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企业的成败在于具有优秀品质和特质的人才的竞争,而人力资源管理的最终目标就是识别企业人才并实现人岗动态匹配。本文通过对公司人才的阐述,指出基于职位的人力资源管理的缺陷,借助Spencer等人"冰山"胜任力模型,在胜任力模型基础下研究人岗的动态匹配。  相似文献   

人岗匹配是衡量企业人力资源管理的一项重要指标。本文以株洲烟草公司为例,在分析产生人岗错位的原因基础上,认为:制定并实施以岗位"胜任能力"模型为基础的人力资源优化配置方案是实现烟草商业企业人岗匹配的有效路径。该结论同时也为提升烟草商业企业人力资源管理水平提供参考。  相似文献   

人力资源管理中的人岗匹配问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
人和岗位是人力资源管理中的两大要素。人力资源管理中的一个基本问题就是解决员工与岗位合理匹配的问题。只有合理地进行人岗匹配,才能实施其他关键的人力资源管理措施,实现人力资源管理的其他职能。人岗匹配正逐渐成为企业管理研究的新热点,受到人们越来越多的关注。本文分析了企业岗位管理中的人岗匹配的概念与原理,在解析因人设岗和因岗设人的关系的基础上构建了人岗匹配动态模型,提出了实现人岗匹配的步骤。  相似文献   

本文针对人岗匹配原则在企业人力资源管理过程中发挥作用的现状进行了探讨,并在此基础上分析了管理工作中人岗匹配实施的对策.  相似文献   

孙晓飞 《商场现代化》2023,(17):110-112
伴随着经济和社会的不断发展,人力资源管理工作在企业经营管理中起到了越来越重要的作用。企业要吸引人才、留住人才,做到真正的人岗匹配,就必须注重企业激励机制的建设。企业激励机制的科学性、合理性将是完善企业人力资源管理工作的重要保证。因此,探究新经济形势下企业人力资源管理中的激励机制尤为重要。  相似文献   

张剑光 《北方经贸》2011,(8):168-168
企业管理的核心是人,企业把人力资源看作是重要的"资本"和宝贵"资源"。人力资源管理要"人岗匹配",调整劳动组织结构,建立相对稳定的员工队伍,提高员工素质。  相似文献   

人岗匹配是高校行政岗位管理的关键问题之一.也是高校行政人力资源管理的出发点和归宿。本文针对人岗匹配原则在高校行政管理过程中发挥作用的现状进行了探讨,并在此基础上分析了高校行政管理工作中人岗匹配实施的对策。  相似文献   

任职资格管理是人力资源管理的一项基础工作,是实现组织内"人-岗"匹配的前提。任职资格管理体现企业战略对核心能力的要求,有利于企业核心能力的培养;通过开辟双重职业发展通道,为员工发展提供更大的选择空间;同时,任职资格管理可提供人才战略与规划的依据。实施任职资格管理可以促进企业管理由功能型向过程型转变。  相似文献   

"信息化"下的21世纪企业竞争日趋激烈,而对于竞争环境和竞争对手(包括价格、人员素质、管理、营销、政治经济环境等),竞争态势、以及企业自身、客户关系和竞争策略的信息和研究,必将成为企业最重要的竞争工具.这种经过收集、筛选、处理、提炼和分析加工的,可以据之制定竞争战略,采取行动的有关竞争环境和竞争对手的信息集合,即我们所说的竞争情报.在我国企业界,竞争情报还是相对较新的事物.  相似文献   

孙艳艳  彭倩 《商场现代化》2008,(12):313-314
本文通过考察目前国内外关于人岗匹配相关研究现状,分析了影响人岗匹配的因素,建立了人岗匹配动态模型曲线图,为人力资源管理战略提供了新的思路和参考价值。  相似文献   

美债危机的成因主要在于三个方面,即美债累积数额巨大;世界经济复苏放缓凸显了美债违约的严重性;美国两党未能及时达成共识,没有给市场充分消化的时间,引发了投资者恐慌情绪的蔓延等。美债危机短期内对我国经济的不利影响有限,但长期看将进一步推动我国经济结构调整和外汇投资多元化进程。我国经济增长不会出现大幅下滑,经济结构调整步伐将进一步加快;人民币升值趋势将加快;输入性通胀压力依然严峻;政策进入观望期,紧缩政策可能出现微调;外汇储备风险增加,多元化投资进程将加快。  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to describe cooperation practices observed in competitors companies in a furniture cluster in Brazil. The literature refers to it as coopetition. The research method was the multiple case study. The main research technique was the semi-structured interviews with practitioners of the cluster. The study created a theoretical framework for cooperative practices in industrial clusters formed by four types of practices: logistics, marketing and sales, formation of the workforce, and innovation and technology. The study investigates these four types of cooperation in five large companies that compete in the same market, the anchor companies of the cluster. The only entirely complied type of collaboration is the formation of the workforce of the cluster. In the other practices, cooperation involving competitors is lower than reported in the literature. The main reason for this low cooperation is excessive rivalry and mutual distrust in the cluster, and competition by differentiation, which partially prevent the gain of scale provided by cooperative actions.  相似文献   

The level of marketing activity in services businesses has been widley debated in the services literature. The article reviews the application of marketing analysis, planning and control activities in one area of the leisure sector: wildlife attractions, zoos and safari parks. The analysis combines a literature review with secondary data collection and semi-structured personal interviews with senior managers at key establishments. The findings highlight the use of recongnised strategic and tactical marketing concepts which are subsequently related to a recognised model of services marketing. The relevance of the services marketing model is seen to vary for different groups of establishments. The terms minimalists, entrepreneurs and planners are used to reflect the level of marketing activity undertaken.  相似文献   

阐述了雷达辐射源识别研究的必要性,详细介绍了现有雷达辐射源基本分类识别方法,系统梳理了现有分类识别技术的优缺点,合理分析了多、大且杂的电磁环境下雷达辐射源识别研究趋势,提出将深度学习与雷达辐射源识别全面结合,实现雷达辐射源识别智能化。  相似文献   

以高效液相色谱法测定食品中黄曲霉毒素作为确证方法,采用改良型免疫亲和柱净化-荧光光度检测技术检测花生及花生制品中的黄曲霉毒素,并与传统型免疫亲和柱净化-荧光光度法进行比较。结果表明:改良型免疫亲和柱净化-荧光光度检测技术具有更好的准确性(检测两个阳性质控样品的标准偏差分别为0.15和1.28)和精密度(相对标准偏差分别为6.65%和8.97%);在与HPLC方法进行比较时,具有良好的一致性;检测两个加标空白花生样品的回收率分别为102.20%和101.75%。另外,与传统型免疫亲和柱净化-荧光光度法比较,改良型免疫亲和柱净化-荧光光度检测技术操作更为简便,检测时间由传统的25min缩短至10min,大大提高了检测效率。  相似文献   

将试样先在微波消解仪中消解,在1.5%HNO3溶解后,用ICP-MS法直接测定药用辅料小麦淀粉中微量钯。对试样处理方法、Pd元素分析谱线、基体的影响、背景校正、仪器分析参数等进行了研究,确定了最佳实验条件。测定范围为0~19.9μg/L,加标回收率为98.0%,相对标准偏差为2.6%。该方法操作简便、快速、准确。  相似文献   

网络财务环境下会计模式的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
网络经济的发展导致财务环境的变革。企业的会计理论与会计实务也将从原有的经济环境中蜕变出来 ,重新形成与网络财务环境相适应的会计模式。会计目标将更侧重于决策有用性 ;会计假设的内涵将更深刻 ,外延将更广泛 ;会计确认上权责发生制与现金流动制共处 ,会计计量上多种计量属性并存 ;会计报告也将变得更加主动 ,实时 ,多样化  相似文献   

In October 1995 HM Treasury set up a number of working groups to examine the feasibility of applying the aspects for change listed in the White Paper ‘Setting New Standards’. The aspect of incentivisation was examined by a highly defined Research Group. The major findings of the group are contained within this case study. The Research Group was chaired by the author and the organisations represented on the group were: The Department of Transport, The Department of the Environment, HM Treasury, National Rivers Authority, The NHS Supplies Authority, Inland Revenue, The Defence Research Agency and the National Audit Office. The work the author previously published in the EJPSM (Jones, 1997) made reference to traditional Government and Public Sector contracting models that have been applied. The fixed price/cost plus type of contracts were seen to have limitations. Incentivisation within public sector contracts was suggested as a way forward for developing Government purchasing.This suggestion poses the question of how we perceive, judge and assess the use of incentives in contracts; what concepts are at the root of the term? The author chaired a UK Government Research Group which considered the concept, suggested a methodology for application and recommended action. In following this process the concept of incentives in contracts proved the most difficult to pin down. The task was completed and accepted by the UK Government. This article explains the general detail of the work, commencing with concepts of incentivisation.  相似文献   

中国与世界经济波动的相关性研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本文针对中国与世界经济波动的相互作用与影响这一日益重要的问题进行了一系列的计量检验。检验结果表明,自改革开放以来,中国经济的持续性比世界经济稍强。但中国经济的波动幅度较大;中国经济与世界经济的相关性经历了由强到弱,再逐步转强的过程,但总体上相关性程度较低;中圆经济波动滞后于世界经济波动,表明中国经济对世界经济存在较强的依赖性;在10%显著性水平下二者互为格兰杰因果关系,但世界经济对中国经济的影响更大;中国经济与世界经济、中国经济与中国对外贸易、中国经济与FDI流入之间有较强的相互冲击效应;中国对外贸易对世界经济波动的影响力较大,而世界经济对中国对外贸易的影响力却有限。  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to qualitatively describe and critically explain the discursive construction of employee co-operation negotiations in Finland as an arena for management-by-fear. The article consists of a theoretical review, covering the legislative basis of co-operation negotiations and recent research on management-by-fear. The empirical study consists of media texts and company media releases in Finland in 2012–2013. The main conclusions are that there are distinctive features in the co-operation negotiations that enable and enforce the possibility of management-by-fear, and thus destructive leadership. The process, supported by law and very much against the original aim, enhances authoritative leadership, objectification of employees, distortion of information and misleading, and the negative consequences thereof. The process is an employer-invited discursive dance where the employee has to follow through the set steps and in the set rhythm, with the media orchestrating the tune and managing the fear. The study adds a valuable element to the research areas of downsizing, bad management, and the discursive construction of these phenomena.  相似文献   

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