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《Statistica Neerlandica》1969,23(2):172-178
Book reviewed in this article:
Mathematical Spectrum
De organisatie van de verspreiding van wetenschappelikhe informatie by de maatschappijwetenschappen.
Stochastic models for bacteriophage , J. G ani .
Probability, a survey of mathematical theory , J. L amperti , W. A. Benjamin.
Elementary Statistical Methods , G. B. W etherill .
Grundlagen der Spieltheorie , N. N. V orobjoff .
Elements of Probability and Statistics , E lmer B. M ode .
Formulaire pour le calcul opbrationnel , V. A. D itkin and A. P. P rudnikov .
Tables of the Incomplete Beta-Function , K arl P earson .
Draft Report on The Algorithmic Language ALGOL 68 , A. van W ijngaarden (editor). B. J. M ailloux , J. E. L. P eck , C. H. A. K oster .
Grundlagen der Wabrscheinlichlrettsrectsreebnung und Statistik sowie Anwendungen im Operations Research , F ranz W einberg .
Random Processes and the Growth of Firms, a study of the Pareto Law , J osef S teindl .
Health and Vital Statistics , B. B enjamin .
Statistics in social research. An introduction. R obert S. W eiss .
Quadratic Programming, Algorithms - Anomalies - Applications , J. C. G. B oot .  相似文献   

《Statistica Neerlandica》1971,25(2):129-141
Book reviewed in this article:
Introduction to statistical methods , D onald L. H arnett .
Basic Concepts of Probability and Statistics , J. L. H odges Jr. and E. U. L ehmann , Holden Day.
Nonlinear programming , H. P. K unzi , W. K relle and W. O ettli .
Conditional Markov processes and their application to the theory of optimal control , R. L. S trato - novich .
Theorie et méthodes statistiques, vol. I , P ierre D agnelie , éditions J. Duculot, S. A. Gembloux.
Statistics for experimentalists , B. E. C ooper .
Systems of frequency curves , W. P. E lderton and N. L. J ohnson .
Stochastic Theory of a Risk Business , H ilary L. S eal .
Statistics in Physical Sciences
Probability and random processes for engineers and scientists , A. B. C larke and R. L. D isney .
Optimal statistical decisions , M orris H. de G root .
Statistische Auswertungsmethoden , L othar S achs .
Sensitivitiitsanalysen und parametrische Programmierung , W erner D inkelbach .
Thérie et méthodes statistiques , vol. 2, P ierre D agnelie , éditions J. Duculot, S. A. - Gembloux.
Introduction to Economic Statistics , W illiam C. M errill . & K arl A. Fox.
Characteristic functions , E. L ukacs .
Future Game  相似文献   

《Statistica Neerlandica》1966,20(3-4):399-414
Mathematical Foundations of the Calculus of Probability, J. NEVEU, vertaald door A. FEINSIHN, Holden-Day, San Francisco-London-Amsterdam
The Theory of Stochastic Processes, D. R. Cox and H. D. MILLER
Equilibrium, Stability and Growth - A Multi-Sectoral Analysis, MICHIO MORISHIMA
Problems for computer solution, FRED GRUENBERGER, GEORGE JAEERAY, John Wiley
Matrix Algebra for Social Scientists, PAUL HORST
Produktiebesturing en voorraadbeheer, algemene beginselen, R. N. VAN HEES en W. MONHEMIUS
Information Theory, ROBERT B. ASH, Interscience publishers, John Wiley & Sons
Principles of Statistics, M. G. BULMER, Oliver and Boyd
Basic Statistics: a primer for the biomedical sciences, OLIVE JEAN DUNN, John Wiley and Sons
A Dictionary of Statistical Terms, M. G. KENDALL and W. R. BUCKLAND
Statistical Tables for biological, agricultural and medical research, R. A. FISHER and F. YATES
Inleiding tot de statistiek, Deel I, derde herziene en uitgebreide druk; Deel II, tweede opnieuw bewerkte en uitgebreide druk
Introduction to statistics and correlation, CELESTE MCCOLLOUGH and LOCHE VAN ATTA
Inequalities on Distribution functions, H. J. GODWIN
Fifty challenging problems in probability, with solutions
Advances in game theory, M. DRESHER, L. S. SHAPLEY, A. W. TUCKER
Nonlinear and dynamic programming, G. HADLEY
Elementary Applied Statistics: for students in the Behavioral Science, LINTON C. FREEMAN
De input-output-analyse binnen de onderneming, P. A. VERHEYEN
Introduction to the Theory of Probability and Statistics, NIELS ARLEY and K. RANDER BUCH
De eerste ontmoeting tussen de wiskunde en de sociale wetenschappen, H. FKEUDENTHAL, Verhandelingen van de Koninklijke Vlaamse Academie voor Wetenschappen
Dynamic programming in chemical engineering and process control, S. M. ROBERTS
Allgemeine Methodenlehre der Statistik H, Höhere Methoden unter besonderer Berücksichti-gung der Anwendungen in Naturwissenschaft  相似文献   

《Statistica Neerlandica》1962,16(3):303-316
Book reviewed in this article:
Introduction to Matrix Analysis, R. Be11man
Elements of the Theory of Markov Processes and their Applications, A. T. Bharucha-Reid
Elementary Statistical Exercises, F. N. David and E. S. Pearson
Sample Design in Business Research, W. Edwards Deming
Planning Production, Inventories, and Work Force, C. C. Holt, F. Modigliani, J. F. Muth, and H. A. Simon, with contributions by C. P. Bonini and P. R. Winters
Quantitative Methods in Pharmacology: Proceedings of a Syposium held in Leyden on May 10–13 1960. Uitgegeven onder redactie van H. de Jonge door de N.V. Noordhollandse Uitgeversmaatschappij te Amsterdam
„Die Steuerlastverteilung in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland” von Gerhard Zeitel, J. C. B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck)
The advanced theory of statistics, M. G. Kendall and A. Stuart
Vol. 1, Distribution theory,
Vol. 2, Inference and relationship,
Allgemeine Methodenlehre der Statistik. II Höhere Methoden unter beaonderer Berücksichtlgung der Anwendungen in Naturwissenschaft, Medizin und Technlk, J. Pfanzagl
The Fundamentala of Statistical Reasoning, M. H. Quenouille, Griffin's Statistical Monographs and Courses.  相似文献   

《Statistica Neerlandica》1957,11(2):109-120
Book reviewed in this article:
Introduction to Statistical Analysis , W. J. Dixon and F. J. Massey Jr.
Probability Theory, Foundations, Random sequences , Michel Loève, D. van Nostrand Cy Inc.
The Theory of Games and Linear Programming , S. Vajda.
Einführung in die mathematische Statistik , L. Schmetterer.
Operations Research for Management , volume II, edited by J. M. McCloskey and J. M. Coppinger.
Risk and Gambling, The Study of Subjective Probability , John Cohen and Mark Hansel, Longmans.
Statistical Methods for the Behavioral Sciences , Allen L. Edwards.
Statistical Methods Applied to Experiments in Agriculture and Biology , G. W. Snedecor.
Statistical Mechanics T. L. Hill.120
Bericht über die Tagung Wahrschcinlichkeitsrechnung und mathematische Statistik in Berlin. vom 19—22 oktober 1954, herausgegeben von B. W. Gnedenko, VEB Deutscher Verlag der Wissenschaften.  相似文献   

《Statistica Neerlandica》1962,16(1):121-138
Book reviewed in this article:
Introduction to Probability and Statistics, Henry L. A1der and Edward B. Roessier
Modern Probability Theory and Its Applications, Emanuel Parzen
Introduction to Probability and Random Variables, G. P. Wadsworth and J. G. Bryan
Elements of statistical inference, R. M. Kozelka
Measurement: delinitions and theories, C. West Church man and Phi1burn Ratoosh
Regression Analysis, E. J. Wi11iarns
Meer door kwaliteit, J. van Ettinger en J. Sittig.
Economic Arithmetic, Robin Marris
Lehrbuch der praktischen Statistik, Bevolkerungs-, Wirtschafts-, Sozialstatistik, Peter Quante
Statistisch Stedenboek. Cijfers omtrent de Nederlandse gemeenten met 50.000 en meer inwoners, 1955-1960
De Joden in Nederland na de tweede wereldoorlog. Een demografische analyse, Amsterdam 1g61, 39 blz.
Waterlandse Varia, W. A. van der Donk
Gezinsbudgetten in Belgie 1957-1958, Levenswijze in drie sociale beroepsmilieus, Pierrede Bie
Papers on National Income and Allied Topics, Vol. I, Edited by V. K. R. V. Rao, S. R. Sen, M. V. Divatia and Uma Datta
Statistics of Deadly Quarrels, L. F. Richardson
Arms and Insecurity, L. F. Richardson
Linear Programming, Sauli. Gass
Einfuhrung in die Theorie der Spiele, Ewald Burger
Mathematical methods for digital computers, Anthony Ra1ston and Herbert S. Wi1f  相似文献   

《Statistica Neerlandica》1962,16(2):205-212
Book reviewed in this article:
De organisatie van de kwaliteitszorg, J. H. Enters, H. E. Stenfert Kroese N.V.
Statistiek voor Medici. Korte inleiding, Chr. L. Rumke, C. van Eeden, uitgeverij L. Stafleu en Zoon
De bloemisterij in Nederland
Characteristic Functions, E. Lukacs, Griffins Statistical Monographs and Courses no. 5 Charles Griffin and Cy. Ltd.
Portfolio Selection, Efficient Diversification of Investments, H. M. Markowitz, Cowles Foundation Monograph 16
Finite Markov Chains, J. G. Kemeny en J. L. Snell, University Series in Undergraduate Mathematics, Van Nostrand, Princeton, New Jersey
Operations Research and Systems Engineering, onder redactie van Charles D. Flagle, William H. Hugginsen Robert H. Roy
Tables of the Hypergeometric Probability Distribution, G. L. Lieberman and D. B. Owen, Stanford Studies in Mathematics and Statistics III
Probability with statistical applications, Frederick Mosteller, Robert E. K. Rourke, George B. Thomas, Jr.
Probability: a First Course, F. Mosteller, R. E. K. Rourke, G. B. Thomas, Jr.  相似文献   

《Statistica Neerlandica》1967,21(2):211-222
Book reviewed in this article:
More … through quality, J. VAN ETTINGER/J. SITTIG
Inleiding tot de Statistiek, Deel I, H. RIJKEN VAN OLST
Vraagstukken over waarschjjnLjjkheidsrekening, P. J- A. KANTERS
Cyfers in Ujnen, B. VAN DER MEER en G. S. E. MANDEMA
Linear programming, D. B. YUDIN, E. G. GOL'STEIN
Mathematical Theories of traffic flow, F. A. HAIGHT
Schattingsfunkties van storingen in economische relaties, J. KOERTS
Waarschynlgkheid en statistiek, H. FREUDENTHAL
The Design of Experiments, R. A. FISHER
Inleiding in de Wiskundige Statistiek, J. MUILWUK
De invloed van tramportkosten, heffingen en restituties op handelsstromen, G. HAMMING, W. HORN, H. NEUDECKER en J. NUHUIS
Quantitative decision procedures in management and economics, deterministic theory and applications, CHARLES R. CARR and CHARLES W. HOWE
Progress in Operations Research, volume II, edited by DAVID B. HERTZ and ROGER T. EDDISON
Mathematical Methods in Reliability Engineering, N. H. ROBERTS
Systematische Datenverarbeitung bei der Auswertung von Versuchs- und Beobachtungs-ergebnissen, A. ADAM
Cumulative Sum Techniques, R. H. WOODWARD and P. L. GOLDSMITH
Elementary Statistics, (2e druk), PAUL G. HOEL
Principles of Medical Statistics, A. BRADFORD HILL
Introduction to the theory of statistics, A. M. MOOD and F. A. GRAYBILL
Matrix algebra for the biological sciences, (including applications in statistics), S. R. SEARLE
A Dictionary of Statistical Terms, M. G. KENDALL and W. R. BUCKLAND  相似文献   

《Statistica Neerlandica》1960,22(4):279-289
Book reviewed in this article:
Receptbladen voor de statistische verwerking van waarnemingen
Handbook of the Poisson Distribution, FRANK A. HAIOHT, John Wiley & Sons
Bibliography on time series and stochastic processes, H. O. A. WOLD (editor), Oliver & Boyd
L'car;estimation statistique, DANIEL DUMAS de RAULY, Gauthier-Villars
Time Series Analysis Papers, E. PARZEN
Statistics, L. H. C. TIPPETT
Statistische Tabellen, W. WETZEL, M. D. JÖHNK und P. NAEVE
Bayesian decision problems and Markov chains, J. J. MARTIN
Introduction to Probability and Statistical Decision Theory, G. HADLEY
Statistical Methods in Economics, H. W. GUTHRIE, Richard D. Irwin
Papers on regional statistical studies, (onder redactie van SYLVIA OSTRY en T. K. RYMES)
Intermediate economic statistics, KARL A. Fox, John Wiley and Sons
Introduction to mathematical sociology, J. S. COLEMAN  相似文献   

《Statistica Neerlandica》1965,19(2-3):139-162
Book reviewed in this article:
Idee und Praxis der medizinische Statistik, THEODOR REICH, Verlag Hans Huber CHR.L.RüMKE
Decompositions of Probability Distributions, Yu. V. LINNIK
Studies in mathematical psychology – Edited by R. C. ATKINSON
Input-Output Relationships in Pakistan G. B. TILANUS
Adaptive Control Processes A guided tour". M. de VWES
Sampling from a graph, A. R. BLOEMENA J. WESSELS
The impact of inflation on the level of economic activity, H. S. ODEH J. B. D. DERKSEN
Inleiding tot de biostatistiek, A. L. DELAUNOIS, J. F. en C. Chr. L. RÖMKE
Analysis of variance, W. C. GUENTHER, H. de JONGE
Ergodic Theory, Proceedings of an International Symposium C. L. SCHEFFER
Strategy and Market Structure John Wiley C. L. SCHEFFER
Optimal decision rules for government and industry, H. THEIL, J. J. MEINARDI
Introduction to Statistical Inference E. S. KEEPING, D. van Nostrand J. S. CRAMER
La méthode du chemin critique, A. KAUFMANN, G. DESBAZEIIXE; NF. F. REMMEN
De beste beslissing nemen, A. R. VAN DER BURG, N. Samsom N.V. Alphen aan de Rijn J. WESSELS
Expected Values of Discrete Random Variables and Elementary Statistics, ALLEN L. ED WARDS, John Wiley & Sons, R. N. VAN HEES  相似文献   

《Statistica Neerlandica》1968,22(4):279-289
Book reviewed in this article: Receptbladen voor de statistische verwerking van waarnemingen Handbook of the Poisson Distribution, FRANK A. HAIOHT, John Wiley & Sons Bibliography on time series and stochastic processes, H. O. A. WOLD (editor), Oliver & Boyd L'car;estimation statistique, DANIEL DUMAS de RAULY, Gauthier-Villars Time Series Analysis Papers, E. PARZEN Statistics, L. H. C. TIPPETT Statistische Tabellen, W. WETZEL, M. D. JÖHNK und P. NAEVE Bayesian decision problems and Markov chains, J. J. MARTIN Introduction to Probability and Statistical Decision Theory, G. HADLEY Statistical Methods in Economics, H. W. GUTHRIE, Richard D. Irwin Papers on regional statistical studies, (onder redactie van SYLVIA OSTRY en T. K. RYMES) Intermediate economic statistics, KARL A. Fox, John Wiley and Sons Introduction to mathematical sociology, J. S. COLEMAN  相似文献   

《Statistica Neerlandica》1969,23(4):321-331
Book reviewed in this article:
Basic Statistics, D ick A. L eabo
Total Positivity, Vol. 1, S. K arlin
Wahrseheinlichkeitstheorie und Crundzüge der Masztheorie, H. B auer . W. de Gruyter & Co
Statistical Methods, G eorge W. S nedecor and W illiam G. C ochran
Graphical Rational Patterns. A New Approach to Graphical Presentation of Statistics, R oberto B achi
Kleine Statistiek, T. S chut
Introduction to Statistical Procedures: with Computer Exercises, P aul R. L ohnes and W illiam W. C ooley
Normal centroids, medians and scorn for ordinal data, F. N. D avid
Einführung in die Unternehmensforschung I en II, R. H enn und H. P. K ünzi
Kapitalbildung, Wettbewerb und ökonomisches Wachstum, M. N eumann
Mathematische Propädeutik für Wirtschaftswissenschafler. I. Lineaire Algebra, W olfgang W etzel , H orst S karabis und P eter N aeve
Introduction to Linear Models and the Design and Analysis of Experiments, W. M endenhall
Introduction to Technological Economics, D uncan D avies and C allum M c C arthy
Biometrie; Grundzüge biologisch-mediziniher Statistik, L uigi C avalli -S forza  相似文献   

《Statistica Neerlandica》1973,27(3):133-138
Book reviewed in this article:
Statistics: a guide to the unknown, J udith M. T anur en F rederick M osteller , W illiam H. K ruskal , R ichard F. L ink , R ichard S. P ieters , G erald R. R ising
Practical Exercises in Probability and Statistics, N.A. Rahman
Families of Frequency Distributions, J. K. O rd
Les phéomènes énomiquea interrégionaux en Belgiquel
The logit tramformation, W. D. A shton .
Generalized inverse of matrices and its applications, C. R adhakrishna R ao and Sum K umar M itra
Ehcyclopedie van de Bedrijfseeonomie (deel VI): Mathematische Analyse en Statistiek, prof. dr. A bram M ey (hoofdredacteur), B.G. F. BULJS, prof. dr. J. S. C ramer , prof.dr. J. K oerts , prof. dr. H. R uken van O m , prof. dr. P. A. V erheijen , prof. dr. P. de W orn (redacteuren).  相似文献   

《Statistica Neerlandica》1957,11(4):239-247
Book reviewed in this article:
Factor Analysis, An introduction and manuel for the Psychologist and Social scientist , Raymond B. Cattle.
Mathematics and Statistics for use in Pharmacy, Biology and Chemistry , L. Saunders en R. Fleming.
Initiation aux methodes statistiques en biologie , M. Lamotte, Masson et Cie., Parijs.
The Analysis of Family Budgets , S. J. Prais en H. S. Houthakker.
Guide to elementary statistical formulas , Robert E. Johnson en Doris N. Morris.
Applied General Statistics , F. E. Croxton en D. J. Cowden.
Proceedings of the Second Symposium in Linear Programming
Mathematische Statistik , B. L. van der Waerden.
Introduction to Factor Analysis , Benjamin Fruchter.  相似文献   

《Statistica Neerlandica》1971,25(3):181-189
Book reviewed in this article:
Distributions in Statistics, N orman L. J ohnson en S amuel K otz .
Probability and Statistical Inference, R ichard G. K rutchkoff .
Methoden der Okonometrie, Band I, Lineare Regressionsmodelle, P eter S chönfeld , Franz Vahlen.
Verkehrsökonometrie, K. J. R ichter .
Stochastic Convergence, E. L ukacs , D. C. Heath & Cy., Lexington.
New Developments in Survey Sampling.
The Single Server Queue, J. W. C ohen .
Monopoly with Random Demand, A. L. H empenius .
On regular variation and its application to the weak convergence of sample extremes by L. de H aan .
Angewandte Statistik, Erster Teil, Eindimensionale Probleme, K urt S tance .
Order Statistics, H. A. D avid .
Rank Order Probabilities (Two-Sample Normal Shift Alternatives), R oy C. M ilton .
Statistical models and their experimental application, P. O ttestad .
Statistische Methoden, Eln Soforthelfer, L othar S achs .  相似文献   

《Statistica Neerlandica》1975,29(4):165-170
Book reviewed in this article:
Leerboeken over waarschijnlijkheidsrekening en statistiek voor het V.W.O. Een overzicht naar aanleiding van de boeken: Statistiek en kansrekening voor het V.W.O., A. N ydam e.a. Stichting IVIO
Leerboeken over waarschijnlijkheidsrekening en statistiek voor het V.W.O. Een overzicht naar aanleiding van de boeken: Mathematische statistiek voor het V.W.O., auteursgroep J agt , Wolters-Noordhoff
Leerboeken over waarschijnlijkheidsrekening en statistiek voor het V.W.O. Een overzicht naar aanleiding van de boeken: Getal en ruimte, K. de B ruin
Stochastische meetkunde, puntprocessen en toevalsafhankelijke verzamelingen, een overzicht naar aanleiding van de boeken: [1] Stochastic Geometry, E. F. H arding and D. G. K endall
Stochastische meetkunde, puntprocessen en toevalsafhankelijke verzamelingen, een overzicht naar aanleiding van de boeken: [2] Random Sets and Integral Geometry, G. M atheron , John Wiley  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Combination of One-sided Statistical Tests , J. O osterhoff .
Probability Models with Business Applications , R. C. Shook, H. J. H ighland and E. H. H ighland .
Handbook of Nonparametric Statistics , III (Analysis of Variance) by J onh E. W alsh .
Mathematik für Mediziner und Biologen , G. F uchs .
Nonparametric Statistics , J. H ájek .
Sampling Inspection and Quality Control , G. B. W etherill .  相似文献   

《Statistica Neerlandica》1962,16(4):459-468
Book reviewed in this article:
Analysing Qualitative Data, A. E. Maxwell, Methuen's monographs on applied probability and statistics, Methuen
Population Redistribution and Economic Growth, United States 1870–1950, E. S. Lee, A. R. Miller, C. P. Brainerd, R. A. Easterlin, S. Kuznets, D. S. Thomas
The Ownership of Major Consumer Durables, J. S. Cramer
Elementaire Statistiek, L. A. van Wijk, J. B. Wolters
Elementary Statistics, P. G. Hoel
The passage problem for a stationary Markov chain, J. H. B. Kemperman, Statistical Research Monographs, Volume 1
An introduction to Statistical Communication Theory, D. Middleton
An Introduction to infinitely many variates, E. A. Robinson, Grifin's Statistical Monographs and Courses
Queues, D. R. Cox en W. L. Smith, Methuen's Monographs on Applied Probability and Statistics  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Probability and Statistics, Models for Research, D. E. Bailey ; John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York - Londen, 1971, 686 blz. Kansrekening, E. A. W. Bolle , F. Göbel , J. M. H. Lenoir ; Kluwer-Deventer, 1971, 111 blz. Receuil de problèmes de Calcul des Probabílitès, D. Dacunha -Castelle , D. Revuz et M. Schreiber , préface de A. Tortrat , 2me éd. revue et augmentée, Masson et Cie, Paris, 1970, xii + 234 p. The coordinate free approach to Gauss-Markov estimation, H. Drygas . (Lecture notes in Operations Research and Mathematical Systems, Economics, Computer Science, Information and Control, vol. 40). Springer Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York, 1970, vii + 113 p., prijs DM 12,-. Beschrijvende Statistiek, E. A. W. Bolle , F. Gobel , J. M. H. Lenoir , Kluwer, Deventer, 1971. 164 blz. Beschrijvende Statistiek voor gedragswetenscbappen, w. H. van den Ende , Agon Elsevier, Amsterdam-Brussel, 1971, XVI + 343 blz. Applied Statistics in Decision Making, George K. Chacko , American Elsevier, New-York-London-Amsterdam, 1971, 491 pag. Introduction to Modern Factor Analysis, Wilson H. Guertin and John P. Bailey Jr ., Edwards Brothers Inc., Ann Arbor (Mich.) 1970, 472 pag., 14. Mathematical Model Building in Economics and Industry, Second Series, Editor M. G. Kendall Charles Griffin and Company Ltd., London 1970, 277 blz. Measuring uncertainty, an elementary introduction to Bayesian statistics. S. A. Schmitt : Addison-Wesley Series in behavioral science: quatitative methods, 1969, 400 p., prijs f 61,-. Practical nonparametric statistics, W. J. Conover ; John Wiley & Sons, Inc. New Tork - London, 1971, 462 blz. The Teaching of Probability and Statistics, onder redactie van L. Råde . Wiley Interscience Division, John Wiley and Sons, Inc. New York-London-Sydney, 1970. 373 blz. Marking decisions, D. Lindley , Wiley - Interscience, London etc. 1971, 195 blz. Odhady parametru v linearnich ekonomickych modelech, door Jan Hurt . Uitg. Ceskoslovenska Akademie ved Ekonomicko-matematicka Laborator pri ekoniomcken ustavu. Nonparametric Methods in Multivariate Analysis. M. L. Puri and P. K. Sen , John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York - London, 1971. 440 p. Angewandte Statistik, Zweiter Teil, Mehrdimensionale Probleme, Kurt Stange , 1971, Springerverlag, Berlijn-Heidelberg, II + 505 pagina's. Statistische analyse methoden (voortgezette statistiek en waarschijnlijkheidsrekening voor bedrijfsleven en hoger beroepsonderwijs), H. P. Anderson , Universitaire Pers Rotterdam 1971, XII + 187 blz., Fl. 33.50.  相似文献   

《Statistica Neerlandica》1961,15(4):503-509
Book reviewed in this article:
An introduction to mathematics for students of economics, J. Parry Lewis
Introduction to Probability and Statistics, B. W. Lindgren and G. W. McElrath
Statistical Theory and Methodology in Science and Engineering, K. A. Brownlee
Information and Decision Processes, edited by R. E. Machol
Dynamic Programming and Markov Processes, Ronald A. Howard
De bedrijfsleiders in de Belgische economie, door P. Mandy, G. de Ghellinck, P. Duvie usart o.l.v. Michel Woitrin
Inleiding tot de Sociale Statirtiek I, H. Rijkenvan Olst  相似文献   

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