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2010年全球经济逐渐回暖,然而我国就业市场结构性矛盾仍十分突出,尤其是大学毕业生就业形势依然严峻,由于大学生缺乏社会经验,对自我、对社会认识不足等因素,用人单位对部分大学生就业时的工作适应能力表示质疑,对高校培养学生的就业能力和职业素养提出了更高的期待和要求,提出推进高校大学生就业指导工作"两化一平"发展的规划思路,尝试为开展本科生就业指导工作提供一些新的思路。  相似文献   

近几年,在毕业生就业市场尚不健全的情况下,严格贯彻国家各项方针政策,将成为就业指导部门做好毕业生就业工作的根本保证。按照国家的总体要求,就业指导部门应该坚持指导和引导毕业生在国家就业方针政策指导下,采用自荐和推荐,与用人单位双向选择、自主择业的方式就业。就业指导部门应向用人单位推荐本院的优秀毕业生,实现毕业就就业的良好局面。通过将多种艺术形式与丰富的形式体验与设置有机结合,与各高中低档社区的活动会所形成紧密合作形式,打造艺术类院校特有的大学生就业连锁平台。通过在校期间的就业技能培训与指导,让毕业生在这种大的社会背景下,找到适合自己的就业岗位。  相似文献   

随着我国就业政策的变化,高校毕业生求职择业已不仅仅取决于整个社会的经济状况和个人自身的能力素养,还取决于他们是否拥有就业信息,拥有足够量且准确可靠的就业信息,对毕业生顺利就业是非常重要的,当然,对广而杂的就业信息进行筛选处理也是非常必要的.本文中,笔者主要研究在信息筛选过程中,毕业生个人对职业的要求、用人单位信息明确程度、信息的准确性和有效性,家长老师及同学的意见四个因素对毕业生筛选信息的影响,并提出了一些在信息筛选过程中应该注意的问题.  相似文献   

如何做好大学生职业生涯规划的指导   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
伴随着我国大学毕业生就业制度由过去的“统一分配”向“双向选择、自主择业”的转变,以及我国高校“扩招”,大学生就业难的问题日益凸现出来。面对激烈的就业竞争和用人单位对大学生素质的高要求,不少高校在学生毕业前夕增设适应求职需要的岗位培训和就业指导,以期迅速提高大学毕业生的求职技巧和职业素质,但这些应急措施往往力不从心,效果不佳。本文拟就开展大学生职业生涯规划谈几点看法。  相似文献   

当前毕业生就业问题受到社会广泛关注,择业前的就业指导工作从而具有重要意义。随着新时期网络信息化深入各个生产领域,就业指导工作网络化的有效应用是未来发展的必然趋势。本文通过简述新时期信息网络在就业工作中的有效应用的研究背景,以及新型网络化就业指导的内涵与发展目标,分析了当前网络化就业指导存在哪些制约因素,研究了新时期信息网络在就业工作中应用的有效途径。  相似文献   

随着社会竞争的日益激烈和大学生自主择业压力的增加,医学生就业压力越来越大。培养医学生适应医疗工作的职业人格,是满足医学教育改革的需要,满足现代医学模式转变的需要,也是满足医学生就业的需要。医学生职业人格的培养,可以通过加强对医学生人文素质的培养、重视医学生心理健康教育、开设职业生涯规划及就业指导课程、增加医学生医疗实践机会、开展丰富的校园文化活动等途径。  相似文献   

浅谈高校就业指导工作   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
孙晶 《北方经贸》2004,(8):122-123
近年来随着高校扩招、高等教育大众化进程的加快 ,大学生面临的就业压力不断增加。为此各高校纷纷成立就业指导中心 ,专门帮助毕业生解决就业问题。文章从就业指导的任务、内容及指导队伍自身建设等方面入手 ,分析如何进一步完善高校的就业指导工作 ,以实现高校毕业生人才资源的合理配置。  相似文献   

用人单位一段时期内招聘大学毕业生的情况,以及对他们录用后的评价和满意度,是具有很高研究价值的数据。这些数据能够真实反映大学毕业生群体各方面情况是否适应用人单位的需要,以及适应程度如何;这也是今后这些用人单位是否继续招聘以及招聘多少大学毕业生有着直接的影响。通过本研究,一是给毕业生提供更加精准和针对性较强的个性化指导;二是给大学生职业发展与就业指导课程提供准确的参考数据。  相似文献   

随着当前我国经济增长趋势放缓,我国就业市场对人才需求的下降,这就导致了大学生就业压力的进一步提升,而我国每年大学生毕业生都会有数百万流入就业市场,这对于社会稳定和实现大学生个人价值带来了很多的问题,因此大学生就业指导工作就受到了人们的高度重视。在当前新形势下的就业环境下,目前大学生就业指导工作还存在很多问题,需要尽快解决。本文就从大学生就业新形势、就业指导工作的现状以及就业指导工作存在的问题进行分析,并针对目前存在的指导工作的若干问题提出有针对性的提升策略,旨在能够将大学生就业指导工作做到更好。  相似文献   

"选择职业是高校大学生走上社会的重要一环,健康的择业心理是成功的关键"。由于民办高校的办学大多处于专科层次,特别是受到用人单位"重名校、重正规院校、重学历、重文凭"的人才观和用人导向的影响,民办高校毕业生就业状况更不容乐观,鉴于大学生择业心理问题对其择业行为有重要影响,因此有必要对当代大学生的择业心理存在的问题进行研究,从而引导其树立正确的择业心理,实现合理就业、顺利就业,确保我国和谐社会的全面构建,高等教育的健康发展以及"科教兴国"、"人才强国"战略的顺利实施。  相似文献   

We present a model of training investments and employment outcomes. In this model training may enhance trainees’ tastes for particular types of career (taste shift) and/or shift their wage offer distributions (pay-off). An empirical analysis is conducted with a unique data-set of UK graduates. These data contain information on students’ career tastes before small-firm placements as well as their employment outcomes after graduation. Analysis of these data indicates that the placements provide a pay-off among highly employable graduates who face certain disadvantages in the labour market. Conversely individuals, who expressed a taste for small-firm careers before placements, are more likely to take-up small-firm employment after placements suggesting these individuals experience enhanced opportunities for their preferred career. However individuals with pre-placement large-firm preferences have no greater likelihood of entering small-firms’ employment after placements indicating there is no fundamental effect on career tastes.  相似文献   

This paper utilises some data from an interview survey of very small firms in the North of England to examine the relationship between actual and forecast employment in small firms over a twelve month period. The paper first provides some summary statistics on actual and forecast employment for the survey firms over the reference period. It then looks at how successful the firms are in their short term forecasts, and finds that there is systematic over-estimation. The causes of the systematic forecast error are investigated. It is suggested, tentatively, that the firms may in some way be incorrectly interpreting the information embodied in their own employment figures when making their forecasts. The paper concludes with a brief review of the results and possible policy implications. Avenues for future work are also proposed.  相似文献   

This article presents the outcomes of an exploratory study into the factors that influences individuals' choice of different types of qualification at stages throughout their employment history. The survey of individuals in Australia and Britiain sought information on individuals' training and education decisions between school and employment; after gaining employment; and of their future intentions for further study. There were few differences between Australians and British respondents at the school‐leaver stage, but once in work differences emerged between the two countries. Few differences were observed between males and females. Comparison of those opting into academic and vocational programmes indicated that those who choose academic programmes are motivated by a cluster of mainly internal factors while those opting for the vocational route were more likely to have been influenced by their manager and the possibility of funding. Implications for the marketing of qualifications are discussed.  相似文献   

张小燕  管越  李森 《人口与发展》2020,26(2):116-123
就业是残疾人融入社会和实现自身价值的有效途径。基于某地区2017年全国残疾人基本服务状况与需求信息动态更新调查数据,构建Logit回归模型,针对不同的户籍制度,考察残疾程度、教育程度与无障碍设施对残疾人就业选择的影响。研究发现,教育对就业有显著正相关关系,而残疾人就业与残疾程度,无障碍设施呈负相关。与以往研究不同的是,对样本按户籍制度进行分组后,发现无障碍设施,即社会对于残疾人群体的真实关怀程度对农业户口残疾人就业呈显著负相关。由此提出政府对残疾群体在支持公共配套无障碍设施与鼓励残疾人就业之间应寻找新的平衡点,同时也反映出我国对于残疾人保障的力度。  相似文献   

知识经济时代,信息就是财富。雇员跳槽中带来的商业信息转移,会给原来的企业带来重大的商业损失。而劳动合同法使得员工跳槽的成本进一步降低。西方企业的成功实践告诉我们,中国企业在这一背景下,需要善用《劳动合同法》中的竞业限制条款,保护企业的商业秘密,维护市场公平竞争的秩序。  相似文献   

The objective of this empirical study was to investigate how the use of internal and external information sources influence the success of an organization’s buying process, and how the characteristics of the buying task influence the employment of these information sources during the buying process. Quantitative data were collected by structured interviews among Finnish business organizations early in 2008. The results suggest that the employment by an organization of information provided by a supplier during the buying process has a significant but contradictory influence on the success of the buying process. Furthermore, the complexity, newness, and importance of the buying situation were found to have a significant influence on the employment of different sources of information during the various stages of buying process. Perceived risk of the buying task was found to have no significant effect on the use of different information sources.  相似文献   

This study investigates the relative attractiveness of production level jobs provided by multinational firms in Mexico's maquiladora industry. We take the position that workers themselves are an important and often overlooked source of information relevant to the controversy focusing on the responsibilities of multinational companies to their employees in the developing world. We conducted interviews with 59 maquila production level workers in the Mexican cities of Cd. Juárez and Chihuahua. Using a relative attractiveness framework that compared maquila jobs to other employment available in the local economy, maquila line and technical workers responded to questions addressing why they were working at a maquila, their work history, the attractiveness of maquila jobs compared to both their prior jobs and the jobs held by friends and family, and whether they planned to continue working in the maquilas. While the responses from maquila workers are diverse, they suggest that maquila jobs provide attractive employment for the economically disadvantaged in Northern Mexico.  相似文献   

基于就业导向的普通高校电子商务专业课程体系设置研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目前,普通高校电子商务专业课程体系存在着课程设置缺乏体系、课程内容滞后于实际应用需求、实践教学环节滞后等问题。普通高校一定要从信息技术与商务活动的融合与创新出发,结合自身实际情况,以就业为导向,明确电子商务专业的培养方向,构建特色化课程模块体系,强化课程实践教学,提升人才培养质量,使培养出的学生更好地适应企业的需求。  相似文献   

Family firms are often considered characteristically different from non-family firms. However, our understanding of family firms suffers from an inability to identify them in total population data; information is rarely available regarding owners, their kinship, and their involvement in firm governance. We present a method for identifying domiciled family firms using register data; this method offers greater accuracy than previous methods. We apply this method to Swedish data concerning firm ownership, governance, and kinship from 2004 to 2010. We find that the family firm is a significant organizational form, contributing over one third of all employment and gross domestic product (GDP). Family firms are common in most industries and range in size. Furthermore, we find that, compared to private non-family firms, family firms have fewer total assets, employment, and sales and carry higher solidity, although family firms are more profitable. These differences diminish with firm size. We conclude that the term “family firm” includes a large variety of firms, and we call for increased attention to their heterogeneity.  相似文献   

The current research extends past work on how consumers (as “observers”) view ethical choices made by others (“actors”). Using a person-centered approach to moral judgments, we show that consumers are judged differentially, based on their income, for engaging in certain prosocial behaviors. Nine studies demonstrate that engaging in the same prosocial behavior, such as volunteering, leads to different responses depending on whether the actor earns income versus receives government assistance. Consistent with our theorizing, we find that aid recipients are given less latitude in how they spend their time than those earning an income and are scrutinized to a greater degree for their choices because people believe their time would be better spent seeking employment. Consequently, the lower moral judgments of aid recipients who choose to volunteer (vs. income earners) are driven, at least in part, by the anger observers feel about the perceived misuse of time. Additional information or cues about employment efforts or work inability attenuate these judgments. Importantly, we document implications for support for federal spending on welfare programs.  相似文献   

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