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“高等教育的根本任务是人才培养。要注意更新教育观念,把促进人的全面发展和适应社会需要作为衡量人才培养水平的根本标准,树立多样化人才观念和人人成才观念。”学生干部在高校学生思想教育和基础管理等方面发挥着重要作用,是高校辅导员的得力助手。如何培养出高水平高素质的学生干部队伍,对于高等教育的发展具有至关重要的作用,本文结合当代大学生特点,从学生干部角度浅析当代大学生学生干部队伍的现状,探讨学生干部队伍的培养方法与途径等问题。  相似文献   

了解学生,选好班干部.班干部原有的素质的高低,是培养学生干部起点的关键.起点高则进步快,班级管理效果就比较好.所以要选拔一些素质较好的同学来担任班干部.对于新生班级,选拔学生干部可分三步走.第一步,查新生档案,找同学谈话,挑选出各方面较好的同学作为“入围”干部;第二步,让“入围”干部试开展工作几周,师生共同观察各个干部的情况,如能力、态度、胆量等,做到心中有数;第三步,由全班同学民主选举,正式任命干部,确立班团干部委员会,包括宿舍长在内,这样选出的干部具有强烈的荣誉感和责任感,为做好班级工作打下了基础. 分工明确,目标培养,分层管理.根据学生干部的不同特点及专长,分配不同的岗位,明确不同岗位的职责范围及权利,并进行一级对一级管理,一层对一层负责,既有分工,又有合作,更有竞争,以此使得班级工作事事有人关心,项项有人落实,工作能迅速开展起来.虽然班干部分工细致,但应强调分工而不分家,工作上要互相支持,互相配合,共同把工作做好,避免互相推诿.  相似文献   

针对目前高校学生干部培训工作存在的不足之处,鉴于做好高校学生干部培训工作的重要性,提出做好高校学生干部培训工作的对策:加强思想引导,提高认识,树立正确的学生干部的培养方案;抓住学生干部的身心特点,有针对性开展培训工作;建立健全学生干部培训体系;充分运用团队辅导。文章以高校学生干部培训工作的现状、培训存在的问题、组织实施和管理等方面,初步探讨做好高职学校学生干部培训工作的对策。  相似文献   

当前,学生干部队伍建设中普遍存在的问题是培养周期短,干部更替频繁;各学生组织的发展不平衡,干部对各组织的认同感不一致;团队协作能力有待提高,服务意识需要进一步增强;学生干部理论的学习不够;某些担任学生干部的动机不纯;个人综合素质有待提高等。面对学生干部队伍建设中存在的问题,各高校要善于发现问题,并寻求妥善的解决办法,尽量做到干部队伍结构合理,定期的培训和形成良好的工作机制,提高学生干部的的综合素质,提高其为学生服务的意识,探索有效的激励方法,从而真正使学生干部起到榜样作用,把学生干部队伍建设成为整体素质高、战斗执行力强的一支学生管理的生力军。  相似文献   

教育是以人为对象的活动,应该定位到人的发展上来.无论是教育目的还是教育过程,都应该把人作为教育的出发点和归宿.以人为本的教育观,反对把学生当做工具、当做"人力"来培养.针对当代世界的迅速发展,教育的目标应该是促进学生的发展,培养能够适应变化和学会学习的个性充分发展的人.高校学生管理干部工作的质量,对于推进院校改革,培养青年学生形成良好的学风、校风,起着极为重要的作用.  相似文献   

学院班主任是学生工作的关键环节,是影响学生的重要因素。做好学院班主任工作,要加强对学院班主任工作重要性的认识,认清学生的特点,增强责任感;要提高学院班主任的自身素质,做到品格高尚,学识渊博,从而为学生树立榜样;要在班级的日常管理中贯彻"法治"精神,公开、公平、公正地开展学生工作;要根据学院特点做好学生思想工作,促进心理健康。  相似文献   

张庆辉 《商》2014,(52):359-359
音乐教育是以音乐艺术为媒介,以审美为核心的艺术教育.美育在学校教育中的地位日益重要,作为一名中学音乐老师,除了有丰富的专业知识,培养学生感受美、鉴赏美、评价美、创造美的能力外,更要注重教学形式的多样、教学手段的创新,尊重学生的个性发展,充分发挥学生的主体作用,提高学生的自我内驱力意识.树立良好的师德形象,对学生审美能力进行培养.  相似文献   

高校担负着培养学生、教育学生的任务,不仅是专业知识和技能,综合素质和实践能力也是学生在学校需要注重培养和养成的.学生干部在学校的学生管理中起着重要的作用,本文结合工作实践,分析了目前学生干部队伍本身和管理中存在的各种问题,并对高校学生干部培养工作提出了几点建议.  相似文献   

学生干部是高校对学生进行教育与管理不可缺少的重要力量,因为高校学生工作的绝大部分工作是通过学生干部来落实和完成的,因此加强学生干部的教育和培养,特别是做好对学生干部的思想政治教育工作是非常重要且必不可少的。优秀的学生干部群体,对于营造良好的校园风气与校园文化有着重要作用。学生干部,首先要有优秀的思想,才能有较强的综合素质,才能成为老师的好帮手。目前据调查有部分学生干部政治信仰缺失、道德素质低下,创新精神不够强。本文主要探讨高校加强学生干部思想教育的必要性及措施。  相似文献   

市场营销课程应以工作过程为基点、以项目为导向、以任务为驱动,严格按照"实践技能培养为主,理论知识够用为度"的基本原则,在内容选择上做到"适度、够用",在技能培养上做到教、学、做一体化运行。同时,要创新教学模式、教学方法、教学手段和考核方式,采取"项目导入,任务驱动"的新模式,把学生培养成既懂知识,又有过硬的工作能力的高素质技能型人才。  相似文献   

随着我国研究生教育规模的迅速扩大和研究生培养环境的变化,传统研究生思想政治教育因缺少针对性和创新性,出现了严重的不适应,受到了严峻的挑战。根据新时期研究生思想政治教育的特点和内容,可以从引导研究生做到知、情、行统一,强化理想信念教育,把思想教育与专业教育有效结合,努力解决研究生的实际问题,努力提高研究生的综合素质,主动占领研究生网络思想政治教育阵地等六个方面来增强研究生思想政治教育的实效性。  相似文献   

试论国企中政工干部如何做好思想政治工作   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
所谓国企政工干部就是指在国有企事业单位中做基层群众思想政治工作的干部.在国企中的政工干部主要任务是宣传党的方针政策,解决、梳理群众的思想认识问题和不良情绪.本文就国企中政工干部如何做好政治思想工作进行分析论述.  相似文献   

In Study 1, we test a theoretical model involving temptation, monetary intelligence (MI), a mediator, and unethical intentions and investigate the direct and indirect paths simultaneously based on multiple-wave panel data collected in open classrooms from 492 American and 256 Chinese students. For the whole sample, temptation is related to low unethical intentions indirectly. Multi-group analyses reveal that temptation predicts unethical intentions both indirectly and directly for male American students only; but not for female American students. For Chinese students, both paths are non-significant. Love of money contributes significantly to MI for all students. In Study 2, using money as a temptation and giving them opportunities to cheat on a matrix task, most Chinese students (78.4 %) do not cheat in open classrooms; supporting survey and structural equation modeling (SEM) results in Study 1. However, students in private cubicles cheat significantly more (53.4 %) than those in open classrooms (21.6 %). Finally, students’ love of money attitude predicts cheating. Factor rich predicts the cheating amount, whereas factor motivator predicts the cheating percentage. Our results shed new light on the impact of temptation and love of money as dispositional traits, money as a temptation, and environmental context (public vs. private) on unethical intentions and cheating behaviors.  相似文献   

This study has been planned to determine the need for consumer education by secondary school students. A total of 300 secondary school students (150 female, 150 male) living in central Ankara in different regions with respect to socio‐economic status participated in the study. Consumer education is defined as the management of economic resources, consumer behaviour concepts, relating to consumption, level of knowledge about consumer rights and responsibilities and environmental sensitivity. On the basis of this study, almost half the adolescents draw up a budget plan and carry out market research before shopping. Also, almost half of them put quality first when choosing goods and cost is of secondary importance. More than half of the students save money for unexpected outlay. Nonetheless, adolescents do not know about consumer rights and responsibilities, nor do they have sufficient information about consumer law and the concept of protecting the environment. More than half of the students stated that they need consumer education courses as part of their curriculum.  相似文献   

Signaling consumers that the company behind a brand is run by a family is increasingly observable in the marketing realm. One possible reason could be the emotional value signaled by the family nature of the firm. Brand signals carrying emotional value might contribute to a competitive advantage. Since we do not fully understand the effect of signaling the family nature of a firm yet and as family represents an emotional context, we examine this effect on consumer perceptions of the products being made with more love by conducting two experimental studies. In Study 1 (N = 371) we find that the firm's family nature triggers a strong perception of love being part of the production process of the brand, which leads to a higher willingness to pay. Specifically, in Study 2 (N = 280) we designed a process manipulation study to provide causative experimental explanation of the process of Study I. Thereby, we contribute to psychology and marketing research by showing that consumers consider a product signaling the family nature of a firm more strongly to be made with love and are willing to pay a price premium. This effect is driven by positive feelings related to one's own family.  相似文献   

This article provides a new, C-OAR-SE-based, contrastive measure that distinguishes “brand love” from “brand liking.” The new measure is tested in an empirical study conducted among German university students about brands of products that they buy in four diverse product categories. From a consumer perspective, the incidence of consumers who have a loved brand in the category was found to be only 17 % for laundry detergent, 18 % for coffee, and 26 % for computers, peaking at 45 % in the fashion clothing category — findings that suggest that over half of young consumers do not acquire the state of brand love. Turning alternatively to a brand perspective, the findings indicate that, in general, about one in four of the brand’s customers will come to love the brand. Loving the brand, versus merely liking it, clearly pays off behaviorally — thereby demonstrating very good predictive validity for the new contrastive measure. Brand purchase or usage rate and brand recommendations were found to be approximately doubled for those who love the brand in comparison with those who merely like it.  相似文献   

This article presents a study designed to investigate and map the trajectories of brand love. Consumers described experiences related to the initiation and evolution of their relationships with their most loved brand. Participants were asked to graphically trace the course of their feelings toward their currently most loved brand and to recall the events that influenced those feelings. The paths toward brand love followed five distinct trajectories, labeled as “slow development,” “liking becomes love,” “love all the way,” “bumpy road,” and “turnabout.” The formative experiences shaping these trajectories often include individual, personal, and private experiences that are largely outside any marketer’s control.  相似文献   

When consumers love their brands: Exploring the concept and its dimensions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Consumers may develop feelings of love toward some brands, but the meaning and underlying dimensions of this construct require further development. Through an exploratory Internet study of 843 respondents in France, this research used both qualitative and quantitative approaches to explore the concept of love. Eleven dimensions emerge through a correspondence analysis and the concomitant use of a multiple correspondence analysis and cluster analysis of the wording that respondents use to describe their feeling of love and the special type of relationships they have with the brands they love. These dimensions identified in France compare to dimensions of love found in previous research conducted in the United States.  相似文献   

加强理想信念教育,历来是中国共产党的优良传统。但在新形势下,社会活力增强,社会的结构、组织形式、利益格局也都发生了深刻变化,人们思想活动的独立性、选择性、多变性、差异性明显增强。由此理想信念教育的重要性增强,其教育的难度增加。对此,中国共产党必须给予高度重视,并要深入思考和回答事关社会主义兴衰成败的重大理论和实践问题,重视加强对青少年和大学生的理想信念教育,特别注重对党员领导干部的理想信念教育,用中国特色社会主义共同理想凝聚全社会的力量。  相似文献   

Because loyalty to services remains elusive and unpredictable, there is a need to study consumer relationships with firms apart from the established satisfaction–loyalty chain approach. To that end, the present paper investigates feelings of attachment and love through two empirical consumer studies of two different grocery retailer brands. The findings of the current study imply that retail store image, perceived transactional value, and corporate social responsibility (CSR) associations positively influence consumer–retailer love levels. Furthermore, we find that for consumers scoring low on the value of warm relationships with others and for consumers characterized by an avoidant attachment style, the effect of consumer–retailer love on re-patronage intentions is less salient. Interestingly, in the case of highly avoidant individuals, the effect of consumer–retailer love is negative. Managerial implications for building consumer-firm love in the context of grocery retail, as well as future research perspectives, are provided at the end of the paper.  相似文献   

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