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林权流转是林业产权确权后解决林地规模经营的必然举措。在林权流转中程序是保证林权流转规范运行的重要手段。林权流转程序包含审批、备案、森林资源评估、林权证的发放和变更登记等多项内容。文章以若干地方性法规和地方政府规章为研究对象,对其中的林权流转审批事项进行梳理,分析审批的性质和效力,提出规范林权流转程序的建议。  相似文献   

Hydraulic engineering projects have traditionally been carried out from a predominantly technical point of view, which on occasions ignores the needs of the territory in which they are based and the possibilities that water resources provide as a development factor.The implementation of projects that were not adequately suited to the needs of the environment and its population has led to many issues that have directly had an effect on their implementation and operation. As a result, one of the objectives in recent years has been to resolve these issues; with many authors turning to participative models linked to social theory in order to achieve this. However, they have been unable to agree on a model or outline the objectives that the project should seek to achieve. This article explores how the use of a planning model based on social learning and the develop “by” people and not “for” people principle, Working with People, in a water supply hydraulic engineering project (PANIATS), implemented originally from a purely technical perspective, is able to strengthen it, facilitate understanding amongst the population and generate new projects associated with the original project such as the agricultural transformation of 2089ha of irrigable land. All of this leads to the creation of social capital and development that makes the project a transformational factor within the territory.  相似文献   

Given the diversity of agrifood marketing in the U.K., in terms of the range of agricultural commodities and value-added products produced, the many and varied marketing structures used, and the numerous legislative and policy instruments involved, it is not possible in this paper to provide a comprehensive coverage of all aspects of the system. The approach has been rather to provide the volume's international readership with a selective view of the U.K. agrifood marketing system, concentrating on some topical issues. This approach has the benefit of allowing more in-deplh consideration of important issues, and a focus on topics where the U.K. exhibits a degree of uniqueness amongst its E.C. partners. The paper therefore presents an international readership with an analysis of truly "U.K. issues."  相似文献   

随着风险社会的到来,人类逐渐增加了对各个领域的风险认知。海洋渔业作为农业领域中的特殊行业,同样也正面临着诸多风险,其中作为重要产业的海水养殖业除了面临自然风险、病害风险、污染风险等常见风险外,还面临着诸多的社会风险。因此,正确界定海水养殖社会风险的概念,并对其进行科学的分类,是学术研究面临的首要问题。同时,从体制因素和社会转型因素分析海水养殖社会风险的成因,对于预防海水养殖社会风险,促进海洋渔业可持续发展具有重要的作用。  相似文献   

在政策和市场的双重推动下,乡村旅游在我国大部分地区呈现快速扩张的发展态势,为解决三农问题、城市化问题提供了诸多选择和途径。在快速发展过程中旅游产业要素在一定地域空间内的组合方式、分布状态及经营效果,对区域乡村旅游的健康持续发展有着决定性影响。文章从空间结构视角对大连市乡村旅游发展进行回顾,选取了大部分近城郊区,如金州新区、甘井子区、旅顺口区等地作为案例实证对象,总结出大连市乡村旅游在不同阶段的演变形态和特征,并归纳了乡村旅游空间结构存在的问题。研究表明:大连市乡村旅游在不同时期具有不同的空间结构形态,经历了点-点离散阶段、旅游增长极阶段、旅游区(带)阶段、旅游集聚区(群)阶段4个演化阶段;在演化过程中存在乡村旅游在行政区内发展不均衡、旅游空间错位等空间问题和乡村旅游客源市场单一等市场问题。  相似文献   

The particular history of French agriculture and the general intellectual environment in France have given the agricultural economics profession in that country a specific character which, in spite of many internal controversies, is illustrated by common beliefs about agriculture and common attitudes regarding research approaches contrasting with that of the profession in many other countries, including Britain. After the second world war, the development of agricultural economics was marked by the demise of ‘ruralism’, an ideology of agrarian fundamentalism, and its replacement by ‘productivism’, an ideology emphasizing economic growth and based on a simplified neo-classical paradigm. The surge of Marxism and dissatisfaction with the results of the policies advocated by the productivists led to a questioning of that paradigm. As a result, major hypotheses, theoretical issues, and concepts too often taken for granted in France and elsewhere should be re-examined.  相似文献   

A number of current policy issues are discussed which illustrate serious confusion and economic illiteracy in the minds of many influential farm leaders. The issues discussed are: the cost-price squeeze in agriculture; the embargo on the export of merino rams; promotion of farm products; land policy; and tax concessions for agriculture. In some cases policies are followed which run counter to both farmer and national interests. Along with farm management extension, there is a growing need for agricultural policy extension.  相似文献   

This paper reviews many of the controversial issues surrounding supply management in the Canadian dairy and poultry sectors. In this context, the underlying theory is extended to include decision making where both joint production and import controls are in place. Also the supply management system is discussed within a rent-seeking framework. This provides both a method by which to analyze the various forces that will either keep the supply management system in operation or lead to its demise, as well as a means by which supply management can be improved. Concerning the former, it appears, for example, that the tariffs under the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade are sufficiently high that producers are better off with supply management than with a system with no production controls. If this system falls apart, it will largely be due to internal fighting among provinces and/or producers over expanded market share.  相似文献   

随着食品安全问题的日益突出,食品中有害物质的分析成为保障食品安全的基本手段,其中样品前处理是食品安全分析中必要且关键的环节.二硫化钼是一种结构类似石墨烯的新型二维纳米材料,具有化学性质稳定、比表面积大及活性位点多等特点,在样品前处理领域表现出良好的应用潜力.本文总结了二硫化钼常用的制备方法,并对其在食品样品前处理领域的...  相似文献   

Though most landscape ecologists have integrated scaling issues in their works, these issues are often disregarded in landscape perception and preference studies. Researchers base their studies on a predefined single scale to assess the landscape, and they pay little attention to the scale specificity of their analysis and recommendations. We reconsidered three landscape assessment studies from our research unit in light of scaling issues. In addition to the scale of the assessed landscape, researchers should address the scale of the landscape surrogate that is submitted for assessment, including the spatial references of the people surveyed and the target level of application of the results. Indeed, many of the landscape assessment methods mix different landscape notions and scales. Therefore, we recommend the cautious use of these assessments, the integration of qualitative insights in addition tithe scoring and paying attention to the perception scale, as defined by Fairclough (2006).  相似文献   

十六大以来,中国“三农”发展取得了巨大的成就,但农业与农村发展仍面临着诸多问题,本文结合目前农业农村的发展总结出以下三个方面的问题:一是土地流转与新型农业经营主体发展问题;二是农产品价格稳定和有效供给与农民收入增长和生产积极性提高问题;三是增强农业的现代物质技术装备水平、增加农产品产量与节能减排、保护环境、提高农产品质量安全水平问题。然后围绕这三个重点问题,就问题出现的原因、背景展开了详细的阐述,并结合实际提出了相关政策建议。  相似文献   

Since early 2016, the expiration of a part of the land-use rights in China has elicited widespread public concern because of the ambiguous interpretation of relevant legal clauses. Land-finance-based urbanization is the primary fiscal source of Chinese local governments, but it has been considered unsustainable by many scholars. Numerous studies have been conducted on these two issues, but a comprehensive study that combines both issues is needed. This study attempts to analyze the relations between the two concepts from the perspective of demographic change in the following decades. It proposes a compensatory mechanism based on land-use term and property tax to deal with the renewal of land-use term and the unsustainability caused by land finance. Results provide an alternative approach for the local government to realize sustainable urbanization in the future.  相似文献   

以调查问卷的形式,调查分析了上海市消费者对食品添加剂的认知情况.并在此基础上提出建议和措施,以加强对食品添加剂生产、使用等环节的监管力度,提高食品的安全性.  相似文献   

A heightened awareness developed in Australia, as in most countries, in the 1960s and 1970s that a nation's wellbeing and its quality of life depend fundamentally on its natural resource base. One response to this in Australia was the establishment in 1973 of the Centre for Resource and Environmental Studies (CRES) at the Australian National University, Its role was to provide objective information and advice to facilitate public understanding and to aid the formulation of effective public policies relating to resources and the environment. In 1982 this role was reaffirmed to emphasize the centre's concern with the options relating to important national resource and environmental issues in terms which have real policy significance, recognizing that this meant increased attention to the social and economic issues involved.  相似文献   

A land value tax is a recurrent tax on landowners based on the value of unimproved land. There is a widely held view that a land value tax is an economically efficient means of taxing wealth and of encouraging land development. The arguments presented in the policy and academic literature tend to concentrate on the compelling theoretical case, but most do not consider the detail of how such a tax might be implemented. Indeed, land value taxation is not widely implemented as a standalone real estate tax despite the strong theoretical rationale for its use. We explore why this might be by identifying key practical, political and economic factors surrounding the implementation and operation of land value taxation in six countries. We examine the various rationales for the introduction of land value tax, reasons for its continued use or abolition (where applicable) as well the particular practical and political issues which policymakers need to consider prior to introducing land value taxation. These include the need for a comprehensive up-to-date land registry and forward planning of land use at plot level; the provision of a well-resourced and informed valuation profession; resources to undertake robust valuations which separate the value of land from the value of improvements for developed plots and do so on the basis of highest and best use; and the need for widespread political support for the introduction of a new tax (which may be difficult to secure). These issues present significant uncertainty in comparison with already-existing forms of land and property taxation. We conclude that these issues may therefore provide some explanation as to the lack of widespread adoption of land value tax despite the economic theoretical arguments in its favour.  相似文献   

挪威是世界上重要的三文鱼养殖地之一,三文鱼产量长期居全球首位,挪威三文鱼养殖业取得了举世瞩目的成绩。本文在对挪威三文鱼养殖业进行实地走访调研的基础上,借助于联合国粮农组织渔业统计数据库和贸易统计数据库,对挪威三文鱼养殖业的成就进行了简要介绍,并对挪威三文鱼养殖业取得成功的因素和存在的问题进行了详细分析,以期为我国水产养殖业的发展规划提供参考。  相似文献   

Basic economic logic, which often simplifies assessments and explanations of agricultural policy issues, is vitally important in communicating with policy-makers. Resources are limited, and there is a premium on getting decisions at least approximately right first time. Examples from southern Africa illustrate the importance of parity pricing, and its links to household food security (Lesotho), price risk, the emergence of an agricultural futures market, and its central role in allocating scarce agricultural resources (South Africa). Insights derived from an appreciation of parity pricing are relevant in other national contexts and also help explain how international grain markets operate. The parity pricing concept provides a framework for sense-checking complicated debates relating to two issues that have been prominent in recent years; first, whether and to what extent speculation in futures markets has been a driver of agricultural price spikes, and second, how far indirect land use change (ILUC), triggered by the use of agricultural feedstocks to produce renewable energy, is a material issue. These issues are likely to be of heightened importance in the face of climate change. Each emphasises that agricultural economics matters, and that it matters that we get the economics right.  相似文献   

Animal Health Economics is a relatively new subject, being developed to provide a quantitative insight into the economic effect of disease and disease control in livestock. Research in this field is focussed on both the further development of a more solid scientific framework of concepts and methods and its applications in quantitative model calculations. Three issues are especially of interest: (a) the losses of disease, (b) the profitability of preventive measures, and (c) the replacement decision of individual affected animals. All three issues concern complex problems, which have to be studied under imperfect veterinary knowledge and under a high degree of uncertainty. In this paper the basic economic framework and its applications in the underlying field are discussed and illustrated.  相似文献   

Ekpodessi and Nakamura recently published in Land Use Policy a paper on the 2013 Benin Land Law, the stated objective of which was to evaluate its effectiveness. The 2013 Land Law is mainly limited to reforming land administration bodies and does not alter the underpinnings of existing land law. On the contrary, it reaffirms the focus on private ownership and aims at simplifying and reducing the costs for accessing a land title. A new agency responsible for land administration has been created and just began to deliver titles, but needed policy tools were not yet in place at time of writing. It is thus too early to evaluate the new law’s effectiveness. In any event, this paper questions the assumptions and the content of the Benin Land Law and its ability to positively address land issues. The paper argues that effectiveness cannot be assessed without a conceptual frame of reference and associated methodology for critique. On the basis on the author’s in depth field research on land policy processes in Benin over many years, another viewpoint is offered on key findings in Ekpodessi and Nakamura’s paper.  相似文献   

In recent years, conflicts related to tenure, management and utilization of natural resources, in particular bioenergy conflicts, are becoming increasingly common. Many bioenergy conflicts are related to plantation projects seeking to capitalize on the opportunity to profit from a combination of factors, centred on the enabling environment for biofuel plantation establishment found in many developing countries. This study analyses these and other related issues in a conflict in the Tana Delta in Kenya. The conflict is centred on a proposed 65,000 ha Jatropha curcas plantation for biodiesel by the Canadian company Bedford. Ethical Analysis, a conflict management and research tool, was employed to better understand the underlying conflict causes. Shortcomings in the technical feasibility studies and participatory planning processes were revealed, including a poor understanding of the different interests and values with regard to land tenure and traditional rights. While the adoption of Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC) is proposed, also capacities and the regulatory framework need to be strengthened to improve transparency, coordination, impact assessment and investment security. The study proposes ways to manage the ongoing conflict and discusses its implications for bioenergy governance.  相似文献   

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