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跨境贸易人民币结算起源于2009年,经过2010年和2011年两次扩大试点,目前已覆盖到全国,境内所有企业都可依法开展跨境人民币结算,境外地域扩展到所有境外国家和地区。大连市于2010年7月正式启动跨境人民币结算业务,是东北地区最早开展跨境人民币结算的地区。跨境人  相似文献   

2009年4月8日开始实行的跨境贸易人民币结算试点,截止目前试点范围已扩大至全国,境外范围已扩大到所有的国家和地区。针对跨境人民币结算业务,中国人民银行等部门先后出台了相关配套政策。本文根据现有政策情况以及自身的体会,对跨境人民币结算的利弊因素进行了分析,并提出了推动外经贸企业开展跨境人民币结算业务的政策建议。  相似文献   

自跨境人民币业务试点启动以来,境内地域范围由当初的5个试点城市扩展到全国。人民币境外使用区域不断扩大,已形成香港、新加坡、伦敦、卢森堡等离岸人民币中心,与中国发生跨境人民币收付的国家达174个。跨境人民币结算的业务范围不断拓宽,基本涵盖了各项金融活动,包括货物贸易、服务贸易、其他经常项目、直接投资、个人项下、证券投资、境外贷款等跨境人民币结算业务,业务发展日趋多元化。2014年跨境贸易人民币结算额达6.55万亿元,直接投资人民币结算额达1.05万亿元。人民币的国际地位得到快速提升,现已成为全球第七大支付结算货币和第九大外汇交易货币。  相似文献   

关于跨境贸易人民币结算的SWOT分析与战略选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2010年6月22日,央行等六部委联合发布《关于扩大跨境贸易人民币结算试点有关问题的通知》,将我国跨境贸易人民币结算试点地区由广东、上海等2个省市扩大到北京、山东等20个省区市。同时,跨境贸易人民币结算的境外地域由港澳、东盟地区扩展到所有国家和地区。对此,本文运用SWOT分析方法,探析开展跨境贸易人民币结算的优势与劣势,面临的机遇和威胁,并在此基础上提出相应的政策建议。  相似文献   

2009年中国开始跨境贸易人民币结算试点,2011年8月推至全国,境外结算也从港澳、东南亚扩至全世界,至2014年已与28个国家(地区)签署了货币互换协议,为人民币最终实现国际化打下了良好的基础,人民币国际化是一个不可扭转的趋势,但是单凭市场的力量来实现将是一个漫长的过程,政府的推动也是一个重要的举措。本文从多角度分析了影响人民币国际化的因素以及加快推动人民币国际化的途径。  相似文献   

陈茜 《商业研究》2011,(11):191-195
2010年9月中旬,跨境贸易人民币结算的境外试点地区由东盟和港澳扩大到所有国家和地区,两岸贸易初步具备了由美元转向以人民币结算的条件。海峡两岸贸易人民币结算有别于大陆与其他国家或地区贸易人民币结算的若干特性,实现两岸贸易人民币结算必须解决国际市场用以结算的人民币来源,台湾企业持有的人民币自由兑换与再投资,多样的两岸贸易人民币结算渠道等问题。  相似文献   

正跨境人民币结算包括跨境贸易人民币结算和跨境投资人民币结算。2009年7月,我国开始跨境贸易人民币结算试点,2010年又开展了跨境投资人民币结算试点。后来,跨境人民币结算范围扩大至全国,结算业务也从经常项目扩展至资本项目。跨境人民币结算的全面推行,在一定程度上提升了人民币的国际地位,推动了人民币的国际化进程。一、跨境人民币结算发展的现状(一)结算规模方面随着试点地区、业务范围的逐  相似文献   

随着我国经济发展和综合实力的提高,人民币从2009年7月开始在贸易跨境结算中使用,历经两年的时间,到2011年8月贸易跨境人民币结算的试点由5个扩大至全国,境外地域也扩至全球.但是这个过程中也暴露出了贸易跨境人民币结算中的一些问题,对解决这些问题的研究有着十分重要的意义.  相似文献   

按照货币国际化的规律,结合中国的实际情况,从微宏观两个方面为推进跨境贸易人民币结算提出建议和措施.从微观方面,提出了鼓励出口贸易和关联贸易使用人民币结算、树立视人民币为外汇的理念、调查研究微观企业的动向和变化、建立境外人民币回流渠道、允许人民币海外债权境内和境外自由兑换、加强人民币跨境流动的监管等措施;从宏观方面,提出了宣传跨境贸易人民币结算的好处、建立币值稳定的货币制度、完善国内金融市场、提高综合国力以保证人民币结算的根本利益、协调与周边国家和地区的经济关系、协调同美国的政治关系等措施  相似文献   

跨境贸易人民币结算,从上海、广州、深圳、珠海和东莞等城市开展试点到《关于扩大跨境贸易人民币结算地区的通知》,从仅限于港澳和东南亚各国扩展至全球范围,从开始的试点企业扩至所有拥有进出口经营权的企业.上海市和广东省都已经悄然“开口”人民币“非居民账户”(NRA).  相似文献   

Six months after the Doha agreement on a new round of talks to liberalise world trade, tension is mounting between the EU and the US, the world's two major trading powers, giving rise to fears of a full-blown transatlantic trade war and a new wave of global protectionism. The contributors to this Forum look at the causes of, and possible remedies for, this development, taking economic, legal and political aspects into consideration.  相似文献   

China has been losing international competitiveness in labor-intensive industries due to various factors, including the trade war with the United States and globalization. Vietnam, however, has rapidly expanded its labor-intensive exports. The paper proposes to explore the future of labor-intensive industries in Vietnam due to the U.S.-China trade war. The paper examines export performance data from United Nation Comtrade for 10 specific labor-intensive industries that serve the U.S. market between 2000 and 2020 to assess the possibility of Vietnam overtaking China's position as the world's largest manufacturer. Using situation analysis, the paper compares the competitive advantage of Vietnam in labor-intensive industries due to the U.S.-China trade war. The paper found that China's competitiveness was negatively impacted for the final two periods, while Vietnam's competitive advantage increased.  相似文献   

Business Economics - The trade war has received an enormous amount of attention. Its impacts today have been limited because the U.S. and China have been a bit restrained. Lots of firms have gotten...  相似文献   

The implications of the introduction of the euro undoubtedly reach far beyond Europe. How will the rest of the world be affected? What role will the euro play as an international trading, investment and reserve currency? Will it be able to function as a stabilising element in the international monetary system?  相似文献   

在中美贸易战背景下,加强陆上贸易通道建设有利于中国对外贸易进一步发展。在分析加强陆上贸易通道建设背景及意义的基础上,阐述了中国陆上贸易通道建设发展的现状及其存在的主要问题,进而提出了高度重视西部贸易中心作用、打造更高质量的陆上贸易通道、深化改革开放力度加快"走出去"步伐、提高企业竞争力重视专业人才培养等对策建议。  相似文献   

This article analyses the relationships among the unit of account and means of exchange functions of an international currency, on the one hand, and its store of value in official use, on the other hand. Historical evidence links the currency composition of reserves to currency movements. The currency composition of reserves is strongly related in the cross-section to both currency movements and the currency denomination of trade. Data limitations make it hard to distinguish these two factors. A panel analysis of 5 countries from central and Eastern Europe shows that both trade invoicing and currency movements drive changing official reserve composition. Implications are suggested for the prospects for the renminbi enlarging its current small portion of official foreign exchange reserves.  相似文献   

We investigate the determinants of currency invoicing in trade using import and export transactions data between Korea and its 30 major trading partners from 2000 to 2013. We find a noticeably different pattern of currency invoicing from advanced countries. For example, a large market share of Korean exporters in partner countries does not guarantee more use of the Korean won in currency invoicing. This might be attributed to a low degree of Korean won's internationalisation and the strong coalescing effect. We also observe that the higher the level of industry product differentiation, the weaker the coalescing motive. In addition, we verify that the share of invoicing in the currency of Korea's trading partner tends to be higher when the partner country has (i) a larger trade volume, (ii) higher level of financial development, (iii) lower inflation and lower price volatility and (iv) its own currency with lower transaction costs.  相似文献   

A theory of the currency denomination of international trade   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The currency denomination of international trade has significant macroeconomic and policy implications. In this paper we solve for the optimal invoicing choice by integrating this microeconomic decision at the level of the firm into a general equilibrium open economy model. Strategic interactions between firms play a critical role. We find that the less competition firms face in foreign markets, as reflected in market share and product differentiation, the more likely they will price in their own currency. We also show that when a set of countries forms a monetary union, the new currency is likely to be used more extensively in trade than the sum of the currencies it replaces.  相似文献   

The creation of a single currency is deemed to produce further heterogeneity in regional trade, as regions differ in their exposure to trade with other European countries. It is possible to disentangle two separate effects on bilateral trade, namely the “exchange rate volatility effect” (from exchange rate fixing in 1999) and the pure “common currency effect” (resulting from the issuing of a new currency in 2002). This paper presents an empirical analysis that shows evidence of a regional concentration of currency union effects in a few Spanish regions.  相似文献   

2017年以来,中国的经济实力越来越强,在国际舞台上的地位越来越重要。然而,美国希望自己在国际经济和贸易中的领导地位能够保持不败之地。因此,两国经贸往来不可避免地会有摩擦。随着中美贸易战的升级,美国的一些贸易政策将直接影响国际经济秩序。期望中国在这场中美贸易战中的对策是维护中国对外贸易关系长期稳定发展、解决世界饥饿问题和促进粮食安全的一条途径。通过分析,粮食援助的重要性日益增加,美国对粮食援助的批评集中在国内农业利益的优先性与紧急人道主义需求的低效率上。  相似文献   

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