as a result they need to rely more on the later. Relying on internal funds means that firms have a precautionary motive to hold cash. We test our theory using an unbalanced panel of mainly small medium enterprises within the euro area over the period 2003–2017 paying special attention to the role of financial pressure, financial constraints and the recent financial crisis. Our findings reveal that unlisted firms hold more cash than their listed counterparts due to precautionary motives. In addition, when considering the effect of financial pressure, the results show that the difference in cash holdings between listed and unlisted firms exhibit a ‘U-shaped’ relationship. Finally, unlisted firms have a higher sensitivity to save cash out of cash flow than listed firms. Our results are robust to using different specifications and different financial pressure measures.  相似文献   

We investigate the impact of economic policy uncertainty (EPU) on corporate inventory holdings in China over the period 2007–2017. We find that EPU leads firms to significantly reduce inventory holdings and this effect is particularly pronounced among non-state-owned enterprises. The adjustment of inventory holdings enhances firms’ operating and market performance consequently. In addition, firms with greater financial constraints or stronger external governance are more affected by EPU. Further exploration shows that EPU induces high precautionary cash holdings, which crowds out inventories. Our results illustrate that firms reallocate between inventories and cash to cope with uncertainty associated with economic policy changes.  相似文献   

This study examines the revision in cash holdings and the market valuation of investment opportunities of 475 firms added to the Standard & Poor's 500 (S&P 500) stock market index from 1980 to 2010. We find that newly indexed firms have evolved to significantly lower cash balances, which we partially explain by the decreasing growth opportunities following index inclusion. Consistent with index inclusion loosening financial constraints, we document a larger decrease in cash for index inclusions in sectors with high financial dependence. We sort S&P 500 inclusions by corporate governance quality but do not find any empirical support that changes in cash and Tobin's Q are related to management entrenchment.  相似文献   

Trading costs, liquidity, and asset holdings   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this article I develop a model that accounts for interdependencebetween trading costs in various asset markets arising fromthe optimizing behavior of liquidity traders. The model suggeststhat noise trading is an important determinant of the liquidityof asset markets and provides a positive theory for diversifiedasset holdings by risk-neutral liquidity traders.  相似文献   

This study examines whether financial constraints and board governance play substitution roles in lowering agency concerns in corporate cash holdings. Using four firm-specific characteristics of financial constraints and 28 forward-looking board governance standards, we find that board governance mitigates agency concerns in cash holdings more significantly for financially less-constrained firms. Consistently, financially less-constrained firms increase the level of board governance and adopt more board governance standards. A natural experiment with the 2007 financial crisis provides robustness to our findings. Our evidence suggests that financial constraints interrelate with the effectiveness of board governance on corporate cash holdings.  相似文献   

This paper examines whether cultural dimensions explain the variation in corporate cash holdings around the world as well as within the United States. We establish four major findings. First, in an international setting, corporate cash holdings are negatively associated with individualism and positively associated with uncertainty-avoidance. Second, individualism and uncertainty avoidance influence the precautionary motive for holding cash. Third, firms in individualistic states in the United States hold less cash than firms in collectivistic states. Fourth, we show that individualism is positively related to the firm’s capital expenditures, acquisitions, and repurchases while uncertainty avoidance is negatively related. Our findings remain unchanged after controlling for governance factors, firm attributes, and country characteristics.  相似文献   

Financial contracting theories agree that more-liquid assets decrease the expected cost of external financing, thus making leasing more attractive and reducing lessors’ equilibrium return. However, the literature has ambiguous predictions about the effect of liquidity on the maturity of leases. These predictions are further complicated by the existence of two types of lease contracts—operating and capital—that differ in whether asset ownership transfers to the lessee at the end of the contract. Using data from commercial aircraft, I find that more-liquid assets (1) make leasing, operating leasing in particular, more likely; (2) have shorter operating leases; (3) have longer capital leases; and (4) command lower markups of operating lease rates.  相似文献   

以2005~2011年沪深两市A股391家上市公司为样本研究投资者保护、大股东持股比例和现金持有量的关系,研究结果表明,大股东持股比例与现金持有量间呈倒"U"型关系。进一步按照投资者保护程度的高低对样本进行分组,研究发现,当大股东持股比例小于48%时,投资者保护程度高的组,大股东持股比例和现金持有量呈显著正相关关系;当大股东持股比例大于48%时,投资者保护程度高的组,大股东持股比例和现金持有量呈显著负相关关系。  相似文献   

This paper tests the effects of banking deregulation on the cash policies of nonbanking firms in the United States. We document a significant and negative relation between intrastate banking deregulation and corporate cash holdings. We show that the negative relation is driven by financially constrained firms, especially by constrained firms with low hedging needs. Further, we construct indexes measuring the intensity of bank consolidation in local markets. We find that the intensity of in-market bank mergers is negatively related to corporate cash holdings. However, in-market bank mergers in highly concentrated markets tend to be positively related to corporate cash holdings.  相似文献   

This paper shows that firms significantly increase cash holdings after they have experienced a cybersecurity attack, and this behavior persists for years. A cyberattack increases cash holdings from a base level of 23% of assets to 26.87%. Similar firms, defined by industry and geographical proximity also increase their cash holdings. Suppliers of attacked firms are also affected. Overall, the results of this study indicate that the detrimental effects of a cybersecurity breach are not isolated to the attacked firms, and peer firms are quick to follow in taking precaution.  相似文献   

Corporate cash holdings: Evidence from Switzerland   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper investigates the determinants of cash holdings for a comprehensive sample of Swiss non-financial firms between 1995 and 2004. The median Swiss firm holds almost twice as much cash and cash equivalents as the median US or UK firm. Our results indicate that asset tangibility and firm size are both negatively related to corporate cash holdings, and that there is a non-linear relationship between the leverage ratio and liquidity. Dividend payments and operating cash flows are positively related to cash reserves, but we cannot detect a significant relationship between growth opportunities and cash holdings. Most of these empirical findings, but not all of them, can be explained by the transaction costs motive and/or the precautionary motive. Analyzing the corporate governance structures of Swiss firms, we document a non-linear relationship between managerial ownership and cash holdings, indicating an incentive alignment effect and an opposing effect related to increasing risk aversion. Finally, our results suggest that firms in which the CEO simultaneously serves as the COB hold significantly more cash.
Matthias C. GrüningerEmail:

I add cash holdings into an investment-based model of stock returns. I motivate cash holdings via costly outside financing. The model shows a relation between stock returns and cash holdings and provides a structural foundation for estimating the value of cash holdings from regressions. I estimate the model at the firm level—a task notoriously difficult for q theoretic models. Adding cash into the model substantially improves model fit on average, and accounting for costly investment and financing help improve fit across firms.  相似文献   

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