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By integrating the stock and futures markets of mainland China and Hong Kong into the same financial system, we explore the cross-region risk spillovers between the stock market and stock index futures market under the impact of exogenous events. We find evidence of significant risk spillovers between the two stock markets, and confirm that exogenous shocks, including the adjustments of regulatory policies of mainland China and 2019 Hong Kong Protest, can significantly affect the volatility spillover across assets and markets. Our findings can potentially help regulators and investors understand the cross-region risk conduction and assess portfolio risk after exogenous event.  相似文献   

This paper aims to investigate the crisis linkage and transmission channels within the housing, stock, interest rate and the currency markets in the U.S. and China in the past decade since the 2008 Subprime Mortgage Crisis. Two hybrid models, namely the SWARCH-EVT-Copula and the Bivariate SWARCH-EVT models, are proposed and applied in order to take into account (A) the high/low volatility regimes, (B) the interdependence structure inherited from the joint tail behaviours, as well as, (C) the risk spillover dynamics among financial sectors during market turmoils. We empirically show that the housing and stock markets share the strongest linkage and play central roles in the spreading of shocks. With a highly integrated system, the American financial sectors are under greater exposure to risk contagion and systemic risk during crises than the Chinese markets. Nevertheless, the exchange rate risk of Renminbi remains at an intensive level since its “crawl-like arrangement” and leads to increasing co-movements in the stock and interest rate markets since 2014.  相似文献   

We utilize the symmetric thermal optimal path (TOPS) method to examine the dynamic interaction patterns between the VIX and VIX futures markets for the period March 26, 2004 to June 19, 2017. We document that the VIX dominates the VIX futures more in the first few years, especially before the introduction of VIX options. We further observe that the TOPS paths show an alternate lead-lag relationship instead of a dominance between the VIX and VIX futures in most of the time periods. Meanwhile, we find that the VIX futures have been increasingly more important in the price discovery since the launch of several VIX ETPs.  相似文献   

This study attempts to link investor co-attention to stock return co-movement in China's A-share stock market. On the one hand, stock price will co-move for stocks within the same industry and within the same market, which is labelled “return co-movement”. On the other hand, investor attention will also co-move as investors systematically search for relevant information for stocks of similar characteristics or as the stocks experience common information shocks, which is termed “investor co-attention”. The empirical evidence suggests that stock return co-movement can be explained by investor co-attention to a great extent, even after controlling for stock fundamentals and firm characteristics, and this effect is more salient for stocks with lower institutional ownership. Moreover, we employ large national lottery jackpots as exogenous shocks to investor attention. The empirical findings show that the co-movement of both investor attention and stock return increase on large lottery jackpot days, while investor co-attention contributes less to return co-movement on large lottery jackpot days. In summary, we offer an alternative explanation for return co-movement by observing the causal relationship between investor co-attention and stock return co-movement.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate the asymmetric risk spillovers between Shanghai and Hong Kong stock markets under the backdrop of China’s capital account liberalization by measuring the Conditional Value-at-Risk (CoVaR) based on adjusted realized volatilities and variational mode decomposition based copula model. The empirical results show that, the asymmetric features of risk spillovers between the two markets are significant and manifest different states before and after the Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect and Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect schemes. More specifically, first, the downside risk spillovers from Hong Kong to Shanghai are significantly larger than its upside risk spillovers, while the risk spillovers from Shanghai to Hong Kong is on the contrary. Second, the short-run risk spillovers are more drastic than the long-run risk spillovers, except the risk spillovers from Shanghai to Hong Kong after the Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect scheme. Finally, by comparing the risk spillovers from two directions, the importance of Shanghai stock market gradually rises up with the implementations of Stock Connect schemes.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the risk spillover effect between the US stock market and the remaining G7 stock markets by measuring the conditional Value-at-Risk (CoVaR) using time-varying copula models with Markov switching and data that covers more than 100 years. The main results suggest that the dependence structure varies with time and has distinct high and low dependence regimes. Our findings verify the existence of risk spillover between the US stock market and the remaining G7 stock markets. Furthermore, the results imply the following: 1) abnormal spikes of dynamic CoVaR were induced by well-known historical economic shocks; 2) The value of upside risk spillover is significantly larger than the downside risk spillover and 3) The magnitudes of risk spillover from the remaining G7 countries to the US are significantly larger than that from the US to these countries.  相似文献   

《Economic Systems》2015,39(3):369-389
The aim of this study was to find the optimal position limit for the Chinese stock index (CSI) 300 futures market. A low position limit helps to prevent price manipulations in the spot market, and thus keeps the magnitude of instantaneous price changes within the tolerance range of policymakers. However, setting a position limit that is too low may also have negative effects on market quality. We propose an artificial limit order market with heterogeneous interacting agents to examine the impact of different levels of position limits on market quality, measured as liquidity, return volatility, efficiency of information dissemination, and trading welfare. The simulation model is based on realistic trading mechanisms, investor structure, and order submission behavior observed in the CSI 300 futures market.Our results show that on the basis of the liquidity status in September 2010, raising the position limit from 100 to 300 could significantly improve market quality and at the same time keep the maximum absolute price change per 5 s below the 2% tolerance level. However, the improvement becomes only marginal if the position limit is further increased beyond 300. Therefore, we believe that raising the position limit to a moderate level can enhance the functionality of the CSI 300 futures market, which should benefit the development of the Chinese financial system.  相似文献   

The assessment of the time and frequency connectedness between cryptocurrencies and renewable energy stock markets is of key interest for portfolio diversification. In this paper, we utilize weekly data from 07 August 2015 to 26 March 2021 to document the dynamics and portfolio diversification from a fresh cryptocurrencies-renewable energy perspective. Our time-frequency domain spillovers results reveal that renewable energy stocks are the main spillover contributors in the connectedness system and the short-run spillovers dominate their long-run counterparts. Furthermore, investors can gain more profits through short-run transactions in our portfolio design and we can optimize portfolios by investing a large portion in cryptocurrencies. A fascinating fact is that the COVID-19 pandemic can reverse the effectiveness of our hedging strategy.  相似文献   

America's decoupling-from-China debate started after July 2018, reached its peak in August 2020, and is likely to continue even if it may not be a high priority for the Biden administration. Many studies have examined various aspects of this issue, especially the potential economic impacts on the US economy. Unlike previous research, this study looks at the response of stock markets. Using Google Trends data, this study created a weekly dataset from January 2020 to June 2021 to measure investor sentiment towards the US decoupling from China. Employing the generalised autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity (GARCH) models, the study finds that concern over decoupling is associated with significant variations in stock market prices. From this we can infer that the overall effects of decoupling on the US economy are likely to be considerable.  相似文献   

Considering the frequency domain and nonlinear characteristics of financial risks, we measure the multiscale financial risk contagion by constructing EMD-Copula-CoVaR models. Using a sample composed of nine international stock markets from January 4, 1999, to May 13, 2021, the empirical study reveals that: (1) EMD-Copula-CoVaR models can effectively measure the multiscale financial risk contagion, and the financial risk contagion is significant at all time scales; (2) The high-frequency component is the major contributor of financial risk contagion; meanwhile, the low-frequency component is the smallest among all time scale components; (3) The risk export of the US financial market to other markets, except the UK under the original and medium-frequency component, is higher than that it receives; and (4) Even though the magnitude of overall financial risk contagion is similar for the COVID-19 pandemic, Subprime Crises, 9/11 terrorist attack and other crises, the relative importance of different frequency components is heterogeneous. Therefore, the countermeasures of risk contagion should be designed according to its multiscale characteristics.  相似文献   

Based on the frequency spillover method extended by Baruník and Křehlík (2018), we explore the risk spillover relationship between China’s economic policy uncertainty (CNEPU) and commodity futures in different frequency domains with daily settlement price data of 14 commodity futures in China. The results show that the risk spillover relationship between CNEPU and the commodity market mainly occurs in the short term. Quantile connectedness results show that economic policy uncertainty, which mainly plays the role of risk transmitter, is more closely related to the commodity market during the market boom and recession. Soybeans, soybean meal, and corn have shown high investment value in the process of market recovery, which is exposed to less risk spillover from policy uncertainty. Finally, the economic crisis with different characteristics will have specific impacts on asymmetric risk spillovers based on certain impact mechanisms.  相似文献   

This study is the first attempt to examine the extreme risk spillovers between Malaysian crude palm oil (CPO) and foreign exchange currencies of the three largest CPO importers: India, the European Union and China throughout the global financial crisis. Using daily data of three currencies, CPO spot and futures from 2000 to 2018, our results show: First, before the crisis, the unexpected change in foreign exchange rates is the primary driver of risk spillover to the CPO market. Second, during the crisis, the extreme movement of CPO spot returns is dominant in the Malaysian exchange rates relative to the euro. Third, after the crisis, the spillover flows from the CPO market to the foreign exchange market. Overall, our findings show the importance of CPO pricing dynamics in mitigating foreign exchange risk over the crisis period. This paper contributes to the extant literature by recognizing the effect of risk spillover on the targeted foreign exchange rate for portfolio allocation.  相似文献   


This study revisits prior research on the valuation of dividends in an accounting-based valuation framework. Using a battery of tests, we show that market value deflation is essential in market-based tests of dividend displacement and signalling because it controls for ‘stale’ information in addition to scale (size) differences across firms. For US firms, we show that after controlling for ‘stale’ information, the empirical association between dividends and market values switches from positive to negative. This switch is not explained by scale differences across firms. Further, we show that after controlling for staleness, the valuation of dividends remains positive for European firms. This result is explained by the relatively stronger association of dividends with future earnings in these settings (i.e. signalling). Lastly, our country-specific estimates of dividend valuation provide a potentially valuable index for studies aimed at examining the effects of accounting and securities regulation on information asymmetries in an international context.  相似文献   

We provide a new framework for estimating the systematic and idiosyncratic jump tail risks in financial asset prices. Our estimates are based on in-fill asymptotics for directly identifying the jumps, together with Extreme Value Theory (EVT) approximations and methods-of-moments for assessing the tail decay parameters and tail dependencies. On implementing the procedures with a panel of intraday prices for a large cross-section of individual stocks and the S&P 500 market portfolio, we find that the distributions of the systematic and idiosyncratic jumps are both generally heavy-tailed and close to symmetric, and show how the jump tail dependencies deduced from the high-frequency data together with the day-to-day variation in the diffusive volatility account for the “extreme” joint dependencies observed at the daily level.  相似文献   

We examine the spillovers of the US subprime crisis to Asian and European economies and in particular to what extent currency and stock markets have been affected by the crisis. Linear and nonlinear dependencies are detected after pairwise and system-wise causality analysis. A new stepwise multivariate filtering approach is implemented after controlling for conditional heteroskedasticity in the raw data and in VAR/VECM residuals using multivariate GARCH models. Significant nonlinear causal linkages persisted even after the application of GARCH-BEKK, CCC-GARCH and DCC-GARCH modelling. This indicates that volatility effects might partly induce nonlinear causality. Perhaps new short-term asset-pricing models could be developed to explain this stylized fact. These results might also have important implications for hedging, trading strategies and financial market regulation.  相似文献   

In this study, I improve the assessment of asymmetry in volatility spillovers, and define six asymmetric spillover indexes. Employing Diebold-Yilmaz spillover index, network analysis, and my developed asymmetric spillover index, this study investigates the time-varying volatility spillovers and asymmetry in spillovers across stock markets of the U.S., Japan, Germany, the U.K., France, Italy, Canada, China, India, and Brazil based on high-frequency data from June 1, 2009, to August 28, 2020. I find that the global markets are well connected, and volatility spillovers across global stock markets are time-varying, crisis-sensitive, and asymmetric. Developed markets are the main risk transmitters, and emerging markets are the main risk receivers. Downside risk dominates financial contagion effects, and a great deal of downside risk spilled over from stock markets of risk transmitters into the global markets. Moreover, during the coronavirus recession, the total degree of volatility spillover is staying at an extremely high level, and emerging markets are the main risk receivers in the 2020 stock markets crash.  相似文献   

Research has provided empirical evidence for the stock market reaction toward private placement; however, similar research has not been conducted in terms of the bond market. Using the event study method, we empirically examine the explanatory power of the signaling, free cash flow, and wealth transfer hypotheses based on the reaction of the stock market, bond market, and firm abnormal returns to the private placement announcement. The results show that the stock market has a negative reaction toward private placement, whereas the bond market has a positive reaction. The results also show that the scale of private placement is correlated with the severity of the market reaction. Abnormal returns indicate no significant change both before and after the private placement, and they are unaffected by the scale of private placement. These results are consistent with the wealth transfer hypothesis; however, the market reaction is not attributable to the signaling hypothesis and the free cash flow hypothesis. Extensive research shows that the abnormal returns of private placement change dramatically in non-state-owned enterprises and firms with low credit rating bonds, whereas the bond maturity has no significant impact on the abnormal returns—the wealth transfer effect of private placement is stronger in non-state-owned enterprises and firms with low credit rating bond.  相似文献   

The impact of the investor sentiment on China’s capital market price volatility is concerned under the perspective of the behavioral finance. Firstly, in terms of the existing methods of establishing the investor sentiment index, the composite investor sentiment index which include six indicators (five objective indicators and a subjective indicator) are obtained. Secondly, VMD-LSTM (Variational Mode Decomposition and Long Short Term Memory) hybrid neural network model is used to decompose and restructure the investor sentiment index and the Shanghai Security Exchange Composite Index (SSEC) into the short-term, medium-term and long-term trend. Each trend is trained to obtain the forecasting results in three different time scales, and then to achieve the final predicting results by superimposing the output of each trend. Furthermore, compare with other prediction methods, the model can indeed improve the overall predicting accuracy. Finally, GARCH model and the co-integration error regression model are used to discuss the fluctuation correlation and VAR (Vector Auto-regression) models are established to analyze the causality between the stock market indices and the investor sentiment index.  相似文献   

Contributing to the budding literature on how emotional and sentimental actions impact the performance of financial markets, this study examines the predictability of energy futures prices with investors’ sentiments. In particular, we examine which of the three (neutral, bear and bull) investors’ sentiments offer accurate forecast information on four energy futures prices. Using the predictability test proposed by Westerlund and Narayan (2015), we discover that all the forms of investors’ sentiments are significant predictors of the movements in energy futures prices. However, the bear sentiments outshine other variants in the forecast of crude oil futures prices, while the bull sentiments provide the most accurate forecast information for the remaining energy futures prices, namely heating oil, gasoline and natural gas. We also find this evidence consistent even when asymmetries are considered in the predictability models. Among other implications of these findings, investors in energy futures and portfolio managers are expected to consider often emotional perceptions in their portfolio constructions and the predictability of future gains.  相似文献   

By taking Bitcoin, Litecoin, and China’s gold and RMB/US dollar exchange rate market as research objects, this paper apply the MF-ADCCA and time-delayed DCCA methods to study the impact of China’s mainland shutdown of cryptocurrencies trading on the non-linear interdependent structure and risk transmission of cryptocurrencies and its financial market. Empirical results show that the cross-correlation between cryptocurrencies and China’s financial market has a long memory and asymmetric multifractal characteristics. After the shutdown, the long memory between cryptocurrencies and Chinese gold has weakened, and the long memory between cryptocurrencies and the RMB/US dollar exchange rate market was strengthened. China’s shutdown policy has a certain risk prevention effect. Specifically, after the implementation of the policy, the risk transmission of cryptocurrencies to China’s financial market has weakened, but the influence of China’s financial market has gradually strengthened.  相似文献   

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