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张策 《消费导刊》2011,(5):62-62
当前,中国网上团购事业发展迅猛,改变了人们的传统消费观念。但新事物的出现总会有这样那样的问题。如何扬长避短,实现其可持续健康的发展,需要政府、企业和社会等多方的通力协作。  相似文献   

随着互联网的普及与发展,网络团购作为一种新型的网络购物方式已经得到了大众的认可。本文分析了我国网络团购的现状及存在的问题,并深入分析了我国网络团购的几种模式及各自的特点,旨在帮助团购网站根据自身情况形成有特色的团购模式。  相似文献   

在梳理国内外现有文献的基础上,简要评述了网上团购的发展状况,总结了网上团购的研究成果。在深入剖析现有文献的基础上,探讨了网上团购未来的研究发展方向。  相似文献   

李青 《现代商业》2008,(15):149
网上团购是近年来新兴的一种消费模式,本文通过对这一新型消费模式的概述,从团购方法、常见运作模式、优势和存在的问题这几方面对网上团购进行简单介绍,以便其能得到更多消费者的认识和认可,得到更充分发展。  相似文献   

2010年网络团购这种新兴模式来到了我国并飞速发展,然而在发展的过程中存在着种种问题,本文主要对我国网络团购的发展现状及发展过程中存在的问题进行了详细的分析。  相似文献   

陈玲夫 《现代商业》2012,(30):160-161
网络团购作为一种新的电子商务模式,通过近几年的快速发展,已初显规模。网络团购虽然实现了多方共赢,但在发展的过程中也面临一系列的问题。本文正是在此基础上对我国网络团购市场上存在的问题进行了系统性的分析,并站在行政监管部门的角度提出了针对性的解决对策,以期为网络团购市场的发展及监管提供借鉴作用。  相似文献   

随着信息技术的高速发展,网络团购不断升温之时,其存在的问题也不断出现。本文针对国内网络团购市场竞争环境、商品质量和安全性等方面存在的问题,提出了相应的对策,为推动国内网络团购市场良性发展提供借鉴。  相似文献   

本文分析了影响大学生网上团购用户购买意向的因素,根据大学生消费类型,指出我国大学生网上团购购买意向的现状、趋势以及大学生网上团购发展所面临的主要困境,并探讨了推动我国网购团购发展的策略。  相似文献   

电子商务新模式-网络团购发展现状及存在问题分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近两年,网络团购作为一种新兴的网络购物方式出现“井喷式”的发展,消费者趋之若驽,但是伴随其快速发展的同时,缺乏行业规范、维权难等各种问题也随之而来,本文首先分析了网络团购的现状,阐述了网络团购模式中存在的主要问题,最后针对问题提出了相应的解决对策。  相似文献   

文章通过对我国现阶段社区团购的发展规模、面临的主要问题等方面进行深入分析,提出了一些解决措施,并预测了社区团购未来的发展方向。  相似文献   

一些发达国家希望中国能够成为 WTO《政府采购协议》(下称《协议》)的成员之一,他们有意无意地将《协议》与加入世贸的强制性条件捆绑在一起,作为我国加入世贸的一个重要条件。美国确定《协议》谈判的三个重点对象,我国就是其中之一。欧盟甚至提出,我国可以先享受权利再承担义务,即我国供应商可先进入欧盟的政府采购市场,一段时间后再向欧盟供应商开放中国的政府采购市场。我国没有同意欧美所提出的要求,而是再度重申江泽民主席在亚太经合组织中的承诺,最迟2020年向欧美开放这块市场。这为我国许多行业中羽翼尚未丰满的企业赢得了相当难得的发展机会和市场机会。业内人士透露,我国预计在人世的两年内启动加入《协议》的谈判。  相似文献   

陈茹 《大经贸》2001,(12):56-57
一些发达国家希望中国能够成为WTO《政府采购协议》(下称《协议》)的成员之一,他们有意无意地将《协议》与加入世贸的强制性条件捆绑在一起,作为我国加入世贸的一个重要条件.美国确定《协议》谈判的三个重点对象,我国就是其中之一.  相似文献   

2020年二季度,消费领域食品价格下降较多,生产领域石油相关行业价格低位运行;重点市场波动加剧。展望全年,预计CPI在3.0%左右,呈"前高后低"走势,符合3.5%左右的预期目标。PPI保持在负区间波动,低点可能在二季度末,下半年同比降幅会有所收窄。重点市场运行存在较大不确定性,波幅可能进一步加大。建议完善重要民生商品价格调控机制,多渠道稳定市场预期、处置市场风险。  相似文献   

The effect of web interface features on consumer online purchase intentions   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Corporations spend millions of dollars a year creating and maintaining corporate websites, yet many of these sites fail to reach the organization's goals [Freemantle D. The psychology of crm. Int J Cust Relatsh Manag 2002; http://www.superboss.co.uk/articles2main.htm]. Recent research suggests that these failures reflect poor website design, yet this research lacks the specificity necessary to provide practical recommendations for improving site performance [Rosen EE, Purinton E. Website design: viewing the web as a cognitive landscape. J Bus Res 2004; 57:787-94]. This study fills that gap by providing specific recommendations regarding website design elements that generate positive managerial outcomes. First, the study tests a wide range of design elements to determine those that provide human elements and computer elements. Next, these elements are linked through intermediaries using the uses and gratifications theory, technology acceptance model, and the concept of flow to explain purchase intentions and intentions to revisit the site.  相似文献   

Purchase intentions for apparel products often require physical examination prior to purchase. Hence, greater risk is associated with shopping online for apparel products, making it important to examine factors that reduce various risks influencing online purchase intentions. This study examines and compares the impact of two of the most important risk reducers for online apparel shopping – product brand image and online store image – on specific types of perceived risks and online purchase intentions for apparel. The results show that product brand image influences consumers' online purchase intentions both directly and indirectly by reducing various risk perceptions. Online store image impacts purchase intentions indirectly by decreasing risk perceptions. The results of this study provide fresh insight into understanding the impact of product brand image and online store image on each type of perceived risk associated with online shopping.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to identify and investigate the types of trust and their impact mechanisms in the application of blockchain technology for green agricultural products. A mixed research approach was used in this study. First, qualitative in-depth interviews with consumers were conducted to identify the technological path (blockchain technology), and the information disclosure path (environmental information of green agricultural products) that affect consumer trust. Two types of consumer trust were also identified, namely, cognitive trust in blockchain technology (digital trust), and instantaneous trust in blockchain technology disclosure information (swift trust), both of which play a role in influencing consumers’ immediate purchase. Then, based on the interview results, a theoretical model for this study was developed by combining signal theory and trust transfer theory. Through a quantitative survey, 474 valid data were collected to empirically examine the role of consumer blockchain technology experience and environmental information transparency perceived on digital trust and swift trust, and the role of both types of trust on impulse buying. The results show that consumer blockchain technology experience can significantly and positively affect the environmental information transparency perceived. And both have a positive effect on digital trust and swift trust. Also both trusts have a significant effect on impulse buying. Further mediating effects confirm the environmental information transparency perceived as an important intrinsic mechanism by which the blockchain technology experience influences consumer trust. The results of this study add an empirical basis for the role of blockchain technology. It also provides a reference for technology adoption by related companies.  相似文献   

管理会计在我国的应用和发展都较为滞后,一直困扰着理论界和实务界.本文从我国管理会计的现状进行分析,并进一步提出解决的对策.  相似文献   

公允价值是指一项资产或负债在自愿双方之间现行交易时,不是强迫销售所达成的购买、销售或结算的金额.其最大的特征就是来自于公平交易的市场,是参与市场交易的理智双方充分考虑了市场的信息后所达成的共识,这种达成共识(一致)的市场交易价格即为允公价值.  相似文献   

This research examines the important emerging area of online customer experience (OCE) using data collected from an online survey of frequent and infrequent online shoppers. The study examines a model of antecedents for cognitive and affective experiential states and their influence on outcomes, such as online shopping satisfaction and repurchase intentions. The model also examines the relationships between perceived risk, trust, satisfaction and repurchase intentions. Theoretically, the study provides a broader understanding of OCE, through insights into two shopper segments identified as being important in e-retailing. For managers, the study highlights areas of OCE and their implications for ongoing management of the online channel.  相似文献   

会计电算化是企业管理信息系统的一个重要组成部分.随着经济的飞速发展和电子商务的迅速兴起,计算机的运用已渗透到各个领域,电子计算机数据处理技术已在会计领域广泛运用.会计电算化在具体应用中也存在着许多问题,本文针对会计电算化存在的问题提出了加强认识、注重复合型人才培养、健全保密措施、建立通用的财务软件协议等完善对策并阐述了会计电算化的发展趋势.  相似文献   

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