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This paper examines whether parents exhibit gender preference in the allocation of family resources to their adult children. Gender preference is defined in the context of an altruistic model for inter-vivos transfer from parents to children extended to include educational investment. Data from the Health and Retirement Study (United States) and the Korean Longitudinal Study of Ageing are used to show that the degree of gender preference differs across these culturally distinct regions. Among Korean families, empirical results point to male preference as sons receive larger inter-vivos transfers and attain higher levels of education compared with daughters. In contrast, the evidence pertaining to gender preference among American families points to daughter preference as inter-vivos transfers and educational investment is generally higher among female adult children.  相似文献   

We study the channels parents use to make transfers to their children. First, we focus on the relationship between investments in education and property transfers. Second, we turn to how property transfers are divided between inter vivos gifts and bequests. We use a Swedish dataset that is superior to previously used data as it contains information on both gifts and inheritances received from parents. We estimate models for the probabilities of having university education, receiving gifts, and receiving inheritances. In addition, we estimate models for gift and inheritance amounts. We find that the more resources parents have, the higher the likelihood of transfers, and that the correlation between receiving inter vivos gifts and inheritances is very high. Finally, women are more likely to have university education and to receive gifts, and daughters receive gifts of larger amounts than sons, although there are no differences in terms of inheritance.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the determinants of financial inter vivos transfers by migrants living in France in 2003 to their adult children. From a theoretical viewpoint, such transfers may be explained either by altruism or by exchange. While parents would direct their assistance to their less well off children under altruism, support should be channeled to children who live nearby their parents under the exchange motive. We assess the relevance of these two motives using the French PRI survey. Unequal sharing is frequently observed and children are more likely to receive financial transfers when they are in poor circumstance, but not necessarily when living in proximity to parents. We also emphasize the role of cultural factors as determinants of the parental allocation among children. Muslim parents, in particular, are more likely to make transfers to sons than to daughters.  相似文献   

Family Transfers Involving Three Generations   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Most models of family transfers consider only two generations and focus on two motives: altruism and exchange. They also assume perfect substitution between inter-vivos downward transfers and bequests. Based on French evidence, we show that parent-to-child transfers belong to three distinct categories (investment in child's education, financial assistance, wealth transmission), and advocate a three -generation framework. Thus, transfer behavior of parents toward their children is strongly influenced by the behavior of their own parents. There is also some evidence of the Cox and Stark demonstration effect: parents help their own parents, expecting to receive comparable support from their children. Such behavior can be regarded as indirect reciprocity : the beneficiary does not give back to the initial giver but to a third person of another generation.
JEL classification : D 10; D 31; D 63; D 64  相似文献   

This paper analyzes how imperfections of property rights affect households’ allocation of assets using micro-survey data from Bulgaria. Co-ownership of assets is widespread in many countries due to inheritance. Central and Eastern Europe offers an interesting natural experiment to assess the effects of this type of property rights imperfection because of the asset restitution process in the 1990s. In Bulgaria, where co-ownership is very prominent and land is strongly fragmented, the land reform and inheritance legislation allows identifying the impact of co-ownership by taking advantage of a discontinuity created by a minimum plot size law. We find that land in co-ownership is more likely to be used by less efficient farm organizations or to be left abandoned, and that it is related to significant welfare losses. The paper hence provides evidence of sub-optimal land allocation following a privatization that established formal but imperfect property rights.  相似文献   

Traditional descent systems can roughly be divided into patrilineal and matrilineal. In the latter, a man's heir is not his own child but rather his sister's son. The paper examines the implications of this social norm for the pattern of inter-vivos transfers using household level data from rural Ghana, where the largest ethnic group is traditionally matrilineal. In particular, it tests the predictions of a model of strategic behavior according to which children should respond to the threat of disinheritance by increasing transfers to their parents during lifetime to induce a donation of land before the default (matrilineal) inheritance is enforced. I find that the credibility of customary norms enforcement, as proxied by the presence of a nephew in the father's household, significantly increases the probability of receiving transfers from children for Akans but not for the other groups. The effect is specific to nephews and not to other co-resident boys. This pattern of behavior can affect asset accumulation decisions across generations.  相似文献   

Using Danish longitudinal data with information about wealth for a sample of first‐time house buyers and their parents, we test whether there are direct financial transfers from parents to children in connection with the house purchase, or in connection with unemployment spells occurring just after the purchase, when children typically hold few liquid assets. First, we document that child and parent financial resources are correlated. Then, we introduce conditioning variables and exploit the panel aspect of the data to also condition on fixed unobserved factors, which arguably govern preferences and/or productivity. We find no evidence of direct financial transfers.  相似文献   

Thanh Le 《Economic Modelling》2011,28(6):2409-2415
Based on the economic theory of the family, this paper constructs a model of remittances where the migrant, besides sending money to his family, also invests in his home country. The investment is looked after by a family member in return for some monetary compensation. The model focuses on two different cases: state-contingent transfers (transfers are tied to investment outcomes) and fixed transfers (transfers are mainly of altruistic motive). As the migrant derives utilities from consumption, his consumption-investment decision is driven by preferences and future investment prospects. The transfers are to increase with both business encouraging and income compensatory effects.  相似文献   

中国城镇居民家庭资产—负债现状与成因研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
利用2009年"中国城镇居民经济状况与心态调查"数据,本文细致考察了中国城镇居民家庭资产—负债的现状与成因。描述性统计表明,家庭资产随着户主年龄、教育程度和家庭收入水平提高而上升,家庭负债则恰恰相反,家庭资产—负债存在明显的地域差异。实证研究发现,户主的年龄、受教育程度和健康状况以及家庭收入和人口规模不仅是家庭是否拥有资产/负债最重要的决定因素,也是家庭资产负债额的重要影响因素;进一步研究表明,家庭净资产也主要受到这些因素的影响,但其影响程度因家庭净资产量不同而不同。本文进而研究了家庭资产—负债状况的稳定性,发现户主年龄较小、教育水平较低和健康状况较差以及人口规模较大的家庭更容易受到金融市场不利冲击的影响。  相似文献   

农村固定资产投资结构与农民纯收入的灰色关联分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文利用灰色关联理论,对我国(东部、中部、西部及全国)的农村固定资产投资结构与农民纯收入之间的关系进行了分析。分析结果表明:从增加农民纯收入的角度来看,在当前农村固定资产投资建设中,首要是搞好与农民纯收入关联度最高的农业类固定资产投资,其次是科教类固定资产投资,最后是交通、能源等其它类固定资产投资。在此基础上,政府财政资金的投入应侧重于中西部贫困地区的农村固定资产。  相似文献   

We present evidence on whether and how a household's behavior is influenced by the presence and characteristics of its extended family. Using data from the PROGRESA program in Mexico, we exploit information on the paternal and maternal surnames of heads and spouses in conjunction with the Spanish naming convention to identify the inter- and intra-generational family links of each household to others in the same village. We then exploit the randomized research design of the PROGRESA evaluation data to identify whether the treatment effects of PROGRESA transfers on secondary school enrolment vary according to the characteristics of extended family. We find PROGRESA only raises secondary enrolment among households that are embedded in a family network. Eligible but isolated households do not respond. The mechanism through which the extended family influences household schooling choices is the redistribution of resources within the family network from eligibles that receive de facto unconditional cash transfers from PROGRESA, towards eligibles on the margin of enrolling children into secondary school.  相似文献   

This paper constructs an overlapping generations model with a frictional labor market to explain persistent low education in developing countries. When parents are uneducated, their children often face difficulties in finishing school and therefore are likely to remain uneducated. Moreover, if children expect that other children of the same generation will not receive an education, they expect that firms will not create enough jobs for educated workers, and thus are further discouraged from schooling. These intergenerational and intragenerational mechanisms reinforce each other, creating a serious poverty trap. Escape from the trap requires the well‐organized and combined implementation of a subsidy for schooling, support for disadvantaged children, and public awareness programs.  相似文献   

In Haiti, two primary pathways to land ownership are through the purchase of land and through inheritance. In terms of inheritance, intestate law treats daughters and sons equally with respect to real property. Despite the formal law, we find that women are relatively less tenure secure on their inherited land than men. In contrast, men and women share similar perceptions of tenure security on purchased land. These differences become manifest in conservation investment activities: tree planting, fallowing, and terracing. We find evidence that these activities are less likely to occur by female respondents on their inherited land.  相似文献   

利用北京地区子女移居国外的老年人家庭生活状况调查数据,采用改进的合作群体理论模型,分别从老人和子女角度综合考察了子女移居国外、其老年父母在国内居住的家庭代际支持的影响因素。子女移居国外减少了老人的日常照料;移民子女的代际关系存在向西方"接力模式"演变的趋势。留守国内的老年人对经济支持的需求得到满足,而获取日常照料的关键因素则是子女数量、居住关系以及子女的孝道意识;子女之间的分工按照资源配置最优原则和互惠原则进行,其中"养儿防老"模式被取代,女儿发挥着更为重要的作用。  相似文献   

On the basis of detailed information on inheritance practices collected in the course of an in-depth survey of three Andean communities of Peru, and unlike most empirical studies which rely on remittance functions, we have been able to estimate an inheritance function with a view to identifying the main factors associated with particular patterns of land bequests. A central result is that the positive relationship between caring and a favourable access to land bequest indeed exists, yet is only observed for migrant children (whether urban or rural, long-distance or short-distance migrants). Combined with other findings and observations, this result strengthens the case for an interpretation based on an active role of potential heirs in the determination of inheritance outcomes. It therefore calls into question the strategic bequest theory which presumes that parents are the ultimate decision-makers in this matter. In addition, our study shows that inheritance patterns are complex: besides migration and caring behavior, personal characteristics of potential heirs, such as gender, birth order, and family status (having children or not), do appear to influence division of parental land.  相似文献   

Upon introducing heterogeneity and dynamics into a model of the demand for children, a problem of optimal population is defined and analyzed. It is shown that from the perspective of social welfare, better‐educated individuals produce too few children while less‐educated individuals produce too many children and all individuals invest too little in the education of their children. The impact of several policy tools geared at addressing the “population problem” is investigated, in particular how child allowances and other tax‐subsidy policies can be harnessed to enhance welfare, and how and why early childhood education programs can mitigate the “population problem.”  相似文献   

This article considers the welfare implications of transfers to poor families that are conditional on school attendance and other forms of investment in children's human capital. Family decisions are assumed to be the result of (generalized) Nash bargaining between the two parents. We show that, as long as bequests are zero, conditional transfers are better for children than unconditional transfers. The mother's welfare may also be improved by conditional transfers. Thus, conditioning transfers to bequest‐constrained families have potentially desirable intergenerational and intragenerational welfare effects. Conditioning transfers to unconstrained families make every family member worse off.  相似文献   

Using large nationally representative data, I estimate the effect of birth order on educational outcomes of children in India. To establish causality, endogeneity of family size is addressed by approaching an instrumental variable method. Employing a district fixed effects model and proportion of boys in the family as the instrument for number of children, I show that later-born children attain higher education compared to earlier-born children. Results are robust to inclusion of child, parents and household characteristics.  相似文献   

国家通过调控土地使用,以调控固定资产投资过快的政策频繁出台,但是地方政府却因对土地财政的深度依赖,与中央政府博弈,致使土地违法严重,宏观调控政策难以很好到位.分析原因,现行土地批租存在诸多弊端.改革土地转让制度,完善现行一次性收租的政策,实行土地年租制是解决问题的有效办法.  相似文献   

We estimate the effect of family size on female labour supply using data from Poland and instrumenting for family size with twinning at first and second birth. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to causally address this relationship in a post‐communist country. We identify the average causal effect of an additional child on mother's employment to be ?7.0 pp, but we do not find significant effects of additional children on female employment among families with two or more children. Furthermore, we identify a positive bias of OLS in the estimates among highly educated mothers and those from younger cohorts.  相似文献   

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