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This paper proposes and tests a new hypothesis concerning the price impact of option introductions on the underlying asset. We argue that the leverage properties of options induce a higher level of informed trading in the aggregate market (underlying plus derivative), resulting in excess listing-day price movements in the newly optioned equity. Using an alternative dataset, our results suggest that this may be an explanation for the observed positive than negative excess listing-day returns of US optioned stocks over the past thirty years.  相似文献   

We develop an econometric method to detect “abnormal trades” in option markets, i.e., trades which are not driven by liquidity motives. Abnormal trades are characterized by unusually large increments in open interest, trading volume, and option returns, and are not used for option hedging purposes. We use a multiple hypothesis testing technique to control for false discoveries in abnormal trades. We apply the method to 9.6 million of daily option prices.  相似文献   

This paper investigates whether and how the initiation of Credit Default Swaps (CDS) trading affects analyst forecast optimism. First, we document that the initiation of CDS trading curbs analyst forecasts optimism. Second, we find that the dampening effect of CDS on analyst optimism is stronger for firms with negative news and for firms with poorer financial performance or higher leverage, supporting a “correction effect” of CDS on non-strategic optimism. Moreover, we find that CDS also has a “disciplining effect” on strategic optimism that arises from incentives to cultivate relation with management or to please institutional investors. Overall, our evidence shows that the CDS market not only provides important information for analysts, but also alters analysts’ reporting incentives and enhances their objectivity. Additional analysis shows that this effect has disappeared after the Dodd-Frank Act.  相似文献   

Review of Accounting Studies - We investigate how credit default swaps (CDSs) affect lenders’ incentives to initiate new lending relationships. We predict that CDSs reduce adverse selection...  相似文献   

A substantive body of equity-market academic research documents an extensive range of costs arising from the SEC’s October 2000 adoption of strictures on selective disclosure and insider trading; suggesting an unusual outcome, specifically, an increase in informed trading. We investigate the efficacy of the SEC’s regulations by examining informed trading in an attractive setting for exploiting private information; the options market. Using data on the S&P 1500 industrial firms, our analysis indicates that about 38% of firms exhibited symptoms of informed option trading prior to regulatory intervention. After regulatory intervention, we observe that only 19% of firms show symptoms of informed trading. In additional testing of ADR firms – explicitly exempt from complying with Reg FD, we find no evidence of a change in informed option trading from pre- to post-regulation; suggesting that the SEC’s strictures on US firms led a to a significant reduction in informed option trading. Notably, our proxies for large shareholder and financial analyst access are associated with the largest decreases in informed option trading. In developing a unique measure of informed trading based on option market data, we provide evidence on the efficacy of security regulation in limiting informed trading.  相似文献   

Using a sample of cash tender offers occurring between 1993 and 2002, we find evidence that the options market has become the preferred venue for traders attempting to profit on anticipated announcements. Options offer advantages relative to stocks. Traders gain leverage by trading in options and multiple options contracts on an individual stock. The results of our study indicate that a substitution effect does exist. Abnormal volume in the option market replaces abnormal volume in the stock market prior to cash tender offer announcements, and this abnormal option volume precedes abnormal stock volume for targets with or without traded options.  相似文献   

In this paper we empirically analyze whether the degree of trader anonymity is related to the probability of information-based trading. We use data from the German stock market where non-anonymous traditional floor based exchanges co-exist with an anonymous computerized trading system. We use an extended version of the Easley et al. (J. Finance 51 (1996) 1405) model that allows for simultaneous estimation for two parallel markets. We find that the probability of informed trading is significantly lower in the floor based trading system. We further document that the size of the spread and the adverse selection component are positively related to the estimated probabilities of information-based trading.  相似文献   

We investigate the effect of option market transaction costs (a form of market imperfection) on the ability of option implied volatility-based measures to predict future stock returns and volatility around quarterly earnings announcements. We find that the predictability is significantly stronger for firms with lower option relative bid-ask spreads. The effect is more pronounced around positive rather than negative earnings news. We find no significant effect of option transaction costs around randomly chosen dates when there is no clustering of major information events. Trading strategies based on option market predictors and transaction costs earn monthly abnormal returns of 1.39% to 1.91%.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the flow of information between the equity and options markets. We argue that informed traders, in deciding where to place their trades, are not entirely indifferent to option moneyness, degree of information asymmetry, and option liquidity. Unlike some previous studies that find information to flow unilaterally from equity to options markets, we control for the above factors and discover feedback relations between trades in out-of-the-money (OTM) options and the underlying equities. The finding is consistent with the pooling equilibrium hypothesis, which asserts that informed traders trade in both the equity and options markets. Some informed traders are probably attracted to the out-of-the money options because of their higher liquidity, lower premiums, and higher delta-to-premium ratios, hence, lending support to the liquidity and leverage hypothesis.  相似文献   

The basic premise of the model we propose is that market frictions (trading costs) force traders with market-wide information to strategically choose which securities to trade in. We study the effect of recognizing trading costs on the choices of informed traders and the resulting statistical properties of security prices. Specifically, we show that (1) stocks with intermediate β's have the least informative prices, even though they are traded by the greatest number of informed traders; (2) for high β securities, the contemporaneous correlation of prices is close to the correlation in fundamental values; (3) a security with a higher β, higher volume of liquidity trading and lower idiosyncratic variance is more likely to lead another security. With market capitalization as a proxy for the level of liquidity trading, these specific predictions of the model on the lead–lag relationship are also shown to be strongly supported by the data.  相似文献   

We formulate a market microstructure model of exchange determination that we employ to investigate the impact of informed trading on exchange rates and on foreign exchange (FX) market conditions. With our formulation, we show how strategic informed agents influence exchange rates via both the portfolio-balance and information effects. We outline the connection which exists between the private value of information, market efficiency, liquidity and exchange rate volatility. Our model is also consistent with recent empirical research on the micro-structure of FX markets.  相似文献   

We combine two concepts of informed trading – contrarian trades and stealth trading – to develop proxies for the probability of informed trading. These proxies are used to test the link between informed trading and adverse selection as measured by bid–ask spreads and stock illiquidity. The estimation results show that these proxies, which are based on the probability of contrarian trading (PC) and progressively refined thereon, are all highly significantly positive in various empirical specifications of the cross-sectional determinants of spreads and illiquidity across stocks, and after controlling for important firm characteristics and trading factors. The robustness of our PC-based proxies for informed trading in these analyses, especially for the further refined measures, suggests that they successfully capture the adverse selection component of bid–ask spreads and illiquidity due to information asymmetry.  相似文献   

We study infinite-horizon monetary economies characterized by trading frictions that originate from random pairwise meetings, and commitment and enforcement limitations. We prove that introducing occasional trade in ‘centralized markets’ opens the door to an informal enforcement scheme that sustains a non-monetary efficient allocation. All is required is that trading partners be patient and their actions be observable. We then present a matching environment in which trade may occur in large markets and yet agents’ trading paths cross at most once. This allows the construction of models in which infinitely lived agents trade in competitive markets where money plays an essential role.  相似文献   

Disagreement and equilibrium option trading volume   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Using a complete market equilibrium model, we present results concerning the effect disagreement has on equilibrium option trading volume and positioning. We find that if agents agree on volatility, total option volume is independent of wealth distribution and average optimism. We also find option volume increasing in drift disagreement and decreasing in risk aversion and volatility. Pessimists are shown to write most options. With volatility disagreement, the results are less clear; however, we show agents with high volatility beliefs write deep out of the money options and buy close to the money options. Numerical comparative statics are also performed. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The goal of this paper is to determine whether the tax-timing option effect documented in the U.S. bond market exists outside the U.S. Examining Canadian tax rules suggests that the tax option effect is simpler and less valuable than in the U.S. This view is supported by simulations in the spirit of Constantinides and Ingersoll (1984) as well as by empirical tests conducted on bond triplets following Jordan and Jordan (1991).  相似文献   

We propose an optimal dynamic pairs trading strategy model for a portfolio of cointegrated assets. Using stochastic control techniques, we compute analytically the optimal portfolio weights and relate our result to several other strategies commonly used by practitioners, including the static double-threshold strategy. Finally, we apply our model to a bitcoin portfolio and conduct an out-of-sample test with historical data from three exchanges, with two cointegrating relations.  相似文献   

Risk premia are related to price probability ratios or for continuous time pure jump processes the ratios of jump arrival rates under the pricing and physical measures. The variance gamma model is employed to synthesize densities with risk premia seen as the ratio of the three parameters. The premia are shown to be mean reverting, predictable, focused on crashes at shorter horizons and rallies at the longer horizon. Predicted premia may be used to adjust physical parameters to develop option prices based on time series data.  相似文献   

This study examines the occurrence of informed trading in public debt issued by companies in the United States. I find that earnings surprises are positively associated with bond price changes prior to the release of financial report data to the public, for firms with non‐investment‐grade ratings. Additionally, I find that the effect appears to be driven by firms with publicly traded equity. Evidence further indicates an increase in trading activity during the time window between report period end date and filing date, for firms with larger earnings surprises.  相似文献   

We use daily positions of futures market participants to identify informed traders. These data contain 8,921 unique traders. We identify between 94 and 230 traders as overnight informed and 91 as intraday informed with little overlap. Floor brokers/traders are over-represented in the overnight informed group. The intraday informed group is dominated by managed money traders/hedge funds and swap dealers, with commercial hedgers under-represented. We find that characteristics such as experience, position size, trading activity, and type of positions held offer significant predictive power for who is informed. An analysis of daily trader profits confirms that we select highly profitable traders.  相似文献   

We examine the presence of the Ramadan effect in feedback trading drawing on a sample of eleven majority Muslim markets for the period of 29/6/2001 to 1/8/2016. Feedback trading is significant in several of these markets, appearing stronger outside, rather than within, Ramadan. These results hold for the full sample period, including before and after the global financial crisis raising the possibility that Ramadan’s widely documented lower volatility is related to the reduced presence of feedback trading during that month. We attribute our findings to Ramadan’s traditionally documented low volumes rendering feedback trading less feasible during that month.  相似文献   

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