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《上海港防治船舶污染水域环境管理办法(修订草案)》公布日前,上海市政府公布了《上海港防治船舶污染水域环境管理办法(修订草案)》,扩展了传统船舶污染的治理范畴,将船舶所造成的大气污染以及噪声污染作为重点治理对象,拟禁止船舶使用焚烧炉,重点实施推进船舶使用清洁燃油等措施,以进一步改善城市空气质量。预计该修订草案将在今年上半年正式施行。  相似文献   

在船舶灭火中,由于忽视消防用水对船舶稳性的影响造成船舶倾覆的事故时有发生。文中通过对船舶灭火过程中消防用水对船舶稳性所造成的影响因素进行研究和分析,提出了消除不良影响的应对措施。  相似文献   

随着我国航运业的快速发展,船舶数量不断增多,与船舶有关的装卸、过驳、油料供受、修造、打捞、拆解以及其他作业活动也日益频繁,防治船舶及其有关作业活动污染海洋环境的问题日益突出。《防治船舶污染海域管理条例》的出台,能够更好地防治船舶及其有关作业活动污染海洋环境,保护人民群众生命财产安全和海洋环境,促进经济和社会的可持续发展。  相似文献   

通过介绍现阶段内河航运过程中船舶防污染工作存在的问题,从法律法规、内河船舶防污染的设备、以及船舶人员整体素质等方面,分析由这些问题带来的后果以及产生这些问题的原因,探索符合现如今中国实际国情的解决方法,继而有效的解决中国内河船舶污染问题。  相似文献   

随着航运业的进步,废气、废水、油污、生活垃圾等船舶污染物对钱塘江水的污染也在日益加重.本文从钱江辖区水域船舶防污染现状入手,逐一分析了辖区内船舶污染水域环境的主要原因,进而结合相关的海事管理规定,提出了防治船舶污染钱塘江水域环境管理的几点针对性建议,对水网地带的船舶防污染管理有一定的参考价值.  相似文献   

通过对船舶柴油机排放污染物及其危害介绍,并对其控制措施进行简要分析,提出了SCR技术,并阐述了SCR技术的工作原理及在船舶上的应用,为控制船舶柴油机的排放污染提供了一个较为有效的途径。  相似文献   

汪长征  汪建安 《活力》2009,(25):107-107
一、安庆辖区冬季通航环境不安全因素分析(一)通航环境的自然属性中的不安全因素:1.航道(路)因素。秋冬季节,当汉口水位低于4米后,长江进入枯水期,航道水深条件变化异常,船舶在航行过程中由于驾驶员操作失误、受大风影响等,致使船舶偏离航道深槽,水深不足造成船舶触底、搁浅;船舶超载、船舶配载错误造成实际船舶吃水增加都是造成船舶搁浅的原因。  相似文献   

一、安庆辖区冬季通航环境不安全因素分析 (一)通航环境的自然属性中的不安全因素: 1.航道(路)因素.秋冬季节,当汉口水位低于4米后,长江进入枯水期,航道水深条件变化异常,船舶在航行过程中由于驾驶员操作失误、受大风影响等,致使船舶偏离航道深槽,水深不足造成船舶触底、搁浅;船舶超载、船舶配载错误造成实际船舶吃水增加都是造成船舶搁浅的原因.  相似文献   

柏玉锋 《价值工程》2010,29(12):203-203
船舶噪声是一种污染,对人体和环境的污染和危害已经得到世界各国和相关组织日益广泛的关注。本文试从船舶噪声的特性和传播途径分析,提出控制船舶噪声的措施。  相似文献   

液化气船舶是重要的水上运输工具,因其载有易燃易爆危险品,一旦遇险或发生火灾,若处置不当将可能造成一场灾难。文章在分析液化气船舶火灾事故成因的基础上,重点讨论液化气船舶火灾事故处置的一般原则与处置方法,提出了液化气船舶火灾事故处置中应注意的几个问题。  相似文献   

The biotechnology industry is seen as one of the most globalized. It is also an industry dominated by SMEs in most countries. It would be expected then that these biotechnology SMEs themselves would be global in their focus. It is the intent of this research to understand the globalization issues that are encouraging biotechnology companies to go global, whether these companies really are truly global companies, and if not, at which stage of the globalization process these companies are operating. The study is undertaken using secondary quantitative data on all the publicly listed biotechnology companies in Australia that have undertaken some form of internationalization, based on 2003/4 annual reports. The main conclusion from the research is Australian biotechnology companies are still in an immature stage of development in the globalization process. The companies’ market strategies are directed at profitable countries and regions, such as the USA and Europe. This neglects other markets that are more accessible and can provide much needed early income streams. The internationalization effort of Australian biotechnology companies is only partial and could not be considered to be a true globalization effort.  相似文献   

吕滨 《价值工程》2010,29(33):327-327
现代生物学和分子生物学的发展,对基因工程、细胞工程、酶工程、发酵工程等现代生物技术工程产生重要影响,其在食品发酵生产中的应用越来越广。本文阐述了基因工程、细胞工程、酶工程等现代生物技术在食品发酵业的应用。  相似文献   

人类对生命科学研究的持续开展极大地促进了农业生物技术和工业生物技术的发展,引发了人类健康事业的历史性变革。现代化生物技术的突飞猛进,改写了食品发酵工艺的历史。展望现代生物技术领域的发展趋势,把握世界现代生物技术领域的发展态势,对大力提高我国科技自主创新能力具有极其重要的意义。  相似文献   

生产实习是生物技术专业重要的教学实践环节,也是引导学生理论联系实际,提高分析问题、解决问题能力的重要途径。本文以陕西师范大学生物技术专业生产实习为例,分析了生产实习的特点及重要性,探讨了存在的问题与困难,并提出进一步提高实习质量的有效措施。  相似文献   

生物技术已经成为制药产业革新的关键,但生物制药的商业模式设计却还远未成熟。本文重点探讨生物技术的不同来源如何影响生物制药企业的商业模式。以中国一类生物药品的制药企业为对象,采用案例研究的方法,探究自主研发和外部获取两种不同的生物技术来源对生物制药商业模式的不同影响。通过深入的案例研究,本文指出技术来源而非技术性质本身对生物制药的商业模式有着显著影响。  相似文献   

This study investigates how entrepreneurs of biotech enterprises embed in domestic and international networks so as to internationalize. We advance a contextual framework of embeddedness of internationalizing entrepreneurs, providing a contribution (i) by synthesizing and applying existing conceptual insights from the networking literature to provide a more culturally sensitive view of getting embedded for international entrepreneurship in the biotech industry and (ii) by adding insights into the practices and (micro)processes of how and in what ways embeddedness integrates with the internationalization of biotech entrepreneurs. Our study involves six entrepreneurs from Canada, Finland, and New Zealand. Context-specific embeddedness was studied by exploring the (i) type, (ii) strength, (iii) locality, and (iv) importance of the international and national network ties among internationalizing entrepreneurs. We found differences in relation to the locality of universities and research institutes, role and type of financiers, and customer focus in internationalization. For instance, while customers were central to the embeddedness of Canadian and New Zealand entrepreneurs, Finnish entrepreneurs had no focus on their customers, but acted solely through sales channels and partners. The customer focus of New Zealand entrepreneurs was mainly international, whereas it was domestic in the case of Canadian entrepreneurs.  相似文献   

人类对生命科学研究的持续开展极大地促进了农业生物技术和工业生物技术的发展,引发了人类健康事业的历史性变革。现代化生物技术的突飞猛进,改写了食品发酵工艺的历史。展望现代生物技术领域的发展趋势,把握世界现代生物技术领域的发展态势,对大力提高我国科技自主创新能力具有极其重要的意义。  相似文献   


Network systems like clusters are characterized by the coexistence of relational architectures with ties and nodes of different nature. While recent research has analysed how a set of structural features shape the dynamics and effects of one cluster network, the outstanding question is to what extent such features and outcomes are influenced by the concomitance of distinct content-related linkages. This paper integrates both network and evolutionary economic geography perspectives to develop and test a model that links innovation performance with the benefits that stem from technical and business relations. Data collected in a biotech cluster in the Valencia region (Spain) demonstrate the changing effect of brokerage and overlapping ties on innovation as a function of knowledge shared. Findings extend the theoretical understanding of how knowledge diffuses in clusters and provide valuable insights for both practitioners and policy makers.  相似文献   

李铁军  蔡凤  丁邦琴  何晓春 《价值工程》2011,30(32):254-254
本文以南通职业大学生物技术及应用专业为例,分析了高职生物技术及应用专业顶岗实习现状、存在问题及其影响因素,并从政府、学校、企业、学生四个层面初步提出了提高高职生物技术及应用专业顶岗实习质量的对策。  相似文献   

Our study examines the conditions under which firms enter into strategic alliances subsequent to knowledge spillovers. We propose that spillovers serve as signals of knowledge dependence and potential complementarity, encouraging alliance formation to enable better learning and limit appropriation. We posit that the likelihood of a knowledge alliance subsequent to a spillover is contingent on the specialization of each of the firms in the knowledge involved in the spillover. We also hypothesize that the effects of such specialization on knowledge alliance formation are moderated by technological ties and geographic distance between the dyad involved in the spillover. Our results demonstrate significance for the effects of specialization, supporting learning and appropriation motivations. Technological ties strengthen while geographic distance weakens the relationship between specialization and alliance formation.  相似文献   

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