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In this paper, we propose an alternative approach for pricing and hedging American barrier options. Specifically, we obtain an analytic representation for the value and hedge parameters of barrier options, using the decomposition technique of separating the European option value from the early exercise premium. This allows us to identify some new put-call ‘symmetry’ relations and the homogeneity in price parameters of the optimal exercise boundary. These properties can be utilized to increase the computational efficiency of our method in pricing and hedging American options. Our implementation of the obtained solution indicates that the proposed approach is both efficient and accurate in computing option values and option hedge parameters. Our numerical results also demonstrate that the approach dominates the existing lattice methods in both accuracy and efficiency. In particular, the method is free of the difficulty that existing numerical methods have in dealing with spot prices in the proximity of the barrier, the case where the barrier options are most problematic.  相似文献   

由于复杂的、多维度期权的应用越来越广泛,运用数值分析方法对其进行定价分析已成为一个必不可少的手段。然而,数值分析方法自身运算的复杂性,决定了其手工运算的成本高,因此充分发挥计算机的"精确、快速"优势是实现期权定价数值分析模型的一个必然趋势。基于计算机编程语言技术,研究了Java对数值方法的实现,及Java语言在期权定价中的应用;并通过java语言本身的语法规则、内嵌函数等,对期权定价的二叉树模型和蒙特卡罗模拟方法进行有效的实现。研究结果表明,运用java语言可以较快、较好地解决规则期权与奇异期权的定价问题。  相似文献   

We propose new lattice-based algorithms for option and bond pricing, which rely on computationally simple trees, i.e., trees with the number of nodes that grows at most linearly in the number of time intervals. Contrary to commonly used methods, the target diffusion is approximated directly, without having to transform the original process into a constant volatility process. The discrete approximating process converges to the target continuous process, and the proposed algorithms are shown to be efficient and accurate for pricing purposes.  相似文献   

This paper considers the pricing of derivatives that protect holders of corporate bonds from a reduction in their value because of a deterioration in their credit quality. These derivatives are structured as either puts on the bond price or calls on the bond spread (above the risk free rate) in the context of models developed by Merton (1974) and Black and Cox (1976). The pricing properties of these options are derived using both analytical and numerical methods.  相似文献   

Abstract We analyze the Galerkin infinite element method for pricing European barrier options and, more generally, options with discontinuous payoff. The infinite element method is a simple and efficient modification of the more common finite element method. It keeps the best features of finite elements, i.e., bandedness, ease of programming, accuracy. Three main aspects are considered: (i) the degeneracy of the pricing PDE models at hand; (ii) the presence of discontinuities at the barriers or in the payoff clause and their effects on the numerical approximation process; (iii) the need for resorting to suitable numerical methods for unbounded domains when appropriate asymptotic conditions are not specified. The numerical stability and convergence of the proposed method are proved. Mathematics Subject Classification (2000): 65N30, 65J10 Journal of Economic Literature Classification: G13, C63  相似文献   

Abstract We consider the problem of pricing European lookback options when the underlying asset price is driven by a constant elasticity of variance (CEV) process. The evaluation model is based on the binomial approximation developed by Nelson and Ramaswamy (1990) and we show how to apply it in the case of such options. We develop simple pricing algorithms that compute accurate estimates of the option prices.  相似文献   

Use of transfer prices is regarded by many writers as an efficient means of management of multidivisional firms. Its use in effect creates an internal market for the firm. However, its value as a management technique isknown to be subject to a number of limitations of the type discussed in the general economic theory of market failure. Nevertheless, two important limitations of transfer pricing have been neglected in the literature: (1) imputed profit/loss based on optimal transfer prices can be a poor guide to the economic value of a division to a firm when market transaction costs are important (for instance, even if a division shows an imputed loss, it may not be optimal to dispose of it), and (2) transfer pricing can retard technical change, innovation and productivity enhancement within a division to the detriment of the firm as a whole. Both aspects are examined here.  相似文献   

This paper develops a spatial general equilibrium model that accommodates both congestion and agglomeration externalities, while firms’ and households’ land-use decisions are endogenous across continuous space. Focusing on the interaction between externalities and land use patterns, we examine the efficiencies of first-best policies and second-best pricing and place-based strategies using numerical simulations. A first-best policy must combine both Pigouvian congestion tolling (PCT) and Pigouvian labor subsidies (PLS) instruments, or design an optimal toll (or subsidy) internalizing agglomeration externalities (or congestion externalities). We also examine second-best pricing policies if only one instrument is adopted. Congestion pricing policies alone (e.g., a partial PCT or a flat-rate toll) can improve social welfare only in heavy-congestion cities, and their welfare gains may be insignificant (e.g., below 10% of the welfare improvement achieved by first-best policies). In contrast, second-best labor subsidy policies alone are a more effective alternative to first-best policies. As to place-based policies, the firm cluster zoning (FCZ) regulation is more efficient than the urban growth boundary (UGB) policy. UGBs only have small effects on the agglomeration economy but could worsen land market distortions via residential rent-escalation effects. These findings suggest that it is important to internalize business land use decisions and relax monocentricity assumptions, in order to appreciate the interplay of both urban externalities, since spatial adaptations to policy interventions can distort system efficiencies.  相似文献   

This study presents an analytical exact solution for the price of VIX options under stochastic volatility model with simultaneous jumps in the asset price and volatility processes. We shall demonstrate that our new pricing formula can be used to efficiently compute the numerical values of a VIX option. While we also show that the numerical results obtained from our formula consistently match those obtained from Monte Carlo simulation perfectly as a verification of the correctness of our formula, numerical evidence is offered to illustrate that the correctness of the formula proposed in Lin and Chang (J Futur Markets 29(6), 523–543, 2009) is in serious doubt. Moreover, some important and distinct properties of VIX options (e.g., put-call parity, hedging ratios) are also examined and discussed.  相似文献   

This paper shows that under payoff and/or interest rate uncertainty the splitting up of discounted cash flows (DCFs) into period addenda not only permits to quantify the contribution of each period to the total (random) DCF, but also allows us to price it and hedge the its risk. The contribution effect was already well known, while the pricing and hedging issue is new in this context. We first notice that—through the decomposition—each cash flow process can be interpreted as a swap one. We then resort to the risk-neutral pricing and hedging technique as applied to (exotic) swaps.  相似文献   

This paper examines congestion taxes in a monocentric city with pre-existing labor taxation. When road toll revenue is used to finance labor tax cuts, 35% of the optimal road tax in our numerical model does not reflect marginal external congestion costs, but rather functions as a Ramsey–Mirrlees tax, i.e. an efficiency enhancing mechanism allowing for an indirect spatial differentiation of the labor tax. This adds a quite different motivation to road pricing, since welfare gains can be produced even in absence of congestion. We find that the optimal road tax is non-monotonic across space, reflecting the different impacts of labor supply elasticity and marginal utility of income, which both vary over space. The relative efficiencies of some archetype second-best pricing schemes (cordon toll, flat kilometer tax) are high (84% and 70% respectively). When road toll revenue is recycled lump-sum, the optimal toll lies below its Pigouvian level. Extensions in a bimodal framework show that the optimality of using road toll revenue to subsidize public transport depends on the initial inefficiency in public transport pricing.  相似文献   

The entropy valuation of option (Stutzer, 1996) provides a risk-neutral probability distribution (RND) as the pricing measure by minimizing the Kullback–Leibler (KL) divergence between the empirical probability distribution and its risk-neutral counterpart. This article establishes a unified entropic framework by developing a class of generalized entropy pricing models based upon Cressie-Read (CR) family of divergences. The main contributions of this study are: (1) this unified framework can readily incorporate a set of informative risk-neutral moments (RNMs) of underlying return extracted from the option market which accurately captures the characteristics of the underlying distribution; (2) the classical KL-based entropy pricing model is extended to a unified entropic pricing framework upon a family of CR divergences. For each of the proposed models under the unified framework, the optimal RND is derived by employing the dual method. Simulations show that, compared to the true price, each model of the proposed family can produce high accuracy for option pricing. Meanwhile, the pricing biases among the models are different, and we hence conduct theoretical analysis and experimental investigations to explore the driving causes.  相似文献   

The stochastic-alpha-beta-rho (SABR) model introduced by Hagan et al. (2002) provides a popular vehicle to model the implied volatilities in the interest rate and foreign exchange markets. To exclude arbitrage opportunities, we need to specify an absorbing boundary at zero for this model, which the existing analytical approaches to pricing derivatives under the SABR model typically ignore. This paper develops closed-form approximations to the prices of vanilla options to incorporate the effect of such a boundary condition. Different from the traditional normal distribution-based approximations, our method stems from an expansion around a one-dimensional Bessel process. Extensive numerical experiments demonstrate its accuracy and efficiency. Furthermore, the explicit expression yielded from our method is appealing from the practical perspective because it can lead to fast calibration, pricing, and hedging.  相似文献   

Statistical offices are responsible for publishing accurate statistical information about many different aspects of society. This task is complicated considerably by the fact that data collected by statistical offices generally contain errors. These errors have to be corrected before reliable statistical information can be published. This correction process is referred to as statistical data editing. Traditionally, data editing was mainly an interactive activity with the aim to correct all data in every detail. For that reason the data editing process was both expensive and time-consuming. To improve the efficiency of the editing process it can be partly automated. One often divides the statistical data editing process into the error localisation step and the imputation step. In this article we restrict ourselves to discussing the former step, and provide an assessment, based on personal experience, of several selected algorithms for automatically solving the error localisation problem for numerical (continuous) data. Our article can be seen as an extension of the overview article by Liepins, Garfinkel & Kunnathur (1982). All algorithms we discuss are based on the (generalised) Fellegi–Holt paradigm that says that the data of a record should be made to satisfy all edits by changing the fewest possible (weighted) number of fields. The error localisation problem may have several optimal solutions for a record. In contrast to what is common in the literature, most of the algorithms we describe aim to find all optimal solutions rather than just one. As numerical data mostly occur in business surveys, the described algorithms are mainly suitable for business surveys and less so for social surveys. For four algorithms we compare the computing times on six realistic data sets as well as their complexity.  相似文献   

In this paper we discuss the pricing of commercial real estate index linked swaps (CREILS). This particular pricing problem has been studied by Buttimer et al. in a previous paper in this journal (6 [1997]: 16). We show that their results are only approximately correct and that the true theoretical price of the swap is in fact equal to zero. This result is shown to hold regardless of the specific model chosen for the index process, the dividend process, and the interest rate term structure. We provide an intuitive economic argument as well as a full mathematical proof of our results. In particular we show that the nonzero result in the previous paper is due to two specific numerical approximations introduced in that paper, and we discuss these approximation errors from a theoretical as well as from a numerical point of view.  相似文献   

This paper considers the problem of solving an optimal control problem for large dynamic economic models which are both nonlinear and stochastic. It proposes a technique which combines conventional deterministic optimal control algorithms with the procedure of stochastic simulation, which calculates a numerical approximation to the distribution of the models endogenous variables. The new technique is computationally feasible for even large nonlinear models and, as an illustration of this, the Bank of England's large quarterly forecasting model is used in an example.  相似文献   

The complexity and size of simultaneous equations systems necessitates great care with computations for parameter estimation. In three-stage least-squares (3SLS) large matrix inversions are required, and because of the sensitivity of many economic systems to key parameters, accuracy in estimation is important. There are many numerical techniques available which yield accurate solutions to systems of equations. We make use of Householder transformations and recursive triangulation solutions in presenting numerical algorithms for the computation of 3SLS and k-class estimates. Another numerical technique, the singular value decomposition is valuable in providing additional information in k-class estimation. The values of k for which this estimator does not exist are accurately derived, their use being demonstrated by an example.  相似文献   

We examine how the feasibility of both nonlinear pricing and exclusive dealing arrangements affect incentives for market foreclosure when two manufacturers contract with a retail monopolist. Surprisingly, we find that although market foreclosure equilibria exist, they are Pareto-dominated (from each manufacturer's perspective) by all nonforeclosure equilibria. If one believes that Pareto-dominated equilibria are unlikely to arise, then the difference between our results and those of Mathewson and Winter (1987), who do not allow for nonlinear pricing, suggests an ironic twist on the notion that quantity discounts and other kinds of nonlinear pricing can provide an additional way for a manufacturer to foreclose a rival. By providing a manufacturer with increased flexibility (beyond linear pricing) to extract a retailer's surplus, nonlinear pricing may instead have the effect of reducing the incidence of observed market foreclosure.  相似文献   

Guaranteed Minimum Withdrawal Benefits (GMWB) are popular riders in variable annuities with withdrawal guarantees. With withdrawals spread over the life of the annuities contract, the benefit promises to return the entire initial annuitization amount irrespective of the market performance of the underlying fund portfolio. Treating the dynamic withdrawal rate as the control variable, the earlier works on GMWB have considered the construction of a continuous singular stochastic control model and the numerical solution of the resulting pricing model. This paper presents a more detailed characterization of the pricing properties of the GMWB and performs a full mathematical analysis of the optimal dynamic withdrawal policies under the competing factors of time value of fund, optionality value provided by the guarantee and penalty charge on excessive withdrawal. When a proportional penalty charge is applied on any withdrawal amount, we can reduce the pricing formulation to an optimal stopping problem with lower and upper obstacles. We then derive the integral equations for the determination of a pair of optimal withdrawal boundaries. When a proportional penalty charge is applied on the amount that is above the contractual withdrawal rate, we manage to characterize the behavior of the optimal withdrawal boundaries that separate the domain of the pricing models into three regions: no withdrawal, continuous withdrawal at the contractual rate and an immediate withdrawal of a finite amount. Under certain limiting scenarios such as a high policy fund value, the time close to expiry, or a low value of guarantee account, we manage to obtain analytical approximate solution to the singular stochastic control model of dynamic withdrawals.  相似文献   

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