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内部人交易一直是资本市场监管的重点和难点,如何有效实施内部人监管,保护投资者利益不受侵害,维护资本市场"三公"原则,已成为现阶段亟待解决的重要问题。本文采用我国沪深两市A股上市公司2008~2013年间内部人交易数据检验了分析师跟踪对内部人交易收益的影响,实证结果表明:(1)内部人交易获利能力随着分析师跟踪数量的增加有所下降;(2)股权结构会影响分析师外部治理功能的发挥,国有控股和机构投资者持股显著削弱了分析师跟踪与内部人交易收益之间的负相关关系。本文的研究对于充分认识分析师跟踪的外部治理效应、强化内部人交易监管具有重要的理论价值与现实意义。  相似文献   

内部人抛售、信息环境与股价崩盘   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国自2006年起允许内部人在公开市场交易公司股票,本文分析了其后内部人的抛售行为对股价崩盘风险的作用机理。本文的研究结果表明,内部人中的大股东抛售行为确实引发了股价崩盘,但是股价崩盘并非由于内部人隐藏了坏消息,而是由于大股东的抛售行为加大了与外部投资者之间的利益分离,大幅增加了不确定性,导致外部投资者压低股价寻求风险补偿所致。由内部人抛售引发的不确定性上升,并不能被机构投资者和分析师在基本面信息的搜集过程中预知,相反,一致预期的打破和机构投资者应对不确定性上升的持股调整行为反而加大了股价的崩盘风险。本文的研究对加强内部人交易行为监管,促进资本市场稳定发展具有一定的意义。  相似文献   

本文基于2010-2020年中国A股上市公司数据,实证考察机构投资者共同持股对内部人交易收益的影响及其作用机制。研究发现,机构投资者共同持股可以通过降低企业内部人员信息优势、强化外部监督以及降低股价波动风险对企业内部人交易行为产生治理作用。进一步研究表明,在信息不对称程度较高、投资者关注度较低以及内部人持股比例较高的企业当中,机构投资者共同持股对内部人交易收益的抑制作用更强。  相似文献   

杨慧 《时代金融》2014,(8Z):30-30
本文从内部人及内部人交易的概念入手,对内部人交易收益的国外文献进行了全面梳理,对内部人交易获得超额收益、内部人交易获利原因方面的国外研究进行了详细分析。  相似文献   

本文从内部人及内部人交易的概念入手,对内部人交易收益的国外文献进行了全面梳理,对内部人交易获得超额收益、内部人交易获利原因方面的国外研究进行了详细分析。  相似文献   

中国证券市场的参与者水平参差不齐,专业分析师提供的增量信息是否充分的被普通投资者吸收和消化,现有的文献并未清晰的回答上述问题。本文建立实证分析模型,首先验证2008-2012年A股上市公司分析师跟踪与股价同步性之间的关系,然后,利用百度搜索指数作为投资者关注的代理变量,将普通投资者关注作为调节变量加入模型,分析普通投资者关注对上述关系的影响,依据机构持股比例分组进行回归分析,以期观察在机构投资者不同时普通投资者对分析师报告利用的效果。研究发现:中国证券分析师能提高股价的信息含量,而普通投资者对上市公司的关注会降低股价的信息含量,同时,其无法有效的解读分析师报告;在机构持股比例较高的样本组中,普通投资者对分析师报告股价同步性降低的效应要弱于机构持股比例较低组。上述发现不仅丰富了公司信息环境方面的文献,更揭示了普通投资者的信息解读效应。  相似文献   

以2009~2012年沪市上市公司为研究样本,以内部人违规交易比率、内部人敏感期交易比率和内部人延迟披露比率作为内部人违规交易行为的替代变量,考察了内部控制对内部人违规交易行为的影响。研究发现,内部控制质量与内部人违规交易比率和内部人敏感期交易比率显著负相关,与内部人延迟披露比率之间的关系不显著。研究结果表明,总体而言,内部控制能有效抑制内部人违规交易行为的发生,有利于提高内部人交易的合法合规性。  相似文献   

本文运用Lennox(2000)的审计意见购买模型,研究分析师跟踪是否会影响公司的审计意见购买行为。研究结果表明,跟踪的分析师越多,公司越倾向于进行审计意见购买。当跟踪的分析师中存在明星分析师时,公司的审计意见购买倾向会更加明显。我们从多个角度进行了稳健性检验,发现上述结论依然成立。本文的研究结果表明,当被更多的分析师跟踪时,企业有更强的动机通过审计意见购买行为获得更好的审计意见。本文的研究丰富了分析师跟踪经济后果的经验证据,拓展了审计意见购买行为影响因素的文献;同时,对于投资者决策以及监管层制定相关政策都具有重要的现实借鉴意义和参考价值。  相似文献   

本文提出了内部人基于分散财富风险进行交易的动机,并在HHW的理论模型框架内分析了预售公告制度下的市场均衡和社会福利变化。结论表明预售公告制度下存在稳健的市场均衡,社会总福利得到提高;而且,在预售公告制度下,内部人更倾向于接受透明的会计披露制度。本文的结论对深化股改全流通具有一定的启示,建议决策层考虑预售公告制度,以减少限售股大量上市造成的冲击。  相似文献   

This paper finds that the generally favorable assessment of corporate sell-off decisions is most apparent for closely held firms where insider net-buy activity is prevalent during the prior six-month period. This suggests that insider trader activity and ownership structure information are used by the market in the characterization of sell-off decisions as favorable or unfavorable for investors.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the market's reaction to U.K. insider transactions and analyzes whether the reaction depends on the firm's ownership. We present three major findings. First, differences in regulation between the U.K. and United States, in particular the speedier reporting of trades in the U.K., may explain the observed larger abnormal returns in the U.K. Second, ownership by directors and outside shareholders has an impact on the abnormal returns. Third, it is important to adjust for news released before directors' trades. In particular, trades preceded by news on mergers and acquisitions and CEO replacements contain significantly less information.  相似文献   

股权集中度与证券市场的倒U型内幕交易曲线   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文从上市公司股权集中度的视角研究证券市场内幕交易行为,通过对信息的产权分析,提出了倒U型的内幕交易曲线.实证研究也发现,随着股权集中度的逐渐增加,上市公司内幕交易的严重程度也会相应增加.然而,当股权高度集中时,第一大股东制衡机制将发挥作用,内幕交易严重程度会有所减轻.内幕交易严重程度与股权集中度总体上呈现出倒U型曲线关系.这个结果也为内幕交易监管确定了重点的监管范围,能有效提高监管效率并节省监管成本.  相似文献   

The long‐run performance of equity securities subsequent to announcements of open market repurchases (OMR) remains a contentious topic. In this paper we propose the “dichotomous expectations hypothesis” which posits that insider trading following share repurchase announcements reveals private information concerning the future operating performance of announcing firms. In particular, insider abnormal purchases (abnormal sales) should predict an improvement (decline) in operating performance that leads to higher (lower) long‐run stock returns. Our hypothesis offers a credible economic link between insider trading and subsequent long‐run stock performance through the intervening variable of operating performance. The empirical results show consistency with this linkage.  相似文献   

In this paper we use a simultaneous equations model to examine the relationship between analysts' forecasts, analyst following, and institutions' investment decisions. Estimates of our three equation model using US data indicate that higher institutional demand leads to greater optimism among analysts and lower analyst following. At the same time, institutional demand increases with increasing optimism in analysts' forecasts but decreases with analyst following. We also investigate firm characteristics as determinants of analysts' and institutions' decisions. Empirical estimates of the effects of these characteristics indicate that agency‐driven behavioral considerations are significant.  相似文献   

<正>从事股票交易的人都知道,他投资的公司任何可能影响股票价格的动态都是极其宝贵的,因为它或是带来丰厚的利润,或是造成巨大的损失。因此,股票持有人要随时把握公司的财政动态,及时买入或卖出股票。但是,如果有人利用工作之  相似文献   

This paper presents evidence that prices of firms followed by sell-side analysts and favored by institutional investors incorporate future earnings earlier than prices of other firms. We conduct two sets of empirical tests: the first examines coefficients from regressions of returns on lead, contemporaneous, and lag earnings changes; the second compares the timing of monthly abnormal returns from earnings-based zero-investment portfolios. In both sets of tests, the results for analysts and institutions are incremental to each other. In addition, neither the analyst price lead nor the institutional price lead is due to price leads increasing with firm size.  相似文献   

Insider Trading and Earnings Management   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract:  This paper analyzes the relationship between earnings management and insider trading, specifically investigating whether discretionary accruals are related to insider trading and valuation. We find strong evidence of insiders managing earnings downward when buying and managing earnings upward when selling. On the marginal basis, value (high book-to-market value) firms manage their earnings upward compared to growth (low book-to-market value) firms, consistent with a signaling hypothesis. However, the opposite is true on the average basis, consistent with an opportunistic hypothesis.  相似文献   

Do illegal insiders internalize legal risk? We address this question with hand-collected data from 530 SEC (the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission) investigations. Using two plausibly exogenous shocks to expected penalties, we show that insiders trade less aggressively and earlier and concentrate on tips of greater value when facing a higher risk. The results match the predictions of a model where an insider internalizes the impact of trades on prices and the likelihood of prosecution and anticipates penalties in proportion to trade profits. Our findings lend support to the effectiveness of U.S. regulations' deterrence and the long-standing hypothesis that insider trading enforcement can hamper price informativeness.  相似文献   

Insider trading may alleviate financing constraints by conveying value‐relevant information to the market (the information effect) or may exacerbate financing constraints by impairing market liquidity and distorting insiders’ incentives to disclose value‐relevant information (the confidence effect). We examine the significance of these two contrasting effects by investigating the link between insider trading and financing constraints as measured by the investment‐cash flow sensitivity. We find that, overall insider trading exacerbates financing constraints; however the information effect dominates the confidence effect for insider purchases. Only trades by executive directors are significantly related to financing constraints.  相似文献   

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