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《Business History》2012,54(3):81-99
The article is concerned with the history of the South African steel industry in the 1960s. It provides an account of Anglo American's formation of the Highveld Steel &; Vanadium Corporation which challenged the dominant position of the public enterprise, the South African Iron &; Steel Corporation (Iscor). The article examines the interaction between the incumbent firm and the entrant's parent company. It argues that the dynamics and the resulting collusive alliance, also encompassing the South African interests of the British Steel Corporation, can only be understood if they are placed within a South African political context. In particular it is argued that the politics of Afrikaner nationalism was crucial in shaping Iscor's response to Anglo and consequently the structure of the ownership of the South African steel and engineering industry. The alliance which took the form of a company called the International Pipes &; Steel Investment South Africa (Ipsa) defined the control of the steel and engineering industry for roughly the next ten years.  相似文献   

This paper reviews two early precedent–setting US antitrust decisions and asks a series of counter–factual questions. What if the Standard Oil Company had not been broken into 34 pieces? What if the United States Steel Corporation had been fragmented? It traces the qualitative evolution of the Standard Oil fragments, following the 1911 divestiture decision, and the corresponding history of United States Steel. It then undertakes quantitative analyses of the survivors' market share trends and the comparative productivity growth, average plant sizes, price — cost margins, and net exports for petroleum refining, blast furnaces and steel from 1899 through 1939. At first, the post–divestiture performance did not differ much between the two subject industries. However, by the 1930s, competition intensified in petroleum refining and the decline of the Standard Oil fragments' market shares came to a halt. In the steel industry, however, competition continued to be mild. A lethargic United States Steel held a price um brella over its rivals and steadily lost market share. Steel companies were ill–prepared for rising import competition during the 1960s and 1970s. The paper concludes that the 1911 break–up of Standard Oil had few deleterious short–run consequences and, by shaping a more competitive environment, it had a decidedly positive long–run effect.  相似文献   

《Business History》2012,54(8):1339-1360
The Fredericksburg Iron and Steel Manufacturing Company's ironmaking facility, Catharine Furnace, had the look of a prime mover in antebellum Virginia's industrial sector when it opened in 1838. Its manager and principal owner, John Spotswood Wellford, successfully tapped into his social capital to secure military ordnance contracts, but in the process the firm became utterly dependent upon his ability to secure this work through personal connections. By failing to expand the market for its pig iron and castings in local, regional, and national markets, the firm relied upon these ordnance contracts for shot and shell for its existence. When Wellford died in 1846, the Fredericksburg Iron and Steel Manufacturing Company collapsed. A few years later, Catharine Furnace stood cold and abandoned – a severe reminder of the limited prospects of Virginia's industrial economy and the perils of relying on an individual entrepreneur's personal capital during a critical period of American industrialisation.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the evolution of competition in the Japanese tyre market from 1976 to 2010 (35 years). An innovative measure of competition developed by Jan Boone is employed, as well as traditional competition indices and price–cost margin regressions, using accounting data at the firm level. Traditional indicators such as the concentration ratio and Herfindahl–Hirschman Index (HHI) suggest a very high market concentration. However, regressions using the two Boone measures and price–cost margin suggest that some competitive behavior in the Japanese tyre industry exists. By introducing dummy variables for the Sumitomo–Ohtsu merger and antimonopoly action by the Japan Fair Trade Commission, the Boone-style regressions also suggest that the merger had no impact, but the cartel breakup did have a statistically significant (p < 0.1) impact on firm’s profitability in this oligopolistic market.  相似文献   

Arthur Norberg’s Computers and Commerce is a much-neededstudy of the technical and business history of the Eckert-MauchlyComputer Corporation (EMCC) and Engineering Research Associates(ERA). Although there have been many historical studies aboutIBM, there have been relatively few accounts describing thefirm’s primary competitors or of the early formation ofthe industry. Norberg’s study offers valuable insightsinto the latter by providing a detailed history of the technicaldecisions and financial strategies of the two entrepreneurialfirms that  相似文献   

This paper examines the relationship between market power variables and the systematic risk, beta, of a firm. The study controls for the effects of dividend policy, liquidity, and earnings growth. Market power is measured by firm size (both sales and assets), proportion of industry sales, and the industry's four-firm concentration ratio. The study finds only a weak relationship between individual firm market power and firm risk, but there is evidence of a strong negative relationship between industry concentration and the market risk of the firms in an industry. This indicates that firms in concentrated industries experience lower capital costs than firms in less-concentrated industries. The existence of limit pricing is suggested as an explanation for this finding.  相似文献   

《Business History》2012,54(3):109-132
This essay explores the route by which Boral transformed itself from being a small firm operating in a niche within the petroleum industry to its current position as one of the largest manufacturers of building products in Australia. Boral's exit from the oil industry was largely influenced by the declining attractiveness of that market as a result of a more competitive environment. The direction of its subsequent voyage across industry and market boundaries was set by the exploitation of firm specific knowledge and competencies. Boral's bold leaps into apparently unrelated new industries represented the transfer of a core set of capabilities into new markets. Boral acquired new skills which augmented its competencies and it was able to use them to gain a competitive advantage in a wide range of related markets.  相似文献   

In this study, we explore the relative importance of the several documented factors in explaining the behaviour of stock returns for a sample of 157 Australian companies over the period 1993–9. In line with prior evidence, we contend that the influence of global (market, industry and currency) factors is related to the extent of a firm's international activity. We find that Australian firms are in large part impacted by domestic factors with the level of sensitivity declining as the level of international activity increases. In contrast to prior literature, we also show that Australian firm returns are related to regional market, global industry and currency factors and the firm's sensitivity to these factors is an increasing function of its level of international activities.  相似文献   

This article analyzes how entrepreneurs create wealth and capabilities in the early stages by practicing original equipment manufacturing (OEM) and later on transcend to original brand manufacturing (OBM). The author deliberately selects three cases of Taiwan's firms (Johnson Health Technology Corporation, CVC Technology Corporation, and HTC Corporation) to study firm growth and firm transformation by incorporating concepts from research fields of entrepreneurship, strategic management, and leadership. How Taiwan's firms thrive from transforming to create own brands and how they deal with ensuing issues of branding dilemma offer a useful lesson for latecomer economies.  相似文献   

《Business History》2012,54(5):657-688
This article charts the history of Japanese corporate engagement with India. While there has been a profound historic relationship between the two nations, economic interaction is commonly portrayed in the context of geographical and psychic distance. As institutions set the rules of corporate engagement, we analyse the evolving regulatory and policy regime for foreign direct investment (FDI) in post-independence India and the corporate strategies of Japanese multinational enterprises (MNEs) in response to this institutional change. Using a firm-level dataset we show that the trajectory of Japanese investment in India broadly follows that of other nationalities of foreign firms. Differentiated responses to institutional changes are detected by industry. Our analysis reveals important instances of Japanese firm flexibility and pragmatism vis-à-vis the rapidly growing Indian market.  相似文献   

Hong Kong's tourism industry collapsed around July 1997, shortly after the hand over to Chinese rule. When the Asian financial crisis hit, Hong Kong's investments in neighboring countries suffered. Thereafter the Heng Seng Index dropped 55 percent. Throughout the last quarter of 1997 Hong Kong's economic inhibitors—unemployment, business failures, and negative GDP—all pointed to a recession. Among Hong Kong's hotels, more than 1,750 jobs were lost from December 1997 to March 1998, and average room rates dropped below 1991 levels. Hong Kong's tourism crisis can be traced to: an imbalance between room supply and demand (caused by the inflated demand for office space), unfair hotel pricing to take advantage of Japanese tourists, ineffective national promotional campaigns, airline woes, and food-borne illnesses that scared away visitors. Economic recovery is likely to take several years, and is dependent on the recovery of the rest of the region's countries. In June 1998 Hong Kong produced an economic-stimulus package to stem the tide of decreasing land values and stimulate the money supply. Hoteliers can help by working together to ensure pricing stability. Coordination is also needed between the Hong Kong Tourist Association and the rest of the industry to set goals and objectives. Hospitality education and training need to focus on the current needs of the industry and on how to compete in the new market.  相似文献   

At press time, Chinese steel makers and the World's biggest iron ore miners .still did not reach the finalagreement upon the iron ore price, hast the original deadline June 30.  相似文献   

We examine the market quality of China's steel rebar futures, along with three other important industrial metal futures. Steel rebar futures are the most active metal futures contracts in China. Our analyses show that while steel rebar and copper futures are comparable in terms of informational efficiency, they are more informationally efficient than iron ore and aluminum futures, with low bid–ask spread, volatility persistence, pricing error variance, and probability of informed trading. We find a bidirectional connection between iron ore and steel rebar futures. Furthermore, we show that these metal futures are weakly related to the Chinese stock market.  相似文献   

This study investigates how Internet-related resources and capabilities are influencing performance in Japanese small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). We use a structural equation modelling approach to test these relationships between Internet readiness, Internet capability, risk-taking perceptions and performance within Japanese SMEs (350 SMEs). Unlike other counterpart countries, such as South Korea, Japanese SMEs have been relatively slow in implementing Internet technologies into business practice. However, the results indicate that if Japanese SMEs allocate appropriate resources and deploy Internet capabilities these firms will benefit with performance gains. Further, we find that both the perception of risk-taking and the industry in which the firm operates are key factors in either inhibiting or enhancing the firm’s ability to leverage Internet-related capabilities for firm performance.  相似文献   

This study assesses how customer value affects a firm's market orientation and consequently, competitive advantage and organizational performance in a service industry — the global hotel industry. The findings show that if a firm perceives its customers as valuing service, the firm is more likely to adopt both a customer and a competitor orientation; if the firm thinks its customers are price sensitive, the firm tends to develop a competitor orientation. Moreover, the greater a firm's customer orientation, the more the firm is able to develop a competitive advantage based on innovation and market differentiation. In contrast, a competitor orientation has a negative effect on a firm's market differentiation advantage. Finally, innovation and market differentiation advantages lead to greater market performance (e.g., perceived quality, customer satisfaction) and in turn, higher financial performance (e.g., profit, market share).  相似文献   

Paul Revere rode to Concord on a horse shod with shoes re-forgedfrom scrap iron. New York City’s Mayor, Michael Bloomberg,misstepped when he decided that residents would sort only thoserecyclables that actually had a market, rather than the beveragecontainers that went straight to the landfill. During the intervening226 years, Americans recycled for reasons of economy, and ontothat base we recently have grafted a goal of recycling to promoteenvironmental quality. Carl Zimring’s Cash For Your Trashlinks  相似文献   

在全球金融危机对造船业带来冲击的情况下,加快产业结构调整,优化行业组织结构。愈发成为保持我国造船业健康发展的关键课题。本刊在本期推出涉及航运业、造船业兼并重组以及产业政策的一组文章.供读者参考。  相似文献   

The present paper analyzes the determinants of profit persistence using a newly developed methodology that allows the persistence parameter to vary with time. It therefore addresses a significant limitation of previous persistence models, which have assumed unrealistically that persistence is fixed over relatively long periods of 20 years and upwards. The concentration of the industry is found to have a significant positive impact on profit persistence. However, at firm level, market share and risk have a surprisingly negative impact  相似文献   

Nicaragua, as a small emerging market with a challenging history of economic and political turmoil, is understudied within the international business context. Utilizing the World Bank's 2010 Nicaragua Enterprise Survey, this article explores which nonagricultural Nicaraguan firms are best suited to export. Important findings include firm location, firm size, ownership composition, performance, firm industry, firm quality programs, and firm origin in the informal sector. These findings are discussed within the Nicaraguan context.  相似文献   

本文从钢铁行业市场的区域分割这一特点出发,通过一个多阶段博弈模型说明,市场结构越分散,大型钢铁企业争夺先行者优势的激励越大,从而在国际铁矿石谈判中的耐心程度越低。实证研究支持了这一结论。因此应当提高钢铁行业的市场集中度,尤其是促进跨区域兼并重组。  相似文献   

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