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2005年农民工王斌余在讨薪未果的情形下连杀四人,震惊了整个社会。自此,因拖欠农民工工资引起的暴力事件逐渐进入人们的视野,拖欠工资尤其是拖欠农民工工资已成为社会关注的焦点,成为一个严重的社会问题。本文将从欠薪保障基金制度与农民工法律援助机制两方面,探讨如何完善农民工欠薪保障制度。  相似文献   

解决拖欠农民工工资问题,事关广大农民工切身利益,事关社会公平正义和社会和谐稳定。近年来,党中央、国务院高度重视解决拖欠农民工工资问题,先后采取了多项有效措施并取得了明显成效,尤其是日前国务院总理李克强签署国务院令,公布《保障农民工工资支付条例》(以下简称《条例》),自2020年5月1日起施行。为规范农民工工资支付行为,保障农民工按时足额获得工资,《条例》从落实主体责任、规范工资支付行为、明确工资清偿责任、细化重点领域治理措施、强化监管手段等方面对保障农民工工资支付进行了规定。《条例》的颁布实施开启了我国根治欠薪工作的新纪元,也对工程建设项目施工招标提出了新的要求。  相似文献   

劳动者工资被拖欠问题一直是社会.所关注的重点、热点问题,随着刑法修正案(八)(草案)将恶意欠薪行为纳入到刑法规制的范围内,关于恶意欠薪入罪与否的讨论变得更为热烈.本文将从刑法的谦抑性角度出发,认为恶意欠薪行为不应入罪,应通过其他手段予以解决.  相似文献   

都匀市出台《都匀市2004年清理建设领域拖欠工程款和农民工工资工作方案》,《方案》对拖欠工程款和农民工工资的单位和个人作出了具体的惩治措施,拖欠农民工工资的企业将被禁止招投标。  相似文献   

在全国范围内,目前建筑领域拖欠农民工工资现象异常严重。这一问题已引起党中央国务院的高度重视,解决好拖欠农民工工资问题不仅是当前政府的中心工作之一,更是关乎社会稳定团结的一个重大政治问题,直接关系到当前我国经济建设的大局。本文将主要从经济学角度就当前拖欠农民工工资问题作简要分析。透视拖欠农民工工资现象拖欠民工工资是最近几年媒体上见报率非常高的一个词,  相似文献   

苏国省 《商》2013,(9):156-156
目前,农民工在城市的建设与经济发展中做出了重大贡献,然而拖欠农民工工资的状况依然存在,并且日益成为社会关注的焦点。因此解决农民工被拖欠的工资问题就变的十分急切!  相似文献   

近年来,农民工工资发放问题一直受到社会各界的高度重视,即便如此,农民工的工资问题仍然没有得到很好地解决,特别是在建筑施工单位中,农民工工资拖欠、冒领、无合同、无劳务发票等问题层出不穷,严重影响我国社会稳定发展。所以,我国相关部门应该高度重视农民工工资问题,特别是针对社会关注的建筑行业拖欠农民工工资问题,要给出对应的措施,本文主要从城际铁路施工单位的农民工工资管理角度出发,探讨解决农民工工资的问题的若干意见。  相似文献   

近年来,农民工工资发放问题一直受到社会各界的高度重视,即便如此,农民工的工资问题仍然没有得到很好地解决,特别是在建筑施工单位中,农民工工资拖欠、冒领、无合同、无劳务发票等问题层出不穷,严重影响我国社会稳定发展。所以,我国相关部门应该高度重视农民工工资问题,特别是针对社会关注的建筑行业拖欠农民工工资问题,要给出对应的措施,本文主要从城际铁路施工单位的农民工工资管理角度出发,探讨解决农民工工资的问题的若干意见。  相似文献   

农民工工资拖欠问题直接影响着社会稳定,恶化着社会经济秩序,对构建社会主义和谐社会提出了严峻挑战。因此,必须实事求是地分析原因,采取切实可行的治理对策解决农民工工资拖欠问题,为构建社会主义和谐社会提供保障。  相似文献   

工资拖欠问题已经成为一个严重的经济社会问题,尤其是建筑领域对农民工的工程款拖欠问题更是受到广泛关注。本文针对建筑领域工程款拖欠问题,通过分析其形成的主要原因,提出了相应的解决措施.  相似文献   

This study focuses on the supplemented strategies of microfinance institutions (MFIs), in which the MFI offers nonfinancial services, such as entrepreneurship related knowledge, in addition to financial services to impoverished borrowers at the bottom of the pyramid (BoP). We examine two contextual factors–foreign direct investment (FDI) and loan defaults–to better understand the relationship between providing knowledge support to encourage entrepreneurship and costs of operating at the BoP for MFIs. In contexts where FDI is low and loan defaults are high, providing knowledge support to encourage entrepreneurship aggravates the MFI's costs of operating at the BoP. However, in contexts where FDI is high and loan defaults are low, providing knowledge support to encourage entrepreneurship among impoverished borrowers does not aggravate the MFI's costs of operating at the BoP. Hence, in emerging markets where governments welcome FDI and curb loan defaults, MFIs can viably support entrepreneurship among the poor. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The power that default options have in shaping choice has been well established, yet relatively little is known about how decision makers experience and interpret such preselected options. Research suggests that individuals assume defaults represent a recommended course of action, yet the basis for this recommendation is unclear. Across two experimental studies, we explored consumer theories of default recommendations, examining spontaneous and experimentally manipulated perceptions of the basis of the default, and the impact on decision making across different contexts. Evidence across diverse populations and tasks shows that options were retained to a greater extent when represented as the default, consistent with classic default effects. Furthermore, a significant default effect emerged when the decision context was framed as complex. In line with research on social influence, defaults were most effective when they were presumed to reflect the most popular option (regardless of context). Interestingly, participants rated defaults as being more likely to represent the most popular option, regardless of decision context or default explanation provided to them. These findings highlight the importance of understanding the contexts in which default choices are relied upon and how those defaults are perceived by decision makers.  相似文献   

World capital markets have experienced large scale sovereign defaults on a number of occasions. In this paper we develop a quantitative model of debt and default in a small open economy. We use this model to match four empirical regularities regarding emerging markets: defaults occur in equilibrium, interest rates are countercyclical, net exports are countercyclical, and interest rates and the current account are positively correlated. We highlight the role of the stochastic trend in emerging markets, in an otherwise standard model with endogenous default, to match these facts.  相似文献   

Fan  Yu 《Mathematical Finance》2007,17(2):155-173
This paper presents an intensity-based model of correlated defaults with application to the valuation of defaultable securities. The model assumes that the intensities of the default times are driven by common factors as well as other defaults in the system. A recursive procedure called the "total hazard construction" is used to generate default times with a broad class of correlation structures. This approach is compared to standard reduced-form models based on conditional independence as well as alternative approaches involving copula functions. Examples are given for the pricing of defaultable bonds and credit default swaps of the regular and basket type.  相似文献   

Many firms use product configurators to enable customers to specify their desired products online. In such systems, defaults are pre-specified for levels of product features by the manufacturer or dealer. For example, when configuring a racing bike online, a default is predefined (e.g., the Shimano Ultegra model) for all required features (e.g., the gearshift levers). Such defaults, which may even adapt to previous choices, ensure that a functional and fully defined product emerges at the end of the configuration process. However, when designing sales systems, companies often fail to realize that these defaults also affect customer decision-making. We demonstrate the effect by a study that makes use of a fully simulated racing bike configurator. We find the following results: Moving the default of one feature (e.g. wheels) from the lowest to the highest level results in an increase in sales. In addition, the feature level defined as the default also acts as a reference point by increasing the sales of levels near to it. In order to maximize sales, the default should be set at the level of a feature that is between the medium and the highest price level. To conclude we discuss how manufacturers and dealers subtly yet powerfully influence the decision-making process with their sales systems.  相似文献   

Journal of Consumer Policy - This paper is an attempt to provide new perspectives on green energy defaults (GED) that promote the purchase of renewable energy electricity (REe) among consumers. We...  相似文献   

Default lines     
Most consumers don't think about the potential range of choices in a sales transaction; thus, they often accept the pre-selected "default" choice. Companies can benefit immensely from well-designed defaults, though, and Daniel Goldstein tells us how.  相似文献   

We introduce the intensity-based defaultable Lévy term structure model. It generalizes the default-free Lévy term structure model by Eberlein and Raible, and the intensity-based defaultable Heath-Jarrow-Morton approach of Bielecki and Rutkowski. Furthermore, we include the concept of multiple defaults, based on Schönbucher, within this generalization.  相似文献   

Changes in inflation, particularly if they are sharp, can have important consequences for nominal contracts, especially debt instruments such as fixed-rate bonds. This paper examines the intricate dynamics of inflation and defaults. The experience of the United States during the past four decades is subjected to empirical analysis to examine how the nature of the relationship changed as we shifted from a high inflation to a low inflation regime. The paper is organized as a three-part study. We initially examine the U.S. default experience, as summarized in Moody's speculative grade default rate, along with industry differences. The paper then scrutinizes U.S. inflation dynamics as seen in different summary measures of the general price level and delves into pricing power issues. The study proceeds to examine co-movements in the inflation and default series from a theoretical and empirical standpoint and the results confirm the intuitive postulate: higher the inflation rate, the more pricing power companies have; greater pricing power leads to, better earnings and repayment abilities for firms and a lower incidence of defaults.  相似文献   

器内预硫化技术由于缺点较多而将被逐渐淘汰,器外预硫化是预硫化技术的发展方向,具有操作简单、硫化效率高、无污染等优点,已在加氢工业装置上得到应用.本文重点介绍了20世纪80年代以来,EURECAT公司、CRITERION公司、AKZO公司、TRICAT公司等国际性公司在加氢催化剂器外预硫化技术领域的发展和突破,同时对国内该领域的技术现状作了具体论述.  相似文献   

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