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"普惠金融"这一概念是指能全方位并且有效地为社会各个阶层的人群,特别是低收入的弱势人群提供相应的金融服务。如今,随着普惠金融战略的不断推进,各项优惠措施的落实,使得其在帮助削减贫困、实现平等发展等方面的作用得到有效发挥。但受到金融政策落实难、融资成本高等因素的影响,普惠金融在实际的发展过程中还存在一定的问题,如风险防控难度大、贷后管理难等,这对于普惠金融的长期持续健康发展无疑是极其不利的。鉴于此,文章以普惠金融的风险防控和贷后管理为出发点,分析探讨了普惠金融发展过程中风险防控和贷后管理的有效措施,以供参考。  相似文献   

长期以来,我国的低收入群体、农户等普遍面临金融排斥。金融包容性增长旨在将金融服务扩展到欠发达地区和社会低收入人群,使其以合理成本获取金融服务。结合印度在金融包容性增长中的实施经验,建议政府发挥主要推手、指导和监督作用,推进金融基础设施建设,强化信息技术在农村金融中的应用,并通过建立合作伙伴关系,拓宽金融服务的渠道,实现低成本扩展金融服务覆盖面和活跃使用提升。  相似文献   

数字普惠金融是指利用数字技术和创新金融模式为普通人群提供可负担、安全、高效金融服务的一种金融模式,旨在通过降低金融服务的门槛和成本,提供更广泛的金融产品与服务,促进金融包容性和社会经济发展。本文深入分析数字普惠金融的定义、特点,以及其在解决金融服务不平等、促进经济发展、降低贫困和推动可持续发展等方面的重要作用,以供参考。  相似文献   

数字普惠金融作为数字技术和普惠金融深度融合的产物,能够有效降低金融服务门槛和成本,消除物理网点和营业时间限制,破解普惠金融服务"最后一公里"问题,使欠发达地区、农村地区、小微企业、低收入人群等能够获得价格合理、安全便捷的金融服务,从而为普惠金融的可持续发展提供了新的思路。  相似文献   

近年来,"普惠金融"已成为一个热词。它是指以可负担的成本为有金融服务需求的社会各阶层和群体提供适当、有效的金融服务。普惠金融这一概念由联合国在2005年提出,是指以可负担的成本为有金融服务需求的社会各阶层和群体提供适当、有效的金融服务。小微企业、农民、城镇低收入人群等弱势群体是其重点服务对象。根据国家金融与发展实验室发布的《2019年中国消费金融发展报告》显示,目前我国消费金融获得率偏低,仍有近40%成年人从未获得过消费金融服务。  相似文献   

物联网金融是指面向所有物联网的金融服务与创新,涉及各类物联网应用,它使金融服务由单纯面向“人”而延伸到整个社会物理世界,实现商业网络、服务网络的金融网络融合及金融服务自动化、智能化,可以创造出很多商业模式,推动金融业产生重大变革.物联网金融服务创新无处不在,可融入所有物联网领域,开辟崭新的金融服务业务,如在物流领域开展仓储物联网金融、供应链融资、货运物联网金融等.  相似文献   

尝试运用成本收益分析法及供给需求分析法两种经济学的基本分析方法分析互联网金融产生与发展的内在逻辑.分析发现,互联网金融产生的根本原因在于传统金融模式下金融机构的金融服务供给远远不能满足消费者对金融服务的需求.而互联网金融得以发展的关键在于其改变了传统金融模式下金融机构提供金融服务的成本收益关系.  相似文献   

湖南金融服务创新要发挥人民银行金融服务的基础性作用和金融机构的联动作用,提升金融服务地方经济、服务广大群众、服务社会的水平,促进湖南金融生态的改善,为经济发展和建设社会出力,需要大力开拓.金融创新是新型组合,主要包括金触产品、金融服务、金融市场、金融制度等方面的创新.  相似文献   

传统金融分业经营和信息不对称的业务模式,难以满足实体经济中的融资需求。从互联网金融普惠金融、信息金融、平台金融和碎片金融的创新来看,互联网金融实现了金融服务人群的扩大、产品类型的多样和风险管理的个性化。本文从金融发展的三根支柱货币、信用和金融机构的角度对传统金融和互联网金融进行比较分析,互联网金融通过第三方支付打开了以互联网平台服务实体经济的渠道,以互联网征信为核心开发出更多种类不同风险匹配的金融产品,金融服务功能的多样化与定制化也丰富了互联网金融平台的业务创新。  相似文献   

陈敏 《商业研究》2005,(8):79-82
实践证明,一国(地区)的经济发展水平和国际竞争力与其金融发展是密切相关的,金融体系越健全,金融工具越丰富,金融服务效率越高,金融资产越充裕,其经济发展水平和国际竞争力就越高。黑龙江省的经济发展同样离不开本地区金融的发展,离不开强大的金融支持。然而,与发达地区相比,黑龙江省金融发展呈现出弱势,各种迹象表明其金融发展已经滞后于经济发展,其原因在于政府和金融部门管理者思想认识保守,管理工作不到位,缺乏金融理论研究的支持、金融发展的技术支撑以及制度环境体系不健全  相似文献   

This article examines the role of social enterprises in providing fair services to vulnerable consumers, focusing on the vulnerability of low-income consumers to high-cost exploitative credit as a result of a lack of access to mainstream financial services. It will be argued that both the state and the corporate sector have a role to play in providing the means with which vulnerable consumers can overcome financial exclusion, through access to fair services. However, this cannot and should not be achieved through increased welfare provision or through reliance on corporate social responsibility initiatives alone. In rejecting solutions focused on increased welfare or voluntary corporate social responsibility initiatives, this article suggests that regulatory support for the development and growth of social enterprises, such as community development finance institutions, will most effectively give rise to a social framework in which vulnerability and unequal opportunity with respect to financial services is addressed.  相似文献   

This essay explores the potential for social workers and other human services professionals to build the financial capability of vulnerable populations. These professionals routinely work with the financially vulnerable and are uniquely positioned to provide basic financial guidance and support. Their education in human development, family dynamics, organizational and community functioning, and social policy prepares them to be key partners in creating solutions to financial vulnerability. However, human service professionals need additional training. Although there has been significant progress in developing curricula, additional resources, such as assessment models and practice tools for serving specific populations, would facilitate financial practice. Academic degree programs and continuing education in financial capability must be developed, along with greater clarification about career pathways and credentialing. Building the financial capability of vulnerable families is an ambitious agenda, but one that is essential to well‐being in the 21st century.  相似文献   

This field study explores the effects of an offer of financial counseling provided to low‐income people exiting welfare assistance in a workforce development program. While only about one‐third of workers actually took part in counseling, those who did were able to reduce the amount of debt they had in collections. We did not find other statistically significant effects on financial behavior or well‐being, however. People living at or below poverty levels of income may need more intensive financial support services than counseling can provide. This study illustrates the challenge of engaging participants in financial capability services, as well as the limitation of interventions like counseling for people who have very low incomes.  相似文献   

《Business Horizons》2017,60(6):865-874
Two billion people in developing economies have limited or no access to formal financial services, creating cause for substantial research interest in financial inclusion as a complex multidimensional phenomenon. Digital finance technologies, including blockchain, have empowered a type of crescive entrepreneurship that seeks opportunities in relation to financially excluded individuals. This article hypothesizes that nonmonetary causal factors and informal financial practices play a major role in habits of the financially excluded, which would favor blockchain’s disintermediation features over the incumbent approach. After applying fuzzy-set Qualitative Comparative Analysis (fsQCA) to determine the conditions related to financial practice and motivations that explain the absence of a formal bank account, I prescribe five sensitivities that blockchain entrepreneurs need to consider when targeting this segment. The value of this article’s approach extends well beyond traditional unisystemic views for financial inclusion, as blockchain-based entrepreneurial opportunities emerge to reveal alternative forms of disintermediated financial services, which we exemplify in startups modeling informal practices. Blockchain entrepreneurship can generate semi-formal financial services that bring financial aspirations closer to people. My perspective is relevant to blockchain entrepreneurs who aim to understand the practices of the unbanked as source information for the development of innovative solutions.  相似文献   

Financial exclusion is an apparent phenomenon globally, the majority of people without bank accounts living in the developing countries. Those who lack access to financial services could experience vulnerability. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to unfold the vulnerability of the low‐income unbanked consumers in a Pakistani context. Qualitative data were gathered from low‐income unbanked consumers through in‐depth interviews. The findings suggest that unbanked consumers are vulnerable in many ways. The participants faced several negative consequences due to their financial exclusion, which resulted into their personal, economic and social detriment. Based on our study findings, we provide managerial and public policy implications for the well‐being of the low‐income unbanked consumers. Lastly, study limitations and future study guidelines are discussed.  相似文献   

In the financial capability intervention known as Child Development Accounts (CDAs), incentives with savings or investment accounts enable families (especially vulnerable ones) to accumulate assets for children's developmental and life‐cycle needs. With data from SEED for Oklahoma Kids (OK), a randomized statewide policy experiment, we examined a CDA intervention's effects on a subsample of low‐income families in Temporary Assistance for Needy Families and Head Start. Results from simultaneous equation modeling suggest that the intervention has positive, statistically significant impacts on financial and social‐development outcomes. Findings provide empirical support for a new model for integrating the accounts with other social services for economically vulnerable populations. The centralized account platform used in SEED OK seems essential to providing CDAs on a large scale, which would enable opportunities for integration with federal‐ and state‐funded social service programs.  相似文献   


This paper analyses the phenomenon of financial discrimination that has been identified in many developed countries in the aftermath of the financial crisis. We would consider the process of worsening quality in the provision of banking products and services as part of the increasing problem of financial exclusion, which should consider not only physical access to branches but also the difficulties of using banking services and products. Our primary concern is focused on the collective of vulnerable customers, so we have carried out an analysis at a micro-scale (urban districts and municipalities) to identify the main determinants of financial discrimination of territories according to their socioeconomic profile. This study constitutes a first attempt to analyse financial discrimination in the provision of banking products and services at an urban micro-scale. We have considered the cases of Madrid and Barcelona in Spain as good references, as these large urban territories have a high level of social inequality. The methodology applied is quantile regressions, a useful technique for analysing the “extreme” nature of the phenomenon of financial discrimination. Our results confirm that the more overloaded branches are located in districts characterized by a lower socioeconomic profile, indicating a banking industry trend towards “low-cost” retail banking to serve the group of less profitable, more vulnerable customers. Some recommendations are outlined for policymakers in line with the aims and scope of the Payment Accounts Directive of the European Union.


在我国,低碳发展模式已经确立,碳排放交易系统即将推出,相关主体对碳金融服务的需求将极大增加。然而,就目前的情况来看,我国尚未建立健全碳金融服务体系,这恐将成为我国低碳发展的掣肘。本文在梳理碳金融服务相关研究文献的基础上,从资金融通和风险管理两个方面解构碳金融服务需求,并分析了其特点,依据分析结果及我国碳金融服务现状提出了我国碳金融服务体系架构的设想。  相似文献   

新经济发展的两大支柱是科技与金融,两者的结合是高新技术产业发展的需要,而金融服务创新是金融发展不竭的动力。基于金融服务支持高新技术产业发展的原理,通过对金融服务支持该产业科技活动投入的现状分析,提出金融服务创新支撑广东高新技术产业发展的具体实现路径和保障措施。  相似文献   


The purpose of this study is to test the notion that the use of digital payment methods, such as paying with a mobile phone, increases the risk of financial vulnerability. Research from the USA indicates such a relationship, and we study whether this finding can be generalized to other countries. Motivated by recent changes in EU legislation related to financial transactions, we also examine willingness to use social media companies for money transfers along with sharing bank account information with third-party financial services. Exploiting data collected from a representative sample of the Norwegian adult population (n?=?2202), we identify differences in financial behaviour and characteristics between users and nonusers of different digital payment methods. In contrast to US studies, we find that mobile payment users were less financially vulnerable than nonusers and those women were more likely users of digital payment technologies than men. Younger generations and those with low financial literacy were more financially vulnerable than others, although we did not find this to be related to the use of mobile payment or other digital payment methods. The results show that there is a need for more research from different countries outside of the USA to obtain an understanding of the consequences of increased digitalization of financial services. In addition, as COVID-19 has shifted a vast amount of spending online and these newer payment technologies have become more available, we need to gain a better understanding of how they influence financial behaviour.


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