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This study presents a novel catastrophe option pricing model that considers counterparty risk. Asset prices are modeled through a jump-diffusion process which is correlated to counterparty loss process and collateral assets. Because of the long term of catastrophe options, this study also examines the model in the stochastic interest rate environment. The numerical results indicate that counterparty risk significantly affects the value of options. Recently, numerous serious financial events have demonstrated the importance of counterparty risk when valuing financial products.  相似文献   

It is well established that the standard Black-Scholes model does a very poor job in matching the prices of vanilla European options. The implied volatility varies by both time to maturity and by the moneyness of the option. One approach to this problem is to use the market option prices to back out a local volatility function that reproduces the market prices. Since option price observations are only available for a limited set of maturities and strike prices, most algorithms require a smoothing technique to implement this approach. In this paper we modify the implementation of Andersen and Brotherton-Ratcliffe to provide another way of dealing with this issue. Numerical examples indicate that our approach is reasonably successful in reproducing the input prices.  相似文献   

In this study, we extend the results in Cox et al. (2004) by considering floating strike prices, which are affected by accumulated losses. We employ a compound Poisson process to describe catastrophe losses and adopt a mean-reverting square root process to capture the volatility of the underlying stock. In the numerical section, we first compare the differences in the prices of the options with fixed and floating strike prices. In addition, we illustrate the variance of the portfolios consisting of the stock and options with alternative kinds of strike prices by holding the total cost of the options constant. Variance-optimal portfolios are also investigated. Interestingly, numerical results show that the portfolios consisting of the stock and options with floating strike prices have lower variances in all cases, even when we hold the total option costs constant.  相似文献   

The exchange option is one of the most popular options in the over-the-counter (OTC) market, which enables the holder of two underlying assets to exchange one with another. In OTC markets, with the increasing apprehension of credit default risk in the case of option pricing since the global financial crisis, it has become necessary to consider the counterparty credit risk while evaluating the option price. In this study, we combine the vulnerable exchange option and early counterparty default risk to obtain the closed-form formula for the vulnerable exchange option with early counterparty credit risk by using the method of dimension reduction, Mellin transform, and the method of images. Moreover, we examine the pricing accuracy of the option value by comparing our closed-form solution with the formula derived by the Monte-Carlo simulation.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider vulnerable options with stochastic liquidity risk. We employ liquidity-adjusted pricing models to describe the underlying stock price and option issuer’s assets. In addition, the correlation between these assets is stochastic, depending on the market liquidity measures. In the proposed framework, we derive closed forms of vulnerable European options with stochastic liquidity risk and then use them to illustrate the effects of stochastic liquidity risk on vulnerable option prices. Numerical results show that the effects of liquidity risk on the prices of out-of-the-money options or the options with a short maturity are not negligible.  相似文献   

在分析利用期权合约规避价格波动风险的原理的基础上,分别给出存货购销两个环节中可以运用的期权策略,然后利用均值方差模型计算使投资组合达到效用最大化时所对应的最优期权合约交易量及其对经营利润的影响,研究发现:在存货采购环节,企业可以通过购入看涨期权、购入看涨期权同时售出看跌期权两种策略控制采购价格波动的风险,在存货销售环节,企业可以通过购入看跌期权、同时购入看跌期权并售出看涨期权两种策略来稳定销售利润;从最优期权合约交易量及其对企业经营利润的影响来看,期权工具在控制存货采购价格、稳定销售利润中可以发挥良好作用。  相似文献   

We aim to calibrate stochastic volatility models from option prices. We develop a Tikhonov regularization approach with an efficient numerical algorithm to recover the risk neutral drift term of the volatility (or variance) process. In contrast to most existing literature, we do not assume that the drift term has any special structure. As such, our algorithm applies to calibration of general stochastic volatility models. An extensive numerical analysis is presented to demonstrate the efficiency of our approach. Interestingly, our empirical study reveals that the risk neutral variance processes recovered from market prices of options on S&P 500 index and EUR/USD exchange rate are indeed linearly mean-reverting.  相似文献   

This paper examines the equilibrium when stock market crashes can occur and investors have heterogeneous attitudes towards crash risk. The less crash averse insure the more crash averse through options markets that dynamically complete the economy. The resulting equilibrium is compared with various option pricing anomalies: the tendency of stock index options to overpredict volatility and jump risk, the Jackwerth [Recovering risk aversion from option prices and realized returns. Review of Financial Studies 13, 433–451] implicit pricing kernel puzzle, and the stochastic evolution of option prices. Crash aversion is compatible with some static option pricing puzzles, while heterogeneity partially explains dynamic puzzles. Heterogeneity also magnifies substantially the stock market impact of adverse news about fundamentals.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate spread options with counterparty risk in a jump-diffusion model. Due to the fact that there is no closed-form formula of spread options with counterparty risk, we obtain analytical expressions of lower and upper bounds by employing the measure-change technique. Finally, we numerically check the accuracy of the bounds and analyze the impacts of counterparty risk and jump risk on spread option prices.  相似文献   

The linear hedging of the options ignores the characteristic of the nonlinear change of option prices with the underlying asset. This paper establishes the nonlinear hedging strategy followed the study by Hull and White (2017) to investigate the effectiveness on the Shanghai Stock Exchange (SSE) 50 ETF options. The results show that the nonlinear hedge of the Chinese option market is less effective than the U.S option market because of the short history and the lower activity of the Chinese option market. The effect of nonlinear hedging strategy is better than the linear hedging strategy for calls in China. But for puts, the effect of the nonlinear hedging strategy is not as significant as it for calls. The difference in the trading volume between calls and puts and the high short-selling cost in the Chinese market are the main factors leading to the difference in hedge effectiveness. This paper suggests that the stock exchange could reduce margin standard of 50 ETF securities lending, promote a more flexible shorting mechanism, and accelerate the process of index options listed, so as to achieve hedging the risk of options more directly and efficiently.  相似文献   

This paper studies a new type of barrier option, min–max multi-step barrier options with diverse multiple up or down barrier levels placed in the sub-periods of the option’s lifetime. We develop the explicit pricing formula of this type of option under the Black–Scholes model and explore its applications and possible extensions. In particular, the min–max multi-step barrier option pricing formula can be used to approximate double barrier option prices and compute prices of complex barrier options such as discrete geometric Asian barrier options. As a practical example of directly applying the pricing formula, we introduce and evaluate a re-bouncing equity-linked security. The main theorem of this work is capable of handling the general payoff function, from which we obtain the pricing formulas of various min–max multi-step barrier options. The min–max multi-step reflection principle, the boundary-crossing probability of min–max multi-step barriers with icicles, is also derived.  相似文献   

External barrier options are two-asset options where the payoff is defined on one asset and the barrier is defined on another asset. In this paper, we derive the Laplace transforms of the prices and deltas for the external single and double barrier options where the underlying asset prices follow a regime-switching model with finite regimes. The derivation is made possible because we can obtain the joint Laplace transform of the first passage time of one asset value and the value of the other asset. Numerical inversion of the Laplace transforms is used to calculate the prices of external barrier options.  相似文献   

American options are considered in the binary tree model under small proportional transaction costs. Dynamic programming type algorithms, which extend the Snell envelope construction, are developed for computing the ask and bid prices (also known as the upper and lower hedging prices) of such options together with the corresponding optimal hedging strategies for the writer and for the seller of the option. Representations of the ask and bid prices of American options in terms risk-neutral expectations of stopped option payoffs are also established in this setting.  相似文献   

American options are considered in the binary tree model under small proportional transaction costs. Dynamic programming type algorithms, which extend the Snell envelope construction, are developed for computing the ask and bid prices (also known as the upper and lower hedging prices) of such options together with the corresponding optimal hedging strategies for the writer and for the seller of the option. Representations of the ask and bid prices of American options in terms risk-neutral expectations of stopped option payoffs are also established in this setting.  相似文献   

In this paper we propose new option pricing models based on class of models with jumps contained in the Lévy-type based models (NIG-Lévy, Schoutens, 2003, Merton-jump, Merton, 1976 and Duan based model, Duan et al., 2007). By combining these different classes of models with several volatility dynamics of the GARCH type, we aim at taking into account the dynamics of financial returns in a realistic way. The associated risk neutral dynamics of the time series models is obtained through two different specifications for the pricing kernel: we provide a characterization of the change in the probability measure using the Esscher transform and the Minimal Entropy Martingale Measure. We finally assess empirically the performance of this modelling approach, using a dataset of European options based on the S&P 500 and on the CAC 40 indices. Our results show that models involving jumps and a time varying volatility provide realistic pricing and hedging results for options with different kinds of time to maturities and moneyness. These results are supportive of the idea that a realistic time series model can provide realistic option prices making the approach developed here interesting to price options when option markets are illiquid or when such markets simply do not exist.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study the pricing problems of the European quanto options in which the underlying foreign asset is in imperfectly liquid markets. First, we assume that the dynamics of the underlying foreign asset price are affected by market liquidity and propose a liquidity-adjusted quanto model. This allows for the effects of market liquidity on European quanto option pricing. And then we derive the analytical pricing formulas for four different types of European quanto options. Finally, we empirically investigate the pricing performance of our proposed model with a European quanto construction involving the SSE 50 ETF, as the underlying asset, and the CNY/HKD exchange rate. Empirical results demonstrate that the pricing accuracy of the proposed model is markedly superior to that of the Black-Scholes quanto model. In other words, allowing for liquidity risk in the framework of European quanto option pricing can make markedly improvements in fitting the real market data. Particularly, the improvement rate is high for medium-term and out-of-the-money options. Moreover, these results are robust for different liquidity measures.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the connection between mathematical finance and statistical modelling which turns out to be more than a formal mathematical correspondence. We like to figure out how common results and notions in statistics and their meaning can be translated to the world of mathematical finance and vice versa. A lot of similarities can be expressed in terms of LeCam’s theory for statistical experiments which is the theory of the behaviour of likelihood processes. For positive prices the arbitrage free financial assets fit into statistical experiments. It is shown that they are given by filtered likelihood ratio processes. From the statistical point of view, martingale measures, completeness, and pricing formulas are revisited. The pricing formulas for various options are connected with the power functions of tests. For instance the Black–Scholes price of a European option is related to Neyman–Pearson tests and it has an interpretation as Bayes risk. Under contiguity the convergence of financial experiments and option prices are obtained. In particular, the approximation of Itô type price processes by discrete models and the convergence of associated option prices is studied. The result relies on the central limit theorem for statistical experiments, which is well known in statistics in connection with local asymptotic normal (LAN) families. As application certain continuous time option prices can be approximated by related discrete time pricing formulas.  相似文献   

In this article, we study the effects on derivative pricing arising from price impacts by large traders. When a large trader issues a derivative and (partially) hedges his risk by trading in the underlying, he influences both his hedge portfolio and the derivative's payoff. In a Black–Scholes model with a price impact on the drift, we analyze the resulting trade-off by explicitly solving the utility maximization problem of a large investor endowed with an illiquid contingent claim. We find several interesting phenomena which cannot occur in frictionless markets. First, the indifference price is a convex function of the contingent claim – and not concave as in frictionless markets – implying that for any claim the buyer's indifference price is larger than the seller's indifference price. Second, the seller's indifference prices of large positions in derivatives are smaller than the Black–Scholes replication costs. Therefore, a large trader might have an incentive to issue options if they are traded at Black–Scholes prices. Furthermore, he hedges option positions only partly if he has a negative price impact and thus exploits his ability to manipulate the option's payoff. For a positive price impact he overhedges the option position leading to an extra profit from the stock position exceeding a perfect hedge. Finally, we also study a model where the large shareholder has a price impact on both drift and volatility.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a novel model for pricing double barrier options, where the asset price is modeled as a threshold geometric Brownian motion time changed by an integrated activity rate process, which is driven by the convolution of a fractional kernel with the CIR process. The new model both captures the leverage effect and produces rough paths for the volatility process. The model also nests the threshold diffusion, Heston and rough Heston models. We can derive analytical formulas for the double barrier option prices based on the eigenfunction expansion method. We also implement the model and numerically investigate the sensitivities of option prices with respect to the parameters of the model.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose an alternative approach for pricing and hedging American barrier options. Specifically, we obtain an analytic representation for the value and hedge parameters of barrier options, using the decomposition technique of separating the European option value from the early exercise premium. This allows us to identify some new put-call ‘symmetry’ relations and the homogeneity in price parameters of the optimal exercise boundary. These properties can be utilized to increase the computational efficiency of our method in pricing and hedging American options. Our implementation of the obtained solution indicates that the proposed approach is both efficient and accurate in computing option values and option hedge parameters. Our numerical results also demonstrate that the approach dominates the existing lattice methods in both accuracy and efficiency. In particular, the method is free of the difficulty that existing numerical methods have in dealing with spot prices in the proximity of the barrier, the case where the barrier options are most problematic.  相似文献   

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