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如今世界多极化和经济全球化的趋势在曲折中发展,各种思想文化相互激荡,西方敌对势力加紧对我国实施西化、分化的政治图谋.如何引导大学生正确认识当今世界错综复杂的形势,把握国际局势的发展趋势;如何正确认识我国的民族在实际发展中的差异和合理解决这种差距.现阶段的民族理论与民族政策课程的教学面临着不少新的挑战和问题,如何才能使这门课充满着生机和活力,更好地贴近实际,贴近生活,贴近学生,确实需要我们认真思考.笔者根据自己在教学中遇到的问题,谈一些自己的想法.  相似文献   

上市公司对外担保由来已久,其中积聚的问题也错综复杂.啤酒花事件虽然只是个个案,但它所暴露出来的问题却不得不引发我们作进一步的思考.本文主要对上市公司对外担保的现状、对外担保所带来的风险及如何遏制上市公司违规对外担保进行初步的探讨.  相似文献   

汇率制度的选择是一个非常复杂的问题,本文通过分析当前人民币汇率制度中存在的问题,结合中国经济发展的现状,提出可将基于BBC规则的监控汇率带体制作为近期我国人民币汇率制度的选择.  相似文献   

The Eurasian world around the Caspian Sea is likely to become an important oil and natural gas producer. This region is a gateway to three regions that are of great strategic importance to the West: to the east lies China and the rest of Asia; to the south lies Iran, Afghanistan, and the Islamic world; to the west and north lies Russia, Turkey and Europe. This is a region much larger than Western Europe. Future developments in Eurasia will therefore affect fundamentally not only the security of Western energy supplies, but also the traditional geopolitical equation in that part of the globe. The West needs to address current problems there as well as to pursue a proactive policy of conflict prevention. The European Union already imports half of its primary energy requirements, which will increase to 75% by the year 2020. Mutually rewarding energy cooperation offers the best means for integrating this region into the world family of market democracies. Turkey, a reassuringly Western ally, stands well positioned geographically, politically and economically to act as an energy ‘bridge’ between Eurasia and the West.  相似文献   

Everybody loves the stories of heroes like Martin Luther King, Jr., Mother Teresa, and Gandhi. But the heroic model of moral leadership usually doesn't work in the corporate world. Modesty and restraint are largely responsible for the achievements of the most effective moral leaders in business. The author, a specialist in business ethics, says the quiet leaders he has studied follow four basic rules in meeting ethical challenges and making decisions. The rules constitute an important resource for executives who want to encourage the development of such leaders among their middle managers. The first rule is "Put things off till tomorrow." The passage of time allows turbulent waters to calm and lets leaders' moral instincts emerge. "Pick your battles" means that quiet leaders don't waste political capital on fights they can't win; they save it for occasions when they really want to fight. "Bend the rules, don't break them" sounds easier than it is--bending the rules in order to resolve a complicated situation requires imagination, discipline, restraint, flexibility, and entrepreneurship. The fourth rule, "Find a compromise," reflects the author's finding that quiet leaders try not to see situations as polarized tests of ethical principles. These individuals work hard to craft compromises that are "good enough"--responsible and workable enough--to satisfy themselves, their companies, and their customers. The vast majority of difficult problems are solved through the consistent striving of people working far from the limelight. Their quiet approach to leadership doesn't inspire, thrill, or provide story lines for uplifting TV shows. But the unglamorous efforts of quiet leaders make a tremendous difference every day in the corporate world.  相似文献   

By examining and reviewing current demographic problems, the author assesses the new challenges and new needs that Italy (and the European Union) will soon have to meet. Italy is a paradigmatic case because it is one of the countries (the other is Japan) where population changes are occurring most rapidly. The combined effects of lengthening expectation of life and decreasing fertility have made Italy, according to the most reliable and recent statistical sources, the country with the oldest population in the world. This makes management of the ageing process extremely complicated, since it requires greater structural adaptability and flexibility which must be achieved very rapidly.  相似文献   

本文提出一种"V形"期权模型,并以此来刻画中国商业银行公司贷款业务中隐含的借款人套利风险.借助于该模型,本文分析了宏观环境变化威胁商业银行公司贷款质量的一种路径,探讨了商业银行现有风险量化手段的不足.结合当前的世界经济状况和中国信贷环境中的问题,本文认为中国存在由此引发金融风险的可能,并提出了规避或减轻此类风险的建议.  相似文献   

长期以来,我国政府会计一直以收付实现制为会计核算基础.近年来随着经济环境发生了巨大变化,政府的经济活动也日趋多样化和复杂化,收付实现制核算模式弊端逐渐显现,有待改进和完善.本文分析了我国政府会计核算基础的现状及存在的主要问题,借鉴其他国家会计核算基础的改革模式和经验.探索了适合我国实际的政府会计改革之路.  相似文献   

An overview is provided of the situation of children throughout the world. It is then argued that the root of children's problems is not absolute poverty, but the priorities with which the powerful treat children. Suggestions are made as to how families, communities and social agencies should fit together in fulfilling responsibilities towards children. After reviewing international responses, the need for a new Global Children's Agency is discussed. This top-down approach complements other strategies for promoting child survival based on empowerment of the weak.  相似文献   

近年来随着我国经济的快速发展,世界能源需求快速增长,作为连续多年GDP保持较快增长的内蒙古,在金融产业体系的扶持下,能源产业出现了高速增长的局面,金融与能源产业良性互动得到了充分体现。本文从金融结构与产业结构良性互动的角度,阐述内蒙古金融结构调增与能源产业发展的关系,及两者在互动发展中存在的问题,并从中得出内蒙古在能源金融组织创新方面的思路与措施,以保障金融产业与能源产业良性互动发展的可持续性。  相似文献   

小微企业是我国外贸经济的重要组成部分,但在复杂多变的国际形势下,小微企业的发展面临海外买家的商业、政治等诸多风险,而我国出口信用保险制度正是为出口企业提供风险保障的一项政策性支持措施.开展出口信用保险机制与小微企业发展联动问题的研究,找出目前我国现行出口信用保险机制的诸多不利于小微企业发展的问题并提出应对举措,以达到完善出口信用保险机制,更好服务于小微企业发展的目的.  相似文献   

自2008年全球金融危机以来,面对严峻的形势,世界各主要经济体纷纷采取了应对危机的政策.然而,各国在总需求下降这个一致现象的背后,明显存在着重要的差别.例如,美国的经济危机首先从金融体系开始,而中国的危机是从出口下降开始.所以我国用和世界基本完全保持一致的扩张性财政政策和货币政策来应对危机,使后来的经济发展出现了一系列的问题.论文运用宏观经济学的基本理论,对金融危机中我国采取政策进行分析,从而说明在此后经济发展过程中出现问题的原因.  相似文献   

严复雷  王涓 《投资研究》2012,(6):146-151
金融危机对我国3万多亿美元的外汇储备造成了资产缩水、流动性降低和收益率下降等诸多不利影响。面对当前错综复杂的国际经济发展形势,我国政府应当把增加外汇储备未来价值或财富作为管理目标,通过外汇管理体制改革来分散外汇储备管理风险,以利率、汇率市场化改革为中心审慎推进人民币国际化,最终通过货币制度改革从根本上解决巨额外汇储备问题。  相似文献   

中国经济持续增长,能源需求不断上升。受资源禀赋制约,石油依存度快速攀升,“买得到、买得起、买得好”的问题凸显,能源安全面临挑战。对此,必须积极开展能源外交,拓宽石油进口渠道;深化国际合作,提升中国在世界石油定价机制中的话语权;建立多元化石油运输网络,加快海外运力建设。同时,还要努力提高能效,控制能源消费总量,从宏观上进行综合平衡,加大新能源的开发利用力度,实现能源供给与节能减排相协调。  相似文献   

瑞典的福利制度曾保证了经济的持续增长和稳定的社会秩序,但随着世界经济形势的变化和瑞典社会结构的变迁,政府统揽的福利制度面临着严峻的挑战,迫切需要进行改革。本文以其养老金改革为例,在分析其体系面临问题的基础上对其改革的具体措施进行分析,对名义账户制的运行机制、养老金改革的转制成本、养老金改革对劳动力市场的影响等问题进行探讨。最后,本文根据瑞典养老金的发展和改革效果,结合我国的具体国情,提出了养老金制度的改革需要采用渐进性路径、保持制度可持续性等政策性建议。  相似文献   

"民族理论与民族政策"作为一门特殊的公共政治理论课,担负着对民族地区高校各民族大学生进行世界观、人生观、民族观等教育的任务。本文在梳理总结近年来国内该课程教学改革研究成果的基础上,阐述了内蒙古财经大学民族理论与民族政策课程教学现状及存在的问题,并提出该课程教学改革的几点建议,以求抛砖引玉,有效提高教育教学质量。  相似文献   

郑龙斌 《中国外资》2012,(16):156-157
钢铁工业在中国属于高能耗工业,煤和电又是钢铁制造的主要能量来源。目前钢铁工业在中国的工业化进程中由于中国经济的转型而处于转型期,而钢铁需求近几年来急速增长也进一步扩大了能源需求。另一方面,由于政府的宏观调控,煤炭和电的价格自1980年以来也在快速增长。巨大的能源需求导致高能耗,而越来越高的能源价格也进一步增加了钢铁制造的成本。激励于降低能耗和减少能源成本的紧迫需求,本文构建了系统动力学模型来帮助探寻相关政策,目的是为了寻找钢铁行业在其转型期内缓解能源问题的方法。此模型有助于学习一个复杂的动态问题,因此能更好的帮助理解能源相关政策的可行性及有效性。测试结果表明大部分可选择的政策仍具有成本效益。然而,如何去实践操作这些政策措施依旧是关键,因为某些政策诸如能源税和研发补贴的可行性在现实世界中仍然面临质疑。另一个结论发现:发展回收废钢的技术有可能有效的缓解二氧化碳排放,且可操作性相对较强。  相似文献   

Bruce E. Tonn 《Futures》2011,43(3):348-355
This paper explores whether it is ever justifiable for the international community to forcibly intervene in countries that have unsustainable energy policies. The literature on obligations to future generations suggests, philosophically, that intervention might be justified under certain circumstances. Additionally, the world community has intervened in the affairs of other countries for humanitarian reasons, such as in Kosovo, Somalia, and Haiti. However, intervention to deal with serious energy problems is a qualitatively different and more difficult problem. A simple risk analysis framework is used to organize the discussion about possible conditions for justifiable intervention. If the probability of deaths resulting from unsustainable energy policies is very large, if the energy problem can be attributed to a relatively small number of countries, and if the risk of intervention is acceptable (i.e., the number of deaths due to intervention is relatively small), then intervention may be justifiable. Without further analysis and successful solution of several vexing theoretical questions, it cannot be stated whether unsustainable energy policies being pursued by countries at the beginning of the 21st century meet the criteria for forcible intervention by the international community.  相似文献   

The dual assumptions, that abundant supplies of energy are necessary for economic growth and that energy demand grows exponentially while resources are finite, imply that energy, in addition to population and food supplies, is crucial to neo-Malthusian arguments. In recognition of the central importance of energy, this chapter examines estimates of world energy reserves in the context of continued exponential growth in consumption. It is concerned with the question of whether there will be a world fuel “crisis” in the foreseeable future, and if so, what its nature is likely to be.  相似文献   

中国武术已在世界各地得到迅速的发展,国际影响力逐年上升,已被选定为2020年奥运会的备选项目。在大武术观大发展的新形势下,中国武术突飞猛进、绩效显著、改革创新层出不穷。然而,内蒙古自治区的武术在总体上还处于比较落后的状态,主要存在组织管理滞后、组织结构不完善、会员制制度没有推行、武术运动技术水平较低、武术市场化不够深入、武术运动发展不成规模等问题,这些问题严重地制约着我区武术运动的进展。因此,要以探索我区武术组织管理运行模式改革优化、创建内蒙古武术发展运行的新模式来推进内蒙古武术向前快速的发展。  相似文献   

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