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In this study, a unique data set is used to examine the pricing factors of lease asset-backed securities (ABS) in China's primary securitization market. In addition to conventional risk factors, such as credit enhancement, underlying asset characteristics, credit rating, and deal structure, we find that originators (i.e., leasing companies) play a critical role in determining the issuing price of lease ABS in China, as state-owned originators and high profitability lessors are more likely to receive a lower initial yield spread. We also find that non-state-owned guarantors, as a form of external credit enhancement for a tranche, can significantly broaden the issuance spread, which is opposite to the situation in mature securitization markets. In addition, lease ABS investors in China may underestimate the risks posed by the diversification level of the asset pool of lease ABS, and reputable underwriters can help the product earn a lower yield spread in the primary market. Our findings indicate some similarities between the pricing factors in China's lease ABS market and those in mature securitization markets, although they still have their own unique features.  相似文献   

This study investigates how firm risk factors affect bank loan pricing. Although firm-specific stock price crash risk affects bank loan costs directly, it also prompts other risks, including financial restatement and litigation, which in turn trigger higher bank loan costs. Strong internal and external governance mechanisms help reduce agency problems and improve information transparency, alleviating the adverse effect of stock price crash risk on loan costs. Our results confirm that bankers take good corporate governance into account in their bank loan decisions. We also show that bond investors price the adverse effect of stock price crash risk, prompting higher corporate bond costs. Futher evidence suggests that banks impose stricter non-price terms, such as smaller loan size, shorter loan maturity, and a higher likelihood of collateral requirement, on firms with higher crash risk.  相似文献   

Inspired by the prevalence of firm innovation and substantial influence of international oil price uncertainty (OPU) on firm operation and decision-making, we investigate the influence of OPU on firm innovation. Using a sample of Chinese listed firms over the 2007–2019 period, our study reveals that OPU decreases firm innovation. This finding is consistent with the real options theory and the prospect theory. Mediation analysis shows that OPU could decrease firm innovation by increasing firms' financing constraints degree. Moreover, high-tech firms and those in highly competitive industries have fewer options to delay their innovation investments, we find that the adverse effects of OPU on their innovation are weaker. Finally, further analysis shows that government subsidies can help mitigate adverse effects of OPU on firm innovation. This paper reveals that OPU goes beyond the commonly known and understood regular indicator that shapes a firm's innovation activity and enriches firm-level evidence for the effects of OPU by highlighting the effects on long-term investment in intangible assets.  相似文献   

This paper examines the profits of revenue, earnings, and price momentum strategies in an attempt to understand investor reactions when facing multiple information of firm performance in various scenarios. We first offer evidence that there is no dominating momentum strategy among the revenue, earnings, and price momentums, suggesting that revenue surprises, earnings surprises, and prior returns each carry some exclusive unpriced information content. We next show that the profits of momentum driven by firm fundamental performance information (revenue or earnings) depend upon the accompanying firm market performance information (price), and vice versa. The robust monotonicity in multivariate momentum returns is consistent with the argument that the market does not only underestimate the individual information but also the joint implications of multiple information on firm performance, particularly when they point in the same direction. A three-way combined momentum strategy may offer monthly return as high as 1.44%. The information conveyed by revenue surprises and earnings surprises combined account for about 19% of price momentum effects, which finding adds to the large literature on tracing the sources of price momentum.  相似文献   

A market is typically considered to dominate price discovery if it is the first to reflect new information about the fundamental value. Our simulations indicate that common price discovery metrics – Hasbrouck information share and Harris–McInish–Wood component share – are only consistent with this view of price discovery if the price series have equal levels of noise, including microstructure frictions and liquidity. If the noise in the price series differs, the information and component shares measure a combination of leadership in impounding new information and relative avoidance of noise, to varying degrees. A third price discovery metric, the ‘information leadership share’ uses the information share and the component share together to identify the price series that is first to impound new information. This third metric is robust to differences in noise levels and therefore correctly attributes price discovery in a wider range of settings. Using four recent empirical studies of price discovery we show that the choice and interpretation of price discovery metrics can have a substantial impact on conclusions about price discovery.  相似文献   

Using a 2009–2019 sample of Chinese bond issuers, we examine the effect of carbon risk on bond financing costs. Relative to low carbon risk issuers, high carbon risk issuers have substantially larger bond credit spreads, mainly because their credit risk is greater and they invest the funds in non-green projects. This positive relationship is more pronounced for issuers with financing constraints, those not making a green transition and those in cities with stringent environmental regulations. We find a reversed effect during the COVID-19 pandemic. However, China’s carbon peak and carbon neutral goals have renewed the focus on carbon risk. Carbon risk also causes bond issuers to scale back production and negatively affects their likelihood of receiving long-term financial support. Our findings suggest that investors consider carbon risk and charge a corresponding risk premium.  相似文献   

This paper assesses the risk arising from transition toward a low-emission economy and examines its transmission channels within the financial system. The environmental dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (E-DSGE) model shows that tightening environmental regulation impairs firms' balance sheets in the short term, as it enforces firms to internalize the pollution costs, which consequentially escalates the risks facing the financial system. For the empirical analysis, we employ the Clean Air Action that the Chinese government launched in 2013 as a quasi-natural experiment. The analysis on a unique dataset containing more than one million loans indicates that the default rates of high-polluting firms rose by around 80% along their environmental policy exposure. Further analysis shows those joint equity commercial banks with lower degree of government intervention and better corporate governance structure were able to appropriately manage their exposure to transition risks, while the state-owned banks failed to factor in such risks when extending credit to the borrowers targeted by the environmental regulation.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the empirical relationship between firm-level investment and the stock market in China from a price informativeness perspective. We find that firm investment does not significantly respond to the stock market valuation, because stock prices contain very little extra information about the future operating performance of firms. This finding is further supported by the relative investment response test and the relative price information content test based on the informativeness proxy of price non-synchronicity combined with firm information transparency.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the effect of qualified foreign institutional investors (QFIIs) on corporate social responsibility (CSR) within the context of listed firms in China. We find that QFIIs offer an incisive channel for improving socially responsible practices. In addition, we find that firms with QFIIs are more likely to comply with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) guidelines, and that their sustainability reports tend to be longer. We also find that this positive effect is more pronounced in firms with low initial CSR scores than those with high CSR scores at the time when QFIIs enter the sample. Our empirical evidence further confirms that this positive impact is driven by QFIIs from countries with high social awareness, or QFIIs from geographically distant countries, consistent with their motives, and is linked to the ownership of QFIIs, especially when the QFII is among the top ten of the largest shareholders. Finally, our extended analysis reveals that the increase in CSR performance associated with the presence of QFIIs results in greater firm performance and easier access to finance.  相似文献   

The carbon emission trading is an important market-oriented tool in the process of China's carbon neutrality, which makes companies face tremendous pressure to reduce emissions while having strong energy demands. In order to evaluate whether energy prices can be robust predictors of the prices of emission allowances, this study perform extreme bounds analysis (EBA) in four representative markets. The empirical results reveal that energy prices can indeed predict the prices of emission allowances, but the robustly predictive capabilities of different energy prices vary with regions. Among them, thermal coal is the robustly positive predictor for Guangdong, Hubei and Shanghai market; natural gas is the robustly negative predictor for all the four chosen regions; and crude oil can only positively predict Hubei market with robustness. Meanwhile, the horizons that predictions from energy to emission allowance can be performed as well as the predictive coefficients also vary with energy types and regions. And some trading implications are also provided alongside.  相似文献   

This study provides evidence for the differential impacts of corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives targeting different stakeholder groups on stock price crash risk. In particular, it highlights CSR's role in mitigating risk and creating shareholder value. Our results reveal that managerial bad news hoarding and the resultant stock crashes are largely determined by the social CSR dimension, and this effect is predominantly seen in undervalued firms. Moreover, social CSR subcategories aimed at specific stakeholder groups (such as the community, employees, or customers) tend to mitigate future crashes. In contrast, firms' environmental initiatives and governance characteristics seem to have trivial effects on stock crashes. Using a quasi-natural experiment, we find that the mitigating effect of social CSR dimension on crash risk is likely to be causal.  相似文献   

There is controversy about the effects of loyalty programs in the customer relationship management literature. Although some managers and researchers believe that customer loyalty created through loyalty programs leads to higher firm profits, others have found evidence that loyalty programs do not have a positive effect on firm's profits. In this article, we present our findings regarding the effect of reward cards and affinity cards on customer profitability in the context of credit card industry. We find surprising evidence that customers who own either a reward card or an affinity card generate significantly less profit than those customers who do not have these cards. Equally puzzling is the fact that these customers also have lower average lifetime with the firm. This leads us to a puzzle as to why these practices are widely prevalent in the industry. We find that loyalty cards provide value to the issuers in terms of risk management. They serve as a mechanism to reduce the risk associated with more profitable customers by attracting less risky customers. Thus, through loyalty cards the financial institution is able to balance out the total risk of the portfolio of customers by acquiring customers, who although less profitable, are less risky.  相似文献   

We study trading in option strategies in the FTSE-100 index market. Trades in option strategies represent around 37% of the total number of trades and over 75% of the total trading volume in our sample. We find some evidence that order flow in volatility–sensitive option strategies contains information about future realized volatility. We do not find evidence that order flow in directionally–sensitive option strategies contains information about future returns. Overall, our evidence suggests that option strategies are used both by traders who possess non-public information about future volatility and by uninformed speculators who appear to follow unprofitable trend chasing strategies.  相似文献   

We use tick-by-tick quote data for 39 liquid US stocks and options on them, and we focus on events when the two markets disagree about the stock price in the sense that the option-implied stock price obtained from the put-call parity relation is inconsistent with the actual stock price. Option market quotes adjust to eliminate the disagreement, while the stock market quotes behave normally, as if there were no disagreement. The disagreement events are typically precipitated by stock price movements and display signed option volume in the direction that tends to eliminate the disagreements. These results show that option price quotes do not contain economically significant information about future stock prices beyond what is already reflected in current stock prices, i.e., no economically significant price discovery occurs in the option market. We also find no option market price discovery using a much larger sample of disagreement events based on a weaker definition of a disagreement, which verifies that the findings for the primary sample are not due to unusual or unrepresentative market behavior during the put-call parity violations.  相似文献   

China introduced short selling for designated stocks in March 2010. Using this important policy change as a natural experiment, we examine the effect of short selling on stock price efficiency and liquidity. We show that the introduction of short selling significantly improves price efficiency, as measured by the differences in individual stock responses to market returns and the delay in price adjustments. Short selling also enhances stock liquidity, as measured by bid-ask spread and Amihud [2002. ‘Illiquidity and Stock Returns: Cross-section and Time-series Effects.’ Journal of Financial Markets 5: 31–56] illiquidity measure; and reduces stock volatility. Overall, our results suggest that short selling helps to stabilize asset prices, provides additional liquidity and improves market quality, even in an emerging economy with a less developed stock market than that in the US and Europe.  相似文献   

This study empirically investigates the effect of releasing alternative data on firm-specific price crash risk. Using the public launch of a firm's third-party online sales data in a well-known Chinese financial database as an exogenous shock, we find that stock price crash risk significantly decreases with the disclosure of third-party online sales data. The results are robust to a series of endogeneity corrections and robustness checks. We also find that the reduction of stock price crash risk is due to the decrease in managers' bad news withholdings and the increase in the accuracy of market expectations. In addition, the negative association between third-party online sales disclosure and crash risk is more pronounced for firms with weaker external governance, higher earnings volatility, greater likelihood of sales manipulation, and lower book-to-market ratio. Our findings yield important implications for a comprehensive understanding of the information disclosure effect of online sales data in the capital market and the mechanisms to reduce stock price crash risk.  相似文献   

The rapid and continuous growth of the Internet industry is highly important to China’s economy. Based on Porter’s diamond model and using data from 2002 to 2016, we construct a cultivation factor index of China’s Internet industrial competitiveness and its four composite indicators. We study the evolvement of the indexes over 15 years and analyze events that were key to the growth of cultivation factors of China’s Internet industrial competitiveness. The findings are as follows: (1) the cultivation factor index of Internet industrial competitiveness grows fast in waves, with alternating periods of steady growth and leap growth; (2) innovation in technology application, not technology itself, promotes the rapid increase of index; and (3) the influence of environmental opportunities and governments polices is demonstrated in evolvement of the index.  相似文献   

In the 1980s China experienced "an explosion of pent-up entrepreneurship"facilitated by wide-ranging, although often unorthodox, economicreforms. This article uses data on the output of 23 industrialsectors in seven coastal regions (provinces and counties) overthe period 1985 to 1989 to study the correlates of growth. Althoughindustry-specific feature—the degree of specializationand competition—had some influence on growth, much ofthe action came from region-specific influences and regionalspillovers. Regional influences included the open-door policiesand special economic zones that successfully attracted investmentsfrom overseas Chinese to particular locations. Existing regionalstrengths, especially high-quality human capital and infrastructure,also contributed to growth. The results illuminate the interplaybetween conditions conducive for growth—for example, thecontribution of foreign expertise is greatly enhanced by availablehuman capital. China made judicious use of the advantages ofbackwardness by targeting areas that were less developed andless encumbered by the legacy of existing institutions, althoughit was fortunate in this regard that the backward regions werein close proximity to Hong Kong and Taiwan (China). Importantalso was the transmission of growth impulses across the provincesand counties, possibly through prereform cadre and administrativenetworks.  相似文献   

The American Dream is a well-researched concept, but what would be its equivalent for Mexico? We investigate the Mexican Dream for young adults (25 to 35 year old Mexicans). The aim of the study is to develop an understanding of the core values of young Mexican adults reflected in their consumer behavior in the financial sector. We implement a cross-cultural consumer behavior framework by David Luna, in order to consider factors like culture, and value systems to uncover the Mexican Dream for young Mexican adults. In order to gather data for this study, six focus group discussions of key informants were carried out in specific areas, such as consumer behavior, futures images and Mexican culture among others. The results suggest that the core drivers of the Mexican Young adults, known as Generation Y, differ from the traditional cultural values in several ways. The results are used to create four images of the future in order to understand the young Mexican adults core drivers for the future: 1) Following the North Americans image describes a future based on the traditional Mexican values updated with a modern twist; 2) The Muddling Through image describes a future where the most important aspects of life go wrong; 3) the Telenovela combines positive and negative aspects in an image of the future; and 4) the Going European image strives for a civilized individualism within a welfare state.  相似文献   

Recent papers that have explored spot and futures markets for Bitcoin have concluded that price discovery takes place either in the spot, or the futures market. Here, we consider the robustness of previous price discovery conclusions by investigating causal relationships, cointegration and price discovery between spot and futures markets for Bitcoin, using appropriate daily data and time-varying mechanisms. We apply the time-varying Granger causality test of Shi, Phillips, and Hurn [2018]; time-varying cointegration tests of Park and Hahn [1999], and time-varying information share methodologies, concluding that futures prices Granger cause spot prices and that futures prices dominate the price discovery process.  相似文献   

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