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以我国住房公积金制度运行18年实际状况作为切入点,紧密结合目前公积金余额大量闲置的问题,理性地拓宽住房公积金使用范围,这有助于促进追求自身权益和福利的最大化.开展这种探索或改革,必然会增进和改善每一个人的福利状态,同时也增加整个社会公共福利的供给量.  相似文献   

牛立群 《商》2014,(52):56-56
住房公积金制度具有社会性、互助性和政策性,通过筹集融通住房资金,从而降低了职工购房负担.这一制度成为了我国由实物分房福利分房转型向货币分房的先决条件和有效途径.时下住房公积金制度中存在很多不合理之处,其制度亟需改革以确保保障的高效性和福利的公平性.  相似文献   

住房公积金制度各国皆有不同,我国的住房公积金制度是在外国经验的基础上加以完善的。从90年代的引入到现在,住房公积金制度经历了数十年的发展,其中也存在着不少的问题,尤其是对房价和住房福利的影响。本文重点从住房公积金制度与房价和住房福利的角度入手,探究目前我国住房公积金制度存在的缺陷和问题,进而提出改进的措施,以期为行业提供一些借鉴。  相似文献   

郭峰  张雪 《现代商贸工业》2010,22(11):199-199
在新的宏观调控背景下,随着一系列紧缩房地产银行信贷的政策和措施相继出台,随着市场利率的持续下调,商业个人住房贷款、住房公积金贷款利率与政策的不断调整,作为强制性支付的作为个人社会保障体系一部分的住房公积金,真正的给百姓带来了什么福利呢?通过对武汉市的住房公积金发展现状的分析,通过建立相关模型,运用福利经济学的知识对当前我国住房公积金的福利效应进行分析。  相似文献   

安居是民生之本,住房公积金是职工安居福利的体现形式,完善住房公积金的管理与监管工作,是稳定职工住房能力的根本保障.通过对我国目前存在的公积金管理模式的分析,指出存在的监管问题,从而健全我国的公积金管理体系,降低监管风险.  相似文献   

我国住房公积金利用分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
以我国住房公积金制度运行18年实际状况作为切入点,紧密结合目前公积金余额大量闲置的问题,理性地拓宽住房公积金使用范围,这有助于促进追求自身权益和福利的最大化。开展这种探索或改革,必然会增进和改善每一个人的福利状态,同时也增加整个社会公共福利的供给量。  相似文献   

刘楠楠  余劲 《商业时代》2013,(2):110-111
住房公积金制度作为住房政策性金融的重要部分,是解决中低收入阶层住房问题的重要途径,虽然该制度自设立以来在一定程度上促进了住房市场货币化改革,并提升了居民购房能力,但由于缴存机制、利率制度及使用效率方面的问题导致住房公积金缴存者的福利水平未达到最优。本文通过总结住房公积金福利效应的相关研究,梳理造成福利损失的因素,归纳改进其福利效应的路径,探讨现有研究的不足并提出相应的研究方向及政策建议。  相似文献   

付延琴 《现代商业》2012,(24):214-215
住房公积金制度是我国城镇居民住房保障体系的重要组成部分,随着住房公积金管理事业的不断发展,我国的劳动者福利保障制度日渐完善,但当前我国的住房公积金制度中还存在不少问题急需解决,尤其实住房公积金会计核算办法已经相对滞后,不适应当前业务发展的需要,亟需进一步补充和完善。在本文中,笔者首先对存在于住房公积金财务核算与管理中的问题进行分析,在此基础上,提出完善住房公积金的应对策略。  相似文献   

住房公积金,是指在职职工个人及其所在单位按照职工工资一定比例逐月缴存的具有保障性、互助性和强制性的职工个人长期住房储金。职工个人缴存的住房公积金和职工所在单位为职工缴存的住房公积金,属于职工个人所有。住房公积金具有保障性、互助性和强制性。住房公积金制度是我国政策性金融住房体系的核心组成部分,在我国政策性住房体系中发挥着重要作用,同时也是我国住房保障体系的重要组成元素。(从目前来看,廉租住房、经济适用房和住房公积金共同构成了住房保障体系。)住房公积金制度的建立是在我国从福利住房制度向市场化、商品化改革的进程中出现的。  相似文献   

谢辉 《财经界(学术)》2014,(30):138-138
住房公积金,是指在职职工个人及其所在单位按照职工工资一定比例逐月缴存的具有保障性、互助性和强制性的职工个人长期住房储金。职工个人缴存的住房公积金和职工所在单位为职工缴存的住房公积金,属于职工个人所有。住房公积金具有保障性、互助性和强制性。住房公积金制度是我国政策性金融住房体系的核心组成部分,在我国政策性住房体系中发挥着重要作用,同时也是我国住房保障体系的重要组成元素。(从目前来看,廉租住房、经济适用房和住房公积金共同构成了住房保障体系。)住房公积金制度的建立是在我国从福利住房制度向市场化、商品化改革的进程中出现的。  相似文献   

This study investigates the effects of bank mergers on the welfare of affiliated client firms. The findings demonstrate that, in general, bank mergers increase the welfare of client firms. However, there are significant differences in the impact of a bank merger on client firms across different merger, bank, and firm characteristics. Client firms of banks involved in mega‐mergers do not enjoy an increase in welfare. Client firms of undercapitalized banks in fact suffer significant welfare losses. In the long‐run, weak “zombie” firms also in many cases experience welfare losses following the announcement of a merger by their main bank.  相似文献   

基层员工是饭店内部人力资源的重要部分,其工作态度直接决定饭店的整体形象和服务水平。基层员工福利是现代饭店薪酬体系的重要组成部分,关系着饭店吸引人才、使用人才、保留人才战略的实现。完善和优化饭店基层员工福利制度,主要包括设置普惠性和差异性并重的福利制度,加强饭店基层员工对福利制度的认识,对饭店基层员工实施弹性福利制度,让饭店基层员工对福利项目有建议权等。  相似文献   

This paper examines the welfare implications of non-discriminatory tariff reforms by a subset of countries, which we term a non-preferential trading club. We show that there exist coordinated tariff reforms, accompanied by appropriate income transfers between the member countries, that unambiguously increase the welfare of these countries while leaving the welfare of non-members unaltered. In terms of economic policy implications, our results show that there exist regional, MFN-consistent arrangements that lead to Pareto improvements in world welfare.  相似文献   

We develop a numerical growth model that quantifies the welfare effects of trade liberalization. Additional intermediate input varieties provide the engine of growth and dramatically magnify the welfare gains from trade liberalization. In our central model, a 10% tariff cut leads to a 10.6% estimated gain in Hicksian EV. Systematic sensitivity analysis shows that there is virtually no chance of a welfare increase less than 3%, but a 6.6% chance of a welfare gain greater than 18%. We show that complementary reforms are crucial to fully realize the potential gains from the trade reform.  相似文献   

This article examines the welfare impact of foreign direct investment (FDI) in a panel of 20 African countries over the period 2000–2013. We explore the multifactor and nonmonetary measures of welfare and the nonlinear effect of FDI on welfare. We used the Driscoll and Kraay standard errors and augmented mean group (AMG) estimator by Eberhardt and Teal (2010) to account for cross‐sectional dependency, endogeneity, and heterogeneity within panel units. The results indicate that although FDI is welfare enhancing, the nonlinear terms report mixed findings. When a multifactor indicator is employed, the increase in the nonlinear term is lower than the linear part. However, there is strong evidence that FDI is ultimately welfare enhancing when a nonmonetary indicator is employed. From an international business perspective, the findings have unlocked the welfare effects of international business on African host economies. International businesses through FDI can enhance welfare in Africa countries. However, the optimal efficacy of FDI‐welfare impact differs across the various dimensions of welfare. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

国际金融危机愈演愈烈,贸易保护主义暗潮涌动,政府当何去何从?文章在人工神经网络和系统仿真技术支持下模拟出双寡头企业的市场演化,从多个视角对两大传统贸易保护政策工具——关税和配额的经济效应进行了检验。结果表明:随着进口限制越发严格,进口商品和国货价格同时上升,消费者剩余明显下降,国内产业利润有所提高,国外利润显著减少,世界总福利因此大幅下降,但伴随国内外产品质量趋同,进口限制对世界总福利的损害有所降低。另外,当国货质量较低时,国内总福利随配额的减少而降低;当国货质量较高时,国内总福利随配额的减少而提高。  相似文献   

This paper examines the potential increase in oligopolistic manufacturers' profits due to a policy of cents-off couponing and the resulting changes in consumer welfare and resource allocation. This paper offers support to the hypothesis that the observed couponing policies of U.S. manufacturers are motivated by their desire to increase profits through third-degree price discrimination—a practice that results in welfare losses to consumers. While some conclusions reached have been dealt with by other researchers, its approach differs in that it attempts to quantify the probable magnitudes of the welfare effects and profit potential of manufacturers' couponing policies within the framework of a third-degree price discrimination model where firms are assumed to behave as Cournot oligopolists.  相似文献   

This paper considers the distribution of responsibility for prevention of negative social or ecological effects of production and consumption. Responsibility is related to ability and ability depends on welfare. An increase in competition between Western companies depresses their profitability, but increases the welfare of Western consumers and,hence, their ability to acknowledge social values. Therefore, an increase in competition on consumer markets shifts the balance in responsibility from companies to consumers to prevent negative external effects from production and consumption patterns. An increase in competition on investor markets will shift the balance in an opposite direction.  相似文献   

We develop a two-country, multi-sector model of oligopoly in which unionised and non-unionised sectors interact in general equilibrium. The model is used to study the impact of trade liberalisation, deunionisation and firm entry on wages in unionised and non-unionised sectors, and on welfare. We find that a shift from autarky to free trade increases non-union wages and welfare, whereas the effect on union wages is ambiguous. We also show that partial deunionisation leads to higher wages in both unionised and non-unionised sectors, but only increases welfare when the proportion of unionised sectors is sufficiently low. Finally, wages in non-unionised sectors necessarily increase with firm entry, while the response of union wages and welfare depends on the trade regime.  相似文献   

战佳  高静美 《北方经贸》2006,(12):88-90
本文分析了在不完全竞争的产品市场中,在东道国的进口竞争性部门为资本密集型的情况下,外资流入对福利的效应问题。如果市场结构是外生的,那么资本流入会提高东道国的福利;然而,如果市场结构是内生的,由于资本流入导致新企业进入市场,从而提高了企业的平均成本,这样,资本流入反而会有贫困化效应。此外,本文还提出了一些新的观点,即研究了在考虑贸易中的一些限制性条件的情况下,资本流入对福利的效应。  相似文献   

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