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The disposition effect is an investment bias where investors hold stocks at a loss longer than stocks at a gain. This bias is associated with poorer investment performance and exhibited to a greater extent by investors with less experience and less sophistication. A method of managing susceptibility to the bias is through use of stop losses. Using the trading records of UK stock market individual investors from 2006 to 2009, this paper shows that stop losses used as part of investment decisions are an effective tool for inoculating against the disposition effect. We also show that investors who use stop losses have less experience and that, when not using stop losses, these investors are more reluctant to realise losses than other investors.  相似文献   

Until now, IPO market timing has been mostly associated with a varying number of IPOs in certain periods of “hot” and “cold” issue markets. We would like to offer a different perspective. We focus on a speed of the IPO process, after the decision to go public was actually made. Our hypothesis is that in “hot market” managers will tend to minimize the time necessary to go public in order to take advantage of high valuations as quickly as possible. On the contrary, if the firm is not ready with the IPO on time and in the meantime the market falls during the going-public process, managers will tend to delay the IPO hoping that the good market conditions will come back soon. We argue that such a behavior might be attributed to the disposition effect among firms' managers.We find a statistically significant negative correlation between the market return and the speed of the IPO process. The absolute correlation coefficient is higher when the market return is calculated 90 days prior to the Approval Date of the prospectus than when it is calculated 90 days after the Approval Date. Hence, a vast part of the market influence on the speed of the offering process has its origin at the time when offering is formally not possible yet. External factors occurring after the Approval Date seem to be less important than the managerial decision influenced by observation of the market situation prior to the Approval Date.We also find that for firms débuting faster than the median of our sample, the average market return in the period between the IPO date and the median is positive. On the other hand, in the group of slower firms, the average market return in the period between the median and the IPO date is negative. There is an analogy between firms – débuting too fast in bullish market and too slow in bearish market, and investors – selling winning stocks too quickly and keeping falling stocks for too long in their portfolios. Both managers and investors seem to be biased by the S-shape utility function, as predicted by the prospect theory of Kahnemann and Tversky (1979).  相似文献   

This paper uses intraday and daily data from the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) between 2002 and 2004 to provide evidence that firms use stock splits to bring their stock prices down to a preferred trading range of their clientele base. Stock splits reduce bid–ask spreads and intraday and daily price impact while increasing depths supplied by retail investors who account for 60–70% of trading on the SET. Firms that choose a high split factor experience greater improvement in liquidity. The study finds no evidence that split announcements are used to signal post-split earnings performance.  相似文献   

Among the various external information sources that influence individual investors' trading decisions, no research has considered the important influence of insiders' transactions. Retail investors might copy the behavior demonstrated by insiders' trading; therefore, this study establishes an approach to estimate the buying probability for a certain stock by a certain investor at a certain point in time and analyzes whether insider trade reports influence this probability. Using a sample of more than 270,000 retail trades in Germany between 2008 and 2009, along with more than 3000 insider trades in the same period, we find evidence of copying of insiders' trades by retail investors. The basic mimicry hypothesis holds, even when we consider an information event hypothesis and an insider attention effect hypothesis as alternative explanations. A robustness test also supports the findings.  相似文献   

We examine institutional investors' responses to corporate disclosure quality conditional on market states. Transient institutions react more positively to corporate disclosure quality during market downturns than during normal market periods, as better disclosure practices lower information asymmetry and are thus associated with reduced uncertainty, enhanced liquidity, and weakened impacts of crises, which are the most desirable features of assets during market downturns. Dedicated institutions are insensitive to corporate disclosure quality in both normal and market downturn periods, as they have access to inside information and rely less on public disclosures. Their reliance on corporate disclosures in market downturns, however, increases sharply after the implementation of Regulation Fair Disclosure, which removes their inside information advantage. We further show that corporate disclosure reduces information asymmetry to a greater extent in market downturns than in normal market periods and that transient ownership in market downturns provides strong price support and stabilizes return volatility, whereas dedicated ownership does not possess such functions. Finally, we show that the results are not simply driven by endogeneity and are robust to alternative corporate disclosure quality measure and to the control of other determinants of institutional holdings.  相似文献   

Bidders have an incentive to pay with stock when their shares are overvalued, but target firms should be reluctant to accept such overvalued payment. In a sample of 2978 acquisitions, we find that stock payment is readily accepted only when the bidder can justify the financing decision in terms of such economic fundamentals as optimal capital structure. Yet even when the fundamentals justify stock payment, paying with cash is common. In that way, firms can preclude paying with undervalued stock and are more likely to experience positive long-term excess returns.  相似文献   

The beta dispersion, which is the spread of betas on a stock market, can be interpreted as a measure of market vulnerability. This study examines the economic idea of the beta dispersion and its application as a market return predictor. Based on the empirical beta dispersion observed in the US equity market, the study develops measures to predict future market returns. These dispersion measures have substantial predictive power for future market movements. Moreover, I show that the information content of beta dispersion can be successfully exploited by market timing strategies with the help of distributional regressions. The innovative application of this novel approach of modeling the relationship between multiple variables appears to be quite useful for timing strategies.  相似文献   

We document asymmetric announcement effects of consumer sentiment news on United States stock and stock futures markets. While a negative market effect occurs upon the release of bad sentiment news, there is no market reaction for the counterpart good news. This supports the “negativity effect” hypothesis. Notably, this effect seems most likely to occur in salient stocks, which is consistent with the availability heuristic.  相似文献   

A moneyness‐based propensity to sell (MPS) measure, at the aggregate level, determines the propensity of option holders to exercise their winning relative to losing positions. Using data on individual stock and S&P 500 Index options, we find that the MPS measure has significant predictive power over the cross section of delta‐hedged option returns. We test the disposition effect in the options market based on a long–short strategy that exploits price distortions induced by the disposition bias. More pronounced evidence of the disposition bias is found for individual at‐the‐money call options than put options where the significance of abnormal returns remains robust across different subsamples even after we control for the portfolio option greeks and market‐based risk factors. The profitability of the long–short strategy is related to limit‐to‐arbitrage proxies suggesting that behavioral explanations help explain the positive relation between the MPS measure and delta‐hedged option returns.  相似文献   

Using a simple model of equity valuation, we define stock market bubbles and anti-bubbles as periods in which the dynamics of valuation is temporarily explosive. We identify a mechanism for the creation and destruction of bubbles and anti-bubbles that depends on the interaction between valuation and expected change in corporate profitability. Topically, we find that valuation dynamics are explosive in 2017, suggesting the possible formation of an equity bubble in the US.  相似文献   

I investigate the strong negative relation between recent stock returns and the annuitization of retirement savings using a novel data set with over 100,000 actual payout decisions. After controlling for several standard explanations (e.g., wealth effects), I present evidence supporting naïve beliefs and extrapolation from past returns. The effect of recent returns on annuitization dramatically increases with age, confirming that the elderly rely most heavily on recent information. My results provide insights into how beliefs are formed in old age and have implications for the design of public policies seeking to promote annuitization.  相似文献   

We investigate the effect of stock market liberalization on technological innovation. Using a sample of 20 economies that experience stock market liberalization, we find that these economies exhibit a higher level of innovation output after liberalization and that this effect is disproportionately stronger in more innovative industries. The relaxation of financial constraints, enhanced risk sharing between domestic and foreign investors, and improved corporate governance are three plausible channels that allow stock market liberalization to promote innovation. Finally, we show that technological innovation is a mechanism through which stock market liberalization affects productivity growth and therefore economic growth. Our paper provides new insights into the real effects of stock market liberalization on productivity growth and the economy.  相似文献   

Stock market structure and volatility   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
The procedure for opening stocks on the NYSE appears to affectprice volatility. An analytical framework for assessing themagnitude of the structurally induced volatility is presented.The ratio of variance of open-to-open returns to close-to-closereturns is shown to be consistently greater than one for NYSEcommon stocks during the period 1982 through 1986. The greatervolatility at the open is not attributable to the way in whichpublic information is released since both the open-to-open returnand the close-to-close return span the same period of time.Instead, the greater volatility appears to be attributable toprivate information revealed in trading and to temporary pricedeviations induced by specialist and other traders. The impliedcost of immediacy at the open is significantly higher than atthe close. Other empirical evidence in this article documentsthe volume of trading at the open, the time delays between theexchange opening and the first transaction in a stock, the differencein daytime volatility versus overnight volatility, and the extendto which volatility is related to trading volume.  相似文献   

Peer performance can influence the adoption of financial innovations and investment styles. We present evidence of this type of social influence: recent stock returns that local peers experience affect an individual's stock market entry decision, particularly in areas with better opportunities for social learning. The likelihood of entry does not decrease as returns fall below zero, consistent with people not talking about decisions that have produced inferior outcomes. Market returns, media coverage, local stocks, omitted local variables, short sales constraints, and stock purchases within households do not seem to explain these results.  相似文献   

Pecking order and market timing theories assume that corporate financing decisions are made in the interests of existing shareholders. We find that existing institutional investors, on average, significantly increase their share ownership at the time of the SEO, including SEOs that would be classified as overpriced based on ex-ante measures of mispricing, such as pre-issue returns and market-to-book ratios. We further find that higher pre-existing institutional shareholdings lead to less SEO timing. Overall, the results question whether firms engage in equity timing to benefit existing shareholders at the expense of investors buying shares in the SEOs.  相似文献   

The paper examines the implications arising from the effect of two cognitive biases, representativeness and conservatism, for securities price behaviour on the London Stock Exchange. In a single- and multi-factor framework of abnormal returns, the aspects of trend and consistency in the performance ratios of UK companies are examined on the base of behavioural finance theories with respect to cognitive biases. The findings obtained by the multi-factor model confirm the existence of two cognitive biases and trends that investors observe in financial performance over the long-term horizon, which is not the case for the single-factor model.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the relationship between stock market comovements and monetary integration. A panel specification is used to explain bilateral stock market return correlations between fifteen developed economies over the period 1975-2006. Time fixed effects are included to capture global shocks and we also examine the role of bilateral trade linkages and international financial integration. Monetary integration leads to stronger stock market synchronization, both through the elimination of exchange rate volatility and through the common monetary policy and the convergence of inflation expectations. Trade and financial integration also contribute to higher stock market return comovements.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the relation between stock liquidity and firm performance. The study shows that firms with liquid stocks have better performance as measured by the firm market-to-book ratio. This result is robust to the inclusion of industry or firm fixed effects, a control for idiosyncratic risk, a control for endogenous liquidity using two-stage least squares, and the use of alternative measures of liquidity. To identify the causal effect of liquidity on firm performance, we study an exogenous shock to liquidity—the decimalization of stock trading—and show that the increase in liquidity around decimalization improves firm performance. The causes of liquidity's beneficial effect are investigated: Liquidity increases the information content of market prices and of performance-sensitive managerial compensation. Finally, momentum trading, analyst coverage, investor overreaction, and the effect of liquidity on discount rates or expected returns do not appear to drive the results.  相似文献   

Baseball cards exhibit anomalies that are analogous to those that are documented in financial markets, namely, momentum, price drift in the direction of past fundamental performance, and initial public offering (IPO) underperformance. Momentum is higher among active players than retired players, and among newer sets than older sets. Regarding IPO underperformance, we find that newly issued rookie cards underperform newly issued cards of veteran players, and that newly issued sets underperform older sets. The results are broadly consistent with models of slow information diffusion and short-selling constraints.  相似文献   

This paper extends the analysis of managerial share price concerns by allowing informed trading in the stock market. It is shown that because they decrease the manager's information advantage vis-à-vis the stock market, individual investors who trade on private information improve the efficiency of corporate investment. This improvement does, however, fall short of first-best efficiency. Moreover, a stronger managerial share-price concern increases the expected profit from informed trading. Hence, by encouraging individual investors to collect information about corporate decisions and trade on it, managerial myopia tends to automatically bring forth a partial solution to the problems that it causes.  相似文献   

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