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本文从赛络纺技术的基本原理出发,通过对普通环锭细纱机简单技术改造,生产高档针织纱并与普通环锭纺在同等条件下进行比较研究,得出赛络纺纱技术在生产高档针织纱方面在条干、强力、纱线外观质量方面的比较优势与不足,具有较强的使用价值。 相似文献
日前,山东泰安岱银纺织集团成功研制了带沟槽压力棒集合器(专利号200920030765.4),本装置集合了普通细纱集合器和普通压力棒隔距块的种种优势,同等条件下纱线条干可以提高1%~1.5%,毛羽可减少30%~50%。 相似文献
所谓紧密纺(Compactspinning)技术是在普通锭纺纱技术基础上的一项重要改进,它针对普通环锭纺纱过程中纤维束从前罗拉钳口输出后加捻的同时所形成的纺纱三角区,这个区域脱离了牵伸皮圈、前罗拉的控制,纤维束基本上是游离失控的,造成部分纤维散落形成飞花,有的纤维的头尾端离开三角区形成毛羽。三角区两边的纤维承受张力比中间纤维承受张力大,因此成纱强力主要由两边的纤维负担,不能充分使全部纤维承受同样的张力,因而纺纱强力不高。密实纺纱技术关键在于它在纺纱三角区加装了负压气流及相应部件对纺纱三角区内纤维束进行有效控制,使纺出的纱外观好,纱线结构及有关物理性能得到相应的改进,纱的飞花少、减少了毛羽、强力提高、盐度均匀、纱横截面纤维报数稳定一致,绝大部分纤维被加捻到纱线中,使纤维得到充分利用。 相似文献
喷气涡流纺是继转杯纺后的新型纺纱技术,与传统纺纱技术相比具有一定的优点,原料以粘胶等纤维素纤维为主,其产品具有独特的性能和用途,应用领域也十分广阔。 相似文献
腈纶毛条制造采用腈纶丝束拉断工艺方法。分析了腈纶毛条质量对下道工序-纺纱的影响。通过采取有效的控制措施,可确保腈纶毛条质量波动幅度缩小,满足纺纱用户的需求。 相似文献
滚子加热炉是将钻井液加热老化的专用设备,在钻井液添加剂产品的质量检验中也普遍的使用。滚子加热炉的要害是内部温度分布的均匀性和显示温度的真实性,直接影响到产品检测指标的重现性和质量判断的准确性。目前国内各实验室普遍使用的国产多轴滚子加热炉,不同程度地都存在各轴区温度分布差异大的问题。使得同一试验浆放在同一滚子加热炉内的不同轴区,老化后检测出的数据差距很大,极易造成误判,引起质量争议。我们对我公司所用滚子加热炉进行反复研究、测试和改造。使炉内温度高低差缩小到5℃以下,钻井液试验和产品检验数据重现性好,有效地促进了产品质量的稳定工作。 相似文献
信息化项目监理主要包括软件开发监理和硬件系统集成监理,与信息化工程建设阶段相对应的各监理阶段,分别有具体的监理手段和监理内容。从工程建设不同阶段着手,结合工程建设内容,从软件建设和硬件建设方面,讨论了招投标阶段、实施阶段、验收阶段的具体监理内容和监理检查要点,阐述了监理工作的必要性和重要性。 相似文献
文章从最优货币区理论契入,回顾最优货币区理论演变以及最优货币区内生化的最新发展历程,在此基础上对欧元区经济发展的实践进行了实证研究,通过运用ADF单位根检验,来检测欧元区国家经济发展是否趋同,以期从实践上验证最优货币区理论内生化这一理论,实证结果并不支持最优货币区内生性理论。文章还对新加入欧盟的非欧元区成员国将来加入欧元区后的状况进行简单预测,认为欧元区国家经济的趋同将需要很长的一段时间。 相似文献
对精馏塔板上液相流速分布测定的基本方法进行了分类,总结了相关实验研究进展,并指出了各自的特点和应用范围,对今后的实验研究工作进行了展望。 相似文献
While it is widely recognized that agricultural research is a key driver of broad-based technological change in agriculture that benefits the poor in many different ways, little is known about its aggregate impacts on productivity growth and poverty reduction in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). Using a polynomial distributed lag structure for agricultural research within a simultaneous system of equations framework, this paper first demonstrates that agricultural research contributes significantly to productivity growth in SSA. Productivity growth is again shown to raise per capita incomes, with income increases finally having significant poverty-reducing effects. With an aggregate rate of return of 55%, the payoffs to agricultural research are also impressive. Agricultural research currently reduces the number of poor by 2.3 million or 0.8% annually. While the actual impacts are not large enough to more than offset the poverty-increasing effects of population growth and environmental degradation, the potential impacts of agricultural research are far greater. Apart from low research investments, SSA faces several constraints outside the research system that hinder realization of potential research benefits. The results show that doubling research investments in SSA would reduce poverty by 9% annually. However, this would not be realized without more efficient extension, credit, and input supply systems. 相似文献
The concept of value co-creation is now taken for granted in the marketing community. It is the result of what we consider as a premature closure of this concept. The aim of this article is to prevent this premature closure by confronting what this discipline has produced thus far in order to highlight the breadth of situations that this concept presumes to encompass. To achieve this, we analyze a selection of articles published in special issues of marketing journals that were dedicated to value co-creation and/or service dominant logic. This sample enables us to point to the risks of being locked into a zoom-out approach to economic exchange: an arbitrary reduction of the vast heterogeneity of exchange phenomena and an inability to account for the complexity of these phenomena. Because value co-creation is a conception that is in conflict with the zoom-in approach to exchange phenomena, our intent is to conduct a healthy rebalancing of perspectives on economic exchange and thereby keep the controversy alive. 相似文献
Since the first commercial cultivation of genetically modified crops in 1994, the rapidly expanding market of genetically modified seeds has given rise to a multibillion dollar industry. This fast growth, fueled by high expectations towards this new commercial technology and shareholder trust in the involved industry, has provided strong incentives for further research and development of new genetically modified plant varieties. Considering, however, the high financial stakes involved, concerns are raised over the influence that conflicts of interest may place upon articles published in peer-reviewed journals that report on health risks or nutritional value of genetically modified food products. In a study involving 94 articles selected through objective criteria, it was found that the existence of either financial or professional conflict of interest was associated to study outcomes that cast genetically modified products in a favorable light (p = 0.005). While financial conflict of interest alone did not correlate with research results (p = 0.631), a strong association was found between author affiliation to industry (professional conflict of interest) and study outcome (p < 0.001). We discuss these results by comparing them to similar studies on conflicts of interest in other areas, such as biomedical sciences, and hypothesize on dynamics that may help explain such connections. 相似文献