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本文从化纤生产废水的处理,化纤生产中的循环经济,清洁生产、节能减排以及新型环保型纤维的应用等三个角度介绍了化纤领域中环境保护工作新近展.  相似文献   

徐诚 《国际贸易》2001,(9):36-39
据国际纺织纤维组织统计,目前全世界纤维使用量中棉花约占38%,化纤占59%,羊毛纤维用量只占2%-3%.由于天然纤维的增长受到土地资源、自然条件、生长周期等因素制约,自1984年以来,世界天然纤维总产量徘徊在2000万吨左右.由于化纤制造技术发展适应了纤维数量增加和多样性的需要,愈来愈成为支撑人类衣着、环境装饰以及各类产业特殊需求的重要物质基础.据日本化纤协会公布的数字,2000年世界纤维产量预计为4892.5万吨,比上年增长4.3%.其中,天然纤维产量为2069.3万吨,增长1.7%;化纤产量为2823.3万吨,增长6.3%.值得注意的是,2000年羊毛纤维产量比上年下降0.2%.  相似文献   

在2003年3月举行的杭州化纤会议上,国家经贸委、中国纺织协会、中国化纤协会、韩国化纤协会、台湾区人造纤维同业公会及国内外主要化纤、合纤原料公司的负责人和代表就化纤市场的发展和技术进行了广泛的交流。内容主要包括:2002年中国纺织、化纤工业状况及2003年展望,世界化纤供需发展趋势,国内化纤市场新特点和面临的形势,国内外化纤及其原料技术发展动向等。  相似文献   

一、中国化纤行业国际贸易面临的新问题和新形势改革开放20多年来,我国化纤工业得到了快速成长。2004年化纤产量已达1425.5万吨,占世界化纤总产量比例已超过1/3。化纤使用量在我国纺织纤维中比例已经超过2/3,化纤已经成为我国纺织工业乃至国民经济的支柱产业之一。中国加入世贸  相似文献   

随着全球经济的日益发展,社会对环境的关注度也越来越强烈,化纤行业作为重污染行业,在生产过程中会对大气、土壤等造成严重污染,并且不可逆转,因此,以三家具体的化纤企业作为分析样本,对不同化纤企业的环境会计信息披露方式和内容进行比较研究,得出最佳的披露模式方案,并归纳总结当下化纤企业关于环境会计信息披露存在的普遍问题,最后提出完善对化纤企业环境会计信息披露的对策及建议,希望对未来化纤企业在环境会计方面的发展有所帮助。  相似文献   

I简介Brieflntroduction   泉州天宇化纤织造实业有限公司是一家外商独资大型化纤生产企业.是福建省第一家,也是最大的锦纶生产企业,是泉州市首批向社会承诺每月按时足额发放工资的企业.地处泉州市南环路江南高新技术园区,占地面积53236平方米,厂区已建成建筑面积近35000平方米.   ……  相似文献   

利用化纤面料开发生产的服装及各类制品,一但在市场走俏,其利润往往颇丰。化纤产品要能与纯毛、真丝和纯棉织物这些天然纤维织物在市场上一比高下,关键在于"粗粮细做"。所谓"粗粮细做"就是要把中、低档的化学纤维通过精细的后加工、再处理使之变成适合市场销售的高档化纤制成品。专家认为,有以下四条出路:一、仿真。人们在购买化纤制品时总是为它的各种不良特性所困惑,如:涤纶穿在身上像塑料布,人造丝一缩水就差一寸多。外观上有难看的化纤光泽,手感干燥粗糙等等。这些都大大制约了化纤制品的销售。所以要想方设法让化纤更加仿真"。也就是要使化纤制品更加接近天然纤维的制品。应充分利用化纤可塑性强,加工方便的特点,  相似文献   

今年来,时风集团以调整产业结构、转变发展方式为主线,优化整合"五大产业园区(农用汽车、农业装备、电动汽车、化纤轮胎、热电)"建设,为推进"四大百亿产业(农用汽车、农业装备、电动汽车、化纤轮胎)"奠定了扎实基础.此外,集团重点加大轻卡汽车、低速电动车、锦纶工业布、中大型拖拉机等产品开发,传统产业全面转型升级,新兴战略产业加快推进,使集团得以平稳运行.  相似文献   

一、我国聚酯行业的现状和存在的问题近年来,我国化学纤维工业发展迅速,化纤已成为纺织工业不可缺少的重要原料之一,其使用量仅次于棉花,化纤的发展对纺织工业的发展起着至关重要的作用。聚酯(广义讲是对苯二甲酸与其它单体合成后的聚合物),是涤纶纤维的重要原料,也是食品、饮料包装和产业用品的优质原料。1995年我国化纤总产量为290万吨,其中涤纶产量176万吨,占化纤总产量的61%。1995年聚酯的生产能力为190万吨,产量为174万吨。"八五"期间,我国建成了一批中型聚酯项目,新增聚酯能力47万吨,1996年又有四个聚酯项目投产,这对缓解日益加剧的化纤及化纤原料供需矛盾,起到了积极的作用。  相似文献   

近期国际原油价格的下跌,将有利于降低化纤行业生产成本、拓展行业利润,改善业界经营环境,其“成本拐点”已经到来,化纤行业正步入一个稳定的上升期。预计2007年化纤行业产量增速将保持15%~18%之间。  相似文献   

The widespread use of social media as a marketing tool during the last decade has been responsible for attracting a significant volume of academic research, which, however, can be described as highly fragmented to yield clear directions and insights. We systematically synthesize and critically evaluate extant knowledge of social media marketing extracted from 418 articles published during the period 2009–2021. In doing so, we use an organizing framework focusing on five key areas of social media marketing research, namely, social media as a promotion and selling outlet, social media as a communication and branding channel, social media as a monitoring and intelligence source, social media as a customer relationship management and value cocreation platform, and social media as a general marketing and strategic tool. Within each of these areas, we provide important theoretical, methodological, and thematic insights, as well as future research directions. We also offer useful managerial implications derived from the articles reviewed.  相似文献   

企业社会责任理论演进及文献述评   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李姝 《北方经贸》2007,34(11):54-56
企业社会责任已经成为学术界和企业广泛关注的研究领域,中国企业社会责任的意识较薄弱,因此,无论是政府、公众还是企业都应该首先从自我做起,正确认识企业社会责任,为推动企业社会责任在中国的发展及和谐社会的构建作出应有的贡献。  相似文献   

核心价值观是一个国家与政党自我认同的密码,也是体现国家软实力的"核心"基因。提炼社会主义核心价值观要做到:弄清文本依据、明确学理基础、尊重实践逻辑、把握价值导向和获得群众认同。据此,可以将社会主义核心价值观表述为:以人为本、公正和谐、天下大同。  相似文献   

本文从分析货币政策的规则和相机抉择之争入手,分析通货膨胀目标制作为名义锚在货币政策中的作用与政策含义,在此基础上探讨如何有效地设计和实行通货膨胀目标制。本文认为,我国货币政策在向通货膨胀目标制过渡过程中,要明确货币政策和汇率政策的主从地位,增强中央银行的独立性以及对宏观经济的分析和预测能力,解决中央银行承担最后贷款人义务而造成的通货膨胀隐患,建立核心通货膨胀指标。  相似文献   

Although selfies may appear to be the latest fad, their popularity has had a transformational influence on contemporary culture. Selfies invoke important issues in communication, photography, psychology, self-expression, and digital media studies – as they bring up a host of concerns about identity, privacy, security, and surveillance. This article provides an interdisciplinary overview of the selfie as both an object and a practice, and offers theoretical reflections on how the selfie can be seen as an important commodity form and consumer behaviour. The selfie is connected to concepts of authenticity, consumption, and self-expression, as well as practices of art history, media forms, and self-portraiture. Strategic use of the selfie reveals shifts in the traditional functions of the advertising photograph, from sources of information, persuasion, and representation to emblems of social currency. We position the selfie not as a postmodern anomaly but as a type of image with a history.  相似文献   

This article discusses the morality of spending (i.e. the unnecessary spending) as well as the freedom of spending in Finnish consumer narratives written by 16‐ to 19‐ year‐old pupils. First, the study explores different meanings of the unnecessary spending discourse. Second, the study argues that young consumers are using a wastrel metaphor (i.e. a squanderer, a prodigal son/daughter) as a symbol of liberation from the shame of spending. A narrative research approach is applied for the collection and analysis of data and illustrating the results. The qualitative data were collected in five upper secondary schools between November 2001 and May 2002. The morality of spending comprises various significances, although the discourse is often pleasure‐oriented for youth. Some youngsters define the unnecessary spending as a criticism of the consumer society. Furthermore, the discourse strengthens self‐control as well as helps to arrange both positive and negative consumer experiences. Thus, the morality of spending is a part of the process of growing up as a consumer and constructing a consumer identity.  相似文献   

十八大之后,面对复杂多变的国际新局势,以习近平同志为总书记的党中央运筹帷幄,高屋建瓴地提出一系列对外战略思想并付诸实践.具体包括四个方面:丰富和发展了一个“命运共同体”的总体目标;认真做好两手装备,把握战略机遇期所蕴含的机遇,沉着冷静应对挑战;处理好三个平衡,即争取维护国家利益与承担国际责任的平衡、维持软实力和硬实力的平衡以及坚持韬光养晦与有所作为的平衡;妥善处理中国与大国、周边国家、发展中国家以及国际组织的四对关系.可以说,十八大后的中国外交事业开局扎实,取得了令人瞩目的成就,从而推动了中国向“负责任大国”的方向迈进.  相似文献   

There are varying opinions about whether or not the field of business ethics has a history or is a development of more modern times. It is suggested that a book by a Dominican Friar, Johannes Nider, De Contractibus Mercatorum, written ca. 1430 and published ca. 1468 provides a basis for a history of over 500 years. Business ethics grew out of attempts to reconcile Biblical precepts, canon law, civil law, the teachings of the Church Fathers, and the writings of early philosophers with the realities of expanding economic activity. Nider's background is discussed as well as his book as an example of incunabula.Nider was one of the Scholastics who provided a link between Aristotle and later Reformation thinkers. In Nider we find caveat venditor as his moral guide to merchants as well as other surprisingly modern ideas such as justice in exchange; restitution for defective goods; the market as the final arbiter of value; and the importance of creating utility in products.  相似文献   

Due to the rise of omni-channel management, the customer touchpoint concept has become more important. However, research lacks a common understanding of this concept. This article addresses this research gap by conceptualizing the customer touchpoint following the design science research paradigm. As a result, an overview of the constructs and their respective properties, as well as their possible manifestations that collectively define the customer touchpoint, is provided. The conceptualization has implications for researchers and practitioners alike as it comes as a tool to design and evaluate touchpoints in the field as well as to provide fertile soil for future research.  相似文献   

本文认为散运是实现粮食"四散"现代物流目标的关键环节,作为供给侧起着对其他"三散"消费侧的制约引导作用,所以有必要对粮食铁路散运进行改革,以达到促进现代粮食物流蓬勃开展的局面。本文同时对粮食铁路散运的必要性和可行性进行了论述,结合加拿大类似经验,提出了宏观层面的一些建议。  相似文献   

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