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We introduce a method for measuring the default risk connectedness of euro zone sovereign states using credit default swap (CDS) and bond data. The connectedness measure is based on an out-of-sample variance decomposition of model forecast errors. Due to its predictive nature, it can respond to crisis occurrences more quickly than common in-sample techniques. We determine the sovereign default risk connectedness using both CDS and bond data in order to obtain a more comprehensive picture of the system. We find evidence that there are several observable factors that drive the difference between CDS and bonds, but both data sources still contain specific information for connectedness spill-overs. In general, we can identify countries that impose risk on the system and the respective spill-over channels. Our empirical analysis covers the years 2009–2014, such that the recovery paths of countries exiting EU and IMF financial assistance schemes and the responses to the ECB’s unconventional policy measures can be analyzed.  相似文献   

Instrumental variable quantile regression: A robust inference approach   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper, we develop robust inference procedures for an instrumental variables model defined by Y=Dα(U)Y=Dα(U) where Dα(U)Dα(U) is strictly increasing in U and U is a uniform variable that may depend on D but is independent of a set of instrumental variables Z. The proposed inferential procedures are computationally convenient in typical applications and can be carried out using software available for ordinary quantile regression. Our inferential procedure arises naturally from an estimation algorithm and has the important feature of being robust to weak and partial identification and remains valid even in cases where identification fails completely. The use of the proposed procedures is illustrated through two empirical examples.  相似文献   

In this article, the quantile time–frequency method is utilized to study the dependence of Chinese commodities on the international financial market. The impacts of risk management and diversification benefits of different portfolios are examined by calculating the reduction in downside risk. Moreover, we estimate and compare Sharpe Ratios (SRs) and Generalized Sharpe Ratios (GSRs) based on the frequencies of the investigated portfolios. Our empirical results reveal a strong asymmetric response from Chinese commodity markets. Specifically, we find that gold is a safe-haven asset, and due to negative correlations found at lower quantiles in medium and long term, an increase in the USD index damages bull commodity markets but boosts bear conditions under long-term investments, and negative (positive) tail correlations with interest rates (IRs) in bull (bear) markets are observed. It is proven that WTI can decrease short-run risks while USD and GOLD are more efficient in the diversification of downside risk. Adding international commodities may not improve the returns of Chinese commodities at given risk levels in the short and medium term through SRs and GSRs. In brief, investors should consider these dependence structures and modes of risk management in terms of time and frequency.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a quantile variance decomposition framework for measuring extreme risk spillover effects across international stock markets. The framework extends the spillover index approach suggested by Diebold and Yilmaz (2009) using a quantile regression analysis instead of the ordinary least squares estimation. Thus, the framework provides a new tool for further study into the extreme risk spillover effects. The model is applied to G7 and BRICS stock markets, from which new insights emerged as to the extreme risk spillovers across G7 and BRICS stock markets, and revealed how extreme risk spillover across developed and emerging stock markets. These findings have important implications for market regulators.  相似文献   

We investigate whether shareholder-friendliness of corporate governance mechanisms is related to the insolvency risk of financial institutions. Using a large sample of U.S. financial institutions over the period 2005–2010, we find that corporate governance is positively related to the insolvency risk of financial institutions as proxied by Merton’s distance to default measure and credit default swap (CDS) spread. We also find that “stronger” corporate governance increases insolvency risk relatively more for larger financial institutions and during the period of the financial crisis. Lastly, our results suggest that shareholder-friendliness of corporate governance mechanisms is viewed unfavorably in the bond market.  相似文献   

This study contributes to the literature on financial research under the presence of the COVID-19 pandemic. Fresh evidence emerges from using two novel approaches, namely network analysis and wavelet coherence, to examine the connectedness and comovement of financial markets consisting of stock, commodity, gold, real estate investment trust, US exchange, oil, and Cryptocurrency before and during the COVID-19 onset. Moreover, unlike the previous studies, we seek to fill a gap in the literature regarding the ex-post detection of COVID-19 crises and propose the Markov-switching autoregressive model to detect structural breaks in financial market returns. The first result shows that most financial markets entered the downtrend after January 30, 2020, coinciding with the date the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the COVID-19 pandemic as a Public Health Emergency of International Concern. Thus, it is reasonable to use this date as the break date due to COVID-19. The empirical result from network analysis indicates a similar connectedness, or the network structure, in other words, among global financial markets in both the pre-and during COVID-19 pandemic periods. Moreover, we find evidence of market differences as the MSCI stock market plays a central role while Cryptocurrency presents a weak role in the global financial markets. The findings from the wavelet coherence analysis are quite mixed and illustrate that the comovement of the financial markets varies over time across different frequencies. We also find the main and most significant period of coherence and comovement among financial markets to be between December 2019 and August 2020 at the low-frequency scale (>32 days) (middle and long terms). Among all market pairs, the oil and commodity market pair has the strongest comovement in both pre-and during the COVID-19 pandemic phases at all investment horizons.  相似文献   

In systemic risk measure, a large amount of literature has emerged, but few of them take into account the multi-scale natures of financial data. Considering these natures, we develop a novel W-QR-CoVaR method to measure systemic risk. To be specific, the W-QR-CoVaR method combines the wavelet multiresolution analysis (MRA) with the conditional value-at-risk (CoVaR) method based on the quantile regression (QR) framework. We then apply it to measure the systemic risk in the Chinese banking industry covering the period from September 2007 to September 2018. Our experiment results show that the hybrid W-QR-CoVaR method performs better than the traditional CoVaR method in terms of predictive accuracy. Furthermore, we also explore the relation between the systemic risk contribution of each individual bank and the bank-specific characteristics. Size and leverage appear to be the most robustness determinants. The findings suggest that regulators should pay more attention to the banks with smaller size and higher leverage.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigate the dependence structures between six Chinese stock markets and the international financial market including possible safe haven assets and global economic factors under different market conditions and investment horizons. The research is conducted by combining a quantile regression approach with a wavelet decomposition analysis. Although we find little or insignificant dependence under short investment horizons, we detect the strong asymmetric dependence of oil prices and the US dollar index on the six Chinese stock markets in the medium and long terms. Moreover, not only is crude oil not a safe haven, it may damage Chinese stock markets as it increases over the long term, even in bull markets. Meanwhile, appreciation of the US dollar (depreciation of RMB) damages (boosts) Chinese stock markets during bull (bear) market conditions under long investment horizons. Moreover, we find that VIX (volatility index)-related derivatives may serve as good risk management tools under any market condition, while gold is a safe haven asset only during crisis periods.  相似文献   

We propose several connectedness measures built from pieces of variance decompositions, and we argue that they provide natural and insightful measures of connectedness. We also show that variance decompositions define weighted, directed networks, so that our connectedness measures are intimately related to key measures of connectedness used in the network literature. Building on these insights, we track daily time-varying connectedness of major US financial institutions’ stock return volatilities in recent years, with emphasis on the financial crisis of 2007–2008.  相似文献   

Although there has not been a large-scale systemic crisis in China, high-risk financial events have occurred continuously in recent years. This research thus creatively analyzes the determinants of systemic risk for Chinese financial institutions from the view of asset price bubbles. First, we identify bubbles in the China stock and real estate markets on the basis of the generalized sup Augmented Dickey-Fuller (GSADF) model and explain the reasons for bubble formations according to the stage of China's economic development and policies implementation. At this stage, considering the differences in economic development levels of different cities, the real estate bubbles in the first, second and third tier cities and the whole country were innovatively identified. Second, on the basis of the DCG-GARCH-CoVaR model to measure the systemic risk of listed financial institutions in China and to classify institutions, the results show that the main source of such risk is the banking sector. Furthermore, by constructing regression models, stock market bubbles and real estate bubbles both positively correlate with systemic risk throughout the sample period. Meanwhile, the impact of bubbles on the systemic risk of different types of financial institutions was taken into account so that regulators prioritized different types of institutions with different characteristics when faced with decisions. Finally, we provide macro-prudential policy advice to regulators in order to weaken the impact of bubbles on financial stability to avoid systemic crises.  相似文献   

This study examines the time-frequency co-movement and network connectedness between green bonds and other financial assets in China. We propose wavelet coherence and multiscale TVP-VAR to explore the time-frequency co-movement and spillover connectedness. The empirical results are as follows. First, green bonds positively co-move with conventional bonds across time scales and negatively co-move with stocks and commodities. Second, there is a significant network connectedness of green bonds with conventional bonds in the short term, and the connectedness with stocks and commodities gradually strengthens with the increase in time scales. Third, the dynamic spillover between green bonds and other assets is much greater in the long and medium terms than in the short term. Finally, under crisis shocks, the spillovers spike temporarily in the short term, while they are persistent and at a high level in the long term. Overall, some practical implications are proposed for investors and policymakers.  相似文献   

《Economic Systems》2022,46(4):101041
Financial sector development is a multidimensional process that plays a vital role in the economic growth and development of a country. This study investigates the effect of institutional quality on multidimensional financial sector development, and its dimensions, such as, depth, access, and efficiency. We used a panel dataset of 85 emerging and developing economies from 1996 to 2018 for analysis. Our findings based on 2SLS estimation demonstrate that institutional quality has a significant positive effect on the progress of the financial sector, especially its depth, access, and efficiency. The breakdown analysis shows that most of the key components (control of corruption, government effectiveness, regulatory quality, rule of law, and voice and accountability) of institutional quality enhance the financial sector development. Our empirical results are robust across alternative measures of institutional quality, split-sample analysis, alternative instrument, and estimator. This paper also offers useful policy implications to the stakeholders in emerging and developing economies.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the impacts of globalization, political institutions, and financial liberalization on the performance and risk-taking of insurance firms covering 1324 individual firms in 30 selected OECD countries. We find that greater globalization and a stable political institution lead insurance companies to exhibit a better performance—i.e., insurers adjust their strategies while being aware of institutional changes. By contrast, financial liberalization has an inverse impact on insurance company performance. Thus, greater globalization and a stable political environment both drive less risk-taking for insurers. These findings are particularly important to insurance markets’ competitors and national policymakers.  相似文献   


Received international business and international human resource management theories have generally reached a consensus on the important role of leader and top management teams (TMTs) in deciding and shaping the firm’s internationalization process. However, what remains unclear is how a well-functioning TMT is formed to effectively achieve the desired internationalization goal. Utilizing a unique sample of Chinese banking and finance institutions’ initial public offering overseas, this study explores how Chinese BFIs configure the leader-TMT dynamics to achieve high internationalization performance. Using a set-theoretic approach and the technique of fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis, a distinct taxonomy of the leader-TMT dynamics (namely, grass-root, strategic executor, born-global and glocal) is developed. Our findings provide novel insights into the IHRM variations within Chinese BFIs’ TMT formation, based on a theoretically and methodologically extended leader-TMT dynamics perspective.  相似文献   

We investigate how sensitive developed and emerging equity markets are to volatility dynamics of Bitcoin during tranquil, bear, and bull market regimes. Intraday price fluctuations of Bitcoin are represented by three measures of realized volatility, viz. total variance, upside semivariance, and downside semivariance. Our empirical analysis relies on a quantile regression framework, after orthogonalizing raw returns with respect to an array of relevant global factors and accounting for structural shifts in the series. The results suggest that developed-market returns are positively related to the realized variance proxy across various market conditions, while emerging-market returns are positively (negatively) correlated with realized variance during bear (normal and bull) market periods. The upside (downside) component of realized variance has a negative (positive) influence on returns of either market category, and the dependence structure is highly asymmetric across the return distribution. Additionally, we document that developed and emerging markets are more sensitive to downside volatility than to upside volatility when they enter tranquil or bull territory. Our results offer practical implications for policymakers and investors.  相似文献   


In this special issue (SI), we aim to advance the theoretical and empirical knowledge of emerging market service firms by analysing some of the key IHRM implications of the internationalisation of Chinese banks and financial institutions (BFIs). The selected articles in this SI provide rich insight into the human resource management (HRM) challenges these firms face when they establish operations in overseas markets and draws attention to trends and developments which challenge the way HRM has been understood in Chinese multinational enterprises (MNEs). The articles address the importance of Chinese BFIs relationship with the state and the influence of political ties in the formation of management leadership styles and managerial mindset. Included, as part of our contribution to this SI, is an analysis of a major Chinese bank’s subsidiary operation highlighting its human resources practices, adaptation strategies and relationship with its head office.  相似文献   

This article investigates the time–frequency connectedness of economic policy uncertainty (EPU), WTI crude oil and Chinese commodity markets during the period between 2004 and 2020. Rolling window wavelet vector autoregression and connectedness networks are developed to evaluate the time-varying characteristics of the connectedness. The empirical results are as follows: First, the total connectedness between EPU, oil and commodities becomes stronger as the time scale increases. Second, the net connectedness of EPU and WTI in the system is positive, indicating that EPU and WTI are contributors to information and will affect financial markets across time scales. Third, the connectedness remains at a high level during financial crises across all scales, and the contribution of EPU and crude oil to commodities increases significantly. Specifically, compared with other commodity sectors, grains are greatly affected by EPU under the condition that the energy sector is seriously affected by crude oil. Overall, investors and policy makers should consider connectedness in terms of time and frequency when making a decision.  相似文献   

In this paper, we analyze the impact of the COVID-19 crisis on global stock sectors from two perspectives. First, to measure the effect of the COVID-19 on the volatility connectedness among global stock sectors in the time–frequency domain, we combine the time-varying connectedness and frequency connectedness method and focus on the total, directional, and net connectedness. The empirical results indicate a dramatic rise in the total connectedness among the global stock sectors following the outbreak of COVID-19. However, the high level of the total connectedness lasted only about two months, representing that the impact of COVID-19 is significant but not durable. Furthermore, we observe that the directional and net connectedness changes of different stock sectors during the COVID-19 pandemic are heterogeneous, and the diverse possible driving factors. In addition, the transmission of spillovers among sectors is driven mainly by the high-frequency component (short-term spillovers) during the full sample time. However, the effects of the COVID-19 outbreak also persisted in the long term. Second, we explore how the changing COVID-19 pandemic intensity (represented by the daily new COVID-19 confirmed cases and the daily new COVID-19 death cases worldwide) affect the daily returns of the global stock sectors by using the Quantile-on-Quantile Regression (QQR) methodology of Sim and Zhou (2015). The results indicate the different characteristics in responses of the stock sectors to the pandemic intensity. Specifically, most sectors are severely impacted by the COVID-19. In contrast, some sectors (Necessary Consume and Medical & Health) that are least affected by the COVID-19 pandemic (especially in the milder stage of the COVID-19 pandemic) are those that are related to the provision of goods and services which can be considered as necessities and substitutes. These results also hold after several robustness checks. Our findings may help understand the sectoral dynamics in the global stock market and provide significant implications for portfolio managers, investors, and government agencies in times of highly stressful events like the COVID-19 crisis.  相似文献   

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