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普通创业者追逐的只是潜在的客户,而一位领袖创业者追求的是忠实的客户。一个普通创业者开始创业可能选择的只是一个看好的领域,而领袖创业者选择从自己精通的领域出发开始创业。当你开始创业,在所在领域里,你想跻身于被公认为行业"领袖"、"佼佼者"的那1%的成功创业者吗?要成为一位领袖创业者需要在以下9方面做到极致——1.对于你选择创业的领域要充满激情如果你对你所选择的领域、所做的事业充满激情,那就意味着你愿意为此付出任何努力,克服任何困难直至成功。  相似文献   

很多创业者都希望选择一个有前景有新意的项目,于是不少专利成了创业者热衷投资的项目,可是有些所谓的专利却有着这样那样的陷阱和风险,一般的创业者知之甚少,以至于投资过后问题频出。中心专家分析了几种常见现象,并提醒创业者在选择项目时要注意以下几个问题:  相似文献   

返乡精英和下乡精英的农村创业活动都是推进乡村振兴的关键路径。返乡精英与下乡精英两类创业者由于与农村的情感连接不同、在当地的社会基础不同等原因,导致创业动机、创业实践及创业效果等方面都存在差异。因此,本文对返乡精英创业者和下乡精英创业者在创业动机、创业实践及创业效果等方面的差异进行对比分析。并针对两类创业者分别提出"德治+法治"及"关联—嵌入—融合—共生"的发展建议,以期为多元化农村创业主体提供理论指导。  相似文献   

一、"新网工程"专项资金使用情况和取得的成效中央财政设立"新网工程"建设专项扶持资金已有两年了,共扶持了全系统1 530个建设项目,其中,贴息项目1198个,以奖代补项目332个,有力地支持了供销社农村流通网络建设.  相似文献   

现阶段,我国家族企业的创业者即将步入退休阶段,需要考虑代际传承问题,而"子承父业"的继承模式是家族企业的首选继任模式.我国大部分家族企业选择"子承父业"的继承模式是因为在我国注重血缘关系的社会文化背景下,结合我国大多家族企业的经营活动尚未到需要引进职业经理人的阶段现状,创业者为了能延续其企业文化,选择忠诚度高、成本低、风险低的"子承父业"的继承模式是较为妥当且符合实际的做法.本文对这一现象进行了探讨.  相似文献   

<正>20年来,一直关注国内创业。国内创业者攥着血汗钱,迫切地选项目,学经营。然而,有一群人,却另辟蹊径,开始海外创业。他们的经验,又反过来引导者国内市场。这些人到底在干什么,又是怎么干的呢?他们的经历,对国内的创业者们又有着哪些可借鉴的?国外创业者的特点1.一个项目做一辈子,甚至几代人。2.在失败中总结教训继续前进,不是转身就走。3.一个小店开几十年,极少追风的现象。4.出国创业者多经营民生项目,比如饭店、快捷店。门槛低,上手快,投资小。5.生意长久的创业者的共性是诚信。这在国内是大家都知道,但很少做到的。未来,国内创业者会高度重视诚信,否则不会成功。因为创业的总体氛围开始规范,"捷径"越来越少。  相似文献   

关于创业,一万个人会有一万个选择不同项目的理由。但对于初创业者而言,由于缺乏创业经验和知识,选择项目会比较困惑,因此很多初期创业者常常会走一些弯路。如今有许多项目表面看起来很火,实质生命周期短暂,长则两三年,短则几个月。问题在哪里?其中一大原因在于项目本身缺乏不可替代性,意为很容易被新型产品  相似文献   

如果单论创业者的个人财富,中星微电子有限公司(以下简称"中星微")总裁邓中翰并不算十分突出,但若论创业成就及对所属行业的影响力,邓中翰和他的中星微绝对不容忽视.  相似文献   

<正>曾经,青岛平度现代工艺制品厂的"石粉变塑料"项目成为创富经典,普普通通的石粉让大量创业者过上了有房有车的幸福生活。为了充分挖掘石粉背后的金矿,让更多的不同条件的创业者受益,最近,企业根据市场热点需求对石粉项目重磅升级,"石粉变胶粘粉"、"石粉变超级纳米陶瓷器"两大新专利产品隆重推出,再次引发投资狂潮。  相似文献   

高校毕业生就业压力逐年增加,创业成为促成充分就业的有效措施.当前大学生创新创业教育存在诸多问题,因此,应该更新观念,创新管理体制;创设全覆盖的"互联网+创客"创业环境;开放创业所需的创业课程,供不同需求的创业者自由选择;校企专家应全天候提供全方位创业指导等.  相似文献   

项目文化建设是加强项目管理,提高项目经济效益的重要举措。作为项目管理的核心人物一项目经理有责任在项目中构建项目文化建设。通过论述项目文化的内涵和它在项目管理中的作用.讨论项目经理的角色和在项目文化建设中的主要职责。  相似文献   

工程造价管理及存在问题分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
工程的造价管理是工程进行管理的过程中最关键的一个步骤.如何才能提高工程的造价管理水平呢,本文从设计上、体制上、过程中各个方面阐释了如何全面、科学的提高工程的管理质量,这也是一项工程能否成功的关键之处.所以,本文针对我国工程的造价管理的发展以及可能出现问题的应对的措施提出了进一步思考.  相似文献   

讨论了图书馆管理中,特别是数字图书馆管理中是否应该引入项目管理的理念和方法及如何引入,并以“武汉大学东湖分校图书馆网站”项目建设为案例,结合项目与项目管理理论,分析了数字图书馆项目的特点和要素,探讨项目管理技术在数字图书馆项目规划、方案细化、系统选择、计划与执行、总结与评价等整个项目生命周期中的运用。  相似文献   

在我国粮食物流工程项目中,风险管理理论是一个比较薄弱的环节。急需进行深入、系统的研究。本文对粮食物流项目风险管理研究方法和内容做了初步探讨,以期能够解决项目实践中的问题,针对现实项目提出风险应对措施,并总结经验,采用科学方法有效地识别项目风险;通过评估风险,帮助项目管理者了解哪些是主要风险,并实施有效的应对措施,控制风险,减少损失,使项目达到预期的经济效益和社会效益。推动粮食物流项目的发展。为项目科学决策提供依据。  相似文献   

This study will assess successful project performance based on key project factors. The indicators of project success are cost, time, technical performance and customer satisfaction as used in previous studies. The sample consisted of 239 project members and managers currently involved in infrastructure projects in Vietnam. Regression analysis was used to test five hypotheses developed from theories on project success. Three groups of factors including manager competencies, member competencies and external stability have significant positive relationships to the success criteria. The completion and implementation stages in the project life cycle are also positively related to success. The implementation stage of a project moderates both the effects of external stability and organization support on success. The implication for project managers is that implementation is the key stage in determining the success of projects.  相似文献   

This article uses the results of a survey of 56 American construction project managers to identify some risks and improvement opportunities pertaining to the practice of effective project management. In the process, the most and least important project management variables are identified and ranked. Next, the extent of knowledge, extent of use, and extent of relevance to project success are examined for project managers with and without international project management experience. Results of these analyses suggest improvement opportunity for business and higher learning in terms of training and educating future project managers. Based on the results of this study, it is concluded that both higher learning and business must approach the art and practice of project management from a global open system perspective. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

A main challenge in managing projects is identification and understanding of interactions between subtasks. These interactions give rise to dependencies between activities in the project plan. The resulting interdependence between members of the project team requires them to coordinate extensively during project execution. Project managers need a systematic methodology for describing and analyzing coordination requirements on project teams. This need is not met in traditional tools for project planning and scheduling. In this article, we describe an object-oriented framework for modeling projects and a methodology for formalizing these models such that they can be used for discrete event simulation of information processing and coordination in project execution. Our modeling framework represents projects in terms of objective (requirements), product (solution deliverables), process (activities), and organization (participants and relations). We then use matrix techniques to explicate the constraints between project requirements and deliverables (complexity), the contingencies in information flow between activities (uncertainty), and the resulting coordination requirements between project team members. The model and coordination measures can be used as input for simulation of project execution and give predictions for the probable effects of carrying out proposed changes in planning and managing projects. To illustrate how enterprise modeling and analysis can inform project planing and execution, we apply our framework and methodology to model and simulate a simplified project for development of hydraulic systems. Our simulation results demonstrate how project performance is contingent on the fit between the project policies and the objectives and preferences of the project team.  相似文献   

Project management is a developing area in the service industry, as more unique and customer-tailored services are being developed. This paper presents a benchmarking research study, aimed at improving project planning capabilities in the service industry. Based on data collected from 275 project managers from several industries, including 79 from the service sector, project management strengths and weaknesses within the service industry were investigated. It was found that project managers from the service sector excel in cost and procurement planning processes, compared to project managers from other industries. On the other hand, project managers from the service sector achieve the worst score in quality management processes. Moreover, in the service industry quality management was found to have the most significant impact on project success. Hence, managers in the service sector would benefit from acquiring proper knowledge and techniques relating to quality management in the planning phase of projects. It was also found that the success level of projects performed in the service sector depends most on the qualifications of the project manager. A project manager in the service sector gets very little support from the organisation itself. Support processes should focus on the main weaknesses of the service industry, mainly ‘developing project management procedures’ and ‘increasing the extent of training of their project managers’. The paper presents and analyses strengths and weaknesses of the service industry in project planning and suggests a detailed roadmap for improvement.  相似文献   

Innovation project selection is a decision of major relevance to firms. Errors in this decision may have serious consequences for firms, especially as many firms struggle with optimizing innovation project selection decisions. In their pitches to innovation decision-makers, project teams invariably present financial projections on their innovation projects, which often include best- and worst-case scenario presentation. Despite the potential influence the presentation of such financial projections has on firms’ innovation project selection decisions, this topic has not received sufficient attention in the literature. This study examines the role of scenario presentation on financial projections in innovation project selection by conducting two conjoint experiments among 2,425 managers and 11 follow-up interviews with senior executives. First, the findings of this study suggest that firms should help project teams present small- rather than large-range scenarios. This is important for at least the 57% of firms surveyed in this study where project teams are reported to present ‘too wide’ and ‘too extreme’ scenarios. Second, firms seeking to promote transformational innovation in their innovation pipeline should make the presentation of small-range scenarios required for an innovation proposal to be presented to a project selection committee. This is relevant for 79% of surveyed firms that would like to select more transformational than core innovation projects and especially for the half of which that currently do not require scenario presentation. Third, project teams with less expertise should develop scenarios analytically rather than intuitively and convey the project’s strategic merit to decision-makers to help increase innovation project selection likelihood.  相似文献   

浅析施工企业工程项目的成本管理   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
施工企业只有把管理的基点放在项目管理上,通过加强项目管理,实施项目成本控制,提高工程经济效益,实现项目合同目标,才能达到最终提高企业综合经济效益的目的.文章通过对施工企业项目成本管理原则、成本管理过程中存在问题的分析,提出了优化工程项目成本管理的思路及对策.  相似文献   

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