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公允价值会计涉及的三个层次基本理论问题   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文认为公允价值计量模式是与财务报告的决策有用性目标相一致的,如果财务报告决策有用性的目标不能被推翻,则公允价值计量模式不会被取消。但是公允价值计量模式在短期内不会成为唯一的计量模式,21世纪将是混合计量模式的时代。既然混合计量模式将是未来相当长时期内的主要会计计量模式,那么各财务报表项目采用何种计量属性应以财务报表需达到的质量要求为判断依据,采用公允价值计量的项目应提高其信息质量。  相似文献   

金融危机背景下的公允价值会计问题研究   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
公允价值会计因被指责具有"顺周期效应"而成为全球注目的焦点。本文论述了顺周期效应的根源,即财务报告与金融监管政策的关联性和次贷产品的复杂性;剖析了当前公允价值会计争论的实质,即金融工具是否应按公允价值计量。文章揭示了金融机构欲在金融工具领域废止公允价值会计、更广泛地应用摊余成本的动机,并在阐述美国金融工具计量实务历史经验的基础上,论证了"将扩大公允价值应用确定为金融工具会计长期目标"的正确性。文章还论述了识别非活跃市场和强迫交易的途径。  相似文献   

徐金麟  沈云 《新金融》2002,(1):15-16
近几年来,"贷款难"已经成为围绕我国商业银行经营发展的一个突出问题.  相似文献   

论公允价值会计的过渡性   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
过渡会计学的研究领域可以扩展到整个会计制度变迁;公允价值定义的演变、公允价值估价技术的发展和公允价值应用范围的扩展体现了公允价值会计的过渡性;2006年新准则体系的发布和实施标志着我国已进入了实质性的公允价值会计时代;我国的公允价值会计仍然处于过渡状态,将逐步实现从局部的公允价值会计向全面的公允价值会计过渡.为此,应建立公允价值会计的保障体系.  相似文献   


It is well known that the total profit generated from an insurance product is fixed (unless the accounting system affects the product management), but the incidence of reported profit varies depending on the accounting system used and the way that assumptions are set and reset. The purpose of this paper is to take a very simple product (a single-premium deferred annuity (SPDA) with no special features) and follow its earnings over a 15-year period. We will examine the volatility of earnings under Fair Value (FV) accounting as proposed by the International Accounting Standards Committee (IASC), as we understand it, and U.S. GAAP and U.S. Statutory accounting. Additionally, we will examine how each of the accounting systems is impacted by the choice of a lapse assumption. We have the additional objective of simplicity, to produce a model that the reader can relate to and whose calculations can be reproduced with nominal effort.  相似文献   

本文在分析美国养老保险基本情况的基础上,探讨了美国两党执政理念对美国养老保险政策的影响,从而对奥巴马政府的养老保险政策进行了前瞻.  相似文献   


This paper compares performance measurement under fair value accounting vs. U.S. GAAP accounting. As illustrated in the paper, the main difference between fair value accounting and U.S. GAAP accounting lies in the treatment of gains and losses on both assets and liabilities. Fair value accounting would report all gains and losses on both assets and liabilities in the period in which they arise. U.S. GAAP on the other hand, recognizes gains and losses over the life of the block of business (or at the time of a transaction). When net gains and losses on assets and liabilities are immaterial, the pattern of earnings under both systems can be quite similar. However, If a company is generating significant gains or losses on its net book of business (such as in the case of an asset/liability mismatch), fair value accounting will reveal this much sooner than U.S. GAAP. When the full impact of its actions (including gains and losses) is reported in the current period, management is in a better position to understand how the value of the company is changing and adjust its decisions accordingly. This is one of the main reasons for moving to a fair value system and is expected to be a major benefit if fair value accounting is ultimately adopted.  相似文献   

胡奕明  刘奕均 《会计研究》2012,(6):12-18,92
2008年金融危机的爆发,使得公允价值会计倍受关注。一个焦点问题是:公允价值会计是否会加剧市场波动。我们针对2007—2011年中国A股市场的情况对这一问题进行了实证研究,主要结论如下:1)股价能够反应公允价值会计信息,且在市场波动期比平稳期反应更显著;2)公允价值会计信息与波动率之间的正相关关系在市场波动期比在平稳期更加显著;3)波动率与公允价值会计信息的正相关性主要出现在长周期上。  相似文献   

Current standards define fair value as the market price at which an asset could be sold or a liability could be settled in the normal course of business. Setting aside measurement issues, assessing the relevance of exit values has intensified in recent years as fair value becomes a pervasive component of accounting regulation. The current debate about accounting measurement is framed in terms of making a choice between fair value and historical cost. In this article I argue that this is not a correct framing of the issues; knowledge of fair value alone cannot help investors to evaluate stewardship, because they would not know how much resources the management had sacrificed to obtain that fair value. To properly evaluate stewardship, investors need both types of information, historical cost and fair value.Using this information, a rate‐of‐return‐like index of stewardship quality is proposed. This commentary concludes with a statement about three significant drawbacks of relying solely on fair value accounting.  相似文献   

In this paper, I estimate the magnitude of an informational friction limiting credit reallocation to firms during the 2007 to 2009 financial crisis. Because lenders rely on private information when deciding which relationship to end, borrowers looking for a new lender are adversely selected. I show how to separately identify private information from information common to all lenders but unobservable to the econometrician by using bank shocks within a discrete choice model of relationships. Quantitatively, these informational frictions appear to be too small to explain the credit crunch in the U.S. syndicated corporate loan market.  相似文献   

公允价值会计研究   总被引:75,自引:0,他引:75  
公允价值的实质是客观价值,公允价值会计在本质上是强调对资产客观价值的计量.在资产计价究竟是价值还是价格的问题上,价值计量与价格反映并不矛盾.从货币作为统一的计量尺度以来,资产计价就是价值计量,而价值计量的结果是价格.对资产公允价值计量的结果是资产的现行市价.公允价值会计的真正创意有两点:一是资产计价必须坚持客观价值计量,价格要能真正反映资产客观价值;二是资产计价必须立足于现在时点,坚持动态的反映观.公允价值会计是会计反映从静止观点向运动观点转变的开始,是科学的会计反映观的开始.  相似文献   

公允价值会计在国际上的使用有它严格的前提限定,否则,它就会成为一些别有用心的人利用会计方法操纵会计收益的有效工具.本文对公允价值会计计量方法应用前提及应用现状进行思考,探讨金融危机后公允价值会计计量应用给予我们的启示.  相似文献   

公允价值会计:理论分析与经验证据   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
公允价值会计一直是会计准则制定者与银行界及其监管机构之间争论的焦点.围绕着公允价值会计的争论全面而系统地综述了国外关于公允价值会计对银行业及监管影响的相关研究成果.从历史成本向公允价值转变确实会对银行业及其监管、乃至整个金融体系产生重大影响,在决定是否采用公允价值作为财务报表的主要计量手段之前,需要对公允价值所产生的影响做出不断深入的研究.  相似文献   

We conduct two experiments with experienced accountants to investigate how fair value accounting affects managers’ real economic decisions. In experiment 1, we find that participants are more likely to make suboptimal decisions (e.g., forgo economically sound hedging opportunities) when both the economic and fair value accounting impact information is presented than when only the economic impact information is presented, or when both the economic and historical cost accounting impact information is presented. This adverse effect of fair value accounting is more likely when the price volatility of the hedged asset is higher, which is a situation where, paradoxically, hedging is more beneficial. We find that the effect is mediated by participants’ relative considerations of economic factors versus accounting factors (e.g., earnings volatility). Experiment 2 shows that enhancing salience of economic information or separately presenting net income not from fair value remeasurements reduces the adverse effect of fair value accounting. Our findings are informative to standard setters in their debate on the efficacy of fair value accounting.  相似文献   

论公允价值与会计稳健性的兼顾   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
2006年财政部颁布了新的会计准则,最大的特点就是全面引入了公允价值计量属性。公允价值计量的引入,有利于提高会计信息的决策有用性和价值相关性。但是由于公允价值固有的不确定性及确认传统会计中不予确认的未实现的收益等,会对会计信息的稳健性产生影响。因此,深入系统探讨公允价值会计信息的稳健性问题,有着重要的理论意义和现实意义。本文从相关理论及研究文献的回顾出发,通过分析公允价值的不确定性及风险性,认为公允价值会计信息在稳健性方面存在一定的缺陷,提出通过合理确定两者使用顺序和充分披露等方法,确保公允价值信息在提高信息决策的相关性方面又能兼顾稳健性。  相似文献   

银行业内在的顺周期性被认为是导致金融失衡并触发本轮国际金融危机的重要原因之一,银行在经济处于衰退阶段显现出的信用紧缩行为很大程度上抵消了扩张性货币政策的效力,从而影响到经济复苏的节奏、力度和持续性。这一现象无法通过经典的派生存款理论加以解释。分析在传统的存款准备金约束之上加入了监管资本约束条件,从银行资产负债表的角度解释了银行信贷顺周期性的形成机理,并分析了双重约束下货币政策非对称性的原因与特征。  相似文献   

与提高会计信息质量的相关性相适应,完善和应用公允价值计量是一种趋势。作为五大计量属性之一,基于理论上的局限性,应用上大量的假设和前提,公允价值计量是可供选择的计量方法之一。因此,要积极、稳妥地推进公允价值的计量,提高会计信息的质量,更好地服务于经济发展。  相似文献   

公允价值会计实践的理论透视   总被引:84,自引:0,他引:84  
本文对影响公允价值会计实践的因素进行了理论分析,认为历史成本会计对不稳定的经营环境的不适应性,是公允价值会计实践的根本诱因;决策有用观的财务报告目标,为公允价值会计实践创造了适宜的环境;对经济学收益计量的追求,为公允价值会计实践提供了内在的动力;而相关性与可靠性的权衡,则构成了公允价值会计实践的关键限制。因此,为相关性和可靠性的权衡制定明确的标准,并对决策有用会计信息质量特征进行反思和重构,是推动公允价值会计实践的根本要求和有效途径。  相似文献   

金融危机与公允价值会计:源起、争论与思考   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
本文探讨了金融危机与公允价值会计争论的背景、焦点和原因。文章从会计计量中采用公允价值是否优于历史成本、为什么会计会对金融稳定产生影响、会计如何与金融监管相协调并在金融稳定中发挥作用等三个方面进行了思考,为我国企业正确认识和运用公允价值会计提供了参考。  相似文献   

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