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Strategic delegation analysis has been limited to sales delegation cases, until Jansen et al. (International Journal of Industrial Organization 25:531–539, 2007) presented the case of market share delegation. In international trade theory, export rivalry and import protection have always attracted considerable attention. This paper assesses the influence upon optimal trade policy of introducing market share delegation in a trade duopoly context. It shows that delegation matters, and different forms of delegation coupled with asymmetric costs will imply different degrees of government intervention.
Leonard F. S. WangEmail:

徐光 《商业研究》2003,(11):39-40
会计委派制是财产所有者向其所属企事业单位统一委派会计人员,并进行统一管理的一种会计人员管理制度。它的实施,有其有利的一面,也有一定的弊端。文章对会计委派制的利弊两面进行了分析,并提出了完善会计委派制的几点建议。  相似文献   


Shelby Hunt provides an insightful, precise essay on the nature and contribution of the field of marketing across five distinct periods and concludes with a discussion of the potential for the field of marketing, both within marketing and across allied fields of management. This ‘promise’ of marketing’s academic future is followed by a discussion of the key factors likely to play a significant role in lessening the contribution of the field. The purpose of this commentary is to focus on Hunt’s key question regarding Era V: Is the future of the marketing discipline promising or problematic? As such, this commentary addresses four issues: (1) the ‘promising’ assets that the discipline has in play; (2) the slide towards academic irrelevance and, thus, the ‘problem’; (3) Hunt’s observations on how the slide might be reversed; and (4) my viewpoint on what can be done to reverse the slide.  相似文献   


The paper highlights economic and socio-cultural conditions representing constraints for marketisation of Russia and explains why marketisation has been out of step with other highly significant macro- and microeconomic developments. Marketisation is unlikely to make headway unless economic conditions and market requirements will make its importance unequivocal to all market agents. Standard marketing techniques and activities require appropriate adaptations in an ideologically neutral manner. Consequently, the transfer of know-how may play only a very limited role following the discrepancy in business conditions in developed market economies and transition economies.  相似文献   

顾客承诺是西方有关如何留住顾客的营销理论中继顾客满意、顾客忠诚之后又一重要概念。根据国内外学者对顾客承诺理论的研究,从行为层面和心理层面系统论述了顾客承诺的内涵。依据顾客承诺的产生将顾客承诺划分为盘算性承诺、情感性承诺、规范性承诺三个维度。综合国内外研究以及根据市场营销环境,分别总结归纳出顾客承诺三维度的主要影响因素:经济价值,转换成本;顾客满意,顾客信任;主观规范,优惠待遇。  相似文献   

Professor Peter Kilby is the author of Hunting the Heffalump, a classic in the entrepreneurship literature. In this opening article he returns to the propositions he set forth more than 30 years ago. He refines his earlier notion of the entrepreneurial task and probes more deeply into non-economic factors that can create a deficiency of the supply of requisite entrepreneurial services at the national level. Once again, Professor Kilby provides the reader with a wealth of insights and once again his major argument is sure to stir controversy.  相似文献   

Although scholars have invoked the escalation framework as a means of explaining the occurrence of numerous organizationally undesirable behaviors on the part of decision makers, to date no empirical research on the potential influences of escalating commitment on the likelihood of unethical behavior at the individual level of analysis has been reported in either the escalation or the ethical decision-making literatures. Thus, the main purpose of this project is to provide a theoretical foundation and empirical support for the contention that escalating commitment situations can induce unethical behavior in decision makers. An experimental research design utilizing a computerized investment task was administered to 155 undergraduate business majors as a means of assessing the hypotheses presented here. Results from a hierarchical logistic regression analysis found strong support for the contention that exposure to an escalation situation increases the likelihood of unethical behavior on the part of decision makers. Further, results also supported previous ethical decision-making findings by confirming the effects of locus of control (LOC) on ethical behavior. Specifically, the data indicated that individuals with an external LOC orientation were significantly more likely to select the unethical option than were individuals with an internal LOC orientation. Interestingly, support was not found for the effects of Machiavellianism or gender on ethical decision-making.  相似文献   

决策者人格特征对承诺升级的影响研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为研究决策者人格特征是否导致承诺升级现象及其产生的因素,研究者以中国文化背景的管理者为被试,运用T检验及回归分析法,证实了决策者自尊、冒险倾向、挫折容忍力、控制点等人格变量与承诺升级行为之间存在相关关系的假设,验证并扩充了西方承诺升级研究理论,为企业甄选管理决策人员实践提供了理论指导。  相似文献   

This paper examines the ethics of contemporary managerial compensation in the context of executive stock options. Economic considerations would dictate that executive stock options should be adjusted to eliminate the effect of overall stock market movements which are beyond the control of the executive. However, in practice, most executive stock options are not adjusted to control for these outside factors. Agency considerations are the most likely culprit. Adjusting for the influence of outside factors, such as a generally rising stock market, from executive stock options sets a higher bar for managers to reach. Furthermore, traditional accounting standards permitted firms that did not adjust options to avoid reporting options as expenses. This presents CEOs and boards of directors with a major ethical dilemma. On the one hand, their duty to their shareholders and stakeholders dictates that executive stock options should be adjusted to eliminate outside noise from unrelated movements in the overall stock market. However, financial statements are presented in the language of accounting. If the overwhelming majority of the users of a language define a particular item in one way, then to deviate from the norm implies that the recipient of such a deviant statement may not properly interpret the statement. Likewise, if the standard practice is for firms to use unadjusted options and thus under-report expenses, to deviate from this industry norm risks that users of financial statements would not properly interpret the financial statements, with perhaps negative consequences for the shareholders. In short, if “everyone else does it,” then it could be wrong for an individual firm to deviate from the norm as that would harm the shareholders. James J. Angel is an Associate Professor of Finance at the McDonough School of Business at Georgetown University. He is a financial expert whose research focuses on the operation of financial markets in the United States and other countries. He currently serves on the OTCBB Advisory Board, and he has served as Chair of the Nasdaq Economic Advisory Council. He earned his undergraduate degree from the California Institute of Technology, his MBA from the Harvard Business School, and he earned his Ph.D. in Finance from the University of California at Berkeley. Douglas M. McCabe is a Professor of Management at the McDonough School of Business at Georgetown University. He serves on the Editorial Boards of 20 scholarly journals, including Research on Ethical Issues in Organizations, JAI Press as well as the Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal. Considered by the media to be an expert in his field, he has appeared more than 200 times on international (CNN), national (ABC, NBC, and CBS), and local television and radio. He holds a Ph.D. from Cornell University and is a member of Phi Beta Kappa.  相似文献   

《Business History》2012,54(8):1248-1276
This article examines the mid-1840s expansion of the British railway network, which was associated with a large deterioration in shareholder value. Using a counterfactual approach and new data on railway competition, we argue that the expansion of the railway companies, and their subsequent decline in financial performance, was not due to managerial failure. Rather, the promotion of new routes by established railways and mergers with other companies was part of a managerial strategy to maintain incumbent positions, and may have been preferable to not expanding whilst their competitors did.  相似文献   

转型期国企领导人制度行政化的实践弊端日渐显现,已经成为完善国有企业现代企业制度、健全公司法人治理结构的主要掣肘。推行国企领导人制度“去行政化”改革,必须坚持党管干部原则,准确把握“去行政化”的实践要求,处理好增量改革与存量改革的关系,在国企分类管理前提下,逐步建立与社会主义市场体制与现代企业制度相适应,权责明确,能进能出,能上能下,收入能增能减的选人用人新机制。  相似文献   

传统企业管理和学习型企业管理特点对比分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐红晖 《北方经贸》2004,(11):84-85
创建学习型组织已成为当今企业界的一种时尚。文章就传统企业管理和学习型企业管理的特点及优劣势进行了对比分析。  相似文献   

This study asked managers with different educational backgrounds and experience from a variety of industries of a variety of sizes representing both genders and various predominant managerial functions at different levels to “describe the skills they think are necessary to perform their jobs effectively”. In particular, they were asked to rank 178 behavioral skills presented under 22 different categories that described different aspects of management. Data were then examined first to determine the importance of ethics or integrity overall in the group of managerial activities and then to explore how specific ethical activities of managers differ across various managerial and organizational characteristics. Findings indicate that ethics is still considered one of the least important skills necessary in managers’ daily work. However, once specific ethical activities are analyzed separately, significant differences are found across characteristics of managers, as well as those of the organizations at which they work.  相似文献   

This paper examines the endogenous choice of competition mode with strategic export policies in vertically related markets when each upstream firm located in each country determines the terms of the two-part tariff contract by maximizing generalized Nash bargaining. We show that (i) choosing Cournot (Bertrand) competition is the dominant strategy for both downstream firms when goods are substitutes (complements), which leads Pareto superior regardless of the nature of goods under the optimal trade policies; (ii) irrespective of rival’s competition mode, the optimal trade policy is an export subsidy under Cournot competition and an export tax under Bertrand competition; and (iii) trade liberalization may give rise to changes of competition mode and increase of social welfare.  相似文献   

品牌信任、顾客满意及关系承诺   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于消费者认知与情感层面,可从消费者与品牌的互动关系入手,将品牌信任划分为转移信任、经验信任两种类型。数据分析表明,对品牌信任的这种新划分存在于消费者与品牌的交互过程之中,不仅具有合理性,而且具有深远的理论意义。数据拟合分析结果表明,转移信任对顾客满意的直接作用非常明显,转移信任能够引起顾客满意,同时顾客满意对经验信任的作用也非常强,顾客满意能够导致经验信任。关系承诺与顾客满意度及经验信任之间存在因果关系,但也会受到其他因素影响,因此即使消费者对品牌产品满意或获得了经验上的信任,也不一定会长期使用或推荐某个品牌的产品。鉴于此,为更好地建立、发展并保持消费者与企业间的长期关系,改善品牌管理方面存在的不足,企业要适时调整营销战略与策略。一要重视消费者转移信任的建立,关注实质的产品质量与服务,关注顾客需求,为顾客解决消费过程中出现的问题,通过建立企业品牌信任,提高顾客满意度;二要培养具备专业知识的业务人员,为消费者提供准确而有价值的产品信息,赢得消费者信任,强化企业与消费者之间的关系,维持企业与顾客之间的长久关系;三要选择有效的途径进行品牌传播,举办吸引消费者参与的活动等,从建立品牌信任开始进行新产品、新品牌的市场开拓。  相似文献   

This paper discussed the notion of value co‐creation and the concept of customer competence as suggested by this notion. This led us to consider the competent customer as a social construction related to managerial representations. In order to examine this issue, a longitudinal exploratory research based on participant observation and in‐depth interviews with employees of a French energy supplier was conducted to explore whether customers are perceived as competent or incompetent market actors. The data analysis revealed four categories illustrating customers' profiles coping with the new situation of the ‘Utility X’ group in the energy sector. ‘Utility X’ employees define their customers according to four profiles: myopic, ignorant, uncreative and organizer of company resources. Even if the marketing studies that share the Service‐Dominant Logic point‐of‐view suggest that the customer would be competent at all times, our findings showed that customer competencies are in fact socially constructed and emerge partially from managerial representations. Therefore, the adoption by companies of a marketing philosophy (‘market with’ philosophy), in which the customer and supply chain partners are collaborators in the entire marketing process, seems only possible if they recognize customers' competencies and identify situations when customers do not activate their competencies or do not have the resources that enable them to develop their competencies.  相似文献   

From now to 2010,there is just two years to go,and the preparation work has been all in order.In April,representatives from merebet countries of the International Expositions Bureau listened to the report from the delegation of Shanghai Expo organizers in Paris,and gave high remarks on what they had done.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the theoretical foundations and implementation challenges and outcomes of a unique “hands‐on” global consulting program that is integrated into an international EMBA program for mid‐career and senior American and European managers. It details the challenges for the integration of experiential action learning, double‐loop learning, service learning, and tacit learning into global management education and discusses the value of such integration for the EMBA‐participant's learning experience. The lessons learned from the implementation of the use of integrated global consulting based on an experiential action learning model on EMBA education are discussed. The andragogical model of education used should be a useful guide for designing and implementing experiential action learning based MBA/EMBA programs.  相似文献   

Gender Differences in Managerial Careers: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This longitudinal study of mid-career managers compared the career progression of men and women during the 1990's. Unlike the subjects of many earlier studies, these men and women had similar education and experience profiles. Womens income changes were less than men's and reflected the greater financial strides and greater returns from promotions for men prior to 1995. The income gaps between men and women were explained by gender differences in career determinants, such as work hours, career interruptions, and having a nonemployed spouse. There was evidence of subtle forms of workplace discrimination against women in the past but not over the most recent four-year period. Women's family situations, however, continued to present obstacles to progression. In addition, a recent decline in women's priorities for promotion, a predictor of actual promotions, signalled an impending decrease in their rate of promotion relative to men's.  相似文献   

通常研究高新技术企业成长更关注企业创新能力,我国高校上市公司连接着技术与资本市场这两个现代经济发展最重要的要素,有着技术创新的先天优势,然而其企业绩效却差于其它非高校的高新技术企业。本文用实证的方法研究了高校上市公司与非高校上市公司的企业绩效与管理水平关系,并进一步研究企业高管层是否引进了相当比例的外部职业经理人对企业管理水平、企业绩效的影响,认为要提高高校上市公司绩效应适当引进外部职业经理人、引入股权激励,完善其公司治理水平。  相似文献   

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