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This paper investigates the higher-order moment risk connectedness between West Texas Intermediate (WTI) oil futures, Brent oil futures, Chinese oil futures and commodity futures (agricultural, industrial metals, and precious metals) before and during the COVID-19 pandemic and following the outbreak of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, by combining ex-post moment measures and the novel time-varying parameter (TVP)-vector auto-regression (VAR)-based connectedness approach. Further, this paper depicts the dynamic overall and pairwise correlations between oil and commodity futures and constructs the hedging and optimal-weighted portfolio strategies using the DCC-GARCH t-Copula model. This paper also constructs the multivariate oil-commodity portfolio based on the newly proposed minimum connectedness portfolio approach and takes into account the higher-order moment risk connectedness. The empirical results demonstrate that the dynamic linkages between international oil and commodity futures are positive, time-varying, and have been greatly intensified by the outbreak of the 2018 China-US trade war, the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic, and the 2022 Russia-Ukraine conflict. The risk connectedness results are moment-dependent. The averaged total skewness and kurtosis spillovers are lower than the return and volatility connectedness. Brent (WTI) oil is the largest net transmitter of the return and volatility (skewness and kurtosis) risk spillovers. The dynamic total, net, and net-pairwise spillovers are all time-varying and highly reactive to major crises, especially the COVID-19 pandemic and the Russia-Ukraine conflict. Furthermore, the optimal-weighted portfolio shows a higher risk reduction than the hedging strategy. Finally, the minimum skewness connectedness portfolio shows relatively higher hedging effectiveness, while the minimum kurtosis connectedness portfolio offers the highest cumulative returns.  相似文献   

The Shanghai International Energy Exchange (INE) facilitates both local and international investment in Chinese petrochemical-related stocks through local crude oil futures. This study investigates whether the Chinese emerging market can better aid investors' risk hedging and asset allocation compared to two major international developed markets–the Brent and West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude oil futures markets—and examines the pairwise risk hedging effects and multi-asset allocation performance of INE and petrochemical-related stocks. The results show that INE has higher hedge effectiveness than Brent and WTI under pairwise hedging. Further, in multi-asset allocation, the portfolios containing INE outperform other portfolios. Overall, INE results in a better diversification effect and volatility reduction than the use of WTI crude oil futures to construct multi-asset allocation with Chinese petrochemical-related stocks. However, INE performance is inferior to Brent's in terms of constructing portfolios with oil or energy stocks. Finally, our results are robust to the five factors proposed by Fama and French (2015) in asset pricing.  相似文献   

This paper examines the directional spillover between crude oil prices and stock prices of technology and clean energy companies. The study uses the daily data over the period from May 2005 to April 2015. The estimated results exhibit following empirical regularities. First, it appears that technology stocks play vital role in the return and volatility spillovers of renewable energy stocks and crude oil prices. Second, technology (PSE) and clean energy indices (ECO) are the dominant emitters of return and volatility spillovers to the crude oil (WTI) prices. Third, the time and event-dependent movements are well captured by the directional spillover approach. Fourth, the application of directional spillover method seems to be more advantageous than MGARCH models as it not only establishes the inter-variables return and volatility spillovers but also helps in identifying direction of spillover through calculation of pairwise net spillovers. Last, the dynamic hedging results suggest that clean energy index can provide a profitable hedging opportunity in combination with crude oil futures than technology index. Many new findings further discussed and analysed.  相似文献   

Identifying the comovement of price between China's and international crude oil futures can help different market players gain a deeper understanding of the world crude oil market. This paper uses the wavelet (wavelet coherence and phase) methods to study the comovement characteristics at different time scales from three aspects (the strength of comovement, the direction of comovement and the lead-lag relationship of price fluctuation) and uses the complex network method to explore the evolutionary characteristics of the comovement with time. We use the daily closing prices of WTI, Brent and China's crude oil futures (INE) as sample data. The results show that the comovement between INE and international crude oil futures is extremely different from that between other international crude oil futures, and the comovement at different time scales is also different. Compared with the comovement between WTI and Brent crude oil futures, the comovement strength between INE and international crude oil futures is weak and the comovement direction is unstable. China's crude oil futures price fluctuation also tends to lag behind that of international crude oil futures. Compared with the long-term, the short-term comovement strength is weaker, the comovement states are more diverse and the transition between comovement states is more complex. Moreover, during the evolution of time, some comovement states have a higher probability of occurrence and they are also more stable than others. These findings are helpful for policy makers to design policies and for investors to make investment decisions.  相似文献   

There has been an increase in price volatility in oil prices during and since the global financial crisis (GFC). This study investigates the Granger causality patterns in volatility spillovers between West Texas International (WTI) and Brent crude oil spot prices using daily data. We use Hafner and Herwartz’s (2006) test and employ a rolling sample approach to investigate the changes in the dynamics of volatility spillovers between WTI and Brent oil prices over time. Volatility spillovers from Brent to WTI prices are found to be more pronounced at the beginning of the analysis period, around the GFC, and more recently in 2020. Between 2015 and 2019, the direction of volatility spillovers runs unidirectionally from WTI to Brent oil prices. In 2020, however, a Granger-causal feedback relation between the volatility of WTI and Brent crude oil prices is again detected. This is due to the uncertainty surrounding how the COVID-19 pandemic will evolve and how long the economies and financial markets will be affected. In this uncertain environment, commodities markets participants could be reacting to prices and volatility signals on both WTI and Brent, leading to the detection of a feedback relation.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the directional causal relationship and information transmission among the returns of West Texas Intermediate (WTI), Brent, major cryptocurrencies, and stablecoins by drawing on daily data from July 2019 to July 2020. Applying effective transfer entropy, a non-parametric statistic, the results show that the direction of the causal relationship and the nature of information spillovers changed after the COVID-19 pandemic. More precisely, our findings reveal that WTI and Brent are leading the prices of Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash. Conversely, Bitcoin futures and stablecoins (TrueUSD and USD Coin) are leading WTI and Brent prices. In addition, the stablecoin Tether became a leader against Brent prices after the pandemic, although it is still following WTI prices. Moreover, Ethereum and USD coin preserved their position as leaders against Brent prices. Interestingly, our results also reveal that Ethereum, Litecoin, and Ripple preserved their position as leaders of WTI prices. The change in the nature of directional causality and the spillover effect after the COVID-19 crisis provide valuable information for practitioners, investors, and policymakers on how the ongoing pandemic influences the connection and network correlation among the energy, cryptocurrency, and stablecoin markets.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes dynamic volatility spillovers between four major energy commodities (i.e., crude oil, gasoline, heating oil and natural gas) in the oil-natural gas future markets. We construct a time-varying spillover method by combining the TVP-VAR-SV model and the spillover method of Diebold and Yilmaz (2009, 2012, 2014). We use the spillover method to obtain time-varying total, directional and pairwise volatility spillover indices. Our results summarize as follows: (1) The volatility spillover indices present peaks and troughs during some periods, such as shale gas revolution, financial crisis, and oil price crash; (2) After the U.S. shale gas revolution, the size of volatility spillover from natural gas future market has reduced sharply, but volatility doesn't decouple from the other three oil future markets; (3) The directional spillover is asymmetric. The crude oil and heating oil futures market are main net transmitter of volatility risk information, while the gasoline and natural gas futures markets are the net receiver; (4) For natural gas future market, the pairwise volatility spillover from crude oil future market has the most significant influence.  相似文献   

This paper examines the asymmetric volatility connectedness amongst the Dow Jones Islamic Market Index (DJIM) and the Brent crude oil, gold, and silver markets. We use the Diebold and Yilmaz methodology to examine asymmetric volatility connectedness associated with bad (negative semi-variance) and good (positive semi-variance) volatility in these markets. We identify significant volatility connectedness between the DJIM and commodity markets, with the DJIM and Brent oil markets being the largest net contributors of spillovers. Furthermore, the evidence on semi-volatility connectedness displays asymmetric behavior. Bad volatilities are associated with net transmission of spillovers to other markets, except for silver. Our results have significant implications for investors dealing with the DJIM and commodity markets in terms of asset management and diversification.  相似文献   

This paper extends the call option model of Milonas and Thomadakis (1997) to estimate oil convenience yields with futures prices. We define the business cycle of a seasonal commodity with demand/supply shocks and find that the convenience yield for crude oil exhibits seasonal behavior. The convenience yield for West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude oil is the highest in the summer, while that for Brent crude oil is the highest in the winter. This implies that WTI crude oil is more sensitive to high summer demand and that Brent crude oil is more sensitive to shortages in winter supply. Convenience yields are negatively related to the inventory level of the underlying crude oil and positively related to interest rates due to the business cycle. We also show that convenience yields may explain price spread between WTI crude oil and Brent crude oil. Our computed convenience yields are consistent with Fama and French (1988) in that oil prices are more volatile than futures prices at low inventory level, verifying the Samuelson (1965) hypothesis that future prices are less variables than spot prices at lower inventory levels.
Chang-Wen DuanEmail:

In this paper we investigate cross-commodity futures markets connectedness over different nearest-to-maturities. We thus implement time and time-frequency estimations for two constructed baskets of commodities, classified based on common delivery months. Using daily data spanning the period 1995–2020, we provide a set of stylized facts on the extent to which commodity markets are integrated or segmented. More specifically, our results show that the total connectedness is broadly insensitive to maturity. However, after 2008 financial crisis, the connectedness among commodity futures prices increases when the maturity increases. Furthermore, the overall connectedness amplifies during crises periods compared to tranquil periods. Moreover, certain pairwise markets are comparatively highly linked such as crude oil and heating oil, wheat and corn, corn and soybean, and soybean and soybean oil. The results also demonstrate that crude oil and heating oil are net transmitters all the time and across maturities, while natural gas, gold, and wheat are net receivers all the time and across maturities. More interestingly, the frequency decomposition reveals that most of periods of high total connectedness are driven mostly by high frequency components, which may indicate that commodity markets process information rapidly, except for the COVID-19 crisis period where total connectedness has been driven by lower frequency components.  相似文献   

The response of renewable energy stock returns to the dynamics of fossil energy markets is a vital concern of low-carbon transitions. There is still sparse literature documenting the directional dependence of renewable energy stock returns on the connectedness among fossil energy returns, even though previous studies have examined the relationship among renewable energy stocks and fossil energy markets. Additionally, the conclusions of prior studies are quite far from reaching a consensus regarding the relationship between the renewable energy stock and the fossil energy markets. To this end, by using the TVP-VAR based connectedness approach and Cross-Quantilogram techniques, this study does the first attempt to unpack the complicated and controversial directional dependence of renewable energy stock returns on the returns and connectedness of fossil energy markets, considering various market conditions and time horizons. The empirical analysis demonstrates that, first, the directional dependence of renewable energy stock returns on fossil energy returns is pronounced during extreme market conditions, whereas they appear to be decoupled from fossil energy returns during normal market conditions. Second, the total connectedness between fossil energy returns transmits a substantial shock to renewable energy stock returns during most market conditions, which is in stark contrast to the information transmission directly originating from fossil energy markets. The performance of renewable energy stock markets improves with stronger fossil energy return connectedness, whereas weaker fossil energy return connectedness hinders it. Additionally, further study reveals that the directional dependence of renewable energy stock returns on the net connectedness of the crude oil market is dominated by negative dependence when the net connectedness of the crude oil market is low, whereas it displays positive dependence when the net connectedness of the crude oil market is high. This directional dependence pattern on the net connectedness of the crude oil market is opposite to that exhibited in the net connectedness of the coal and natural gas markets. Third, in general, the directional dependence of renewable energy stock returns on fossil energy returns is more pronounced in the short term but diminishes over the medium and long terms. Conversely, the directional dependence of renewable energy stock returns on fossil energy return connectedness persists over the medium and long terms. Final, with the outbreak of the Global Financial Crisis during 2007–2008, we notice an abrupt jump in the directional dependence of renewable energy stock returns on fossil energy returns and their connectedness, particularly during extreme market conditions. Our findings provide noteworthy implications for energy transformation, energy security, and climate mitigation.  相似文献   

Since 2008, the WTI oil futures curve has been positively sloped for extended periods. We test whether changes in inventory alone can explain this atypically long contango. To do this, we estimate monthly VARs of the CME WTI oil futures spread and OECD and U.S. inventory in line with standard theory, and add petroleum consumption and implied volatility to the vector of endogenous variables. When we model the futures spread as one continuous series, results confirm two-way causation between inventory and the futures curve, as predicted by the theory of storage. However when we separate negative and positive futures spreads we find that: two-way causation between the futures spread and U.S. inventory breaks down; shocks to OECD petroleum consumption cause more negative spreads and shocks to U.S. consumption cause more positive spreads in addition to inventory-driven changes; and increases in volatility directly raise positive spreads. These new causal channels have become significant since 2008 and can be related to higher inventory, inelastic supply of oil and uncertainty about global economic conditions.  相似文献   

This study analyzes the dynamic connectedness between the ESG stock index, the renewable energy stock index, the green bond stock index, the sustainability stock index, and the carbon emission futures by employing a novel method: the DCC-GARCH-based dynamic connectedness approach. Given the strong volatility spillover among these indexes, we adopt the DCC-GARCH t-copula model to calculate these indexes' hedging ratios and portfolio weights. Our findings show that the carbon emission futures are the volatility transmitter, and the green bond is the volatility receiver. The total dynamic connectedness is affected by international political, economic, and other events. Furthermore, for stock market volatility investors, taking the long position in carbon emission futures and the short position in renewable energy stock can achieve the highest hedging effect.  相似文献   

This paper examines the role of monetary policy (MP) as a driver of connectedness patterns in speculative activities in financial markets. Examining measures of speculation in four major markets including gold, equities, Treasury bonds and crude oil, we show that speculative activities can spill over across markets with the stock market generally serving as the main transmitter of speculative shocks. While unconventional MP is associated with greater connectedness of speculative activities in financial markets, we also find that unconventional (conventional) MP drives gold (financial assets) to serve as a net transmitter of speculative shocks to the other markets. The findings establish an important link between the monetary policy signals and trading behavior in financial markets with significant policy implications.  相似文献   

We provide empirical evidence on the patterns of intra- and inter-regional transmission of information across 10 developed and 11 emerging markets in Asia, the Americas, Europe and Africa using both stock indices and stock index futures. The main transmission channels are examined in the period from 2005 to 2014 through the analysis of return and volatility spillovers around the most recent crises based on the generalized vector autoregressive framework. Our findings demonstrate that markets are more susceptible to domestic and region-specific volatility shocks than to inter-regional contagion. A novel result reported in our study is a difference in patterns of international signals transmission between models employing indices and futures data. We conclude that futures data provide more efficient channels of information transmission because the magnitude of return and volatility spillovers across futures is larger than across indices. Our findings are relevant to practitioners, such as stock market investors, as well as policy makers and can help enhance their understanding of financial markets interconnectedness.  相似文献   

In this study we examine the dynamic structural relationship between oil price shocks and stock market returns or volatility for a sample of both net oil–exporting and net oil–importing countries between 1995:09 and 2013:07. We accomplish that, by extending the Diebold and Yilmaz (2014) dynamic connectedness measure using structural forecast error variance decomposition. The results for both stock market returns and volatility suggest that connectedness varies across different time periods, and that this time–varying character is aligned with certain developments that take place in the global economy. In particular, aggregate demand shocks appear to act as the main transmitters of shocks to stock markets during periods characterised by economic–driven events, while supply–side and oil–specific demand shocks during periods of geopolitical unrest. Furthermore, differences regarding the directions and the strength of connectedness can be reported both between and within the net oil–importing and net oil–exporting countries. These results are of particular importance to investors and portfolio managers, given the recent financialisation of the oil market.  相似文献   

This paper provides evidence on the dynamic spillover among geopolitical risk, climate risk, and energy markets from an international perspective. Based on data from 13 countries between December 2002 and February 2022, we firstly confirm an overall connectedness among energy future prices, i.e., crude oil, heating oil and natural gas, with geopolitical risk and climate risk. And then, the dynamic analysis indicates that the spillover effect is frequency dependent and more pronounced at a high frequency. Furthermore, the net dynamic spillover results show that the two major shocks of geopolitical risk associated with Russia on energy markets appear in 2014 and 2022. These effects are also more pronounced at a high frequency, indicating that the conflicts can impose an immediate effect on energy markets. The significant connectedness among energy, geopolitical risk and climate risk remains unchanged after accounting for public attention, adding control variables and using the alternative measures of geopolitical risk and climate risk.  相似文献   

The COVID-19 has undoubtfully brought fierce shocks to the real economic activities, financial market and public lives. Under this special condition, this study explores whether the predictability of crude oil futures information has changed before and during the COVID-19 pandemic for 19 international stock markets. From an in-sample perspective, we find that the crude oil futures RV can significantly affect future stock volatility for each equity index except SSEC. Moreover, the out-of-sample results from statistic and economic perspective reveal that crude oil futures RV is a more efficient predictor during the COVID-19 pandemic compared with the pre-crisis period. Furthermore, we find that the predictability of crude oil futures information is stronger from March to May 2020, when the epidemic is seriously prevailing. The empirical results from alternative evaluation method, recursive window method, alternative realized measures, controlling VIX and the seasonal effect, asymmetric forecasting window and different testing windows are robust and consistent. Our findings could offer novel and significant policy and practical implications.  相似文献   

This paper studies the ex-ante selective hedging strategies of crude oil futures contracts based on market state expectations and compares the hedging performances to the traditional minimum variance routine hedging strategies. The main advantage of the proposed method is that it achieves a trade-off between return and risk, rather than hedges risk at all costs. Specifically, we first use a multi-input Hidden Markov Model(HMM) to identify the market state, assess the market’s herding impact, and then integrate the findings of identification and measurement to forecast the price trend. We offer an adjustment criterion for the hedge ratios driven by GARCH2-type models based on the anticipated market state. We conducted an empirical analysis to examine the hedging effect of WTI and Brent crude oil futures, the results indicate that the proposed state-dependent hedging strategies are superior to the traditional model-driven hedging strategies concerning the hedged portfolio based on four criteria. The robustness check reveals that the proposed hedging strategies still outperform in different market situation. The findings can help traders in the crude oil markets, and the methodology can be applied to other energy markets.  相似文献   

The paper investigates the asymmetry in return and volatility spillovers across futures markets with non-overlapping stock exchange trading hours. The transmission of positive and negative return and volatility shocks is analysed for 104 channels of information conveyance identified by combining 9 developed and 11 emerging markets in markets pairs with non-overlapping trading hours. The asymmetric causality test is employed to daily stock index futures returns and volatilities for the period from 03 October 2010 to 03 October 2014. The paper sheds light on the relatively little explored concept of asymmetry in return and volatility spillovers across markets, providing novel evidence on stabilizing and destabilizing spillover effects.  相似文献   

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