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In recent years, omnichannel retailing has created value for prospective consumers. The rise of omnichannel retailing has changed consumers' buying habits, and manufacturers are facing stiff competition from retailers. To reduce this competition effect, manufacturers and retailers often work together to reduce showroom display costs. Despite this practice, there is little understanding of how omnichannel retailing impacts supply chain (SC) profit under competitive conditions. We investigate the test-in-store-and-buy-online (TSBO) retailing strategy and its impact on SC profit and price competition between manufacturers. The retailer sells products of both manufacturers through its website but displays products of only one manufacturer in the showroom, which bears the displaying cost. The retailer adopts a return policy for the other manufacturer. Stackelberg game was used to examine how members of the chain interact, and Nash equilibrium was used to find optimal strategies for players under decentralized and integrated channels. The results show that the TSBO strategy in retailing benefits all supply chain players under the integrated channel. A further interesting finding is that omnichannel SC profits are highest when retailers adopt a return policy. When two manufacturers compete and adopt different sales models, the manufacturer who uses the TSBO retail model reaps the most profit. Several other managerial insights are drawn from sensitivity analyses.  相似文献   

This study investigates the important role of a retailer's return policy in consumers' decision making. Utilizing signaling theory and the Cue Diagnosticity framework, this study posits that return policy, as a cue from a retailer, interacts with other cues (product, price, and product quality) to reduce perceived purchase risk and increases store image and patronage intention. Employing factorial experiment design, the authors conduct two studies and find support for several hypotheses. Results show that consumers value return policies depending upon the situation. A lenient return policy drives down purchase risk and leads consumers to have positive store images and higher patronage intentions. Both theoretical and managerial implications of the findings are provided.  相似文献   

Based on the signaling theory, cue utilization theory and halo effect theory, this paper establishes a theoretical model of the impact of return policy leniency on consumer purchase intention in the context of cross-border e-commerce (CBEC). The model is verified by the experimental data. Moreover, the mediating role of perceived quality and perceived risk and the moderating effects of port of shipment and product traceability code are significant. The results show that in the CBEC scenario, when the online retailers adopt a lenient return policy, the consumers have higher perceived quality and lower perceived risk, which in turn leads to a higher intention to purchase; When a consumer purchases the product which ships from domestic bonded warehouse or a product without a product traceability code present, the effect of the leniency of return policy on perceived quality and perceived risk is stronger.  相似文献   

The manufacturer return policy is widely regarded as a means for channel partners to share risk. However, existing studies of this popular institutional practice use frameworks that assume risk-neutrality of all parties.This report analyzes how sensitivity to risk affects both sides of the manufacturer-retailer relationship under various scenarios of strategic power, and how these dynamics are altered by a return policy. A key finding is that the penalty for ignoring risk sensitivity can be substantial. This will suggest an informational motive affecting the use of return policies, a consequence of the potential difficulty of inferring another party’s risk sensitivity and the positive incentive for deception.  相似文献   

While retailers are committed to promoting product brands to increase sales quantity and brand visibility, retailers are exposed to supply uncertainty. Therefore, we explore the brand promotion strategies of retailers in a competitive model. We then investigate the decision model under three different brand strategies and explore the equilibrium outcomes of stakeholders under supply uncertainty. In addition, we analyze and discuss social welfare under different scenarios. The results show that when the promotion cost is high (i.e., the cost effect dominates the market expansion effect), neither retailer promotes the product brand. When the promotion cost is low (i.e., the market expansion effect dominates the cost effect), both retailers tend to promote the product brands. When the promotion cost and market expansion match each other, only one retailer promotes the product brand becomes the equilibrium strategy. It is worth noting that when both retailers promote the product brand, the retailer falls into a prisoner's dilemma. In addition, we find that the supply uncertainty level diminishes the cost affordability and the motivation of retailers to promote the product brands. Interestingly, the supply uncertainty level reduces the possibility of retailers being in a prisoner's dilemma. Besides, market expansion (supply uncertainty) contributes to improving (diminishing) social welfare.  相似文献   

In this research paper, we assume a retailer-multi-channel manufacturer (with online and traditional retail channels) supply chain where both the multi-channel manufacturer and the retailer have private information about the state of consumer demand. In this setting, we examine the effect of an information sharing strategy on both firms' performance. Our results show that the multi-channel manufacturer always benefits from an information sharing strategy. When the product is highly compatible with the online channel, information sharing becomes much more valuable to the multi-channel manufacturer. On the other hand, the retailer's performance is not impacted by an information sharing strategy. Thus, a bargaining model is utilized to implement profit sharing for the multi-channel manufacturer and retailer so that an information sharing equilibrium can be reached. Based on our results, we derive optimal market strategies and identify probable paths of future research.  相似文献   

The healthcare industry continues to face substantial pressure to simultaneously improve costs and patient centricity. Much of the focus to date has concerned policy interventions capable of improving these performance measures for traditional healthcare providers, such as hospitals. But recently, nontraditional healthcare providers like Walmart Health and Amazon have made forays into the industry by establishing retail medical clinics (RMCs). These efforts constitute a redistribution of how services are organized across the macro healthcare delivery supply chain. While RMCs stand to bring innovative models of service delivery to patients, the policy environment can both enable and inhibit their involvement in the industry. We develop a framework that explains how structural and conduct regulations have historically influenced demand for and supply of healthcare services. We then describe how these regulatory factors can support nontraditional healthcare providers as they launch innovative service delivery models aimed at efficiency and customer centricity.  相似文献   

Procurement has grown up. It is now a strategic business function that increasingly recognizes the importance of strategic supplier relationships, a reflection of key account management. It is time to assess the impact of this shift on the profession and practice of account management. This paper examines customer adoption of strategic procurement and then discusses the implications this has for account managers at the suppliers serving these customers. New techniques are emerging in these special relationships, including the use of psychological contracts and co-measurement and monitoring. Perceived fairness will also have a major impact on the customer's view of their suppliers. Account managers must recognize these changes or fall victim to supplier delusion: the belief that they are performing better than they really are.  相似文献   

While a product return guarantee plays an important role in reducing perceived risk, a liberal product return policy may generate a moral crisis in consumers and induce unethical post-consumption behaviors. Situational questionnaires with two return policies, liberal and rigorous, are used to investigate how such policies influence consumers' moral reasoning and fraudulent return activities. This study finds that a return policy with different attributes results in differing consumer moral recognition, moral judgment, moral intensity, and intentions toward fraudulent return. Among these constructs, evidence of a strong correlation between moral judgment and unethical returning behaviors was found. Social consensus has a greater impact on moral recognition, moral judgment, and fraudulent return intention than on the magnitude of consequences and probability of effect. These findings from consumers' moral perspectives address gaps in the literature in which most studies take the retailer point of view in examining the effects of return policy. Understanding consumers’ moral decision-making is helpful for retailers who seek to avoid consumer abuse of return policies.  相似文献   

Retailers have treated the buy-online-and-return-in-store (BORS) policy as an important initiative to reduce return losses and provide a better customer experience. Studies on BORS policy have primarily focused on the retailer's strategic value, but not on how such a seamlessly integrated omnichannel operation affects customer behavior. Using Chinese customer data and the structural equation model (SEM), we investigate how BORS channel integration impacts customer behavioral intentions, with the consideration of the mediating effect of customer satisfaction and the moderating effect of offline store characteristics. Based on the stimulus-organism-response framework, our research found that two dimensions of BORS channel integration (integrated return fulfillment and integrated customer service) positively impact customer satisfaction and subsequently impact behavioral intentions in different channels. Furthermore, offline store convenience moderates the relationship between integrated customer service and customer satisfaction. Product variety in the offline store moderates the relationship between customer satisfaction and offline behavioral intentions, while it is not statistically significant in the relationship between customer satisfaction and online behavioral intentions. Compared to the younger group, the older group who is satisfied with BORS service is more likely to purchase offline. These findings generate important theoretical and practical implications for omnichannel return operations.  相似文献   

We model a supply chain consisting of a national brand manufacturer and an independent manufacturer, both of whom are potential suppliers of store brand to a single retailer. The retailer serves two customer segments—a quality sensitive segment (high type) and a price sensitive (low type) segment. The retailer serves these two segments by targeting the national and store brands to the quality and price sensitive segments, respectively. When the national brand manufacturer supplies the store brand he internalizes the effect of store brand quality on the national brand's retail prices. This leads the national brand manufacturer to choose a lower store brand quality than the independent manufacturer. This decrease in store brand quality has the benefit of increased revenues from the high type customers along with an associated cost of decreased revenues from the low type customers. Thus, when the benefit outweighs the cost the retailer chooses the national brand manufacturer to supply the store brand. We show that the retailer will choose the national brand manufacturer to supply the store brand when (a) the size of the high type customer segment is large relative to the low type customer segment, (b) the valuations of the high type customer segment is large relative to the low type customer segment, and (c) the retailer's margin requirement on the store brand is not very high. Overall, these results suggest that retailers who serve a bigger sized quality (price) sensitive clientele would have the national brand (independent) manufacturer supply the store brand.  相似文献   

Data sharing among the supply chain players can be an exceptionally significant factor for the retailing industry. In this consideration, an improved retailing methodology for a dual-channel supply chain with a single retailer and manufacturer is built under the bullwhip effect and asymmetric data sharing. Retailer provides asymmetric information to the manufacturer regarding demand to increase their profit. In this scenario, measuring the bullwhip effect is essential in retailing strategy. By adopting an online-to-offline retailing strategy, industries can earn more profit and increase the satisfaction level of customers. The present study focuses on dual-channel retailing, where the demand for the product in both channels varies with the selling price. Keeping in mind the goal of sustainable development, an advanced transportation strategy is utilized in this study, along with some carbon emission costs. Autonomated inspection is utilized to identify defective products. Finally, centralized and decentralized profit functions are formulated for this study. Several cases and numerical examples are provided to validate this study. It is clear from the numerical findings that information sharing within the players provides 1.26% more profit compared to a decentralized case. Due to asymmetric information, which leads to the bullwhip effect, the retailing system faces loss. Thus, information sharing is 0.19% beneficial for dual-channel retailing. Sensitivity analysis for key parameters ensures the findings' applicability in the real world.  相似文献   

As consumer shopping preferences shift from traditional retail channels toward e-commerce, the negative effects of e-commerce are easy to see and are often noted in the popular press. Yet, the benefits of this shift are often unseen. In this article, we first consider empirical evidence that suggests technological innovation is generally a net positive for society. We look at the unseen benefits along with each of the seen costs of e-commerce growth to fully understand the impacts on society. To do this, we consider packaging and waste, traffic and emissions, and energy and resource consumption—all considered costs of e-commerce. Based on this evidence, we propose that policymakers should exercise caution before developing policies that may alter this shift and limit innovation.  相似文献   

This study gauges customer perspectives to investigate how return policy generosity (the degree to which a retailer imposes minimal restrictions on returns) influences customer-perceived value and customer purchase intention. It also examines two moderators, retailer brand familiarity (the extent to which the retailer brand is well-known) and product categories (the difference between products with respect to the magnitude of effort required to make a return). An experiment with a 2 × 2 × 2 factorial design was conducted. The results show that return policy generosity increases customer purchase intention by enhancing the perceived value of the policy. Lesser-known retailers benefit more from generous return policies than their well-known competitors, particularly when a product requires significant return effort. Well-known retailers benefit from offering generous return policies only for product categories that involve low levels of return effort. The findings of this study suggest that if a retailer formulates a return policy without considering the moderating effects of retailer brand familiarity and product category, then it will tend to over-invest if the return policy is generous.  相似文献   

This paper determines which of the three policy approaches: fiscal, monetary and exchange rate can better address external imbalances in the three largest African economies, Nigeria, South Africa and Egypt. To this end, use is made of the panel vector autoregressive model to assess the dynamic effects of shocks emanating from the three policy approaches. The findings of the paper indicate that unlike in many emerging and developed economies the current accounts of these three economies react to fiscal, monetary and exchange rate shocks. More particular, the results of the empirical analysis show that the appreciations of the currencies in the three economies lead to current account surpluses. This is mainly attributed to the fact that most African economies have a high propensity to import with limited productive capacity for exports.  相似文献   

Practitioners and academics continue to note that there is no shortage of inventory in many, if not most, supply chains. Rather, the historical notion holds true: the right product is not in the right place at the right time to meet demand. In order to impact supply chain performance positively, it is necessary to re-address inventory's role and relevance with respect to the development, maintenance, and control of product flows. This paper suggests that examining such flows from a three-fold perspective can be beneficial to firms by providing a framework to assess efforts to achieve lowest total cost and expected customer service.  相似文献   

Building on the service dominant logic, this study explores the effect of online and offline channel interactivity on consumers’ value co-creation behavior (VCB), the mediating effect of brand involvement, and the moderating effect of cross-channel consistency (CCC). We surveyed 387 customers who engage in omnichannel shopping. The relationship between online and offline channel interactivity and VCB was positive and partially mediated by brand involvement. The interaction effect of online channel interactivity (ONI) and offline channel interactivity (OFI) had a negative effect on brand involvement when CCC was low but a non-significant positive effect when CCC was high. These findings enrich the theoretical understanding of value co-creation and provide insights into omnichannel management.  相似文献   

This study addresses critical questions regarding the extent of business-to-business electronic marketplace usage for purchasing, and the degree and impact of buyers' e-readiness on the range of electronic marketplace usage. The data from a Web-based survey of 359 purchasing professionals in the United States suggests that buyers with more experience in using information technology, the Internet to facilitate purchasing, and information systems for enhancing supply chain management would more likely use electronic marketplaces for purchasing. This study has significant theoretical implications because it confirms the important role of e-readiness in the electronic marketplace usage model. The practical implications of this study are also discussed.  相似文献   

Despite the growth of the Internet, one area that has not really been discussed is the elderly's use of the Internet. Given the rapid growth of this population as well as the potential the Internet holds for them, it is a subject worth consideration. However, seniors cannot be defined simply by their chronological age, but by their cognitive age. This paper discusses the impact of cognitive age of a national random sample of American elderly consumers on their Internet use. The results suggest that those seniors with a younger cognitive age use the Internet more than those seniors with an older cognitive age. Additionally, seniors with a younger cognitive age have more social contact off‐line (but not online) than those seniors with an older cognitive age. Finally, in terms of demographic variables, chronological age is positively associated with cognitive age and women report a younger cognitive age than men. These results suggest that for policy makers interested in increasing the participation of seniors, they can utilize the Internet to reach those who are younger in terms of cognitive age; however, they will not be able to reach all seniors in this manner and they need to utilize the Internet as a complementing media to their traditional communication sources.  相似文献   

The enforcement of antitrust policy potentially affects the level of foreign investment experienced by a nation. Yet the literature focusing on the impact of antitrust on inward foreign direct investment (FDI) is inconclusive with respect to the nature of this relationship, as antitrust involves properties that can both promote and deter foreign investment. In line with these countervailing conceptual underpinnings, the empirical literature on this topic also presents mixed findings. We argue that distinguishing between the policy risk and policy uncertainty characteristic of antitrust allows reconciling these competing perspectives. We employ sector-level data on U.S. antitrust and inward-FDI flows over the 2002–2018 period. Our panel-data empirical results indicate that the policy-risk elements of antitrust enforcement foster inward FDI, while the policy-uncertainty elements of antitrust enforcement deter inward FDI.  相似文献   

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