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Capital formation in co-operatives has received a great deal of attention in recent years. Among the questions being raised are whether co-operatives have an adequate equity base and whether members are receiving sufficient benefits to encourage them to patronize the co-operative. The purpose of this paper is to describe the financial relationships that exist between the members of a co-operative and the co-operative itself. The paper also links the method of patronage allocation used in a co-operative to the growth of the co-operative and the well-being of the members. Three of the most commonly used patronage methods are evaluated for their efficacy in this area. It is shown that the percentage equities redemption plan is able to generate rates of growth that are comparable with those generated by the revolving fund, while at the same time providing members with greater returns to their patronage. The paper also examines the impact of different rates of return, alternative membership levels, a change to a cash-based taxation plan, and alternative membership growth patterns on member well-being and the financial health of the co-operative. La formation du capital dans les coopératives a reçu beaucoup d'attention ces dernières années. Parmi les questions soulevées figurent celles qui consistent à savoir si les coopératives ont un avoir des sociétaires suffisant et si les membres reçoivent des avantages de nature à les inciter à le demeurer. Le présent article a pour but de décrire les rapports financiers qui existent entre les membres d'une coopérative et la coopérative comme telle. II relie également la méthode de paiements versées aux sociétaires (ristournes) utilisée dans une coopérative à la croissance de celle-ci et au bien-être des membres. Trois des méthodes les plus couramment utilisées sont évaluées plus leur efficacité dans ce domaine. L'article démontre que le régime de rachat d'un pourcentage de tous les avoirs peut produire des taux de croissance comparables à ceux engendrés par le fonds renouvelable tout en offrant aux membres un meilleur rendement pour récompenser leur fidélité. L'article examine également les répercussions de divers taux de rendement, d'autres niveaux d'adhésion, de l'adoption d'un régime d'imposition basé sur la trésorerie et d'autres modes de croissance de la participation sur le bien-être des membres et la santé financière de la coopérative.  相似文献   

This paper examines the recent decision of the UK authorities to extend co-operative organisation by the creation of second-tier co-operatives. It does this in the light of the development of second- and third-tier co-operatives elsewhere in the EEC and compares their characteristics with those of the proposed British institutions. The overall conclusion is that the measures proposed for the promotion of supra-co-operative organisation in the UK are likely to be insufficient, of themselves, to produce the advantages which such organisation has encouraged on the Continent of Europe but that they will begin the process of attitude change on the part of co-operative managers and farmer-members which is an essential prerequisite of a successful policy for second-tier co-operatives.  相似文献   

While co-operative organisations fare well in agricultural markets in the United States, this paper argues that co-operatives are theoretically an inherently inferior form of organisation. Empirically, we apply a nonparametric frontier production model to a sample of co-operative and non-co-operative US fluid-milk processors to determine the relative productive efficiency of these two forms of organisation. Our empirical results support the hypothesis that US milk processing co-operatives are less efficient than their proprietary counterparts.  相似文献   

In 1981 Agricultural Co-operatives in the UK had total sales of £1.9 billion yet the behaviour of firms entitled ‘co-operative’ remains little understood. The paper presents a system for classifying agricultural co-operatives based on their financial structure and the means by which corporate financing is pursued. It is argued that differing co-operatives, irrespective of their function, adopt quite separate and distinct capitalisation philosophies. Two basic types of co-operative are identified—Capital Accumulative Co-operatives and Capital Specific Co-operatives. The latter type can be sub-divided into Capital Extensive Co-operatives and Capital Intensive Co-operatives depending on the level of assets and finance controlled by the organisation. The paper details a number of organisational and operational differences between the co-operative types and suggests that these have important implications where co-operatives become instruments of Government policy.  相似文献   

Ten case study businesses were assessed in relation to sixteen criteria in order to test the application of an hypothesised life cycle. Analysis of stakeholder aspirations for each of these ten businesses was also undertaken. On the basis of the empirical evidence, it was demonstrated that stakeholder groups favour diverse goals, that the level of goal coherence between major stakeholder groups declines as a co-op progresses through the co-operative life cycle and that in the later stages of the life cycle, the aspirations of the managers, rather than those of the farmers, are realised. Furthermore, the managers' preferred goals are reflected in the organisational and financial structures and trading practices of individual late stage businesses, which are more akin to investor oriented firms than traditional co-operatives.  相似文献   

本文首先提出了度量农民专业合作社绩效的指标和方法,然后运用从8个调查点共317份调查问卷得到的关于22个合作社的数据进行分析.研究发现,尽管我国农民专业合作社的数量增长迅速,但合作社为社员和自身创造收益能力较差,合作社的发展潜力不强,社会影响力也有待进一步提高.因此,应该坚持从只重视农民专业合作社数量转向以数量与质量并重的政策与价值导向.  相似文献   

This article reviews the circumstances under which contract farming, as one form of vertical integration, is necessary to secure rapid and efficient co-ordination and adaptability within systems of food production/marketing/distribution. A review of American experience and attitudes indicates that contracting in the U.S.A. has been successful in matching farm production to the needs of consumers more quickly and economically than otherwise would have been possible. Contract terms have generally been ‘fair’ to United States farmers, partly as a result of a strong co-operative system, including a large number of bargaining co-operatives, but also as a result of strong competition between American agri-businesses. American experience and conclusions can be transposed to British circumstances. However, there should be greater publicity and analysis of contract terms, as well as more complete information on the financial performance of the agri-business operations of conglomerates and other multi-product businesses.  相似文献   

[目的]新型农业经营主体,是新型农业经营体系的重要组成部分。对新疆主要新型农业经营主体,即农民专业合作社、农业产业化龙头企业和家庭农场发展的现状、空间分异规律进行系统分析,对推动新疆农业经营主体健康发展、制定扶持政策和缩小地区间差异具有重要指导意义。[方法]该研究采用泰勒指数法,以各地区农业人口数作为权数,分别运用各类新型农业经营主体的数量、平均经营收入两项指标从不同角度测度新疆经营主体空间分异现象。[结果](1)地带内部差异仍是构成规模总体差异的主要部分,且地带内部差异占总体差异的比重家庭农场最大(89%),龙头企业次之(70%),农民专业合作社最小(66%)。(2)2006年以来新疆农民专业合作社、龙头企业在南、北、东疆区域间的发展趋于平衡,但各区域内部发展不均衡的问题凸现出来。(3)新疆家庭农场平均经营能力地区间差异大于农民专业合作社的,且两类经营主体经营能力的空间分异明显大于规模的。(4)农业产业化龙头企业的经营能力最强,农民专业合作社居中,家庭农场最弱。各区域同类经营主体经营能力差距也很显著。南、北疆农民专业合作社经营能力较强,而东疆的家庭农场经营能力较强。[结论]目前新疆新型农业经营主体空间分布差异较大,各级政府必须加快推进各区域均衡发展。  相似文献   

French production is based on a large agricultural area with a large number of farmers. They work with co-operatives which are very near to them and collect their product. Protectionism has led to a disequilibrium with the economic system in this sector. Actual CAP's orientations and the increase in competition, has forced farmers and co-operatives to concentrate and restructure. The number of farmers has decreased while many co-operatives have started to process raw production materials. One goal of the food industry is to become more international. French food industry made a lot of acquisitions abroad but the increasing place of Italians in French companies also has to be noticed. Distribution plays an important role in agricultural marketing where 66% of food products are sold through about ten companies. This market structure allows them to have a favored position. However, it's a very dynamic sector which now faces some difficulties.  相似文献   

When farmers amalgamate their businesses and interests and carry on farming together, the constitutional form of their association is likely to be either partnership or a limited company, or a combination of both. The choice will depend on the circumstances of the participants, and will be influenced by certain taxation consderations, e.g. earned income relief, restrictions on directors' remuneration in close companies. Finacing is on the normal basis. When howerver a co-operative association is formed to provide a service or undertake certain operations for independent farm business, the choice of constitution is likely to be eiter a limited company having a co-operative constitution or an Industrial and Provident society. Again, tax considerations intruded, and the probable methods of financing are very different from those adopted for a trade carried on in common.  相似文献   

赵立 《农业经济问题》2012,(4):78-84,111,112
通过对浙江省17家有代表性农村中小企业的70名人员(经营者、中层管理者、普通员工)的专题访谈,对目前中小企业对企业道德及其要素的认知状况进行了深入调查与分析。研究表明总体上中小企业对企业道德的认知程度不高。对访谈内容进行编码分析显示,中小企业道德作为企业处理组织内外各种关系时的道德表现可分解为企业与员工、企业与消费者、企业与竞争对手、企业与政府及公众、企业与金融机构以及企业与自然环境等6大类要素及其14个具体类别。  相似文献   

以浙江丽水市创新竹木专业合作社为例,探讨了林权抵押贷款担保合作社产生的原因和运作机制,指出了林农面临信贷约束和贷款手续繁琐是林权抵押贷款担保合作社产生的重要原因,并提出要努力吸收社员、在稳定核心职能基础上扩大服务范围和提取合作社剩余等建议,以促进林权抵押贷款担保合作社的发展。  相似文献   

中国农民专业合作社社员机会主义行为的约束机制分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
严重的委托—代理问题已成为制约中国农民专业合作社持续健康发展的重要因素,解决这一问题的关键是在合作社的框架下不断完善激励机制和约束机制。完善这些机制不仅有利于防范合作社经营者侵害大多数社员的利益,也有利于约束社员的机会主义行为,以实现合作社的整体利益。理论界对如何约束合作社经营者的研究已很多,本文在此主要集中梳理和分析对社员机会主义行为的约束机制,这些机制包括经营者的监督、划片经营制度、事后奖惩机制和定价机制。合作社利用这其中的一种或多种机制能够有效改变社员实施和不实施机会主义行为的收益和成本预期,从而约束社员的机会主义行为。  相似文献   

2017年新修订的《农民专业合作社法》第15条在章程应当载明事项中增加了"成员出资的继承";而且就继承的立法体例而言,立法未作任何限制,完全授权章程规定.合作社的惠顾返还为主盈余分配原则、民主管理原则、以农民为主的成员制度、成员表决权行使制度、继承人不愿或不能继承成员出资时死亡成员财产份额分出的时间等,均会引发成员出资...  相似文献   

This paper addresses three major issues set forth by LeVay (1983). These may be summarised as (1) the conflict of interests of the individual vis-à-vis the co-operative, (2) the arrange-ments or contract provisions which may be used to increase the efficiency of the co-operative, and (3) modelling of the co-operative trade with non-members and how members can derive maximum benefit from it.  相似文献   

The notion of a review article would presume that there exists a coherent body of literature on the topic in question. With agricultural co-operative theory this is not quite the case since it has been approached seriously and systematically in some subject areas but disjointedly if at all in others. This review article attempts to ask what predictions can be made about the behaviour of agricultural co-operatives in the present state of theoretical knowledge—thus, each section refers to a topic that readers might hope to have been investigated in the literature, though the findings are necessarily patchy since few areas have been given adequate attention. Where weaknesses and deficiencies occur, I have tried to point them out and to indicate areas for further research. In doing so, I have hazarded my own ideas, so that much of the material is original. As far as I know, for example, nobody has yet seriously considered the life-cycle of the agricultural co-operative organisation, which constitutes the subject matter of section 7, and the discussion put forward in the first half of section 6, on the supply curve of marketing associations, is also my own work. If these are duplicated in papers which I have failed to bring to light in my quest for material for this article, I can only apologise.  相似文献   

Absentee landowners, or those who do not live on their forestland, own approximately 117 million acres of private forestland in the U.S. Thus, their land management decisions and activities influence the flow of forest-based goods and services. We explore the question of whether absentee family forest owners are less active land managers than resident landowners and whether membership in conservation organizations is associated with higher levels of land management activity by absentee owners. To examine these questions, we administered a mail survey to randomly-selected family forest landowners in Indiana. While we found some support for the contention that absentee owners are less active forestland managers than resident owners, we also found they are not necessarily inactive landowners. We found absentee owners were less likely to have: inspected their forestland for invasive plants, pulled or cut invasive plants, used herbicides to kill invasive plants, reduced fire hazard, or grazed livestock than resident owners. Absentee owners were more likely to be enrolled in the Indiana Classified Forest and Wildlands Program, a preferential forest property tax program. Absentee owners who are members of a conservation organization were more likely than absentee non-member owners to have undertaken a variety of land management activities, including: undertaking wildlife habitat improvement projects, inspecting their forestland for invasive plants, pulling or cutting invasive plants, enrolling in the Indiana Classified Forest and Wildlands program, and obtaining a management plan.  相似文献   

This paper poses a number of questions such us: Why do we want farmers to co-operate? Who should benefit from co-operation—the community or the co-operators? What kind of (co-operative) organisation should be encouraged? It is suggested that marketing groups provide a link between farm and marketing which will be of increasing importance as the demands for produce become more specific. Groups are see as an expression of practical sociology and some ideas for dynamic group organisation are set out. An attempt is made to suggest to more logical approach to the use of grant aid. Arguments are presented in favour of the answers that co-operative organisation should grow upwards from busically small group beginnings; that co-operators are to be the primary beneficiaries and the co-operation is a suitable wuy of coping with the inherited structure of British agriculture.  相似文献   

陈浩 《南方农村》2013,(9):74-78
基于嵌入性视角来研究合作社问题的文献目前还比较少见。本文基于农民合作社成员嵌入性的角度,分析合作社发展中存在的问题,主要包括异质性问题、利益分配问题以及功能弱化问题,并且提出相应的对策建议。  相似文献   

In recent years, participants in Canadas agrifood sector have become more concerned about their competitiveness and have identified strategic alliances as being vital to becoming more competitive. This paper is a review of economics, strategic management and other social science literature examining several issues such as:
  • the types of objectives organizations should pursue using strategic alliances

  • the appropriate configuration for a strategic alliance, given its objectives

  • advantages and disadvantages of strategic alliances versus other types of business relationships

  • factors that enhance or inhibit organizations' abilities to forge alliances.

The latter part of the paper concentrates on what managers interested in pursuing strategic alliances can do to enhance their chances of success.  相似文献   

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