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In recent years, many initial coin offerings (ICOs) scams have been reported, attracting attention to this relatively new and unregulated ICO market, which lacks disclosure requirements and therefore suffers from intensifying problems of information asymmetry inherent in crowdfunding. As a prospectus-type document, an ICO white paper serves as a major means of voluntary disclosure practices adopted by ventures seeking external financing. Given the importance of an ICO white paper and the difficulty of assessing its quality, we propose to benchmark it against white paper content for security token offerings (STOs)—a more regulated ICO subset. Using the similarity of ICO white papers with STO white papers to proxy for disclosure quality, we document that the ICO campaigns that have white papers more similar to STO white papers are more likely to raise funding successfully. Our findings provide implications for policymakers, ICO fundraisers, and investors on the importance of white paper quality.  相似文献   

潘越  谢玉湘  潘健平 《金融研究》2020,480(6):133-151
本文以中国境内所有的代币发行融资项目为研究对象,研究代币发行融资对初创企业生存时间的影响。研究发现,相比股权融资,代币发行融资会显著缩短初创企业的寿命。这一结论在增加控制变量和使用工具变量等方法后依然稳健。渠道检验的结果显示,代币发行融资阻碍了初创企业人力资本的进一步深化,从而缩短了企业的持续经营时间。从代币发行融资的宏观经济后果来看,代币发行融资所造成的不良影响恶化了地区的信用环境,从而显著提高了地区的融资成本。进一步研究表明,代币发行融资对初创企业的负面影响在信息披露水平较低、不受关注以及缺少媒体监督的样本中更加显著。本文揭示了代币发行融资带来的负面影响,为禁止代币发行融资等规范金融创新的政策提供了经验证据。  相似文献   

We analyze a dataset of 2390 completed ICOs, which raised a total of $12 billion in capital, nearly all since January 2017. We find evidence of significant ICO underpricing, with average returns of 179% from the ICO price to the first day's opening market price, over a holding period that averages just 16 days. After trading begins, tokens continue to appreciate in price, generating average buy-and-hold abnormal returns of 48% in the first 30 trading days. We also study the determinants of ICO underpricing and relate cryptocurrency prices to Twitter activity.  相似文献   

We examine the role of institutional investors in initial coin offerings (ICOs). Taking a financial investor's perspective, we assess the determinants of post-ICO performance via buy-and-hold abnormal returns (BHAR) in a sample of 565 ICO ventures. Conceptually, we argue that institutional investors' superior screening (selection effect) and coaching abilities (treatment effect) enable them to partly overcome the information asymmetry of the ICO context and extract informational rents from their ICO investments. We find that institutional investor backing is indeed associated with higher post-ICO performance. Disentangling selection and treatment effects econometrically, we find that both of these effects explain the positive impact institutional investors have on post-ICO performance. Overall, our results highlight the importance of institutional investors in the ICO context.  相似文献   

Product market competition has been identified as one of the most powerful corporate governance tools for motivating managers to maximize firm value. Consistent with this view, a large body of theoretical and empirical research over the years has investigated the implications of product market competition. This paper synthesizes and critically evaluates the empirical literature on the consequences of product market competition in the accounting, finance, and corporate governance domains. Our review focuses on issues like financial reporting quality, analyst forecasting activities, asset pricing, investment, and financing decisions, and the substitutive versus complementary relationships between product market competition and other corporate governance tools. Our review suggests that, although market competition has profound implications for these issues, the empirical findings often provide conflicting results. We highlight such contradictory findings and offer suggestions for future research. Our review will help researchers intending to further investigate the implications of product market competition, both in the US and internationally.  相似文献   

保障性住房发展面临着资金瓶颈障碍。本文分析了保障性住房融资面临的主要问题,即财政性住房资金来源不稳定、投融资体制僵化,政策性住房金融发展滞后,资本市场融资渠道不畅等。本文提出了创新保障性住房融资渠道的路径选择:一是要将财政资金投入纳入公共财政体系,发挥财政资金杠杆效应;二是要大力发展政策性住房金融机构,弥补商业信贷的不足;三是要推动资本市场金融工具创新,吸引民间社会资本进入保障性住房领域。  相似文献   

金融市场开放过程中的监管   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
判断一国经济安全与健康发达与否的重要标准之一 ,就是要考察经济运行中是否拥有稳健而且运行有效的金融机构体系。在金融机构建设中金融监管发挥重要作用。我国已正式加入WTO ,金融国际化发展成为必然趋势 ,在逐渐开放的金融市场中加强对金融机构的监管 ,尤其是充分认识监管与金融发展的适应性对建设金融机构具有更重要现实意义  相似文献   

2009年,中国金融创新产品运行平稳。基础类创新产品规模大幅增长,融资作用显著发挥;而交易类创新产品交易规模冷热不均,功能恢复参差有别。金融创新产品市场的平稳较快发展,有力地配合了国家执行一揽子经济刺激计划,从投融资两个方面便利和满足了各类市场主体的筹资、投资和交易需求,在引导实体经济走向复苏、优化社会融资结构、有效管理金融风险、推动利率市场化进程等方面发挥着重要作用。下一步,监管部门应推动金融创新活动面向市场导向型的转化,着力加强市场基准利率体系建设,完善信用类创新产品的相关配套措施,并通过稳步推动债券市场的对外开放,进一步拓宽产品创新的种类和方式。  相似文献   

科技型中小企业融资问题探讨   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本文旨在探讨我国科技型中小企业融资需求特征、融资方面存在的问题并提出相应对策。由于我国科技型中小企业在生产经营上具有创新性、不确定性与风险性、高投入性、高收益性等特点 ,相应地在融资需求上要求融资市场化、多元化、组合化和社会化。但目前科技型中小企业在资金融通方面存在很多问题 ,如融资市场化水平较低、渠道单一、耦合度不高及社会化支撑体系不完善等 ,严重制约着它们的发展、壮大。文章最后提出了相应对策 :(1)积极推进金融创新 ,拓宽融资渠道 ,建立多元化的科技型中小企业融资体系 ;(2)积极探索为科技型中小企业提供系列化、配套化的融资服务 ;(3)充分发挥政府在科技型中小企业融资体系中的作用。  相似文献   

本文以2007~2016年553家上市公司发行的997只公司债券为研究对象,探讨系族集团及其内部结构特征对企业债券融资成本的影响。文章发现:相较于独立的上市公司,集团上市公司的债券融资成本更低,且这一关系随着外部市场化水平的提高而减弱;进一步地,集团内部结构特征对企业债券融资成本具有重要影响:当集团最终控制人的相对持股比例越高、发债公司在集团金字塔结构中的层级越高、集团中上市公司数量越多以及集团涉足金融行业时,集团成员上市公司的债券融资成本更低。本文基于系族集团的视角考察企业债券的融资成本,既丰富了企业集团的相关文献,又对监管层维护债券市场稳定和深化金融体制改革具有一定的参考意义。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the spillover effects of banking sector risk on firms in China and explores the risk transmission channels from the perspective of financial cycle. We use the banking risk-taking and systemic risk as the proxies of financial booms and busts. Our study yields four main findings. First, the banking risk-taking reduces firm risk in financial booms. Higher financing costs and constraints, larger firm size and financing scale, and state ownership inhibit the spillover effects. Second, the banking systemic risk increases firm risk during financial busts. Higher financing costs and constraints, larger firm size and financing scale, and state ownership facilitate the spillover effects. Third, the magnitudes of banking risk spillovers vary across industries, and this effect is more pronounced in the manufacturing industry. Fourth, bank risk-taking affects firm risk differently through various channels in different leading periods. When leading 1 to 3quarters, banking risk-taking reduces firm risk, and channel variables inhibit the spillover effects. However, when leading 4 to 8 quarters, the rising bank risk-taking eventually increases firm risk, and channel variables amplify its spillover effects. Our study offers important policy implications for risk assessment and mitigation in the Chinese loan market.  相似文献   

融资租赁作为一种新的金融工具,已被诸多经济发达的国家普遍采用,并成为其金融市场的重要组成部分。在我国中小企业融资难的情况下,融资租赁也不失为中小企业融资的一种可供选择的方式。本文借鉴斯宾塞劳动力市场信号传递模型,构建一个符合我国中小企业融资市场实际状况的融资租赁市场调控模型。研究结果表明:融资租赁市场的均衡既取决于承租方的装裱成本,也取决于不同类型承租方的租金差异、低营运能力承租方的项目投入的成功率及低营运能力承租方的信用程度(即履约率)。  相似文献   

Using an analytically tractable two-period model of a financially constrained firm, we derive an investment threshold that is U-shaped in cash holdings. We show analytically the relevant trade-offs leading to the U-shape: the firm balances financing costs for present and future investment, respectively. Our main argument is that financing costs today are more important than the risk of future financing costs. The empirically testable implications are that low-cash firms facing financing costs today are more reluctant to invest if they have less cash, or if their future cash flows are more risky. On the other hand, cash-rich firms facing no financing costs today invest in less favorable projects (i.e., forgo their real option to wait) if they have less cash, or if their future cash flows are more risky. The magnitude of these effects is amplified by the degree of market frictions that the firms are facing.  相似文献   

Pricing financial services innovations   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The number of innovative financial solutions introduced to markets has grown considerably in the past decade owing to emerging digital technologies, deregulation and market fragmentation. Examples are abundant in the worldwide markets for insurance, credit products and transaction processing services. A question of growing interest is how firms should price these innovations. The optimal introductory pricing of financial innovations may vary as a function of factors such as price sensitivity of the market and competitors’ ability to introduce competing financial solutions. In this article, we examine the role of these factors in the optimal pricing of a financial innovation. Using an agent-based simulation framework, introductory pricing strategies that maximize profitability under various market conditions are identified. Results indicate that lower levels of market price sensitivity and longer time horizons for competitive entry create pricing opportunities for financial innovators. However, the relationship becomes more complex as market price sensitivity increases or competitive market entry becomes more immediate. Detailed recommendations for optimal pricing of financial innovations under various market conditions are provided, and the article concludes with strategic recommendations for pricing innovative financial services.  相似文献   

We investigate the effects of various tax policy innovations on stock market returns. By using a vector autoregressive model that controls for the mutual causality between fiscal policy and financial market performance, we test whether financial markets serve as a transmission mechanism for tax policy innovations. Our findings indicate that indirect taxes have a larger effect on market returns than do labor taxes. Further, corporate tax innovations do not have any statistically significant effect on stock returns. We consider that this finding is a result of a firm's ability to switch between equity financing and bond financing.  相似文献   

We extend the literature on MNC performance by examining the relationship between market valuation of MNCs and intangibles associated with financial expertise. We identify firms as having financial expertise if they have diversified their business in the financial sector. We argue that financial expertise enhances the ability of MNCs to internalize financial transactions and take advantage of financing and investment opportunities around the world. Therefore, it is a potentially significant source of market power. Our test results demonstrate that as the degree of multinationality increases market valuation is positively related with financial expertise even after we account for several other control factors. Our findings imply that MNCs with financial expertise can be viewed as possessing an additional intangible, which essentially is the financial equivalent of the traditionally examined intangible assets, such as technological “know-how,” goodwill, and managerial expertise.  相似文献   

This article reviews the current status of the market for catastrophic risk (CAT) bonds and other risk-linked securities. CAT bonds and other risk-linked securities are innovative financial vehicles that have an important role to play in financing mega-catastrophes and other types of losses. The vehicles are especially important because they access capital markets directly, exponentially expanding risk-bearing capacity beyond the limited capital held by insurers and reinsurers. The CAT bond market has been growing steadily, with record amounts of risk capital raised in 2005, 2006, and 2007. CAT bond premia relative to expected losses covered by the bonds have declined by more than one-third since 2001. CAT bonds now appear to be priced competitively with conventional catastrophe reinsurance and comparably rated corporate bonds. CAT bonds have grown to the extent that they now play a major role in completing the market for catastrophic-risk finance and are spreading to other lines such as automobile insurance, life insurance, and annuities. CAT bonds are not expected to replace reinsurance but to complement the reinsurance market by providing additional risk-bearing capacity. Other innovative financing mechanisms such as risk swaps, industry loss warranties, and sidecars also are expected to continue to play an important role in financing catastrophic risk.  相似文献   

2008年上半年中国金融市场运行分析报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2008年上半年,我国金融市场继续保持了快速的发展势头.货币市场成交大幅增长,市场利率波动幅度减小;债券市场运行平稳,债券指数冲高回落;股票市场成交明显萎缩,市场指数大幅下跌;人民币汇率继续走强,外汇衍生品市场成交放大;黄金市场成交量快速增长,黄金价格波动频繁;期货市场规模显著壮大,商品期货价格处于高位.总体来看,我国金融市场在国内外宏观经济多种因素综合影响下成交放大,震荡较为剧烈,与国际市场的联动性明显增强,金融市场运行的不确定性和风险在增大.我们要高度关注金融市场波动,密切监测金融市场变化,积极应对市场面临的新局面和新挑战,全力维护金融市场稳定运行.  相似文献   

新时期随着我国中部地区的快速发展和东部地区产业结构的升级,河南省区域经济发展在未来几年内将面临新的契机。随着国家新一轮紧缩性货币政策的出台以及未来沿海中小企业逐步向该省梯度转移,现有资金融通渠道对河南省区域经济发展带动能力不足,其作用及影响难以持续性满足未来河南省投融资的总体需求。新时期如何认识这种民间借贷形式,以及如何合理引导它的资金融通功能,进而培育多层次的金融市场,拓宽河南省区域经济发展中的资金融通渠道以满足本地企业与沿海转移企业的协调发展,成为我们需要认真面对的课题。  相似文献   

文章从短期融资券、中期票据、商业银行债券等基础类创新产品,以及人民币利率互换、债券远期等交易类创新产品角度,全面回顾了2013年银行间市场金融创新产品的运行情况;指出金融创新产品运行特点包括企业信用类产品增长势头良好、基础类产品发行利率波幅加大、投资者结构不断优化、交易类产品市场表现冷暧不一等;建议从促进产品创新、完善发行定价机制和收益率估值体系等角度,继续提升银行间市场服务实体经济的能力。  相似文献   

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